Just a quick write showing how I feel about a very special person in my life.
Being in love is such an amazing feeling and I am so happy that I have found it after all this time.
Hope you all enjoy this poem. I didn't put much time or thought into it. I just wrote what came from my mind and heart and this is the end result. Let me know what you think.
My Review
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You express very freely the emotions in this scene as two people come together (excuse the pun!) in a car. Hardly the most romantic venue more of a sordix sexual encounter. Thankfully for you it transmuted into something far more profound.
I like that you are able to open the heart with words. You express, here in this piece, a moment many are able to relate with. An enjoyable write. Thank you for sharing, yourself in word.
Lovely romantic and passionate write! Ah, that magical moment shared with someone we love is timeless and enthralling. Well done and thank you for submitting this to the contest. Good luck!
My heart jumped when I read,
'I stared into your eyes
My heart pounding in my chest'
The raw emotion, spilled so effortlessly in this poem, is the source of some of its strength.
There are few who don't want to or haven't wanted to be in love.
The popular media in our western industrialised culture fetishises this romantic love scenario in which you and your lover became for us the lead actors.
Thanks for letting us all sit there in that car, in the excitation of anticipation too, and also thanks for letting me be a part of the audience!
I am a writer of many genres and styles. I love poetry, short stories, and novels. If I had it my way I would spend my days sunning in the pool with a book in my hands. And at night writing till my he.. more..