![]() THE STORY OF DAVE AND TACO: CHAPTER 2A Chapter by Geoffrey ParkCHAPTER 2 Down the street, at the Mystic Volga nightclub,a scruffy looking guy in a green shirt stood at the front of the line, desperately trying to get in the door. “NO I.D NO ENTRY” “Like, ‘cmon man, I look almost old enough” The bouncer didn’t move. “Alright, look I still need to save for gas money this weekend, but here’s fifteen dollars, I can’t go much higher than that.” The bouncer didn’t move. Scruffy took another one dollar bill out of his pocket. “Sixteen dollars?” He smiled, took the money out of scruffy’s hand, and opened up the door. “Like, thanks man! I totally appreciate it, you know you guys get a bad rap, but I think you’re actually a really nice….” WHAM! The bouncer slammed the door shut right as Scruffy began walking. “GIMME YO SANDWICH STRINGBEAN” Looking down at his last turkey sandwich, then back up at the doorman, and back to the sammich, Scruffy sighed. “Like sorry man, I’ll be heading home then.” Scruffy turned around, walked past the line he’d waited so long through to get in, seeing all the cool guys he’d never get to hang with and the hot babes he’d never talk to, the aweso… He fell. Picking himself up, brushing the snow off his legs, Scruffy turned around just in time to see everyone outside the club taking pictures on their phones, dying of laughter. Scruffy choked back his tears, grabbed the turkey sandwich, and walked on. Meanwhile in the hotel room, Taco bit his fur and and walked in circles, it was his nervous tick. He could have done it for hours, but was interrupted when he heard Dave. “Hey Taco, I’m kinda hungry” “Hungry? Food! Yes, yes of course. Hmm… mmm, no, hmmm…. I’ve got it!” Taco squinted his eyes shut, concentrated deep as he could, and poof! Another, smaller Taco appeared. “Go! Run out there and don’t come back until you find food!” The mini Taco yipped and scurried out the window and into the street. “AND DON’T EAT IT!” Taco yelled out. Scruffy was still sniffing, he checked his watch. “Aww man, it’s like midnight and I’m only halfway home!” Just then he felt a tug on his arm, in surprise he dropped the sandwich, when Scruffy turned around he saw a tiny dog running off, the sandwich in it's mouth nearly twice it’s size. “Like, Zoinks little dude! Come back!” Mini Taco ran all the way back to the hotel room, Scruffy chasing behind him all the way. And suddenly there was a knock on the door Dave went on to the door, Taco was preoccupied with trying to reabsorb the miniature version of himself he had just given life to minutes before. “Umm, like hey man, did you or your parents see this little dog with a turkey sandwich run this way, the sandwich was about this wide and this long…” Scruffy went on describing the sammich with hand motions until he spotted it sitting on the table next to the bed. “Like, hey man, that’s it!” Scruffy shouted excitedly as he ran into the room. “And what is it you want with our sandwich?” Taco said. “Like wow man, a talking dog!” “I am NOT a dog, I’m a mysterious magical dog-like creature!” “Like, sorry man, I didn’t know you identified like that” Taco squinted at him. “So umm, do I get to eat dis sammich or what yo?” Said Dave. “WAIT NO!” Scruffy yelled as Dave started reaching for the turkey sandwich. “I need to have at least one turkey sandwich nearby at all times or my powers begin to fade!” “Hey! Let’s go look for another sandwich so that way we can eat and he can have his powers!” Dave said with excitement at the thought of two turkey sandwiches. “So wait, what exactly are your powers?” Taco said. “Yea, and who are you anyway!?” Dave chimed in. “Well, like, I’m scruffy. Ya see about two years ago I worked at subway, and one guy ordered his turkey sandwich online, but I guess the guy was old or something because he never remembered to come pick his order up. It sat there in the back room waiting for weeks, after like a month or two I thought I saw it moving out the corner of my eye man! Then one day I was taking out the trash and t made a weird sound, jumped off the counter and it bit me!” Scruffy paused, the room was filled with an awkward silence. “c'mon man, not even a gasp?” He thought to himself then continued his story. “The whole week after it happened I got sicker and sicker every day, until one morning I looked up in the mirror and realized… I’d grown a full beard overnight!” Dave gasped. “Ever since, I’ve shaved every day but the beard just keeps getting thicker. Yesterday my razor finally broke, now I’m just Scruffy, Scruffy the beard dude. “Wait, what does that have anything to do with superpowers?” Said Taco. “Oh, also I can shoot lasers out of my n i p p l e s, but only when I’m in pain.” Dave kicked him. For the next hour the three tried to put out the flames with no success, eventually they ran out of the burning building, running far, far away. “Like, where are we gonna go dudes?” Dave flipped a coin. Tails. “China it is then!” Taco said, curling up in Dave’s hoodie pocket. And they flew off into the night. © 2017 Geoffrey Park |