A short story I feel reflects the violence in today's society
Chaz Hemsworth
The sun was just setting on a calm
summer day over the quiet, quaint town of Hambersame, Georgia. Temperatures had reached 100 plus degrees, so
most people stayed inside until he evening.
At that moment, the little kids ran outside and adults sat in the warm
evening sun, drinking wine and having
crackers. June was slowly turning into
July; the sky was slowly turning from blue to a striking orange and black. The youngest kids were already in bed sound
asleep. The day had gone just like every
other summer day.
Mayberry Street was, of all the streets
in Hambersame, the quaintest. The street
smelled like apple pie from May to September.
As the June sun finally surrendered to the moon and the last of the
blood in the sky faded one child was not heading inside. Little Timothy Jacobson was not going inside
right now due to the fact he had just lost a toy football and was still looking
for it. He walked up and down Mayberry
Street looking for it, but decided a neighbor had taken it in and went back to
his house. He made it to the driveway,
when an older kid approached him. The
person was a teenager, and covered his face with a hood. "You want your ball back?" he asked
Timothy. "Please mister" came
the sweet innocent voice of a child who does not expect anything. The teenager did give him his ball back as
promised. Timothy ran towards his home, hoping to be
in time for ice cream.
In the Jacobson kitchen, dishes were broken by the solitary noise. The mom ran outside and saw the teenager
running away. "GET BACK HERE!"
she screamed, but he was too far. He got
away from the screams. She saw her son lying on the driveway, clutching
a football. He could barely talk, but he
still murmured, "Why?". His
mom screamed with the force of a thousand songbirds. It was a loud, wailing, and sorrowful
cry. Every one ran outside to see what
happened to Timothy and Mrs. Jacobson.
It was a nightmare. Timothy was
still; his mother was kneeling over him, sobbing. No one had to say anything. They knew.
It took the police just five minutes to
get there. It took the local news
station ten. Mrs. Johnson was swarmed and nearly crushed by the
wave of people. The police though, were
the first to grab her. She yelled,
"IT WASN'T ME!" and cried out more pained sobs of anger and sadness,
but they locked her up in the car and drove her away.
Okay wow. You have a really great writing style. I liked how you depicted how the lane was very idyllic and beautiful... but then destroyed by this terrible teenager.
I'm left the question what his motive was, and I feel like that could have been explained in the story... though it's okay if that bit of info is not mentioned.
The ending was a bit tied up though, which I didn't like. Like, you just summarized what happened next. I don't think the police would have arrested the mother on the spot, either though. Wouldn't the police have finger printed? Wouldn't the mother have had the gun? What about witnesses? I was left thinking, "as if..." It is your story though. I feel like you could have put much more detail into the ending (though more and more detail throughout this piece would be EXCELLENT.)
Grammatically speaking: I'd spruce up the story a little more, because I noticed minor grammatical errors and cliches that you are going to want to watch out for.
You did a great job and the style throughout this piece was great. Just fix it up, and think in-depth with your stories. But if you were going for just pure simplicity... leave it as is. The mother being arrested in the fashion that she was though... that MUST be changed.
Great read!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks for reading! I wrote this story for applying to my school lit mag. So I really had to leave .. read moreThanks for reading! I wrote this story for applying to my school lit mag. So I really had to leave the end that way. I might pick this up again someday. Irony is a powerful tool. Nothing delivers quite the same blow as a sucker punch straight to the expectations.
Agreed that there are questions left unanswered, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I really like the way this is written. Great work. It definitely brought me in quickly.
Okay wow. You have a really great writing style. I liked how you depicted how the lane was very idyllic and beautiful... but then destroyed by this terrible teenager.
I'm left the question what his motive was, and I feel like that could have been explained in the story... though it's okay if that bit of info is not mentioned.
The ending was a bit tied up though, which I didn't like. Like, you just summarized what happened next. I don't think the police would have arrested the mother on the spot, either though. Wouldn't the police have finger printed? Wouldn't the mother have had the gun? What about witnesses? I was left thinking, "as if..." It is your story though. I feel like you could have put much more detail into the ending (though more and more detail throughout this piece would be EXCELLENT.)
Grammatically speaking: I'd spruce up the story a little more, because I noticed minor grammatical errors and cliches that you are going to want to watch out for.
You did a great job and the style throughout this piece was great. Just fix it up, and think in-depth with your stories. But if you were going for just pure simplicity... leave it as is. The mother being arrested in the fashion that she was though... that MUST be changed.
Great read!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks for reading! I wrote this story for applying to my school lit mag. So I really had to leave .. read moreThanks for reading! I wrote this story for applying to my school lit mag. So I really had to leave the end that way. I might pick this up again someday. Irony is a powerful tool. Nothing delivers quite the same blow as a sucker punch straight to the expectations.
Really well written with excellent imagery when describing the setting. Story-wise, it Had a realistic tone with a slightly unfinished tale. I loved it, anyway!
My name is *Chaz Hemsworth*. It's not really, but let's go with that.
I'm 16 at the moment.My favorite author is probably Poe. I also like Sci-fi and fantasy. Because of the Poe influence, I t.. more..