City Bank

City Bank

A Poem by Chase Weik

This poem was written for a psychology class and is meant to showcase a criminal using the "Denial" defense mechanism.


Pacing around in this concrete jungle

Keeps contemplation down to a mumble

Despite its roar, the city feels vapid

No one could know, and it never happened

Desperate to leave I hail a taxi

Briefcase in hand I sit in the back seat

Police in the distance frantically searching

Nowhere to be found, leaving them cursing

I’m sure I’ll be fine, no dirt on my hands
Letting him go when they met my demands

Far enough away now, hope they’ll forget

Gotten the money to pay off my debt

Open the case and the money’s all fake

Willing to bet it was just a mistake

© 2017 Chase Weik

Author's Note

Chase Weik
I am open to any constructive criticism! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

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Added on June 2, 2017
Last Updated on June 2, 2017


Chase Weik
Chase Weik

Litchfield, CT

I am an aspiring writer living in CT. and attend Wamogo Regional high school. I have always believed in writing as an escape or way to express myself, but I also just love to tell a good story here an.. more..

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