![]() 20 1/2 - 36 ENDA Chapter by Charlie![]() This is the end of Extinction![]() Eric wasn't pursued by the creepers, as far as he could tell. He made quick time through the building, and was in the streets pretty quickly. He considered going for Ingrid, but instead walked down the street at a slow pace. Ingrid was at the front of his mind. He didn't know much about her, but he was developing a bit of a sweet spot for her. He chuckled a little. Was this love? What great timing. Only a few days before the extinction of mankind. He looked right and saw a jewelry store. He thought for a second, wrestling with his feelings, and then walked in, and found an engagement ring on the floor. He picked it up and pocketed it. He didn't know if he'd ever give it to her, but he figured, better safe then sorry. He turned around, and then flew into a glass cabinet, splintering the cabinet and spraying glass everywhere. A creeper stood over him, looking down at him. Eric could taste blood in his mouth, and felt his shirt being torn by the glass. The creeper raised a fist, and Eric rolled forward to avoid the punch. Then he scrabbled up and tried to find a weapon. His gaze rested on a thick shard of glass on the floor. The creeper swung again, and Eric ducked, grabbed the glass, and rammed it through the monster's chin with a cry. Then he pulled it out, and thrust it into the creeper's throat. The creeper gagged and coughed, closing its jaw and crushing the glass. Eric stepped back as it screamed even louder then it had before, coughing and retching. Eric grabbed the shotgun from the floor, and aimed it at the creeper's head. “Welcome to America,” Eric said, before pulling the trigger and smearing the creeper's head all over the floor. Ingrid and Ivan left the apartment buildings, and slowly made their way down the street, looking left and right. No one in sight. “So where's your friend,” asked Ivan. “About three miles ahead,” Ingrid told him. “Probably dead.” “He's not dead,” Ingrid said firmly. “He isn't.” “If you say so,” said Ivan with a gloomy shrug. “Everyone else is though.” Ingrid didn't say anything to that, instead glancing into a jewelry store. She saw a creeper laying face down. She couldn't see its head. She had an odd feeling she didn't want to. They kept walking, not talking much, until Ivan said, “You know, I'd suggest cutting through those buildings on the right.” “Why?” “I don't know. This just seems like the moment where we get killed horribly, and the buildings look safer.” “Trust me, it's better to stay in the road, where we can at least see them coming.” Ivan didn't say anything after that. Ingrid looked around quickly, though, to make sure they weren't being followed. Ivan pointed forward. “There's someone over there.” Ingrid looked up. “It's him,” she yelled, and ran towards him, calling, “Eric! Eric, over here!” Eric looked up at them, smiling a little, lowering his shotgun. It looked like he'd been cleaning something off of the barrel. Ingrid figured it was better not to know what it was. “Are you okay? They didn't bite you?” “I'm fine. And I found a survivor,” she told him, gesturing to Ivan. “Who's this,” asked Eric cautiously. “Ivan.” “Ivan...” Eric said slowly, testing it. “Where's his parents?” Ivan spoke up. “I don't know. We got split up when the monsters-” “You mean the Creepers?” “Is that what they are? When the creepers attacked.” “So you have no idea where they could be?” “None.” “You know that they're probably-” began Eric, but Ingrid cut in, “looking for you.” “I doubt it,” said Ivan ruefully. “They probably think I'm dead. No reason to look for a corpse.” “Come on, Eric, we can't leave him here,” said Ingrid. Eric looked around, and finally said, “Fine.” Ingrid kissed him quickly. “So did you find us a set of wheels?” “Huh? What? Erm, Oh, I mean, uh, yeah,” said Eric with a stupid grin. Washington, DC The president was waiting for his plane to be ready. A pilot walked into the White House, and said, “Mr President, your plane will be ready in one hour.” “Good,” said Darryl. “I'll go change, shall I?” “Wow, Eric, we're here,” said Ingrid with a short laugh. “Washington, DC. I'd never have thought we'd make it.” “I didn't either,” laughed Eric. “But we're not there yet. We've got to find the president and find out where he's going. I doubt we have much longer.” Ivan hadn't said anything, and was instead watching the scenery zip by. But he heard the last part. “The president? Why are we talking to him?” “Air Force 1 left, kid,” Eric told him. “We don't know where, but we're going to find out.” Ingrid suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. “Eric.” “What's wrong,” he said quickly. “I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about this.” “Come on, what's going to happen? We're practically home free, we've just got to hurry.” “Eric, I really, really think there's something wrong.” “Oh, come on,” said Eric, his smile fading. “We're safe, we're fine.” “Eric, Eric turn around, please.” “We're fine,” Eric said again, to demonstrate his point he started laughing. “We're fine, Ingrid.” Then something jumped off of the building in front of them and struck Eric across the face, dragging him off of the car screaming. “Crap,” screamed Ingrid, grabbing at the wheel as they began to spiral out of control. Ivan looked up fearfully. “Listen, Ivan, get that pistol,” Ingrid yelled, turning the car around in a sharp one eighty turn. Ivan did what she said, quickly climbing to the front of the car and trying to get a clear shot. Eric was thrashing around, a creeper scratching at his chest. “A little closer... a little closer,” muttered Ivan. Eric had his head hit against the concrete, and the creeper pulled a hand back. “A little closer...” The creeper looked up at the car heading towards him, and jumped into the air, landing on the back. Ivan yelled, trying a desperate shot that went wild. The creeper grabbed him and yanked him out of the chair. “Ivan!” Ingrid cried, and grabbed the pistol from the chair. The creeper looked straight at her, and kicked the gun out of her hand. She yelled, and watched in fascination as blood began to trickle down her hand. She looked forward, and screamed louder. They were heading straight for a dead end! The creeper shook Ivan for a few seconds, and he cried out. Then the creeper tossed him out of the car with a growl, and stepped into the chair next to Ingrid. Saliva dripped from its yellowed jaw, and its red stained teeth seemed to form a smile. It looked straight at Ingrid, and raised both arms quickly. Ingrid whipped the car 90 degrees, and hit the wall broadside. The creeper hit the wall, and went through it. Things broke. Not just the wall. Ingrid hopped out of the smoking wreck and ran to Ivan. “Ivan! Ivan, are you okay,” she gasped, checking him. He was bruised and scraped, but nothing was broken. “Ow,” he muttered, cradling his head. Ingrid stood up, and ran to where Eric was lying motionlessly. He was bad. His shirt had been ripped to shreds, and several scratches covered his chest. His lip had been split twice. He was hardly breathing when Ingrid got to him. “Eric! Eric, wake up,” she yelled desperately. He looked up at her and coughed. “It doesn't look good, does it,” he mumbled. “It's fine, you're going to pull through it,” Ingrid told him. “That bad,” he chuckled. Winced. “Oh hell. I never thought this would happen to me. Shoulda listened to you.” “Eric, come on, I saw another car, we'll be with the president soon. “Ingrid,” Eric said suddenly, his eyes wide open. “Ingrid,” then he reached into his pocket, and withdrew a ring. “I'd have liked to give it to you under better circumstances,” Eric muttered. “But hey, I might not get the chance to have better circumstances. Ingrid, would you have married me?” For a second Ingrid didn't know what to say. Several thoughts ran through her head at once, but one surfaced and she told Eric, “Eric … I will marry you, as soon as we get out of here alive.” “Mr President?” said the pilot. “The craft is ready.” Darryl stood up, walking towards the plane. Then he paused, and turned around. He watched as a convertible pulled onto the White House grounds, and a young woman and a teenager hopped out. “Mr President, please, you've got to help us,” demanded the woman. “I'm sorry, I can't,” said Darryl sadly. “Listen to me! My soon to be husband is in that car, and he's dying! You've got to take us to where ever Air Force 1 went! Now!” “I really wish I could, but the plane is for military personnel only. Sean would have a fit.” Quick as a flash, the woman reached into her pocket, withdrawing a pistol and aiming it at the president. “Listen, I don't want to do this, but I am NOT going to let him die after all he's done for me. If you don't let us on, then this Sean fellow won't have the chance to throw a fit, damn it!” The president was silent, and then turned to the pilot, who was looking shocked, “Get them all on board.” Air over Washington, DC “You see, Ms Ingrid, Air Force 1 is heading for area 19, a hidden military base that shouldn't even exist.” “Area 19. I've heard of that,” said Ingrid, intrigued. “It's supposed to be a nuclear testing sight,” admitted Darryl. “We've got everything there. Tanks. Artillery. Even a few nukes. It's about five miles underground. We could survive anything down there. A nuclear war, another ice age.” “But what about these creepers? Can they get through?” Darryl sighed. “I don't know. I hope to God we don't have to find out.” “But you think we will?” “Ms Ingrid, you're a smart woman. Do you think we can hide from these atrocities, anywhere on earth, forever? They will find us. In fact...” “What?” “I intend to launch a counter-strike.” “You intend to fight the creepers?” “It's not just them, you know,” said Darryl. “Or the .. what do you call them? Runners. There are Brutes, at least three times the size of a man, and at least five times stronger. They're tearing buildings apart. And to answer your question, yes.” “Do you have a plan,” asked Ingrid. “Only to fight until the last man falls,” said Darryl gravely. “I only hope that that never happens.” Later, Ingrid went to check on Eric, who was sleeping soundly. His chest had been bandaged by the pilot, who had been a medic in the army, once upon a time. He would make it to Area 19, where they could get him some real medicine. Ingrid didn't say anything to Eric, simply sitting on the side of the bed and watching him sleep. It was all she needed to make herself feel better. She watched his chest rise and fall, and watched his face twitching. She smiled faintly, quickly stroked his cheek, and left his room to let him sleep. Area 19 President Darryl led his small group from the landing strip, to an unremarkable plot of land. “This, my friends, is Area 19,” he informed them grandly, spinning his hand. “You're crazy, aren't you,” said Eric, clutching his side with a wince. Darryl smiled, and without warning the ground dropped under their feet. Eric stumbled, and Ingrid grabbed him and held him up. Ivan wasn't so lucky, and fell forward on his face. He stood back up, just in time to hear Darryl saying, “Sorry about that, I should have warned you, there's a bit of a jerk at first.” “Bit of a jerk, my a*s,” muttered Ivan. They descended at a quick rate, as the sunlight slowly drew more and more distant, and the shadows enveloped them. The lift came to a shuddering stop, and Eric and Ingrid looked up to see that they were surrounded by soldiers, all of them aiming rifles at the small group. “On your bellies,” barked one soldier. “You heard me!” They quickly did so. The soldiers parted, and Sean walked though the gap in the crowd. “God, is that you, Darryl,” said Sean. “It's me,” said Darryl. “And... who are they,” asked Sean, pointing out the strangers around the president. “Friends,” said Darryl simply. “We need medicine, though. Erik needs medical attention. He was attacked by the monsters.” Everyone mumbled at that. “How's he still alive,” demanded Sean with a questioning glance at Erik. “No one I know has survived direct conflict with the creatures.” “Creepers,” Erik spoke up. “I survived, but it was lucky I had this wonderful woman, Ingrid, and this charming young man, Ivan to help.” Ingrid smiled, and Ivan looked down with a mumble. Sean looked them over. “Well, we'll get you all washed up quickly. I'll show you around, Mr President. We've been preparing defenses for the inevitable assault on Area 19. “Good, said Darryl absently. “Sean, where's my wife?” Sean froze, and coughed. “Mr President, you see, when we arrived-” “Where's my wife,” Darryl asked again. “Um, well, when we got here, we found that some of the … Creepers? Had found their way in here somehow, and, um, er...” “WHERE'S MY WIFE,” yelled Darryl, grabbing Sean by the shirt coat. The soldiers leveled their rifles on their own president's chest. “Tell me, DAMN IT!” “The creepers wounded her, Mr President, she's in the hospital-” “Take me there, now,” demanded Darryl. “Mr President, she isn't well!” “TAKE ME THERE,” Darryl yelled angrily. “Alright, just let go,” pleaded Sean. Darryl looked him in the eyes, and then shoved him hard. Sean fell onto the floor. “Hurry up,” Darryl ordered. Sean stood, and lead them to the hospital. “Think we should follow,” Eric asked Ingrid. They were approached by a soldier that said, “I'll take you to your quarters. You can get washed up there.” Then he looked at Eric. “Doctors will see to your wounds shortly.” Darryl knelt on the floor next to Alice. “It's me, Darryl,” he said, and Alice's eyes fluttered open. “You came,” she said faintly. “Of course I did.” “I wasn't sure. Sean said -” “Don't worry about what Sean said,” Darryl soothed her. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” “I missed you more.” Darryl smiled faintly, and then said, “Where's Adrian?” “He's sleeping. He's been convinced I just need some rest and I'll be better.” “But that's true, of course.” “I don't think it is, Darryl.” “But the doctors,” Darryl said desperately. “They said you'll be fine.” “I know what they say. But I know, somehow, in my heart of hearts, that I'm not going to live. I don't know why.. Maybe I'm getting old. I don't look old, and I'm not, perhaps, in body. But after all that has happened... Darryl, I feel like … like an old lady, inside. I wish I could stay here, with you, but I don't think I'm going to. When she's old enough, though, tell Adrian... tell her I love her,” said the first lady, and suddenly her voice cracked. Darryl wrapped her in an embrace and held her there, until she fell asleep. He left the room, and leaned against a room. He had always prided himself a strong man. But just this once, anyone who was watching could see a single tear run slowly down his cheek. The doctor scurried around Eric. It was clear he didn't get out very often. “So, er, Eric? Yeah, Eric, you survived a fight with what you call a creeper?” “Yes.” “Hm... let's see. These scratches look nasty. Are they infected... hm, no, not infected. I'm surprised your innards didn't fall out... lucky they didn't, you'd have died if they had. But you know that, I guess? Right? Of course you do. I mean, who doesn't? If you lose your innards, your body wouldn't function right. Everyone knows that, so I mean, of course you do. You're not stupid " well, I assume you're not. I guess you might be an idiot, but I don't know you so you could also be a genius-” “Are you sure you have any idea what you're doing?” “Of course I do. Do you think I'm an idiot? I just have to stitch you up a bit, you see? Otherwise the bleeding will start again if you do anything at all strenuous. And we don't want that, you see, because if you lose all that blood, you'll die. But you know that. I hope. Because otherwise, you're pretty stupid. Are you stupid,” he asked suddenly, leaning right into Eric's face. “Um.... no?” “That's good, so you must have known. I didn't think you were stupid, but you never know. I mean, you could have been really stupid. That's why I asked. Get it? Yes, of course you do. Because, you're not stupid. But we've already been over that.: “You don't get out much, do you,” ventured Eric. “They don't like me leaving. I've been here twenty years, did you know that? No, you don't.. You'd have to be some kind of a stalker for that. And you're not a stalker. Or, I hope not. Because that would be creepy. You don't stalk me, do you? Of course not. Because you've only just met me. Unless maybe you stalked me without knowing me? What would that make you? I don't even know. You know, I think it's illegal to stalk people. It should be. Because it's creepy. I mean, why would you stalk someone in the first place? I can't even imagine it. What could possess someone to just follow a random person around? I hope you don't stalk people, especially because I just explained all of that to you. You might be mad, you see.” “Okay, listen, can you just start?” “Of course not. First I have to go get some stitches so I can stitch you up.” “And you didn't do that FIRST?” “Should I have?” “Yes, you should have! It would have saved a lot of time!” “Oh, but I'm having so much fun talking. I don't talk much, not many people want to just sit around talking to me, I don't understand why, it can get really lonely down here, you'd think they'd want to talk-” “Just get the stitches! I'm starting to understand why people avoid you!” “There's no reason to be so rude,” snorted the doctor. “I'm just engaging you in some friendly conversation. You could at least-” “GO GET THE DAMN STITCHES!” Ingrid was absently cleaning up her quarters " someone had, apparently, lived here before her, and left without cleaning up the mess. There were chip bags, and chairs tipped over, and various other messes. She picked up a chair carefully, brushing off some of the dust, and whistling the chorus to a song she'd heard once. She couldn't remember the title, or she'd have found a music player somewhere and listened to it while cleaning. So instead she tried to manage what was happening. Wow. She was engaged. Then it hit her like a sledgehammer. She was freaking engaged! She laughed giddily, whistling a happy tune. Then the reality sunk in. She was engaged, and humanity was probably going to end within weeks. Typical. But still. It was hard to be depressed when you noticed that Oh my God I'm gonna be married! Ingrid tried to catch her breath, and sat down in the chair she'd just propped up with a sigh. She wondered for a second if she was rushing into this. But no, she was sure that it was the right choice. And if, she thought ruefully, she was wrong, she wouldn't have to regret it for long. Ivan wasn't doing anything. At least, it wasn't apparent that he was going anything. He was laying on his bed, thinking about the last time he'd seen his parents. Sure, he'd told Ingrid and Eric that they had been split up. But it wasn't true. He'd seen it all. He'd seen the brute grab his dad, smash his head onto a wall and crack his egg like an eggshell. His mother had been gutter by a runner. It had taken only a few seconds. A few seconds. And it had changed his entire life. Or at least, what was left of it. The first tear fell. And then another. He'd always pretended to be gloomy. To be strong. But he wasn't, truth be told. He just felt like a kid. A kid without any idea of what to do, or where to go. He left lost, and alone. Because they were gone. And he would be stuck with the images, the sounds, and the smells he'd experienced in the last few day, until the very day he died. Darryl was in the mission control room, discussing what actions to take with the rest of the political party. “There's no reason to venture above ground,” said one man. “The creepers will probably never find us here. No one ever has before.” “Are you implying that we give up on our country,” demanded Darryl. “Well, of course not, but-” “If we don't work to destroy the monstrosities, then they will find us, eventually,” Darryl told the group firmly. “They are trying to destroy us all. They won't stop until they do.” “And why would they be searching for us?” “They might not actively search. But they rely on senses other then sight, and if even one of them find us, we might have to hold off all of them.” “They're too powerful, even if all of America bands together to fight them, we can't hope to kill the rest. They'll come back.” “Not if we organize a final, world wide maneuver,” Darryl argued, using his last bet. “We can contact any nations that might remain, and inform them of our plans. Then, all together, we can fight back, and maybe even stand a chance of winning.” “And if they refuse?” “Then we'll fight, at least. I will not stand by and watch our great country crumble, like other nations before us.” “Do you honestly think we can win?” “You never know 'til you try.” The whole room become silent. Everyone knew that what the president said was true. If they hid in Area 19 much longer, they might be found. If they were found, they wouldn't stand a chance. “We don't really need one last battle,” Darryl told the room. “And that would be nearly impossible to manage. But we could have several large scale battles to push the monsters to the edge of America " and then we could finish them off.” “And if they find us first?” “Then...” Darryl looked around, meeting each of their eyes. “May God have mercy on our souls.” Several days had passed in what seemed a blink of an eye for Eric " maybe because he'd been knocked out by pain relieves. His wounds had healed, except for several scars that the doctor thought he would have for his entire life. He was okay with that, though. He thought they made him look tougher. And today? Today he'd be married. Eric shook his head with a wide smile. How had this all happened? A few days ago, he had worked at Wal-Mart, fretted over losing his car, and gone about life as usual, with no thought to marriage. He had to admit, he felt he had rushed it, but hey, the end of mankind. You're allowed to rush things when you're faced with little things like that. He pushed the church doors open. Looking forward, he saw that Ingrid and a thin preacher was standing at the altar. Eric snorted a little. A thin preacher. Didn't see many of those anymore. Hurry kids, better get a camera. He took Ingrid's hands and the preacher began reciting the vows. Eric, admittedly, didn't pay any attention, too distracted by Ingrid standing next to him. He answered the questions wit simple, 'yes sir's, a fact that made the preacher glare at him. Finally, the preacher said, “You may now kiss the bride.” A suggestion that Eric immediately carried out. Darryl was sitting next to his wife. She had been asleep for the last few hours, and he watched as ever so slowly, her vital sighs began to go down. “Pull through it,” Darryl whispered. “Please, my God, pull through it..” But she didn't. Darryl cried in earnest for the first time he could remember. His wife was gone. They were surrounded by monsters that would kill them all in seconds. They didn't stand a chance, did they? Darryl stood up slowly, shakily, as doctors rushed into the room. He knew it was too late, and left, the sparkle in his eye gone. Sean ran to catch up with him. “Mr President, are you honestly organizing a counter-offensive?” “Yes.” “Don't rush into a hasty, and frankly wrong decision, Mr President,” began Sean. But Darryl had had enough. “Damn it Sean,” he yelled, grabbing him by the shirt front and slamming him into a wall. “Mr president!” “Don't you think I'm doing every damn thing I can for out damn country!? Do you think I'm slacking off?! Do you!” “Of course not, Mr president-” “Then what would you have me do, damn it!! I won't stand by idly, and watch everyone die! I will do anything I must to save our country! Anything!” “Mr president-” “Shut up, Sean!” The president became aware of the hot tears staining his face, and of the doctors watching him in shock. “Sean,” he said angrily. “If you cannot abide by my decision, then you are relieved of duty.” “But, Mr President!” “You heard me.” Sean glared at Darryl angrily until Darryl released him. Then Sean looked around for someone to rush to his rescue. When no one did, he quickly ran away from the medical center. The doctors looked at Darryl, almost fearfully. He didn't explain his actions. Instead he left, to find a new commander of military actions and intelligence. “Wait, what,” asked Eric, surprised. “I want you to lead the first charge into enemy territory, if you may,” the president told him. “I have heard of your acts of bravery, and know that you have killed the creepers before.” “Well, yeah, but-” “Also,” the president cut in, “We can pay you a large sum when this is over. You'll be renown for your courage.” “Okay, but-” “And you'll be backed up by some of the greatest soldier's I know. And have a full arsenal of whatever weapons you'd like.” “Mr Darryl!” “What,” asked Darryl, annoyed. “I was just married, you see.” “Oh,” said Darryl slowly. “I see.” “So, could you put off the attack for a few days?” The president didn't say anything. “I'm sorry, Eric. But I've already begun planning, and if I change the date, then it might never happen. I'm sorry,” Darryl repeated. Ingrid walked out of the house and met up with Eric. “What are we talking about,” she asked. “I'm supposed to help push the creepers back.” “You,” demanded Ingrid. “Mr President, he just recovered from his wounds. He isn't fit to fight.” “I've decided to accept.” “What,” gasped Ingrid. “Eric, why...” “Our country needs me. I've never wanted to be important before, I know, but hey, maybe it has some perks. No way to know 'til I kill all the creepers, right?” “Eric...” “I'll be fine. No filthy b*****d are gonna kill me. I'm too tough for them.” Ingrid was silent, and shook her head with a sad smile. “I guess I can't convince you otherwise.” “Nope.” “Fine. Do as you wish,” Ingrid told him. “Mr President,” Eric addressed him. “Yes?” “When are we leaving?” Eric stood in the armory, looking around in awe at the vast array of high tech weapons. “You can have your choice,” the president said. “I've never seen weapons like there,” Eric said, unsure. “Because they're not on the market. Or used by the military. These,” Darryl said confidently, “Are our best shot.” Eric glanced at the table, selecting two big pistols, and a shotgun from the table. “Is that it, Eric? You're sure you don't want something … bigger? “Nah. These things were good enough to get me through a helluva lot.” Darryl shook his head, and said, “So be it. Make sure to report back in three hours.” Ivan looked up when Eric entered the room. “Ivan, I've got something to tell you.” “What?” “Listen, I'm going to be going away for a while-” “Hell no,” Ivan yelled angrily. “What,” asked Eric, taken by surprise. “You're going to fight the creepers, aren't you,” Ivan accused. “Well … yeah.” “Don't. Please don't.” “What are you going on about? I'll be fine.” “My parents said that too!” Ivan cried out, tears being jerked from his eyes. “They told me they'd be back soon and that nothing would happen and it did, I saw it, it'll happen to you too!” “Ivan, you said your parents were just separated.” Ivan noticed his slip up, but didn't care. “We were. But … I saw them. When the creepers got to them.” “Why didn't you tell me? Or Ingrid?” “Because I don't want to accept that … they're gone.” Eric looked at the boy, and patted his back. “Yeah, well there's one difference between me and your parents.” “What's that,” asked Ivan, sniffling. “I don't go back on my promises,” Eric said confidently. Ivan looked at him through his hair. “Ivan, I'm not going to die.” “You will. They all do.” “But I won't.” Ivan could see he was fighting a lost battle. “You really believe that, don't you.” “'Course I do.” Ivan smiled a little, and then said, “Don't you dare die.” “Don't worry. I don't have any intention of letting those freaks kill me.” Darryl looked at the soldiers assembled before him. They knew their orders. But he decided to give them one last send away speech. “You all know me,” Darryl said loudly, so that everyone could hear him. A few people stopped and glanced at him. “But right now, what matters is you. You, the people of America, those willing to possibly sacrifice your life to push back the creeper threat.” More and more people were looking up. “I know you are afraid. It is a fear that I share with you. But for all that we hold dear to our hearts, we mustn't let this fear stop us! We can't let ourselves sink into misery because of what happened! We must live for what WILL happen! What hasn't happened yet! Because mankind DOES have a future! We WILL remain! Of this I have no doubt, having seen how many brave men and woman are willing to fight against this inhuman threat! “You must steady your hearts and your hands, for you are the last chance for humanity! The last hope for our country! You are the final wall between us, and out annihilation.” Eric snickered. “But no pressure, right,” he whispered to himself. “I know " and I hope you know " that you are true heroes. Heroes not only of America, but of the world. You are some of the bravest men I have ever seen, and possibly ever will see again.” Everyone had frozen in place, watching as Darryl concluded. “Know for sure, that no matter what happens, no matter how this concludes, no one will forget you, for as long as they live. Until we are finally destroyed. But that is not today. Nor tomorrow, nor for many years after!” The men gave a loud, boisterous cheer, back slapping those nearest. Eric was into the celebrations as much as anyone else. Someone ran to the president. “Mr President! My God, MR PRESIDENT! “The hell,” muttered Eric. “Mr President, they're here!” Darryl froze. “Who?” “The creepers! They're HERE!” “Damn it,” yelled Darryl. “Everyone, get ready for a fight! The creepers are upon us!” Curses were yelled loudly. Soldiers ran to the lifts, and civilians ran, screaming. The president ran with the soldiers, and Eric stopped him. “Hey, what are you doing, you'll get killed out there!” “Son …” said Darryl slowly. “If I die, then I'll die. But if we lose the ground, then everyone dies. Every man counts, and I'm not going to stand and watch everyone be slaughtered.” “No, stay here. Issue orders, or whatever it is you do.” Darryl smiled a little but said, “I'm going.” Eric clenched his hand in a fist, and broke Darryl's nose. Darryl stumbled back. “-the hell!” “I'm not going to let you leave your daughter alone! You go take care of her, damn it!” Darryl looked at Eric, and said, “Okay, alright!” Eric turned and joined the crowd of soldiers. Darryl took a breath, at first angry, but then understanding that Eric was right. He couldn't leave his daughter alone now. Because if something went wrong, then he'd never see Adrian alive again. Eric climbed onto the lift just as time, heading straight up. When they were level with the ground, everyone looked around. “Holy God,” breathed the soldier next to Eric. “Damn.” Creepers everywhere. The swarm was heading straight for them, slobbering. Several runners. And maybe a dozen brutes. Eric hadn't seen them before, but knew that was what they were. Easily twelve feet tall. “Damn it.” Eric muttered. The line was getting closer. The soldiers raised their weapons, opening fire. Several turrets had been deployed, and opened fire. Creepers were being cut down, but most of them stood back up, with bits of flesh blown off. “Aim for the head,” screamed one man. Of course. Like they weren't already. For a moment or two, the creepers were cut down by the hundreds. But then they hit the massive human force, and all hell broke loose. Eric swung the butt of his gun into the jaw of the first creeper that got within range. There was a crack, and the creeper flew to the left. But there were so many of them! A creeper grabbed a soldier by the head, and smashed his skull into the dust. Blood sprayed into the air. A runner impaled two soldiers, then disemboweled another. A brute backhanded yet another soldier. A red mist filled the air, and arms and legs went flying apart. “Come on! Push them back,” Eric screamed, bringing the shotgun up and killing three creepers, before using his fist to take down another. They kept coming though. Kill one, and another five took his place. Eric rolled to the right to avoid a fist, stood up " and found himself face to face with a brute. It looked straight at him, then brought up a fist to flatten Eric into the dust. Eric rolled under the brute, then climbed up onto his back with a cry. The brute swung its arms wildly, smashing creepers several feet. Eric put his shotgun to the brute's temple, and fired. Gore exploded, and the brute slowed to a stop, before falling on its face and crushing a runner with a loud crunch. A soldier rushed to aid Eric with his fighting. “The president wants us to fall back,” he screamed. “Into area 19!” “If we do that we'll endanger everyone,” yelled Eric. “Just do it! I'll explain in a minute!” They ran for a lift, heading straight down. Several creepers hopped onto the lift with them. The soldier killed two with a machine gun. Another jumped onto Eric, who grabbed its skull and hit it into the quick moving wall. Half of its face was sheared of with a loud scraping sound. They were in. Eric hopped of the lift, and quickly ran to some cover. “What's the president trying to do,” he grunted angrily. “We can't stop them up there. They can surround us. He wants to make them come to us. And we've got one more card to play.” “Which is?” “A nuke.” “Holy! A nuke " right on top of us??” “Yes.” “Holy.” Darryl was in the mission control room. His daughter was standing next to him. “May our children not have to live with our mistakes,” Darryl muttered, before yelling, “Release the nuke.” Above ground, a missile flew straight for the creeper army, flying straight through a brute, before exploding spectacularly. “Hit,” cheered the bomber. “We've got a hit,” a young man told the President. “How many of us got inside before the nuke hit,” Darryl asked. “About fifty.” “Fifty...” Darryl suddenly looked like an old man. “How many died... that didn't have to...” “Structural integrity of the walls is decreasing fast,” yelled another man. “Everything is going to start caving in soon!” Eric knew when the nuke hit. A pillar in the center of the cave cracked, and fell apart into dust. People ran from the destruction. Not everyone made it. At least one civilian was killed by the falling rocks. “Everyone, please listen up,” the radios on the ceiling said. “The cave's structural integrity has been compromised. A cave-in is imminent.” “Damn it,” yelled Eric, just as a wave of creepers arrived. “Come on, take them down!” Ivan and Ingrid were huddled in the house when the news came that the cave was going to fall inward soon. “Come on, Ivan, we have to get out of here,” Ingrid yelled. “Where can we go? We can't get above ground or we'll be killed.” “We can't stay here, either.” More and more creepers were arriving. Some slipped by the defenses and began heading for the civilians. Screams broke out loudly as the first creeper grabbed a civilian. Darryl looked at the cameras, watching as slowly the cave fell apart and the creepers ran through the defenses. He grabbed a handgun from his pocket, and looked to the nearest man. “Release more missiles. We've got to stop them from coming in.” More bombers flew over the creeper attack, releasing bombs and launching missiles on the invasion. The creepers and runners were ripped to shreds, and two brutes were killed in the explosions. Eric grabbed one creeper's lower jaw and upper jaw, and split his head in half, then kicked another before using the shotgun at point black range to blow its chest apart. He looked up as more filed in. “Come and get me, you sons of b*****s!!” Darryl ran into the streets, and saw Ingrid and Ivan running. “Get down,” he yelled, before killing the creeper that was chasing them. Ingrid ran to Darryl. “What are we going to do?” “I don't know.” The attack was slowly becoming slower, and for a second Eric thought they had a chance. But then a runner arrived. Three men were down before anyone knew what was happening. Then it looked straight at Eric, raised an arm, and began running at him. Darryl was running to the front lines, and everything seemed to be in slow motion. He watched the runner approaching Eric and knew that Eric wouldn't be able to defend himself. He saw another wave of creepers arrive. He saw another soldier die. He watched the runner get closer to Eric. He looked at Ingrid and saw the terror. And knew what he had to do. Eric looked at the two blades heading for him. He closed his eyes. But the pain never came. He opened his eyes, and saw that the runner had impaled someone else. But who was... Darryl raised his pistol and killed the runner, leaning backwards to pull the blades out of his chest. “Oh no you didn't,” yelled Eric, leaning over the president. “Take care of Ingrid,” muttered the president. “She really loves you, you know.” “Yeah. I know.” “And … Ivan too,” the president managed. “He needs someone to take care of him.” “Yeah.” “Please. Take … take care of my daughter... of Adrian. For me.” “Of course.” Darryl shuddered. “Eric, you're a good man. A real good man.” And then he died. Ingrid watched the sight. Saw Darryl die. And saw Eric rise up, a scowl across his face, before launching himself at the creepers. Above ground, the creeper lines were thinning. The bombs and missiles had done it. The last lift was sent below ground. Eric tore the creepers apart with his shotgun, screaming curses all the time. Ingrid and Ivan saw everyone heading for the lifts. “The creepers are gone,” cried one man, holding a young girl. “Hurry, we've got to get out of here!” Eric noticed them running, and finally realized that the creepers weren't coming in anymore. He threw himself into a lift, just as the cave crumbled at last. Everyone was out. Everyone still alive, that is. There weren't many. Eric fell onto his knees, coughing violently. Ingrid joined him quickly, and Ivan looked around at the carnage. The ground had been scarred and disfigured by the bombs. Bodies were every where, and the sand was stained red with blood. Limbs and gore spread as far as the eye could see. Eric didn't say anything for a while, but then laughed giddily. “We're alive. We survived,” he gasped. When that hit everyone, they all started laughing. It was just so unreal. They had made it out. Eric found the president's daughter. She was crying. She'd seen her father lying on the ground inside. “Listen, I'm going to take care of you,” Eric whispered. And then turned to Ivan. “And you, too. You're going to be with me and Ingrid, when we find somewhere to live in.” Then he turned to one of the mend he'd seen in the control room. “How have the other countries done? What happened?” “We're in luck,” said the man. “The creepers … are gone. They've been destroyed.” Eric nodded, and suddenly noticed how tired he was. He looked around a little, and then crumpled to the ground, sleeping before he'd hit the bloody sand. “The world is now in the midst of recovering from the greatest battle in history. A world wide war took place a mere week ago, and the creepers were at last wiped out. “Very few survivors remain, but now we can begin to rebuild. Every nation has declared world peace and disarmed. At long last, mankind is one.” Eric turned of the TV, and looked at Ingrid sitting next to him, and Ivan, who was sitting on the floor, and Adrian was eating at the table. He had to admit, it had been hard getting here. But how glad he was that he was here. © 2011 Charlie |
Added on August 1, 2011 Last Updated on August 1, 2011 Author![]() CharlieThat's neither here nor thereAboutI haven't been writing for long, and only shortish 30-40 page stories. Most of the people who have read it say it's great but I'm not so sure and would love to get some more feedback. more..Writing