The Rising Flames
A Book by C. L. Aemon
So, this is me slowly drawing together my novel 'The Rising flames.' It is a very progressive piece. The prologue is designed to shock. The novel itself is very much a progressive spiral downwards. 
© 2013 C. L. Aemon
Author's Note
I have written the majority of this book, and am now slowly editing it and putting it online for criticism. There is still a huge amount of editing to do, as evinced by the occasional poorly worded segments and grammatical errors. Anything you might have to say on any part of it would be immensely helpful. Whatever you might have to say, I would be interested, whether you hate or love it or are just generally disinterested. All responses tell me something.
So, to those of you that take the time to read any, or all of it, thank you, and happy reading. I hope...
Dear Callum (please correct me if I have got your first name wrong, it was a late night last night)!
Firstly. thank you for staying up to read a bit of Split and your comments.
Secondly. I am building a supply of Lambert and Butler Silver for your own use (if not alcohol) as encouragement to read on with Split.
Thirdly. You remind me much of me when I was your age. Focussed on one thing whilst interested in another (even contrasting) that of writing
Fourthly. I am feeling a bit better today and am doing a bit of reviewing after a rest as my mental health has been going down the drain recently, I think, by overdoing it (pushing at the limits - a very bipolar notion).
Fifthly. Fully expect me to read and critique your book, in my own style, long and wordy - Read Split. You'll see!
Sixthly. I hope the icy blasts of St Andrews aren't bothering you too much. I love the place.
You take care now.
Watch this space.
As Arnie said.
'I'll be back!'
Not sure whether that is a threat or a promise. Either way it is well intentioned and reading you will be a pleasure. I hope to help soon.
Your chum
Posted 11 Years Ago
C. L. AemonUnited Kingdom
I am at present a final year student at the University of St Andrews, reading a masters degree in Chemistry. While this is something I find fascinating, I am well aware it is not my passion. My genera.. more..