![]() SilenceA Story by CharM![]() An unnamed 9 to 5 worker goes to his job, then leaves. What ensues isn't his normal routine.![]()
One-day, a worker leaves home for work as usual. He checks the mail, finds nothing, then hops in his car after waving to the neighbor's wife. Although he usually gets main on Wednesdays, and said wife is at her work around this time, that's not important. What is important is the birds are chirping, the sky is blue, and everyone is normal (as normal as it usually is anyways).
This worker drives up to the parking lot and finds a place to park, usually being spot 1B but this time being 2B because Carl managed to get there earlier. The worker opens the offices front door, while saying hi to James who is a new intern with a very terrible restless foot. Even then, James does his job which is all that matters. The workers buddy Carl, who took his parking spot from earlier, was at his desk dealing with some digital paperwork. "Oh hey man", Carl said to the worker, peaking over his cubical walls, "sup?" "Nothing much", replied the worker, "just got in after realizing you stole my cars cubicle". "Oh, sorry dude. The office kept me a bit later last night, so I guess I didn't realize due to all 5 hours of sleep I got." They laugh it off, this being a typical workday anyways. The worker doesn't have much work to do today, just being an architectural design reviewer at the construction company. Basically, he looks over submitted works and decides if they are safe or not for housing (or whatnot). But, that isn't important. What's important is when he gets off, usually at 6 PM due to him starting at 10 AM. Not a 9 to 5 job, but same formula plus one for both ends. The birds are still chirping, with a couple hours passing by at this point, and the sun is at its highest. More time passes, and it's nearing the time when the worker typically goes home. It's nearly the start of summer when the days get longer, so the worker knows it should still be sunny out. This is when he thinks to get a nice slice of pizza. "Hey, wanna get some pizza after this?" the worker questioned, to Carl. "Sure," Carl replied, "but I have to turn in this printed sheet when we're leaving. I'll just meet you in the parking lot when that's done". The worker nodded, since that's usually what Carl needs to do after work, right before he needs to clock out. So, a few hours pass with plenty of sun still left, and they both are finally done their jobs. The worker turns off the PC while Carl gets the papers to turn in, and they head out, separating near the stairwell since Carl needs to make a couple detours. To turn in his work of course. The new intern says "bye" while the worker waves, where he exits his way into the main lobby through the elevator. He looks down, wipes off his suit from a few crumbs from lunch, all while exiting through the elevator. The worker steps out of the elevator, still looking down attempting to clean his suit. He sighs in defeat since it was a fairly newly washed suit, but then that sigh turns into silence once he looks up. The sky is a void of white, and there's no sound at all besides his breaths. The birds stopped chirping, and there's no more blue sky to greet him. The strange thing currently, is how he stepped out of the elevator just now. Not the lobby doors. The worker ducked down, thinking the sun was expanding or something crazy like that. But, the issue was it wasn't hot and it wasn't blinding. Yet it was brighter than any day has ever been, being a pure white nothingness. The worker waited a bit, but quickly managed to get a hold of himself and stood up, shaky legged. I mean who wouldn't be when the world as you knew it changed to a limbos limbo? He decided to get Carl, and go back into the building. But he couldn't. Not only were the doors different then that of the elevators, the doors just wouldn't budge, but maybe he didn't want them to open anymore. The insides of the windowed doors were a black void, like an ink flood engulfed the insides so nothing could be seen. The more he looked around, the more he realized every building was like that, even the insides of cars. Driving around isn't an option anymore, so the worker decided to walk around. He couldn't be the only one shocked by this right? So, the worker left the parking lot, walking in the middle of the road to get more ground, to find at least some body one. Anyone. Any person to share this horror with, before the worker starts to panic from complete isolation in this alternate world. Luckily for him, he could see people in the distance, in the street as if it was like a sidewalk, like he was doing. Except, something was odd. They weren't looking at the sky, or the buildings, or anything signaling they were in a panic. They were instead walking normally, like it was their everyday lives. Not only this, but their steps did not make a single sound. If you could imagine those dancers who step so smooth it looked as if they were floating, it was like that. Except they walked like any normal person, so the lack of a noise was curious. When the worker got closer, he couldn't hear a breath, there isn't any pocket change rustling, and there isn't a single bird chirping like there was before. Everything was silent, even any form of breathing they seemed to use. "Hello!" He exclaims desperately to these people in a sigh of relief, "What the hell is happening?" And before he could have a single thought after that phrase, the people roaming the streets stopped and stared. They looked directly at him, startled like some wild animal, while the echoes of his words still rung through the city like a yell in an empty canyon. The people looked mad, like an unspoken taboo was happening in front of their very eyes. Speaking of said eyes... they had no colors of the iris. These people only had a very light gray, and the same white void seemed to shine perfectly inside their pupils. "Hello?" The worker said, one last time in a desperate tone. A tone as if he was staring at a window of people, while he was frozen in time screaming for help. That was it. The people of the town opened their mouths, about half as much more than any human could ever do, showing off the same void the sky was made out of. That is when the worker realized, the pupils weren't reflecting the sky either. They were this forever void as well. But that didn't matter, for once they opened their hellish mouths all the sounds he made stopped. All the crying for help, his breaths, any steps he made. As if they became sponges to silence him of any pleads. The worker dropped to the ground, as the people of the town started to swarm him in a rhythmic march. A silent, pattern like walk that slowly vibrated the windows of the ink filled buildings. They got closer, and he kept on trying to get a grasp of what was going on. But, once the people got to him, once the marches were close enough to shake his soul. Once the people could get a proper hold of him. They all made sure their world stayed silent again.
© 2021 CharM |
Added on November 17, 2020 Last Updated on June 24, 2021 Tags: mystery, bad ending, thriller, horror Author![]() CharMAboutJust an artist trying to get at least a noticeable audience. That being said, any fan of my writing is appreciated! I am a writer, and a general artist, whos been writing all my life. I can write a.. more..Writing