Internal Battle

Internal Battle

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

Can a single cloud breathe in all of the warm air that hails my universe........


Sometimes I get tired of having so little time
and plainly seeing my surroundings
crying out before the scent of dawn
has bloomed.
Can a single cloud breathe in
all of the warm air
that hails my universe,
removing all reason to wake up,
live life and resume?

I look at fleeing ships
whose sails are full of thunder
and I hear a song
dissolving the wildest parts of me.
Each note dances in the breeze
dropping its own melody
inside my heart
until it becomes the only thing
I hear inside my soul
and I struggle to even

© 2011 Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

Author's Note

Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm
just a little rant.........

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Your dark still has a certain softness in it's expression, I think it's because your a passionate woman and it shows through your work.. Now I wouldn't want to make you mad don't get me wrong..but in poetry you still have the magic with the words... ranting with grace and ease..xo

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I hope life has not inspired you with a darker pen? No matter how you feel, your words are melodic and praise worthy. xo

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I been there, you have made depression art, something dark you have exposed with your pen. I can relate and I could feel this piece...well done

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Speechless! I agree with Audrey even your rants are beautiful! I believe that sometimes in everybodies life they feel that time is to short to deal with every day life! Excellent ranting!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Even your rants are beautifully written!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful Neva, again, " Each note dances in the breeze dropping its own melody inside my heart" How do I love those words, thank you for sharing such beauty again with us.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A stunning one at that.

Posted 13 Years Ago

We have to make the most of our time, even when we are spending time on the things we don't really want to. Eventually, it will balance itself out because Time is Whatever You Make it :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

I know that not enough time feeling. But, as in your poem, the imagination can releases us in some ways. The last line cle be a sense of ecstasy, thought I sense you mean it to be frustartion.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You make even a rant sound beautiful, Neva. I sense the anger, but also wistfulness, the sadness. This brings to mind someone I know whose daughter has only days/hours left to live fighting cancer while simultaneously his wife/her mother is speeding quickly into the depths of dementia. How many precious minutes can he squeeze out of the day to still cherish the ones he loves? Thank you for this....

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I've sat here for well over ten minutes, reading and re-reading this. Slowly getting angry, not with you, but whatever has wound you up. Hard to be objective therefore, but tha in its way speaks volumes. You key the reader into your world and feelings, making them Ort of it, rather tahn independant observer. The strength behind each word and phrase is evident from the title to the last full stop.

Phrases like ;
I look at fleeing ships
whose sails are full of thunder
and I hear a song
are powerful and memorable, offering threat, passion and promise. Contrasts left right and centre.
Wonderful my friend. Thank you for posting your little rant.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 30, 2011
Last Updated on September 30, 2011


Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm
Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm


Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia. My latest book and videos: My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon rm_f1st('6','182','true','false','000000','av2j3.. more..
