As if I am bound to live life uncut yet emptied of all pain.
A soft image satisfies the deepest sea found in your eyes recognized as comfort. Harmony makes a new wind flow lovingly into the arms of old wounds suffered.
Measured out our shores bend to meet in passion to taste time’s recurrent goals. Lighted I talk with my hands to find balance shimmering within my soul.
Scenes pass by of places with nowhere to go, sailing as tributes tired of singing chords without gain. Still, I smile magically as if I am bound to live life uncut yet emptied of all pain.
As a huge fan of your work Neva, you know I am above all honest in what I review,
"Measured out our shores bend
to meet in passion
to taste time’s recurrent goals.
Lighted I talk with my hands
to find balance
shimmering within my soul. "
This stanze screamed at me, it encompasses the mere taste of human companionship and the reluctance to let go of sexual and loving affairs, well done, great read!
This is hands-down one of your best! You have learned to embrace every emotion. You are not ashamed to let it all out with every beautifully penned word.
Such vivid colors fill your words, flowing with longing emotion.. finding release and refreshing.. a shared existence. Beautifully confessed and moving.
Those chords resonate more than we can stand at times! Neva, this is excellent work love..sometimes numbing to feel this..numbness can resign us...resignation can liberate us...I see so much in your work Neva..makes me truly think xx
Maybe we humans are supposed to have troubles in life so we can discover our strengths and weaknesses; without knowing them we'd be
devoid of feelings, we'd be empty spiritless vessels. Seems, dear Neva, that you've felt the worst and won -. become a smooth pebble which is passed from one to another human being - and willingly. Your words inevitably set me flying, this is no exception!
Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia.
My latest book and videos:
My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon
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