If the song I sing tonight is not a soothing lullaby in an upside moon.......
If I told you I am afraid of dust that catches in places where I am tired Would you still find me so amazing and fun If I said what I think to those who have ears to hear When I looked into your eyes Would I still be the one
If the song I sing tonight is not a soothing lullaby in an upside moon Will you still love me and the melody I create Because no matter how my song plays; we can move on To all those bright clouds We anticipate
If I struggled to find words that washed over your skin like silk That lingered dreamily in the light of your morning Would you still hear the same sweet voice when I am tired And afraid of dust that catches in places On words I am forming
I think once you have love for someone, your always going have it. It might change form such as e.i when I was young and "in love with my first girlfriend when I was just in 8th grade and wanted to be her boyfirend. As now 4years later, I still love her just as much I just love her in a different way, as a friend. I think once loved is like matter, it can never be destoyed. However it can be created. Anyway I like you poem it quetoins the peroson if they really love you for you are or for what you can do. Good work!=)
Wonderful like usual haha. The one thing that's off are those first two lines, throws the flow off for a second. But after that it picks right back up. Thank you.
Of course we would love you Neva. Your poetry is only the beautiful expression of a beautiful person. And none of us are lovely all the time, it wouldn't be realistic to believe anyone is. Another beautiful write. :)
It's when the lovely wash of words drains down
and puddles, shows the wet, bedraggled poet
who aches beneath the artifice...'tis then
she's at her loveliest to those who know it.
To have to be "on" every second of every day is to treat oneself as an object d'art. We are not the works we create. My works tend to the spiritual, the honest, the uplifting...were that I could be that to all at all times!
I'm sure that the you that you are at any given moment is more than sufficient unto the day, Neva. As is this work.
You won't struggle to find the words, as you have written another beautiful prose of rhyming poem. A melody of soulful dance.
Our minds will always hear the same sweet dance as the words linger on and on. Yes, we will love you the same even if your words are not so lovely to hear, but this readers mind knows different.
The words are already there and I already like what I'm hearing before your words are already written...
An interesting write Neva, and I think those that truly love and care would say yes. Some are content to live in a bubble and only hear that which pleases them, but the unselfish? they welcome all thoughts and words expressed as a ways to fully and completely know and understand us.
Sometimes we speak more than truth...we express from deep within the realities of which others might not accept and yet it is that strength to express more than the truth...that makes us who we are.
"...Would you still hear the same sweet voice when I am tired
And afraid of dust that catches in places
On words I am forming..."
Truly a struggle in all our minds.
The words we need to say sometimes are pulled from the depths and dusted off and a lot of the time they don't want to be heard because they've been packed away so long...
A melodic voice goes a long way but long after the melody fades we are still sneezing on dust...
Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia.
My latest book and videos:
My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon
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