![]() Lost in the Big Wet StuffA Screenplay by Chainsaw Enema
GEORGE and WALTER drift aboard a raft, lost at sea. They have long dirty hair and bushy beards that are way overdue for a trim. The only attire they possess is some loin cloth and mud stained skin. On the raft is just them and a sloppily crafted spear. They are of a primitive nature, meaning that they are from before Christ and all that biblical jive. And because of such factoids, their only means of communication is through a very confusing series of clicking, clacking, grunting, and rude gestures. So, for the sake of unnecessary complexity, let's view this rare encounter as if they are speaking in the only language that really matters: English.
WALTER I'm so bored.
GEORGE Well, what do you expect? We're on a bunch of logs that are tied together by friggin' bamboo, lost somewhere in the middle of the Big Wet Stuff. There isn't exactly going to be a lot to do.
WALTER Wanna play twenty questions again?
GEORGE No, you ask stupid questions.
WALTER Oh, okay. Sorry. Hmm, I Spy?
GEORGE Yeah, now there's a great game. Hey Walter, I spy, with my little eye, something really big, blue, and wet. What do you think it could be?
WALTER Hmm, can I get a hint?
GEORGE You're an idiot, you know that, right?
WALTER Sorry. Then what do you want to do?
GEORGE The same thing I've been doing for the last five hours. Thinking.
WALTER What're you thinking about?
GEORGE How much of an idiot you are.
WALTER Oh … uh, well, carry on then.
Three hours pass.
GEORGE I hate you so bad.
WALTER What? No, don't do that! I need my heart … I think. Yes, I'm pretty sure I do. Take my appendix if anything. Those things suck.
GEORGE Fine, your appendix it shall be. I'll wait until you're asleep to take it. Get you by surprise, that's the trick.
WALTER I have a feeling you're mad at me.
GEORGE (laughing) You do? Just a feeling, huh?
WALTER What? What on this flat wonderful planet did I ever do to you?
GEORGE Well, where should I start? Let's see, how 'bout when you tagged that cave wall, hmm? I told you not to do that.
WALTER Dude, that would never happen and you know it.
GEORGE Okay, fine, you're probably right. But what else am I pissed off at? Hmm, why are we out here in the middle of nowhere, Walter? Because you're a goddamn idiot who can't back down from a dare, that's why.
GEORGE While drastic as it may be, you still went out in the Big Wet Stuff. The last person to try that friggin' drowned! But no, you got your stupid ego, right? Can't let that get a bad name, huh? Well lookie where that got us. We're lost! And dying! And hungry!
WALTER You didn't have to come.
GEORGE Don't change the subject.
Six hours pass.
GEORGE I hate you so bad.
WALTER You've said that.
GEORGE Just wanted to make sure you knew.
WALTER Yeah, well, I do.
An hour goes by.
WALTER Ahhh! What the f**k is that!
WALTER (pointing into the sea) Look!
WALTER glances into the ocean to discover a humpback whale floating next to their raft.
GEORGE Ahhh! What the f**k is that! WALTER
GEORGE WALTER Oh, sorry. (PAUSE) Is it going to kill us?
GEORGE I don't know. I think it's sleeping.
WALTER It certainly is big and wet.
GEORGE Quiet, you.
GEORGE Hey, you should kill it.
WALTER Stab it with the spear? But it's so big! Are you sure it'll work?
WALTER Well … okay then.
WALTER picks up the spear and proceeds to repeatability thrust the blade into the whale with all his might. However, this does absolutely nothing.
GEORGE Stab harder!
WALTER I'm stabbing as hard as I can! GEORGE Damn, damn, damn! Must I do everything?
GEORGE takes the spear from WALTER and gives the stabbing a go himself, but with the same results as WALTER.
GEORGE Well, that did absolutely nothing.
GEORGE Okay, so the spear isn't going to work. How else can we kill it?
GEORGE Excellent idea, Walter. Hand me that flint and stone, will ya?
GEORGE (sighs) Idiot.
WALTER Yeah, yeah, I'm dumb.
GEORGE Hey, I know. Stab it in the eyes!
WALTER The eyes? How do you know it has eyes?
GEORGE Well, it's obviously on the other side. Just leap on top of it, walk to the opposite side, and stab the f****r.
GEORGE Well, it is you.
GEORGE So do it already!
WALTER grabs the spear and inches towards the end of the raft, trembling in fear. Just as he attempts to step off, a loud energetic noise fills the air, and a long stream of water shoots up from the whale's blow hole, splashing amongst the two primitive beings, who leap back in fear, collapsing against the floor.
BOTH Ahhhhhhhhhh!
WALTER ...Is it dead?
GEORGE (sitting up) Either that, or it's super pissed.
WALTER Well, let's not f**k with it anymore, okay?
GEORGE Walter, that's the best idea you've ever had.
WALTER Really? Thanks, man.
WALTER Sorry, George. (PAUSE) Wanna play twenty questions?
GEORGE (sighs) I guess. © 2009 Chainsaw Enema |
1 Review Added on February 23, 2009 Author