The Tunnel

The Tunnel

A Chapter by CatGusGus

Not finished at all, just the beginning. I really need advice on it..


           People, running around and not taking the chance to look around. They all just collide, but never reach out a hand to help another. People deal with their own problems, they all think “I have to many problems of my own,” in all honesty, they don’t. I doubt half the people here haven’t ever been charitable, they act like bullies; they search for those weaker then them. Then, they take them down with: nasty, neglected, horrible words. Not all mean to do it on purpose, they were raised that way. To not help the poor, because they could be faking it just for some extra cash. Possibly, not to help a screaming child, because maybe they deserved what they got. No, this is all wrong. To assume that something would go the way you think it would. That’s preposterous because we all need to know to expect the un-expected.

Dr. Drew looked around, disgusted at the scene he had just saw. He was strolling the streets of New York, New York. Drew looked deeply at the homeless man that lay next to a lonesome tree. The man was trying to find warmth in frigid winter air. Drew, had seen a group of ladies walk by the poor man, they glared at the man. “People are so filthy these days, don’t they know how to take a shower?” one of them had sneered.  Drew was not impressed, he was disappointed that someone would actually take the time to injury one with words like that, when they are already down. “Sir, are you alright?” Drew kneeled down to the man who quietly rolled over to stare up at him. “Y-yes, thank you for your concern,” the man sat up so he could now speak directly to Drew. Drew took a deep sigh, “May I ask, do you have any type of shelter? When was the last time you ate?” Drew looked directly into the muddy brown eyes of the stranger. The man, put out his hand, to start a firm hand shake. “Sir, my name is Henry Dusk, I have no shelter and I don’t know where I could possibly find some except behind a trash can. I haven’t ate in 3 days, and lord knows the last time I took a shower!” Henry’s eyes welled up into a bunch of tears. Drew took Henry’s hand into the handshake “My gosh, you must be starved, will you join me in a lunch? It will be my treat and after that, I will take you to the nearest indoor shelter for the homeless with showers and food. Is this alright with you, Henry?” Henry looked up, “My boy, you’re a angel from above, and the answer to my prayers. May the lord bring you much bliss to your life and happiness, thank you!” Henry slowly stood up next to Drew. Drew noticed that Henry was wearing nothing but old, tattered rags that practically fell off his body. “Henry, I don’t think the homeless shelter provides any better clothing, can I please get you a new shirt and pants at least?” Henry limped quietly along side Drew, “Henry, buying me a decent meal is already to much to take, your being one of the most generous offersI have ever been granted in my life.” Drew turned to Henry, “If you don’t mind me asking, when is your birthday?” Drew said with a smile. “Um, June, 28” Henry stated wearily. “ Drew started with a laugh, “Henry! Your birthday is 6 days away, please, let me give you a shopping spree as your gift!” Henry then started to cry, “You do realize, Drew, I haven't been given a birthday gift in over 5 years...” Drew went in to give Henry a hug, he realized that he had just met this man within a hour ago and he already had made a strong connection with this man. No matter where he has come from, he was a good man.

Drew and Henry walked side by side, just discussing life. Drew being the doctor he is was surely un-impressed by the behavior Henry had to deal with on the streets. Drew was hearing horrific stories about Henry being spit on, talked about cruelly, and being denied a drink of water. Drew listened intently, becoming frustrated with the idea that any human being would possibly even consider have the things the had done and said to Henry. They both approached a small cafe called “The Honey Bee,” what a classic name Drew thought. He and Henry strode into the cafe to approve a peppy 20 year old blonde who bounced from mocha maker to the next. “Hi there!, what can I get y'all this fine morning?” she said with a broad smile. Drew turned towards Henry, “get whatever you want! Its lunch time so you should get a meal.” As Henry spoke to the young lady his order, Drew looked around quietly, examining each person. Drew was a psychologist doctor. So, anybody he met, he would instantly make connections, he could tell right away what their personality was like. Unfortunately, he had discovered that many people at this day and age, forgot their manners.

Drew ordered himself a lunch meal, as well as Henry. They both then sat together at a small table and ate quietly for about a minute. “I don’t think ill ever be able to thank you enough...” Henry said, respectfully. Drew held up a hand, “Please, its the least I can do, from what you have been through, I would want somebody to treat me like this,” Drew half smiled, “Everybody has seemed to forgot the golden rule, treat people the way you want to be treated” Henry let out a laugh, “Well aint that the truth” he said laughing through his sentence. “So” Henry said, “What do you do for a living?” Drew put down his soda, “I’m a psychologist, I work down here actually...” Drews words dragged out, “Oh, wow, thats a surprise, you dont seem like that type of doctor to me” Henry said, he gazed focused some where else. “Yeah, but I’m not the type who sits in the office acting like a male Oprah,” they both laughed. “Okay, so if your not the male oprah type, what are you then” Henry said still laughing out a few chuckles. “Well, right now I’m actually working on a project...a people project, I want to experiment with how people react to one another...” Henry was now very interested, “Oh, so, what are you planning to be doing?” Drew laughed and shook his head, “Ill see when I get there, right now though, lets just say I got some people under surveillance, I got some detectives working on some things right now for me. Henrys eyes got wide, “Is that even illegal?” Henry asked in a warily whisper. Drew was now serious “Yes, of course, I would never actually violate somebodies rights, but right now, these people we are watching...they particularly need some help, with learning to be nice” Henry was now fully intrested in what Drew was saying. “So what are you doing exactly then? As in, how do you know where these people are? I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but my curiosity is making me crazy” Henry said with a chuckle. Drew took in a deep breath, as if he was stressed but not wanting to show he was. He look Henry straight in the eyes, “I honestly wish I could sit here and tell you every part of this project, but this project is so complicated that it would take hours to get through it all. Theres so many secrets, and complications that go with this project, and everything has to be done precisely for the project to be completed and ready to use and develop” Henry held his head, and it literally look as if this job was taking years off his life.

© 2011 CatGusGus

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Added on December 24, 2011
Last Updated on December 24, 2011




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