The Owl

The Owl

A Story by Centipedle

When someone turns out to be much more


The world was a cruel place and humans were even crueler. No matter who you are you all strive and struggle to come off as an illusion or as the good guy. There is the good, the bad and the ugly, sadly majority of it is ugly. Hidden under kindness; hidden over every other emotion. Any other human being is no exception to monsters who may stand to reason over  the world. The monsters inside, the monsters we are constantly fighting. What's the point?


I held onto my school books tightly so the wind would not throw them from my hands as I passed through Bucknear Academies gates. A private boarding school practically settled out into the middle of nowhere. Surrounding the school was a large forest surrounded by a rounded fence about eight feet in height. It was designed to keep students in, electrified in order to prevent any escapes kind of like a prison. The reason behind this was because the school in nature was a rehab facility to those teenagers who decided to kick another kid around for fun at one point or another. The place was for the extreme, kids who pushed others to the death were the most common who came to attend.

The school was designed to give us students a fulfilling life away from society that at least felt relatively normal.  Each classroom was about twenty bodies small, we had a lunch break including a small arcade area of games and other activities. Girls and boys both enjoying themselves in one way or another, as we all seemed to forget what this place actually was for. To me, it felt like they just wanted to brush us aside and not let us out into society. At least here, they wouldn’t have to worry about us killing someone.

Pushing these thoughts aside, the first bell rang making me haul it to my first classroom. Having no friends in a school like this, being generally unpopular made it easy to get to class fast. My first class was an elective that I had been lucky enough to grab at the beginning of the year. It was one of the very few classes I actually paid attention to, considering our grades didn’t matter much to the counselors, about urban legends and myths. Taking my seat quickly I opened up my sketchbook, filled with various well defined pencil sketches of angels, demons, and birds - things with wings. As class began, my attention was snapped back towards the front board with the teacher. Her dark red hair hanging down to her sides as she pointed her finger to the chalkboard, since we really probably couldn’t afford white boards.

“Okay class today we are studying the Chickcharney, anyone aware of what that is?” Of course the classroom fell quiet. One of the more uncommon legends yet still the name stuck itself into the back of my mind. I hesitantly raised my hand after looking at the letters spelling out Chickcharney in bright white chalk on the board. A sigh leaving my lips as the teacher pointed towards me. “Yes, Kevin come up to the board.” her eyes gleamed with a feigned sense of pride. As if she cared about anyone in this class.

Getting out of my seat I shuffled towards the front of class with my notebook. Flipping through a few pages before stopping at the one I was looking for. It was similar to a Tyto Owl, though its head twisted in a inhuman way. Ugly flightless wings grotesquely inching out of its body. Beady little eyes begging for help as I turned the notebook around for the class to gaze upon the artwork.

“A Chickcharney is an urban legend about an owl creature. It’s described at a three foot tall owl with an ugly twisted form unable to fly. If a traveler comes across it and shows it kindness then they will be granted good luck. Yet they say if you’re cruel or unkind to the bird - you’ll receive the most nightmarish luck you can get.” My lecture only caught on with a few of the kids. The rest playing with each other with pieces of paper. After a bit of silence, the teacher stepped in front of me. Clapping her hands seemingly happy with the explanation.

“Terance, Radely, you’ll be staying after class for ten minutes.” The teacher called out two of the culprits who had been throwing paper planes at each other. She then turned to me, “Thank you Kevin, you are very right about this bird but you know what else is special about it?” I started to make my way back to my seat to get out of her way. “The magical abilities that it was said to possess were also used as omens and prophecies through the years.” As the lecture grew on though it was mostly information I already knew. Chickcharney was one of my favorite legends, they weren’t quite evil nor good. Somewhere in between, living in a reality that not just anyone could understand. True Nature.

Lunch was an easy pass time for me. My brother sent me food money every now and then and I used it to stock up on food for my dorm. Meal tickets gave too much trouble for how many kids would fight over them. So I sat under my usual tree with my sketchbook open. Sketching out a picture of a Chickcharney standing triumphantly over a small school. Sharp teeth in its maw instead of just a beak. I was just putting in the final touches when I heard a voice.

“That’s an interesting picture you got there.” My shoulders tensed and I shut the book on instinct of hearing the girl’s voice. I looked above me and there was a blonde girl looking about my age in the tree. Her hair fell over her shoulders, and what was the most disturbing thing was her eerie bright green eyes locking with my own blue ones. She wore the school uniform, labelling her as a bully as well as the rest of us. She scooted down from the branch, sitting next to me and invading my personal space. “Aww come on let me see it.” I glared at the girl, was she serious. Given my expression it caused her to laugh and look away. “Fine then, keep a lady waiting.” I clicked my tongue for a moment at her manners.

“Why do you want to know what I’m drawing?” I asked suspiciously. She turned her head back in my direction, as I took a deep breath to try and stop my heart from pounding against my chest. The blond brought her index fingers to her lips in a gesture.

“I’d answer you if I could but I don’t know, I just find every quiet student really interesting.” she told me as she moved her finger away. What kind of weird girl was this? It was a little refreshing, but at the same time I found myself distrusting her for the moment. My fingers moved over my closed sketchbook as she looked towards the sky as if searching for something. I didn’t know what brought me to this but I sighed, and pried open the pages to reveal the picture I had just sketched. Making her snap her eyes to the page, scooting as close as she could to me. I felt a familiar feeling of blood rushing to my cheeks. Staring at her examine my drawing.

Her eyes moved over it and after inspecting it she grabbed my pencil from my hand while I was still in a daze. “It’s a chicharney isn’t it?” she stated as she started to make the wings appear more straight. All in all making the creature look more clean and beautiful instead of a grotesque monster. “What makes you think it would look so ugly, there see.” she put the pencil down and I looked over the picture. It looked more like an every day owl to me now. She wasn’t too bad of an artist either.

“Why do you think it would look like that either?” I asked, the question leaving my lips without a thought. Looking back towards her, I had almost forgotten about proximity until she shifted a little away to give me space. Her shoulders giving a shrug.

“I’m not sure, but it’s also because everyone gives it a bad reputation. Just because it’s outward appearance might be gross doesn’t mean you have to draw it that way. Have you actually ‘seen’ a chickcharney?” The way she spoke just made it sound more and more weird. I closed my notebook and shook my head.

“So what do you really think it’s like?” I asked her as I started to relax more. She wasn’t trying to hurt me, so at least that was okay. She seemed to ponder over her answer before she actually spoke.

“I never saw it as disturbing. Even if they say it looks ugly and twisted, maybe it’s just misunderstood. It could be something magical, beautiful after all it’s known as a divine bird of power. It isn’t good it isn’t evil so how cruel hearted could they be?” I was intrigued by her viewpoint. It kind of sounded like mine, though I now doubt thought that the bird was ugly since that was how legends depicted it. I was about to answer her when she spoke again. “So do you have a meal ticket?” changing the subject I guessed.

“Umm, no. I get money from my family.” She looked like she had disregarded what I said completely. Her green eyes sparkling as she smiled at me mischievously. I raised an eyebrow for a moment as she giggled placing her hands over her mouth.

“Wait here, I’ll get you something.” I didn’t think she would let me argue anyway. I watched as the girl got up giving a spin before I watched her waltz right into a group of guys. Was she crazy? She must have been new to the academy, because it seemed like she was trying to mooch off the guys. Did she not get the memo that this place was full of ‘bullies’ not just that but potentially dangerous people. My heart raced as I narrowed my eyes. They started to get aggressive with her. I couldn’t hear what they were saying so I shoved my sketchbook off to the side and stood up before she yelled.

“Let go of me, or you’ll regret it!” she yelled as one of them grabbed her wrist. Another was going to punch her as I swore underneath my breath. I quickly approached the group, pulling myself between the punch and her as I grabbed his hand before it made contact with my body. I seriously thought I was an idiot for doing this, but oh well. I smirked.

“Do you get off by picking on innocent girls or something?” I questioned,looking at the girl for a moment. She seemed genuinely terrified, as the man who previously grabbed her let go. I heard the leader of the three make a grotesque snort. His buddies backed away behind him.

“I don’t think you can fool us like that here bud. We’re as innocent as Hitler in this place, I bet she’s a manipulative little b***h really.” I really didn’t want to deal with this guy. He pushed me lightly back into her. I felt her grab my sleeve, she was trembling. I stood my ground even with how terrified as I was. They luckily decided it wasn’t worth the time though. Leaving as I was finally able to let out a breath of air and relax. I usually tried to keep myself down low, so I avoided confrontation like this. I turned around to the girl and grabbed her shoulders as she looked at me bewildered.

“The hell were you thinking? These aren’t the best of people you know.” My yelling made her flinch. Given the situation I guess it was a little uncalled for. I let of her and scratched the back of my head.

“You looked hungry so I asked them for an apple?” I nearly choked on her words. Was she really from around here? What had she done to get into this school, it had to be some sort of mistake. I lowered my head for a moment. I sighed and raised my head again.

“Next time let me handle my own lunch, come on.” I gently grabbed her wrist and led her back to the tree. Seating her next to me so that I could look after her until she calmed down. After a few minutes of quiet, I tried to strike up another conversation. To see if it would help. “My name’s Kevin, what do I call you?” I looked at her as she looked back towards me. Giving a soft smile.

“I don’t have one, just call my Canary.” I looked at her in disbelief. Everyone had a name, some people just refused to give it away. Not deciding to delve on it any further though, I waved my hand a bit. The rest of lunch was left discussing legends which was something I rather enjoyed. Making me a little bit more comfortable around Canary. We then went our separate ways.

Something didn’t sit right with me though. This girl showed up out of no where, in a school where you have to be responsible one way another for killing another kid through bullying. Which meant she drove someone to suicide. Unless in some sick accident, her “friends” pinned this on her and her parents sent her here. On top of that why did she decide to talk to me of all people. Either way, I couldn’t find her anywhere else on campus during the school day. With the sun going down, I decided to crawl into the tree near my dorm to draw and ease my mind.

The boys dorm was about a ten minute walk from the school, set up like an apartment complex. My door was on the second floor near a tree. Where the branches were thick enough to sit on, and since it was so close to the railing it was often a place I liked to hang out on. To draw and watch the stars. There was no real curfew for the students. Since we couldn’t get out of the fence as long as we went to school in the morning the staff didn’t care.

As I started to draw though, a familiar voice hit my ears. “I thought you’d be in a place like this.” I looked up and was met with Canary’s face beaming over me. Eyes glowing brightly in the dim moonlight. She was on the branch just above me just like before, however instead of the school uniform she wore a very white night gown. Covering her rather lithe and small body as she scooted off the branch. Skillfully landing next to me as she sat down and let her feet swing back and forth.

“So where’ve you been all day?” I asked, but she didn’t answer. She clearly wasn’t in as good of mood as before. Her previous bright smile was replaced with a sense of melancholy. I shut my sketchbook so I could give her my full attention.

“Say Kevin, if everyone here has done something bad to get in. Then what did you do? You don’t have to tell me, but the question just popped into my head.” I was a bit surprised, so she was aware. I was beginning to think she was a typical blond. I placed my sketchbook on the railing for the second dorm floor. I didn’t mind sharing, it wasn’t like it was a secret after all.

“Well.” I started as I looked at the stars, maybe to calm myself down a bit. “I bullied a kid into jumping off the school building. My home life wasn’t the best and while my brother did his best to help me I guess I just took after my father a bit. I’d never hit anyone, but I ended up driving a kid to kill himself. I remember going to school that morning when it happened. He threw himself right in front of me from the five story building. Head first. When the police looked into it everyone pointed their fingers at me even if I didn’t physically touch him, so they sent me here.” The memory played out in my head and it was almost painfully numbing. I regretted it, there was no way I could bring that kid back. Not to his crying mother not to anyone who might have loved him. So, I have put myself in here. I sighed, feeling Canary settle a hand on my leg I looked up to her and she lowered herself. Laying her head straight onto my lap looking up at me, almost peacefully.

“You aren’t a cruel person Kevin. Sometimes people are driven to do things without even realizing it, and sadly it takes a tragedy to make them realize that. I’m sure if you sincerely tried to make things right with that boy if he was still here, he’d forgive you. Besides, he’s in a better place than here.” I watched her face as she spoke. I couldn’t tell if she was talking about how she really felt, or trying to make me feel better. Teenager or not, despite being sixteen years old - I should have clearly known what I was doing. There was no excuse, and there wasn’t any value to put on human life. I let out a breath of air and lifted my head. Listening to the sound of the crickets around me.

“You really think so?” I whispered.

The next day school was cancelled. Apparently three students had been found hung at a tree, so a large portion of the school was closed off. I couldn’t say the weather didn’t match the mood with how gloomy and rainy it was. Most of us were apathetic when students died. It wasn’t uncommon for bullies to become violent against each other. Though no one knew who was the culprit of this. Others just assumed the three had grown tired and done themselves in. In a sad coincidence it was the same three kids that had picked on Canary the day previous. The message was sent in an email, so I spent the rest of the day at the computer. Drawing on my tablet. I stopped for a moment, leaning back in my chair and looking at the rain outside. It didn’t take long for me to see Canary at the window. Vanishing from view, it looked like she was saying something. Knowing the girl was out in the rain didn’t seem right. I got up and unlocked my door, stepping outside to stick my key in my pocket. Walking down the steps I stopped staring at the girl under the tree. She was singing and dancing.

   "Sorrowful pain will follow you

     No matter where you are

     Even if you hide behind the truth

     The waves  still  follow you

     But may your soul be saved

     After death in turn

     To your cruelty "

She danced beautifully, movements fluid and catching my eyes easily. It took my breath away in simple terms. I had to shake my head for a moment, I started to notice that she was in the same white dress as before. Though the rain had soaked it to the point where I could see her undergarments. A black bra and underwear, causing my face to flush again. I quickly pulled off my jacket and approached her. Placing it over her shoulders she looked at me then herself before quickly holding the jacket close. Her face turning bright red.

“You’ll catch a cold like this, come on inside.” I muttered, trying to avoid eye contact. I saw her subtly nod her head though. Leading her back up the stairs with her head hanging down. I brought her inside of my dorm, which felt odd… to have a girl inside my room.

I provided her with some of my clothes and offered my shower. After she was done, she sat on the edge of the bed in my long t-shirt and jeans. A towel over her head as she seemed a little dazed. Was it because of the email about the men? I sat on my computer chair and faced her, unable to really say anything. Yet she started to speak for me.

“It’s my fault those men are dead.” I went wide eyed for a moment. Narrowing them again as she shook her head. “Promise me you’ll never be cruel to me.” her eyes were scrunched together. I could feel her anxiety and pain without even trying. I reached forward and grabbed her shoulders.

“It is in no way your fault canary. You aren’t the one who put them up there, they killed themselves. Here, that’s no surprise. At least one person does that a year.” She looked at me a bit dazed. I climbed off the chair and crouched near her, grabbing her hands. “I promise I won’t hurt you okay, we’re friends.” I smiled towards her. She seemed a little perplexed by the words, yet it made her happy enough to smile again towards me as she lowered her head. I sighed as I let go of her hands and sat back down in the chair.

“Is…. something bothering you Kevin?” She asked as I looked to her tilting her head. I pushed the chair over to the window which wasn’t far from the bed. Looking out towards the clouds, it did bother me wondering why she was here. Even if she was someone like me, I hardly believed Canary could ever be a ‘bully’.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said as I felt her hands on my legs, I felt my face flush again. Looking at her my clothes were rather big, so my eyes avoided anything other than her face. As her wet blond hair fell off her face. Canary got closer, and wrapped her arms around me. I was not opposed to the affection but it was still a bit embarrassing. Rather more, I’d never been this close to a woman.

“Yo want to know how and why I came here, don’t you?” she asked as I pursed my lips for a moment. I went to speak but the words seemed to be caught in my throat. I couldn’t seem to think of an answer. She let go of me before sitting back onto the bed as I fully turned towards her. I noticed now, she was shivering. Her hands pressed into her knees. I managed to get a grip on my emotions.

“You don’t have to tell me. I’ve heard worse stories than mine.” I whispered quietly. So, she was one of us. While she was a complete mystery, a weirdo, I was alright with that. Maybe it made me feel a little bit more comfortable.

“It’s alright. You told me your story didn’t you? But, I guess I’ll tell you later.” I couldn’t see her face. Yet, from her tone of voice I could have sworn that she was crying. After she said that, she grabbed the edge of my blankets. Suddenly wrapping herself in them. I watched as she slowly slipped into sleep. My head turning back towards the window in a little bit of thought.

After about a half hour I looked back to her. It felt weird to have a girl in my dorm. While the girls and boys were supposed to stay separate, I suppose if she felt safer here that was okay. I had found her in the rain after all, it almost had sounded like she didn’t want to be taken care of. Standing up I grabbed my dorm key and a few dollars from my desk door. When I thought about it, we hadn’t eaten all day. She would be hungry when she got up so I exited the room and locked the door. Heading towards the snack machine about five minutes walk away from the dorms.

There was a variety of machines to choose from. Snacks and drinks were a common thing to seek after. With the sun already dipping behind the buildings it was hard to see other than a single street lamp sitting to my right. I listened to the chirping crickets before letting out a sigh and putting money into the machine. “I wonder if she likes grapes - I’ll get her an orange too just incase.” I thought out loud as I pressed the buttons on the machine. I was glad that I could grab something like this for her.

After grabbing a few drinks as well I headed back to the dorm. My thoughts filling up with all sorts of questions to ask Canary. I wondered if I would think any different of her if I heard her story. She hadn’t thought of me any differently since I told her mine right? We’d only known each other for a short time, regardless of that fact she was a friend and I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable.

When I reached the steps though, I was dumbfounded by what I saw. Canary was sitting at the last step. She was hunched over her hands crossed as her chest. It didn’t take an expert to know something was wrong. Dropping the food and drinks in my hand I rushed over and carefully set a hand on her shoulder. “Canary what’s wrong? What happened?” My heart jumped to my throat. Her breathing was fast and it seemed like she was in pain. I placed my other hand on her other shoulder now. She looked at me weakly.

“I….- can’t breath.” she rasped, reaching for me with a hand. She grabbed my collar before falling into me. I wrapped my arms around her and turned her around so she lied flat in my arms. She was light enough so I was thankful. Patting her face gently I tried to see if I could wake the fainted girl up. Nothing seemed to work so I turned around and started for the on campus infirmary. Which was open twenty four hours - thank heavens.

Entering the quiet room there was maybe one other student there. Looking miserable as I rushed over to the front desk. “Can you please help her?!” I was in a panic as the lady looked at me and then the girl in my arms. She looked surprised but quickly grabbed the phone and two other nurses came to grab Canary. The lady at the front desk told me to take a seat - as mad as I was for not being allowed to go with her I complied and sat down in the waiting room.

I stayed there all night, watching the small tv screen with school announcements scrolling off it. Luckily tomorrow was a saturday, so I wouldn’t have to leave the room. In the morning the doctor crawled out from the back room walking over to me. “You’re the one who brought her in correct?” he asked looking at his clipboard. I silently nodded my head. Hoping or good news.

“I ran some tests - but something doesn’t seem to add up.” He said as I stood up.

“You’re a doctor and you don’t know what happened to her? Didn’t she just faint.” I clenched my fists together. Could they just not afford a real doctor or something. The man seemed relatively calm compared to me though. Giving a small shake of his head as he lowered his clipboard.

“She went under respiratory arrest, we managed to stabilize her but it seems the sickness she has is not well known. According to her she’s allergic to antibiotics so we can’t treat her. I’m afraid we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. You’re free to see her if you want.” The doctor told me what room she was in and then left. Acting as if he really didn’t care at all, though his face almost looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. I grumbled under my breath and headed towards the room he instructed. Entering quietly as I looked at Canary, asleep in the hospital bed.

She had a breathing mask on her face and a small iv running from her arm to a small bag of fluids. I grabbed one of the seats in the corner of the room and sat next to her. Having not slept all night I leaned into her bed. Placing my head just on the side before dozing off right there.

“Kevin, Kevin wake up!” I fluttered my eyes open at the sound of Canary’s voice. I looked up at her in a dazed state rubbing my eyes as I leaned back. I was met with her smile and a soft giggle leaving her lips as she laid back down. Her breathing mask had been removed and set off to the side.

“How are you feeling?” I asked quietly, she seemed to be okay. Other than her shaky breathing judging by how her shoulders moved. If she was smiling though, it couldn’t be too worrisome.

“Better, I’m glad you were there. It could have turned out a lot worse.” She sounded so content with that. Stretching her limbs as a laugh left her throat, I sighed. This girl would never cease to surprise me I guess that was just how she was. As she relaxed again she spoke again, “Can I ask you a question?” I raised an eyebrow at her she seemed to get it.

“If there was anything you could have, anything in the world. What would it be?” Her question made me laugh. Wheezing a bit as I leaned forward. She looked at me a little offended as I caught my breath.

“What kind of question is that?” I asked as she stuck her tongue out at me for a few seconds.

“A question that you are obligated to answer.” Her tone sounded cross as I shifted a bit in my seat. Her arms crossed like a stubborn child.

“I don’t know, a puppy or something.” I blew off trying to answer seriously. This displeased her though as she leaned in closer to me, green eyes sparkling.

“No really, if you had all the luck in the world. What would you do with it?” I stared at her surprised. She was serious judging by the way she was acting. I raised my eyebrow before raising my hands. Did she have some sort of ulterior motive to this.

“What are you getting at?” I asked her straight forward. Otherwise I would just never figure it out.

“Well, for example say one of your legends. What if one of them was real?” Canary leaned back in thought. Pressing a finger to her lips like she had when we first met.

“Depends on which one.” I told her, I had not the slightest clue why I was taking this conversation seriously. Maybe it was just her. I noticed that she was getting more fidgety by the moment. Avoiding eye contact with me.

“Say there was a girl, who actually wasn’t a girl. A chickcharney actually, would you still be friends with her if you knew?” I blinked at her words. Placing my hands down, I was starting to get a bit of what she was really after. I let out a soft sigh before I spoke.

“It wouldn’t really matter if I knew or not. Whoever she was, her personality wouldn’t be any different. It wouldn’t bother me if she had a bird form or anything like that. After all we could learn a thing or two from a Chickcharney. Owls are beautiful creatures.” I smiled as Canary seemed to look at me and then the ceiling. Seemingly satisfied with the answer I had given her. It was also the truth after all.

“I have to leave soon Kevin, I can’t stay in one place for too long.” She looked down again. I was starting to get more and more annoyed, or rather worried.

“Why?” I asked tilting my head to the side.

“To tell you the truth. Everyone around me seems to die. It doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t mean to be mean to you - they do it sometimes kind hearted or not.” She laughed a little bit. I furrowed my brows at her.

“That doesn’t mean you have to leave, sure people fight but that’s only natural.” She opened her mouth to speak.

“Thank you for your kindness but….” I cut her speech off by placing my index finger on her lips. Stopping her as she blinked at me.

“I’m not being nice, I’m being truthful. Those guys dying was NOT your fault it was their own. Come on let’s go back to my room.” I stood up and grabbed he as well. In case she couldn’t walk. She welcomed it though, it seemed the doctor had removed the iv while I had been sleeping so she was free to leave when she wanted. Walking back to my dorm I set her down on my bed. I sat down in my computer chair and pulled it closer to her.

“You’re very kind Kevin.” she made my cheeks flush again as I hid it away. She curled up in the covers covering her face with them.

“You should rest, there’s a special lunch event tomorrow and I’ll save some of my food for you.” She didn’t even have to hear that, she was already asleep in the bed. I laughed quietly and slept on the floor so she would have the bed.

When I got up in the morning, she was still sound asleep. I left to the school building before she awoke. Entering one of the large classrooms where a few of the students had already gathered for the food. It was a chance for those who didn’t have much money to get something to eat other than the ramen they probably had hidden in their rooms. Sitting down in one of the seats. I was approached by a man much larger than I. He had a rather menacing tattoo of a snake across his face. I felt like he was going to start trouble. I stood up to make facing him easier.

“So you the kid who has a girl in his dorm?” He asked as I rolled my eyes for a moment.

“Does it really matter to you?” I questioned seriously as he pushed me closer to the back window. I hated to admit I was afraid, but I stood my ground. As he got more violent with me I grabbed his arm.

“What’s someone like you going to get from a girl, what are you trying to pull.” His argument made no sense. A snort left my nose as I decided to answer him.

“I just felt bad for her, she doesn’t belong here with brute dumbasses like you.” I laughed. I suddenly felt like there wasn’t anything underneath me. Hearing a crash in my ears it took me a moment to realize he had pushed me through the window. Causing the glass to shatter. I fell from the second story window head first, feeling the ground suddenly get really close - and someone call my name before a sickening crack hit my head. Then, there was just black.

I felt strangely empty. I couldn’t feel my body and had no sense of where I actually was. Of course it crossed my mind that I might have been dead. Falling from that height head first, and the sound my head made. I stopped though when I felt my fingers twitch. Light filtering through my eyes.

“Kevin, Kevin!” I heard her yelling over me. My head ached as I opened my eyes. The first thing coming to my head was wondering why Canary was crying. I was confused, surely a fall like that should have killed me. She pressed her head against mine, feeling her splitting fever cover my body as it started to rain. When I looked around, people were gathered looking horrified.

“’re head split wide open. I thought you were gone.” Canary shivered. When I sat up to check the back of my head, there was no wound. Sure it hurt like hell and there was a lot of blood, but other than that I was perfectly fine. I patted myself over, no cuts or bruises from the glass either. I looked at Canary and she hugged me tightly as I stroked the top of her head. I must have…. Come back to life.

“Shh, it’s okay, don’t cry.” I told her as I rocked gently. The students muttered around me as I stood up one of them screamed. I was too dazed to care, but it seemed that was enough to back up my theory that I had actually come back to life. Canary stood up as well, looking at me she wiped her tears.

“I’m sorry Kevin, I have to go.” I was about to protest. With this event, I didn’t want her to leave. Yet it became apparent I couldn’t do anything this time. I watched as she ran off. I stood there confused for a few minutes before the nurses showed up to see what had gone on.

I never saw Canary again, or at least I didn’t think I ever would. After a few months, school had returned to normal. Everyone forgot about the incident with me and the window. So I had gone back to being as antisocial as I had been before. I wasn’t too upset over Canary leaving, though she probably had her own reasons for leaving I wish she could have stayed. Maybe we could have been more than friends. There was one funny thing though. Every night that I went out to draw on the tree. There was an owl sitting on the branch above my head. It didn’t seem to fly away or move from its spot. Whenever I looked at it, it was just staring at me - it gave me an odd feeling. That, was how things continued.

© 2016 Centipedle

Author's Note

I wrote the original story back in 2011, I rewrote it about twice in 2012. So now I've decided to go back over it again(so much editing and it probably needs a lot more I practically rewrote the whole thing). There has to be some mistakes here and there so let me know if they are. This is one of my personal favorite short stories I wrote in the past and anything to make it better is welcome. Tell me what you liked, tell me what you didn't like and where I could possibly improve.

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My favorite written piece you have, and the best. In my honest opinion of course so grain of salt to be taken as usual. Alice pointed out a highlight of the dialogue, little things like that make us interested in the characters. I had my feeling Canary was a chickcharney, with no form, or whatever form she wanted to be perceived in. Pure nature. Good choice, bad choice, they have their own consequences or good karma. You did great keeping Canary veiled as the chickcharney, though some wording near the end made it a little bit obvious. Keeping an air of mystery would be the better way to go, but us also knowing would be a good twist. Keep on revising, the revisions you have done show remarkable improvement!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


My favorite written piece you have, and the best. In my honest opinion of course so grain of salt to be taken as usual. Alice pointed out a highlight of the dialogue, little things like that make us interested in the characters. I had my feeling Canary was a chickcharney, with no form, or whatever form she wanted to be perceived in. Pure nature. Good choice, bad choice, they have their own consequences or good karma. You did great keeping Canary veiled as the chickcharney, though some wording near the end made it a little bit obvious. Keeping an air of mystery would be the better way to go, but us also knowing would be a good twist. Keep on revising, the revisions you have done show remarkable improvement!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautifully written story. I really love the images it creates in my head, and the emotions it generates in my heart. It is compelling in the philosophy it presents, yet touching at the same time. I would love to help you with the small grammar problems. Please IM me if you would like help with that. I really like your style of writing. Thanks for sharing! :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

Wow, I really love your story. I want to know about the Canary character, but it might be better not to. After all, she is connected to a legendary creature and mystery is one of the biggest reasons why folk stories fascinate people.

I agree no one is purely good or evil, especially since good and evil are subjective. There is no one representation of a good or evil person that everyone agrees on. In that sense alone, it is impossible for have a morally pure or entirely corrupt individual.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Another gem. This one is my favorite. Well done.

Posted 8 Years Ago

This is a very cool story. I love both Kevin's and Canary's characters, and the interweaving of the chickcharney legend into the story. You develop the setting, plot, and characters very well. I like the part where Kevin asks "What kind of question is that?" and Canary replies "A question that you are obligated to answer" - may I use that? :) My only suggestion would be to check on the grammar in a few places, as there some instances of sentence fragments. But overall, excellently written, and very enjoyable to read!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You are a talented writer. You create interesting place, School, strong character and situation of mystery. The deaths of the three students enhance the story line and the plot of the story. The story brought me in and held me to the last words. Thank you for sharing the amazing story. I enjoyed the story as is. But always follow the example of the perfect tale. Ensure every scene had the who, what, why, when and how of every situation.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 22, 2016
Last Updated on May 22, 2016



Apple Valley, CA

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