The Grey Cat's Tale

The Grey Cat's Tale

A Chapter by Celestirys

The stray tomcat turned out to be a shapeshifter, who travelled to the village to warn the young girl. As the grey cat tells his tale, Sharla begins to uncover the past of her family.


2. The Grey Cat’s Tale

Sharla’s sudden shock vanished after a few seconds. With an agile move she grabbed the knife with which she cut some bread slice for the two of them when Balgran was still in her home. It would have been so much better if he stayed for longer this time, although probably the cat wouldn’t have transformed into a man in that case. He deliberately waited until she was alone and darkness settled outside. This was careful planning. Sharla did not know how she can fend off with a knife an attacker who had a sword, but it was still better than being completely unarmed. And the blade seemed to make the man uneasy.
‘No need for that. I’m not here to harm you.’ The man said with a relatively calm voice. He still looked as if being somewhat uncomfortable with the whole situation.
‘I have trust issues with cats that simply transform in front of my eyes.’
‘Point taken.’ The stranger nodded in acceptance. ‘I will explain everything as soon as you calmed down and put that thing away.’
‘I was not born yesterday! Who are you and what do you want? Are you with those soldiers?’
‘No, I have nothing to do with them.’ He said immediately.
‘So you’ve been watching for a time now.’ Sharla looked at the stranger distrusting. The man smiled.
‘Clever girl. Yes, I arrived yesterday afternoon. Like I said, I mean no harm, but I need to speak with you. It’s an urgent matter.’
‘Why should I believe anything you say?’ Sharla still held the knife in her hand, the sharp end pointing towards the stranger.
‘My name is Dracassor, I am one of your father’s companions.’ Sharla’s heart skipped a beat, then resumed with a much quicker pace than before.
‘I haven’t met them in person. Anyone can claim that.’ sharla stated with a weaker voice than she intended.
‘That’s why I hoped I can meet with your mother too, she would immediately recognise me. Just like in old times.’ A nostalgic smile appeared on the man’s face.
‘You know my mother?’
‘Of course. She used to be an adventurer too. With Gaon.With me. With my sister. You… haven’t heard?’ The stranger looked surprised.
‘Well, asking mother is out of option. How do you want to prove you are who you claim to be?’
‘Where is your mother? Is she alright?’ Deep wrinkles appeared on the man’s forehead.
‘How do you want to prove it?’ She pressed every word in the sentence. Sharla had no intention of revealing anything about her mother’s whereabouts.
‘Well, this will be complicated. I assume telling a few stories about our adventures together won’t help?’ The man began to look confused, even uncertain.
‘No, it won’t.’
‘It seems we’re at stalemate.’
‘Not for long if you can’t prove yourself.’ The man’s hesitation let Sharla’s courage return. She remained careful, but she had found more than just her voice in the last few seconds.

The stranger stood still in his place motionless, very careful about not touching anything that can be considered a weapon. He was thinking silently how to solve the situation, when the answer came to him suddenly. He smilingly smacked with his fingers. Sharla almost jumped because of the sudden motion. Her arm had began to slowly lower itself, but her muscle were tense again, ready to act.
‘I think this should work.’ The man said happily.
‘I am eagerly waiting.’ Sharla’s voice was full of cynicism. The man just smiled, and then began to whistle. The tune was very simple and relaxing, as all lullabies sang to children. Sharla recognised the melody in an instant. This was the one her mother sang to her, when she was a child. She said it was her and his father’s joint creation, made when she was still in her mother’s tummy. And this was the only memory she had of her father. She couldn’t remember, how he looked, she couldn’t recall what features he had. But she definitely remembered this song, sang by a warm, strong male voice. She slowly lowered her hand, and put down the knife. She quickly wept away that few teardrops which were gathering in the corner of her eyes. No way could anyone know about such a small, silly thing, unless her father shared the memory with them.
‘So, does this mean you’re willing to give me a chance?’ Dracassor asked. Sharla nodded with a small nod.
‘Pleased to meet you Dracassor.’
‘For friends and family, and family of friend’s it’s just Dracas.’
‘So what kind of urgent matter brought you hear? Is… my father all right?’
‘I imagine you have a lot of questions. And I have a lot of things to tell, so it’s better to start everything from the beginning, and keep going in an orderly manner.’
‘Okay.’ That didn’t sound too reassuring to Sharla.
‘Then let us sit down.’ Dracas gestured to the chairs. ‘Uhm, you don’t happen to have any ale, don’t you?’
‘Not any, sorry. I can make some tea if that is any good?’
‘It’ll do, thank you.’ Dracas put down his backpack, sword and the mysterious package, and sat down, while Sharla put some water on the fire to heat it for the tea.’

After Sharla sat down too, Dracas waited a few more seconds before he started. He needed to gather his thoughts.
‘Since you were so surprised, I assume your mother didn’t tell you how he met her? Or Gaon her?’
‘She said they’ve met during travelling.’
‘Well, that’s true. We were travelling a lot together. We were all adventurers back then. And good friends of course. We had many exciting journeys.’
‘Is that how mother knew so many things?’
‘Nah, she already knew an awfully lot of things. If you’re the daughter of a noble family, you get the best education.’
‘My mother is a noble?’
‘You didn’t know?’
‘We never talked much about the past. It always made her sad so I didn’t force the topic.’
‘I see. That’s thoughtful of you.’ Dracas sat quietly for a few moments, thinking, then continued.
‘So, as I said, we were travelling together, hunting for artefacts and treasures or simply for information on magical items. Even though we were constantly in danger, we were a rather carefree and cheerful bunch, until trouble had found us.’
‘What happened?’
‘Well, you see, your mother’s undoubtedly rich and even more powerful family is on the side of the empire. Such a disgrace that their own blood turned on them and became an adventurer could not be tolerated. One of her siblings, an elder sister personally wanted to hunt her down.’
‘I have an aunt?’
‘You have several. Well, you have one less.’ Sharla already had a surprised, almost shocked expression on her face, but as the story continued she almost felt as if she knew nothing about her own family.

Dracas continued.
‘She and her guardsmen tracked us down. It was a nasty fight, but we won. However, your mother got gravely injured and almost died. She survived only because of our Lady Luck favoured her. I found a healer, who could use magic. It was still a hard task, but in the end, he managed to cure Etaline’s wounds, and get rid of that nasty poison.’ Sharla’s eyes grew wide.
‘Wounds, poison?’
‘Your aunt wasn’t joking with the matter. She wanted her sister, the disgrace of the family dead.’ Dracas’s voice was grim. ‘But it also opened your father’s eyes as well. He always had a great sense of justice, that’s why he began the dangerous hunt for artefacts. However, there was someone much more important in his life.’
‘My mother.’
‘Yes, Etalin.’ Dracas nodded. ‘So we’ve let the rumours spread, that although your aunt died while trying, in the end, she did manage to eliminate the family disgrace. They had a chance to settle down somewhere in peace this way. Etaline was thought to be dead, and it was believable that Gaon was broken after the loss, and vanished.’
‘That’s when they came to Fiude.’
‘That’s right. However, as a parting gift, my sister gave them a small bronze mirror, with which they could contact us. We didn’t talk every day, but they used the mirror often.’ Dracas had a warm smile on his face. ‘They cared about us a lot. Of course, they also asked about what was happening all around the world, what did we hear, what did we found. And from the news Gaon became grimmer and grimmer. In the end, his strong sense of justice awoke from its slumbering and made him act.’
‘He left to find you, and help you.’ Dracas nodded with a painful expression.
‘Yes, that was our fault. I am sorry.’

Sharla sat quietly. She was still processing what she had heard. His father wanted a better world, and what he had heard was nothing like it. So he wanted to act, and not even her daughter, not even her love could keep this urge at bay. Nothing could calm his restless spirit. That’s why he had left. Sharla moved only when the kettle began to whistle. The water was boiling. She got it off from the fire, put out the flames, and then threw some leaves into it. She sat back, but spoke only a few seconds later.
‘If that was his reason, it would have happened eventually. He would have heard gossips, and I don’t think my father is a stupid man. He would have gotten the picture sooner or later. At least this way he had friends to help and did not wander alone.’ A sad smile curled her lips. Her father’s leave was still a painful issue, but she did not want to blame it on Dracassor or his sister. This was something she had to settle with his father, in person. She had to question him, she had to listen to his answers, she had to release the pain, anger and frustration right in front of him, and hopefully, forgive him afterwards.
‘That’s very kind of you. Still we made your and Etalin’s life difficult. And this had a great lot to do why she hadn’t spoken about the past.’ Sharla just nodded.
‘So this part is clear more or less. Of course, I have a... well, zounds of question, but I’m sure you didn’t come only to have a nostalgic chat.’
‘Cutting to the point, just like your mother.’
‘You’re not the first to tell me that.’ Dracas laughed full heartedly at the girls reply.
‘It’s hard not to notice the resemblances in you and your parents. But you’re correct. I was getting on a side track.’
‘So, what is the urgent matter?’
‘As I said, we let rumours spread that Etalin died, so you can have a peaceful life. Luckily, the agents of the empire still think she is dead. However, they somehow found out Gaon has a daughter.’

The words felt heavy, as if having the same weight as mountains. They sat in silence for long moments. Sharla was pondering on what she had heard, her mind processing the information and already deducting, what that meant, but not wanting to fully realize it, not wanting to accept it.
‘So, they know he has a daughter. And what?’ She wanted to sound calm, even uninterested, but her weak, trembling voice gave away her true feelings. She was worried, frightened and uncertain. Dracas looked at her understandingly.
‘They have a name, and a vague description. One might not be enough, but the two together…’
‘They… they want to track me down.’ Sharla was shocked. It was the second time that evening. They were hunting for her. They were coming for her. Her heart began to race, she looked around in panic.

Dracas stood up, walked next to her and put his strong hands gently and firmly on her shoulders. It was both calming and gave a small illusion of safety. Sharla looked at him with frightened eyes.
‘They’re not here yet, they don’t know where to start their search. But they are already looking. You have still time to act, but you have to be quick. Time is of the essence.’ Sharla nodded slowly. Her heart still pounded too fast, and she felt as if an iron grip was holding her throat in its grasp.
‘What now? What should I do?’
‘Don’t be frightened, you’re not alone. We’re here to help. I came not just to warn you, but to do what I can to aid you, to give advices, to provide information, to help you make the necessary decisions. I assure you, you can put your trust in me.’
‘But… this is so sudden. This is too much. I don’t know what to do or even where to start!’ Sharla felt dizzy from the new information and the sudden tension built up inside her. Dracas smiled at her with a warm smile.
‘I know both Gaon and Etalin well. They are clever, cunning, adroit and strong. You resemble the both of them in many ways. The first steps are always hard, but I am sure we can figure something out. You already proved me you’re a resourceful girl.’ Sharla had a faint smile on her lips.
‘You’re right. I have to pull myself together. I can’t afford self-pity.’
‘See? I told you, you are like them.’
‘But I don’t know half as much as they do!’
‘You know a lot more than any typical villager, don’t you think? Yet one of them already became well known through courage and wit. Besides, nobody was born an adventurer; everyone had to start with the first big step. Plus, you have more than one option.’
‘What do you meant?’
‘Becoming a rogue, an adventurer is one choice. But you can also try to get to Lightshore. Many of those who do not want to belong to the empire try to flee there. ‘
‘They are in war, they have their own problems. I don’t think they will welcome all the nobodies who are going there.’
‘Again, you have a better head start than most. You know the basics of healing. That is a big treasure, something they would value. They wouldn’t turn you away. Plus you have a contact there, don’t you?’
‘A contact I cannot reach.’
‘Dropping names can help. Not always but it would worth a try.’
‘And what if I hide in the woods? I know this area well and…’
‘It wouldn’t be safe for you, for your mother, or for the village. I am sorry, but staying here is out of question. It would only put everyone in danger.’
‘So my best options are either going to Lightshore or becoming an adventurer.’
‘Yes, these are the best ones �" if you ask me. Both Lightshore and a group of adventurers welcome healers, so you wouldn’t be alone for long. Think it through, and when you made your decision, just let me know. I’ll be staying here, but please try to act naturally with that grey cat, okay?’
‘I’m sorry?’
‘I mean I have to decide now?’
‘Well, it’s not that urgent, but a fast decision would be useful.’
‘The villagers know me, some would notice immediately something troubles me, and lying wouldn’t help me. I’m not sure some wouldn’t see through it right away. The less they know the better for them.’ The thought of making such an important choice in such a short time was frightening and nerve eating. However, she was sure that was the right thing to do. She won’t be able to act naturally with such a sudden burden on her shoulders, and if soldiers would come for her, it’s better if they know nothing about her departure. They cannot lie about what they have no information on or they cannot give away what they don’t know about.

There was one question that had to be settled, before she could think about her own future.
‘What will happen to mother?’
‘She’s not in danger. She can, and she should stay and lay low. I’ll stay with her. I can impersonate a distant relative, a long not seen family member, or simply I’ll be the new house pet.’ He grinned. ‘We’ll discuss the details together.’
‘Will you help her? Will you defend her if they do come for her?’ Sharla asked with a serious expression on her features.
‘With my life if need be. You don’t have to worry about her, I promise. I’ll keep her safe, and I’ll do whatever I can for her.’
‘Thank you Dracas.’ She smiled grateful. She didn’t want to abandon her mother, but she had to. Dracas was right. Sooner or later the agents of the empire would come to Fiude and she can’t be found here. Etalin would defend her furiously, and her being alive would also come to surface which would only endanger her too. She had to leave. However, knowing that her mother won’t be left alone, that an old friend will be here for her, lifted some of the heavy burdens on her heart. It cleansed her thoughts of some of the fears and worries which clouded her mind. Now she could focus on deciding which path to take.

Neither of the two options meant safety for the moment, and maybe none of them meant safety in the long run, yet they were better than waiting and hoping the empire would never find and take her away. One the one hand, the war was not won yet and any of the armies could emerge victorious it at this point. Should the empire’s forces succeed she’d be in a pinch again. However, Dracas was right in one thing. Sharla had someone there, who she knew well, who might be able to help her. A small silence crept into her trail of thoughts. No. She couldn’t do that. Even if she decided to travel to Lightshore, she cannot cling on Westor. He has enough problems on his own, issues he needed to settle. It wouldn’t be fair to add her misery to the lot. She could start a new life there as a novice healer. She would manage to cure common illnesses, treat minor or moderate wounds. She knew many herbs, what they’re good for and what can be made out of them. That’s enough to get some work. Or she can be a servant. She can clean, she can cook, she can handle horses, and they say people never notice those in service; it would be a perfect disguise. Right in front of everyone’s eyes, yet invisible. At the worst case she can become a bodyguard or sort of. She had no actual combat experience, but she was taught how to use a sword. Going to Lightshore had the possibility to open further doors in front of her.

If she were to become an adventurer, she would have to live from day to day. Nothing would be certain anymore, she would have to hide, she would have to run, and she would have to fight. She would be tracking ancient things which might be already destroyed or never even existed. But then she could join her father. Sure, she would be a newbie, a novice, a beginner, but surely her father wouldn’t mind. Finally they would meet again, spend time together, time they had so little in the past. They have so many things they need to catch upon, and between searching for treasures and fending off imperial soldiers, agents, spies and who knows what �" they can finally grow that bond between father and daughter which was missing. Something that was a painful thorn inside her all this time, yet never truly realized it. Things might be mended in the end. Or she can die before reaching Gaon. That was also on the cards. It was a hasty claim that she will make a quick decision. However, it had to be settled, while the shock and the fear and the excitement were new. If these feelings lost their strength, she might lose the will to leave, and that could lead to not only her downfall, but the whole village’s. Two traitors in one small lot? The area would be purged without hesitation.

Sharla sat silent and motionless for a long time. Neither did Dracas move, only the small flames of the candles flickered, making the shadows dance in the room. As the girl lifted her tired gaze upon him, the man knew she had made her mind.
‘I’ll be an adventurer. I’ll find my father, and continue forward together. We’ll see how that will turn out. I’m going to leave Fiude at dawn.’ Dracas looked surprised at first, but he’s features soon gave way to a sad, sympathetic smile.
‘So shall it be. Although you don’t need to hurry that much, you still have some time.’
‘No, I have to. I’m not that good at acting, I can’t hide all this. Many would be suspicious and I don’t want to make them worried or get them into trouble.’
‘You know, you don’t need to go alone. You can convince someone to go with you, someone, who you trust. That boy maybe?’
‘No.’ She said it immediately and strictly. ‘I mean, I trust Balgran, he’s my best friend, he was always by my side when I needed him, and surely he would come if I asked him, but I can’t do that to him. He belongs here.’ She stared in front of her with a painful look. Balgran. Another important person is about to vanish from his life without a word. This is going to cut a deep wound inside him, but it’s still the lesser evil. She shouldn’t ruin his life by asking him to go with her.
‘As you wish.’ Dracas nodded in agreement. He didn’t want to force the issue. ‘Don’t you want to say farewell at least to your mother?’

The question felt like getting a strong blow hit her stomach. Of course she wanted to see her mother once more, to talk to her, to explain to her, to promise her she will come back together with her father. But the festival had just started and the caravan wouldn’t be back for another eight days or so. That was too much time.
‘No, I have to leave.’ Tears began to gather in her eyes. Dracas stepped next to her and patted her back.
‘There, there. I won’t torture you with any more questions. Try to get some rest; I’ll wake you a bit earlier than daybreak. I’ll keep a watch until then, and think of what you will need to pack. Agreed?’Sharla nodded slowly and tired. She stood up and went to the bedroom with small steps, tacking a single candle with her. She felt so weak, she felt too weak for all of this. However, she had no choice in how this issue came to be, only in how to continue. She soon saw that the other room was already dark, and she heard the soft meow of the tomcat. The curtains covered them while they had their conversations and Dracas was careful not to get in front of the window. He didn’t want to catch unwanted attention, and a stranger sneaking into a young girl’s home would be fast spreading news. She didn’t change her clothes; she just put the candle on the nightstand and fell into the bed. The motion created a drift which blew out the small flame. She was exhausted, and she soon fell asleep. Dreams came as a chaotic mix of visions and images, which she later couldn’t recall but made her rest uneasy. Dawn was approaching fast, too fast.

A gentle touch and the soft whispering of her name woke Sharla. She still felt tired and sleepy, and for a split second, she didn’t remember why she had to rise already, and who was there with her in the house. However, after a few confused looks at the face of Dracas slowly everything came to the surface. All the information she received, the warning, the burdens, her decision. Suddenly she felt even more exhausted as if she hadn’t slept at all.

To her credit, Sharla nodded slowly to assure the man she was already awake, and slowly crept out of bed. She needed to pack her things. She changed into clean clothes, then went to the other room and washed her face with some cold water from one of the buckets. The cool touch refreshed her somewhat. Dracas was sitting next to the table. It was still dark outside and the adventurer lit no candles, instead he used a small stone which had a soft, warm glow, to ensure some light inside the house. Sharla stared at the small rock in wonder.
‘My sister made it. She always had talent for magic.’ He definitely looked proud of his sibling. ‘She inherited father’s might in the mystic arts, whereas I inherited his transformation abilities.’ He added as an explanation.
‘Your father is a shape shifter?’
‘Kind of, yes.’ Dracas nodded. That wasn’t really an answer; however, Sharla didn’t want to be rude, so she let go of the matter. Instead she shifted her gaze onto the table. Dracas prepared breakfast. He sliced some bread, cheese and ham, and he added some dried fruits to the menu as well. Sharla blinked in surprise. She didn’t even recognise some of those good looking treats.
‘One positive side of being an adventurer is that you travel to faraway lands and you can try the local food.’ Dracas winked.
‘You must have visited quite a few places.’ She sat down next to Dracas, still looking at the dried fruits.
‘Yes, I’ve seen many interesting sights with my own eyes. If the circumstances were different, hunting for treasures would be a wonderful life, but since it means making a target of yourself, it’s not so popular.’
‘Can’t imagine why.’
‘Well, the emperor’s plan worked. Fewer try to search for relics, and fewer are willing to aid them either being in trouble or not in trouble.’ Dracas sighed clearly trying to get rid of the frustration.
‘They can be punished too, if being caught.’
‘That’s why I’m surprised these villagers let your mother give a roof for us.’
‘They appreciate mother’s help and knowledge, and maybe her kind nature too. I have to admit, they are not the bravest, but that’s not what they should be. They are villagers, they know how to make clothes or build cottages, but they’re not meant to fight. They are good people. Well, most of them.’
‘True, farmers and tailors shouldn’t fight, but if things don’t change, one day they might have to. Or face a fate much worse. But let us speak about different matters, after you ate your breakfast. No skipping, you’ll need energy.’

Sharla nodded in agreement. Travelling was always demanding, and hers was a long journey. She ate as much food as she could, without getting overfed while she was listening to Dracas.
‘If you don’t mind, I prepared a few things. I packed them into the bag you used yesterday.’ Sharla nodded. Dracas already put some food, medicines, bandages and the girl’s knife into the backpack. Some of them were from the cupboards of Sharla’s home; some of them were from the man’s own stock. He quickly briefed the girl on the extra remedies he gave her. Some were for treatments of injuries, others were antidotes.
‘Pack some clothes for this season, and maybe some for the upcoming. If weather gets colder or warmer, you’ll need to get new ones. It’s not worth carrying too many garbs; it’s a waste of space and weight.’ Sharla nodded again, as she began to think what she had to take along.
‘Money is also important. You’ll definitely need to refill your stocks, and sometimes money can win favours or gain help. Never underestimate the power of a few coins, or the greed of men. I’ve lent one of my purses. It’s mostly silver coins, don’t mention it. You’ll put better use to it than me. ’ With an unfaltering gesture of his hand, Dracas prevented any objection the girl could have said.
‘I’ll never be able to repay the help I got from you.’
‘I’m the bearer of bad news. I had to compensate somehow.’ He smiled wearily. ‘One last thing.’

Sharla wiped her mouth after the last bites while Dracas cleared the table. After that, he grabbed his mysterious parcel, and put it in front of her.
‘Open it.’ He told her with a cheerful tone. Sharla untied the cords holding together the cloths covering the longish item. After a few seconds, she was able to see the package’s content. It was a slightly ornate, old, but well-kept sword in a plain scabbard. The hilt had a brown leather grip, the pommel was made of a polished, translucent crystal, and the cross bar was decorated with miniature lightning bolts.  Sharla studied the weapon in awe.
‘May I?’ She asked for permission excitedly. Dracas nodded. Sharla grabbed the hilt in an instant, and pulled out the sword from the scabbard. It felt surprisingly light, and it was well balanced. The blade was narrow, but only one side was sharpened, like scimitar’s blade, although it was longer and more slender. The slightly curved metal ended sharp and pointed. Obviously the sword was better for slicing, but stabbing with it also did quite the damage. Lightning pattern was carved into the base of the blade, and smaller, translucent crystals were embedded throughout the sword, following its middle line. It was the most extraordinary thing Sharla had ever seen. Her admiration of the weapon was written all over her face. She took a few steps away from the table, and swung the sword a few times. She immediately fell in love with it. Those simple moves she had practice came so easily, so gracefully with this blade.
‘As you may have guessed, we managed to come across a few interesting items. None were of outmost importance, but they’re still something. This is a replica of the Sword of Lightning. Don’t expect to become the queen of storms with it, but the metal is enchanted. It can cut through many things which would stop ordinary steel or iron. It belonged to your father; it is only fitting to be yours now.’

Sharla was staring at her new sword with excitement and adoration, until realization hit her. Was. Now.
‘What do you mean by that?’ She looked at Dracas confused. Fear began to creep into her spirit. The man felt an uneasy knot forming in his stomach and heart.
‘I haven’t told you the whole situation yet.’ Sharla’s nervous features began to turn ash like, as she slipped the sword back into the scabbard and sank back to her chair. Dracas took a deep breath and sighed.
‘We were heading south through the farther region of the Waldren forest, when one of us were caught. She was taken to the region’s regent. We knew what that meant. Torture, then death. We couldn’t let that happen, so we tried to save her. However, things didn’t go well. W had no time to waste as I did not know when I will be able to meet with them, or have the empire dispatched soldiers in search of you already. I decided to come here as fast as I can, and tell you about the danger.’
‘But… where is my father?’ Sharla looked at Dracas, desperate for answers. Dracas turned away his gaze, ashamed and bitter.
‘I cannot tell you that. All I can say, is your best option is to find my sister. I know she is alive, I can feel it. It’s that mystical bond of the twin’s thing, or that’s how my sister always explained such things. She’ll be able to help in finding him, I’m sure of it. She’s always the one with the knowledge and ideas.’ He smiled a faint smile. Sharla nodded unsurely.
‘So, your sister can help me to find my father?’
‘She can help you in many things.’ He nodded.
‘How do I find her? How will I recognise her? Does she look like you?’
‘Finding her won’t be an easy task, but if you listen carefully for gossips, you’ll know where she is.
‘She’s a sorceress. Unnatural and mysterious things are always happening around her.’
‘So I’m looking for a sorceress who is…?’
‘You are looking for a sorceress who can change her appearance like I can, although Nestra has only a human shape. She can change the colour and length of her hair; she can alter somewhat her features…’
‘How can I find her if she always looks different?!’
‘She cannot change one thing: the colour of her eyes. They are always orange, like the raging flames. That will give her away.’
‘Orange eyes…’ She repeated surprised. Did Dracas originally also have orange eyes? Maybe he wasn’t even showing his true form? What were these siblings? Her thoughts trailed off on these mysteries for a split second. So many questions she wanted to ask, and she had no time to do so. She had to find everything out for herself, or she had to ask everything from that woman, Nestra. Provided she can find the sorceress.

Silence began to perch on them again. Dracas didn’t know what else to say in such a situation. There were so many things, but he didn’t want to frighten the girl even more. It must be already very hard for Etalin’s daughter. Leaving everything behind because of a danger that is real yet who knows when it would catch up to her? Soldiers might never come to this village, but if they would find it, and she had remained in Fiude, it would result in a catastrophe. Nestra will be furious for not telling the girl all the details, but that’s another story. The mage can make as many remarks as she would like, she can even shout with him or hit him when they next see each other. Just let Fate give them a chance to meet. He knew his sister was alive, but he had an uneasy feeling about her. Did something happen to her, or was he just too worried about his older sibling? He didn’t know. He, as a shape shifter prodigy had an easy job playing tricks on soldiers, hiding right in front of their eyes, and it pained him that he did not search for Nestra, but he knew Etalin needed him more than her sister. Gaon left her and now her daughter is taken away as well. The healer was a strong woman, but this blow can be too much, even for her.

Sharla was also sitting quietly. She had so many questions, yet she didn’t even ask one. She didn’t know, where to start, and maybe, in some cases she was too afraid of what answers she might get. Her mother always told her that knowing more is better, knowledge can aid her, yet, this time, in the brink of her world turning inside out she did not dare to know more. What happened to her father and his party? Who was the friend who died? What and how did they flee? Where did this happen? How will she find Nestra, the other half-blood? How would she handle all that is in front of her? Fear and anxiety began the have a strong grip on her again.
‘You should pack the remaining things. The sun must be rising soon, and the light will pierce the woods and wake the villagers as well.’ Sharla nodded. She had to move, she had to pack, she had to leave before the people of Fiude rose from their beds, peer out of the windows, and leave their homes to start their daily routines.

She stood up, grabbed a piece of the few remaining dried fruits, tossed it into her mouth, and went back to the bedroom. She came back within a few minutes, held garbs in the colour of the forest, mostly different shades of brown, with a few green on them. She was already dressed in a same way. She wore a green tunic with a dark brown west, chestnut coloured trousers with a dark belt, and her usual, brown boots. She put the extra clothes into her bag, with some other useful things, like a torch, rope, small tools which might come in handy. She also put a blanket on the top. Lastly, Dracas handed her a cloak, that was made of a light but warm dark gray material.
‘Here, this might come in handy. Kept me warm for many nights.’
‘Thanks.’ Sharla took it with a small, grateful smile, and threw it over her shoulders. Her bag was packed, she had enough breakfast, and she was ready to leave. Still, she just stood there in one place inside the bigger room of the house unable to make the slightest step. A home she might never see again, in a village she might never be able to come back to. Her heart began to race again. Dracas stepped in front of her, and gently handed her the sword. The scabbard had straps and buckles on it with which she could buckle it to her belt. She slowly took the fine weapon, and attached it onto her waist. She felt the weight pulling at her side. It was a strange feeling, but it was somehow more exciting than frightening. Surprisingly, it gave her a bit of courage. Everything will change within minutes. Or rather everything had already changed, but that didn’t mean everything turned into something bad. The old ways of life had ended, but with that, something else, something new had started. Besides, the only constant thing in life was change. The seasons followed each other, and each year when they returned, they weren’t the same. People also changed, they grew up, and even their dreams, hopes and fears transformed.  The only difference was that she had a bigger share of change. She had had a calm and pleasant life; it was long overdue that something happened. It was frightening, yes, but she couldn’t let fear numb her. She had to leave, for her safety, for her mother’s safety, for the village’s safety.
‘I’m ready. And it’s time.’ She said with a low, but firm voice. Dracas smiled at her kindly, and he put his hands on her shoulder.
‘I know it’s kind of hard, and it’s too sudden, but I know, if someone can handle this it is you. You’re a resourceful girl, you already proved that. But remember, this isn’t a burden you need to carry alone. You’ll need to find friends and allies.’
‘Other adventurers?’
‘Yes, for example. However, be careful, some might seem to be eager to help, but only to sell you out in the end. You need people you can trust, but be aware who you put faith into. Sometimes the oddest of people might be the ones you are looking for.’ Sharla looked surprise.
‘Is this how your friend got caught? Because of trusting the wrong people?’ Dracas shook his head.
‘No, that was a different matter. If someone looks too eager to go an extra mile for you for free though, you might want to be a bit more cautious.’
‘I’ll remember that. Is there anything else I should know? What kind of treasure were you searching for?’
‘Small towns and villages are safer for you at the moment; there are no great patrols or big group of soldiers, only a few minor groups and they are less informed. Cities have more people, you can merge into the crowd, that’s true, but that also means more eyes that can search for you or recognise you. As for the treasure... we always aim to get those, which we find good clues for their location. But we are constantly trying to find references and evidences for the legendary four Amulets. My sister wanted to check the credibility of a hint we had found, but unfortunately trouble got caught up to us before she could do so.’ Sharla looked surprised again.
‘The tale of the Amulets isn’t just a legend?’
‘Many think so.’ Dracas nodded. ‘So you heard of the legend?’
‘Yes, some of our guests told me about it, and mother also knew it. Were you also searching for them, when mother was travelling with you?’ Dracas nodded.
‘Yes, we did. However, we haven’t found anything concrete yet. We are sure, they exist, and it can be a key to defeat the emperor and his pet.’
‘Why are you so sure, and what pet?’
‘Something is aiding the Drevor, there’s nothing to doubt about it, but it hasn’t revealed itself yet. Even if it were at the Drevor’s side in battles no one could make an account of it. However, there are many speculations about whom or what it is. We think it is the creature itself from the same legend, the Chaos Beast, against which the Amulets and the Guardians were created.’
‘But that’s just theory.’
‘We have no evidence that would prove it is true. But we managed to get a hold of a letter from a courier, in which they mentioned searching for the treasures, and although no relic names were mentioned, the content suggest the empire wants to find the Amulets. If it is the Chaos Beast which is helping the emperor it would logical to find and destroy them before his enemies can get their hands on them. But that is not something you need to focus upon now. Find Nestra first, get some allies, and then you can decide together how to continue.’
‘You’re right. Better to go step by step and shouldn’t rush things.’
‘That’s right. Time is often of the essence, but it can do more harm if you hasten things that shouldn’t be.’
‘I know. Well, time for me to go or I won’t be able slip out of Fiude unseen.’
‘If everything should fail, and you face difficulties you cannot overcome, travel to Lightshore. You’ll still have a chance there.’ Sharla nodded.

It was time to leave, yet, she hesitated. ~Pull yourself together, don’t be so childish.~ She thought angrily. She slowly turned and grabbed the door handle. After a moment, she pushed it down determined, opened the door, and stepped outside. The air was fresh and cool, and the first rays of the early morning sun began to fight their way through the greenery. The mist of dawn was still lurking between the trees. No one was outside yet except for Sharla. Probably the people of Fiude were waking up, or were about rise. Sharla took a last look at the village where spent eighteen years, her whole life. She didn’t know, if she will ever return, she didn’t know if she will live to tell her adventures. She wanted to take a last look at the dirt road, the houses, the small gardens, the little village on the clearing embedded in the great Waldren forest. She looked toward the centre of the village, where the home of Westor, Lissi and Graas stood. How strange. Westor left to become a soldier, and his siblings were taken. Sharla’s father left, to be an adventurer again, and now, she was forced to choose between fleeing to Lightshore, or follow her father. Her gaze shifted to another house, where the hunter and his two sons lived. Balgran will be devastated. Sharla was sure the young man will be hurt, but she was also certain, that Balg will stand up, and will be able to continue his life. A sad smile appeared on the girl’s face. They were three at the start, then two remain, and in the end, all of them had to continue on a separate path.

She took a deep sigh, and turned her back on the village. She was wearing her knew cloak, the backpack was on her back, and the sword was hanging on her waist. She ironed her will as best she could, and fought off all the fears and doubts. Her new life was about to begin. She didn’t want to forget the time spent in Fiude, but she had to move on, go forward, she couldn’t let the past hold her back. It pained her she couldn’t say good bye to her mother, to her friends, but maybe it was better this way. The villagers didn’t have to hide or lie about her leave, and her mother... she was in good hands. Dracassor will take care of her, he will protect her and he will be there for her. It was clear for Sharla, that the man had valued both her mother and father, and that they were among the most important people in Dracas’s life. Maybe he even considered them his own family. Her mother won’t be alone, and that gave her some comfort. She soon reached the edge of the clearing, and vanished into the misty woods. A new day had started, a new life had begun.

Inside the last house at the eastern side of the forest, a grey cat sat on the counter and watched as a young girl left her birthplace. Many dangers were preying on her, and the girl will have to overcome many difficulties. Guilt ate him inside, but he just couldn’t tell her all the bad news. An empire was hunting for her, and the news came right after two kids were taken from her village. It would have been cruel to tell her how dire their situation was after trying to save Lyrin, their companion. Sharla didn’t need to know, who she was, she didn’t need to know who and what they had to face to save her, and the circumstances of how they got separated. One of them had died, that was sure, he was alive that was also certain, but he didn’t know the fate of Gaon and Nestra. He knew them; he knew what they were capable of, so he hoped for the best and prayed he was right. Otherwise he just made sure that Etalin’s daughter will get even more hardship in her life.

© 2017 Celestirys

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Added on April 3, 2017
Last Updated on April 3, 2017
Tags: fantasy, magic, cat, adventurer, Sharla, amulets, treasure