Where the Red Roses Are

Where the Red Roses Are

A Story by Celeb

Another of the 8-55


Two hearts beating as one. What has become of the obsession that they once shared? Who knows who cares, they have each other for now. Sweat pouring out of their pores and candle light playing upon their features his hand caresses her face leans in for a kiss and instead a blade meets her breast.

A cold October afternoon makes for perfect drinking time. Not of tea or coffee mind you, a stronger brew is what I require to make my blood flow through my dying veins easier. Some shine shall do now child, go to the basement and ignore the bodies. Go now before I get colder my dear.

A shadow sweeps across the desert, blocking out the sun. Along with the shadow comes a bone chilling cold that cannot be shaken. Is it death itself or is it the four horsemen? Whomever it is, they are coming this way without any remorse for anyone or anything. You shall pay dearly for your crimes.

Crimson stains upon her bed, bound and chained her hands above her bed. Why does she deserve this pain? Her heart is still beating in this empty room. The only sounds are the creaks of the rusty bed, the FWUP of the fan above her head. How long will she hold out in this room?

The waters murky depths hide an ancient secret that only you can unlock. Enter while a full moon is out and on the first hour of the new day. Make sure to close your eyes and listen closely to your heart. Breath deeply and murmur your desire. “Leben oder Tod,” and the cave will open.

The drums are back again, hide your lovers hide your friends. The maniacal drums are echoing down the deserted streets, looking for anything who’s heart still beats. Whatever  became of the ones who were discovered remains unknown. All I know is that I am still alive and that I love you with all my heart.

I was there when the music died, when everything in the world stopped, breathed a collective sigh. For that brief moment we united as one. One heart, one mind, one soul. Then the darkness swept in, so did the chilling rain. Everything went back on schedule once again. Yet we were united for a minuet.

I feel your heart beneath my hand Why do I deserve this man? His voice is deep, his love is even deeper. I feel his breath escape from his lips as our two hearts beat as one. The lights are dim enough to see only his eyes, the heavens in the sky above.  

Save me

© 2009 Celeb

My Review

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I loved the way this was written! The line, "go to the basement and ignore the bodies" especially grabbed my attention as a very strong line. The way that you ended the writing was very powerful. Good work!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Love this. Very poetic!

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is really interesting. I like the way you have composed the sentences. Good write!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 1, 2009




Hello! I am 22 and I have been writing for the past going on 10 years. It is mostly poetry and some short/unfinished stories. Some of my writings have been posted on different websites, but I want to .. more..

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