Twilight Hours

Twilight Hours

A Story by Celeb

This is what I call and 8-55. Eight different short stories that are each fifty five words long.


The humming of the motor warmed his dying heart as he flew down the highway. Seeing  familiar signs fly by as his heart beat as one with the mechanical beast below him. His eyes began to tear up, knowing that this is his last ride, that he would never feel the warm breeze once more.

Slowly Victoria walked down the stairs, bare feet gently teasing the wood beneath them. Wearing nothing but a threadbare nightgown she slipped outside to stare at the gluttonously full moon. Moonlight filled her blue eyes making them glow. She gasped as warm wind blew against her as a familiar shadow graced her with its presence.

Thunder rumbled in the sky above the two young lovers inside their beaten van. “Not again” Kymberly sighed as Nicholas fumbled for his pants. “What was that?“ Kym asked as they stopped talking because the wind took on a train like sound that started to get louder by the second. “Oh s**t” Nicholas screamed.

Nikita closed her eyes as she laid in her bed. She waited for the presence that has always sat on her bed late at night. But tonight she didn’t feel the presence for some reason. She opened her eyes and groped for her notebook which she recorded her encounters. “He will show up he always does.”

As the sun began to set and twilight takes over the sky, Bethany was making a mad dash to close her windows before the sun disappeared for the night. Her fear of dark had all but consumed her. “Must…not…let the dark in” Bethany huffed while pulling down her blinds and lit all of her lamps.

Paul tasted blood on his tongue as he lifted himself from the ground. “What the hell?” he asked as he spat out more blood. The punk that knocked him out was standing over him, fists raised. “Get me once, shame on you. Get me twice shame on me” Paul growled as he beaten the punk.

“Can’t you see that I am on the phone?” Lola yelled as her mother shoved  the letters that Lola has been writing to her boyfriend. “I want you to explain yourself as to why there are explicit dirty writings on these letters? Her mother screamed. “It is none of your business” Lola snapped the notes.

“Give me the mike I have an announcement to make” Frankie asked as he stood up on stage. He looked at everyone in the audience seeing that all eyes were on him, knowing that the announcement wasn’t going to be the greatest, but it had to be done. “Got bad news….I am dying” Frankie whispered.

© 2009 Celeb

Author's Note

I would like to know if this needs any tweaking and how it flows.

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Added on May 1, 2009




Hello! I am 22 and I have been writing for the past going on 10 years. It is mostly poetry and some short/unfinished stories. Some of my writings have been posted on different websites, but I want to .. more..

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