The Unexpected Couple

The Unexpected Couple

A Story by Carly

A girl ( Camdon Oragreen) has a crush on a boy ( Zache Windferd) and found an unexpected surprise at an unexpected time.

"Hey, sorry." My crush says as he bumps into me one dreadfull Monday morning, or what used to be dreadfull
 " Your f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f," My friend thumps my head," Your fine!" I mangaged to speak for once. Yes, that is right, it's full blown out CRUSH mode. Can't speak, can't walk, and can't think when he's around.
" Hey your....your.....your Karry right?" Not. Even. Close. My name's Camdon!
" Umm no it's Camdon," I spoke while my heart was beating ten miles a hour," But Karrys close!" I sounded pathetic.
" Well, Camdon, see you in Social -" I cut him off so I could say,
" Math?" Seriously I was irratated.
" Oh right yeah Math!" He had a gleam in his eye. Maybe I wasn't as irratated as I thought I was........... nope still irratated ( but still on crush mode!)
  Hi my name is Camdon Oragreen, straight A student and proud!Wednesday, March 22nd, 11:56 A.M, I was asked to tutor Zache!!!! The conversation was akward but atleast it meant good! It was like, " Ms. Oragreen, may I have a word with you?" Her firm musculer voice echoed, that's right its not a typo firm and musculer!
"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y", No one was there to thump my head, so I did it myslef. I looked stupid, but it worked, "Yes?"
" I would like you to tutor Zache Windferd?" OH. MY. GOD.
" Yes!" I said trying to form exitment in my voice. I failed., 
" Good , you start tomorrow at exactly 6 A.M!" I'll be there at 5.
         I was sooooooooo excited that morning! I put my underwear on BEFORE my pants. I. Feel. Like. An. Idot. Finally Mom's fashion police caught me in the act or I would have gone to tutor Zache in my underwear!
" Honey, I know your excited but please check your pants." She said trying not to burst into a loud obnoctious laugh.
" Uh- I - already checked it.This is how people are wearing it these days." I ran into the bathroom and changed.
            At school, Zache was waiting for me. He was leaning against the library door when I saw him.
" Hey Kar-" I cut him off.
" Camdon" Whats wrong with that boy!
" Right......" What does that suppoesd to mean!
" Anyways Ms. Strong wants you to start with math," I spoke. Shiviring.
" Okay, but first Karr-" I cut him off
" Sorry, do think we could start with S.S?"
" Well Ms.-" For once he cutt me off,
" S.S okay?"
"Okay -" Something cutt me off and it wasn't Zache, it was the annouser who said, " CODE RED CODE RED CODE RED"
" Camdon come with me!" Zache pulled my arm and ran.
       Was it the right moment to realize that he called me Camdon and not Karry? As we were running I tried to ask him where he was taking me but then we stopped, in a dark spot in the library, and he  putt his finger on my mouth.
" Shhhhh, your safe with me....." OH. MY. GOD!
    We sat in scilence just waiting, waiting for this to be over, waiting for him to say " I like you" he didn't say it like that though.
" You know," He whipered, " I really do get good grades."
" Then why-" Once again I was cutt off.
" I wanted to spend time with you." He leaned close to me and kissed. Then the lights went on.


© 2012 Carly

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Added on February 29, 2012
Last Updated on February 29, 2012



I love to write and hope to become an author! more..