I'm tire of war. I was raised with the Vietnam war. My children have the Bush's war. I pray for peace. Time for all people to demand the end to war. I know the 1.2 trillion dollar spend on war could create jobs and help education.
My Review
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I have thought much about it man. The govts of the world can wage no war without men willing to fight. The paranoia of having to defend ourselves is a great evil. There must be civil disobedience and the acceptance of a law of humanity that supercedes the laws of panels of men. Charity to all in need is the way to get there.
I agree with you absolutely and will until my last breath, dear friend. But, more than sad to say, there'll be wars until we have leaders willing to sit, talk and listen with humility, tolerance and respect. And the tragedy of all tragedies is that pigs will fly before that happens because whilst greed supercedes everything else. whilst religion fails to turn the other cheek, history waits its turn to blow us all to smithereens.
Your words are a candle in a dark world, John .. i pray alongside you.
War is ugly, war is personal and very few wars are worth the time, loss of life and loss of so much else. Wars are for special interest groups and politicians these days.
There is an honesty in this piece that begs forgiveness for any faults contained therein, and so I shall do as it asks. I confess that I do differ to most who have reviewed; in that like Alan Seeger, Epictetus, Byron and so many others I do believe that sometimes war can serve a noble purpose, I do believe in a bellum iustum, a just war. But there have been so few I would deign to ennoble with such a title, and we are still too quick to war. But my sentiments aside this is a heartfelt piece of yours, clearly one born of a cruel familiarity with war (something all too common I fear), and it adequately conveys that sincere emotion.
In such a heartbreaking plea for peace and after all you have lost, all you have been through, I feel trite to point out something that detracts from the seriousness of this piece. However, you know me...
It would be a better stated and grammatically correct description of your friend and his kids to read:
My good friend, with his children. He was killed in Iraq in 2004. The way it reads now, it sounds like his children were killed also.
I agree with your feelings 100 percent. 1.2 trillion, it's mind boggling! So many many people want peace, I wish the majority truly did rule.
Great poem, and a look back at a fantastic song I`m old enough to remenber.
I looked at it on exactly the right day, as all over in Europe people are marching for peace, and the picture of the girl killed made it even more poignant.
My darling boy, you know I have a distaste for the obsession of the world with war, with killing as it were, a great piece, well done, you always make me think! x
A Poet and writer who love to read and write.
My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life.
Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words.
Remember .. more..