Twisted City  Part five

Twisted City Part five

A Chapter by Coyote Poetry

Finally a new chapter.

(Are not woman and children more timid than men" The Cheyenne warriors are not afraid, but have you never heard of Sand Creek? Your soldiers look just like those who butchered the woman and children there.)
                                Woquini/ Roman Nose to General Winfield Scott Hancock

                Road trip to Washington State

Sara asked. "Are you doing things that you shouldn't.  The aura of you is black. Remember what our teachers taught us.  We must use our vision to heal and try to help the world.  We were a good foursome once. We were going to save the world. Now agent orange had killed Red Fox. Damn Vietnam took his body then his mind. You stood with him and held his hand to the end. He hated war. It still found him and killed him. Silent Bobcat was killed. She stood with the people protecting the forest in Portland and Washington state.   I know her spirit is dancing in the forest still. I want to burn sage for them when we get to the great woods."

Coyote brought his chair closer. Told her. "I will read some poetry tonight and we will go to Mount Olympus in the morning and drink some rosemary tea and pray. Red Fox and Silent Bobcat needs to be remembered. Maybe I can find my sanity again? He took Sara's hand and whispered to her. "Some deeds and sins cannot be forgotten. The spirit of the water, the sky and the earth may not be able to heal me."

Sara layed her head into Coyote chest. She told him. "I feel the smell of death on you. War is in you still. You are controlled by rage and hate. The good spirits of Mount Olympus can heal you. I pray."

They separate till the evening. He goes to the sea. He took out his power bag. He take out some sage.  He tried to get near where the four friends met 30 years ago. He burn the sage and does a quiet prayer.

"Lord of water, of the green earth and of the four winds. Allow the world to calm down and know peace. Please sent wisdom to the leaders. Need to walk together as one.  We are all brothers and sister on this earth. The circle of life need to come together.  Time to repair thousand years of hate. The children need a place to grow, to breath and celebrate life. All life is precious."

Sara ran the poetry reading. Over 100 people had showed up. She gave out the simple rules. Two poem each and a ten minute limit. She announced John Coyote will read first and then past the reading to the other Poets.

Coyote smiles and thanks all his friends for showing up. He announced. "I'm not dead yet. Just hiding out. My new book will be out in 9 days." He looked at the group of people. Told them. "I tell people. My fan are old woman and young kids. I do appreciate you both. Here is the first poem."

                 Big Surf a-dreaming.
A un-mark road with a small
sign will lead you to a hidden beach on Highway 2.
A small path will lead you to paradise.
A beach not safe for swimming.
But climbing into the rocks. Being one with the sea..
The waves will dance around you. You can sit and write.
The view has no equal for the eyes to see.
Pfiefer Beach is a  nude beach.
Famous for beautiful and sexy people.
The sea will steal the hunger from your eyes.
To view the beauty of the naked young woman on the sand..
I wish to drink wine at the River Inn.
Listen to the music and hear the voices of the Poets and musicians.
I was crazy then. Not so crazy today.
I remember when me and my friend chasing the poor people off Pfiefer Beach.
We were full of vodka and hate.
Told the world to f-off. Leave us alone.
So many sweet memories.
On a sunny hot summer day.
A young nude girl plays a game of chess with me.
I did not win.
So many nights on the beach sharing drink and coffee. So missed.
Where did the Poet go?
Where did all those beautiful and wonderful dreamers go?
Now I have only words on a sheets of paper.
Memories of a man running down empty beaches.
Telling the world to kiss my a*s are gone.
But, give me a chance.
I believe I would read my poetry at the River Inn again.
I would climb the rocks and be thankful to be alive.
Play a game of chess with a naked woman and lose again.

                   Choose the road you love.

I sit at the crossroad of a life.
I look back and thank the Lord of life and death
for my life.

I tell the young people around me.

The Nirvana of a blessed man is to loved a woman.
Held many children.
Celebrated life and having many friends.

A wise man don't blaspheme the people who held
joy and love over all things.
They will be the missed souls.

I light a candle.
Remembering missed family and friends.
I thank them in prayer for their
gifts of love
and friendship.

Regrets will be many in a life.
Forsaken dreams and lost battles.

Only remedy is to get up.
Gather your hopes and dreams.
Choose the road you love.

Kindred spirits dance in my sweet dreams.
Sweet fragments of faces of kind woman.
Exquisite ladies who gave me gifts of long
embraces and sweet kisses.

Dances by the midnight moon.
Create a paradise for a man to revive when
he is old and had too much time.

The memories of long legs, blue eyes and
flowing red hair over my body.
Still can bring a smile today.

Blunders in a  life and love can leave you disappointed.

Only cure is to celebrate each day.

Love, Dance and Laugh.

Choose the road you love.

After reading the two poems. He thanks the people and brought up a young girl to read. He told them. "Now some real poetry. Young and strong in spirit are the youth. Here is beautiful Julie to read." Julie hugged him and open her book and begin to read.

Sara and Coyote walk to Pacific Grove. She asked. " What have you been doing for the last 10 years. This is the fifth time I have seen you since Red Fox and Quiet Bobcat died?"

He looked at the full moon. Brought her close. Told her. "I lost it. My mind and spirit is gone. I'm soaked in blood and I'm walking on a thin line. I have been dancing with the Devil. He always wins."

Sara asked. "Can you go to a real doctor? Maybe you are really sick. You been to three wars. Took a thousand god damn army pills and shots. You are lucky you are not dead already."

They arrived at Sara house. Coyote reaches for the sky. Told her. "You can see forever into the grand ocean. You can watch the whale travel back and fore. You can hear the sea and the cries of the sea life. Look to the sea and when I'm gone. I will be dancing  with my friend  the Pacific ocean." 

Coyote laid in Sara large bed. She came to him. She took off all her clothing. Told him to "Take off his clothing. We will be like children tonight. I will be your Little Wolf again. You will be my wild beast."

Coyote brought her body near. Her warm body brought a calm and peace. He knew lust and passion become less important with time.  Need to feel the heat of body of someone who loved and care for you. He falls into a deep dream.

Coyote stand on a mountain. Below him is fire and death.  Old man Death is next to him. Death hugged him. Told him. "You had a great mission. You choose blood and death. Maybe your deeds would of been like dust in a hurricane. World is dying. Can't stop the poison and pollution. F**k up man killed off his air, his water and the soil. You will watch the ending. No easy out for you great Nagual of death."

Coyote awoke with fear and tears in his eyes. Sara caressed his face. Kissed his hands and neck. She asked. "What did you dreams."

He told her. "We have 14 years and the world will be at it last breath. I don't believe it can be stopped."

Sara caressed Coyote head. Told him. "We will leave for Washington State in two hours. Maybe we can find some answers?" She kissed his forehead and lips. He saw a sadness in her eyes. He knew she had the same dreams.



© 2011 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
Some history and character building. Good for a wild tale.

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Featured Review

Awesome continuation of your story. I sure enjoyed reading it and I do enjoy all your stories and poems. You have a very easy to read storytelling ability which is wonderful! In this chapter I did sense a lot of sadness and I really do like the character Coyote.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Sad but True. Love it

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

so many emotions from one chapter to the next, probably my favorite chapter so far

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Awesome continuation of your story. I sure enjoyed reading it and I do enjoy all your stories and poems. You have a very easy to read storytelling ability which is wonderful! In this chapter I did sense a lot of sadness and I really do like the character Coyote.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a very good chapter but a rather sad one.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

A wild tale indeed, almost sexual in it's delivery

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reminds me of an oral tradition being passed down. I haven't much experience with genre before, but that is what I see and read here. Despite a few typos, this is your best chapter thus far, Coyote.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great write.
This seems so real

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It was good, but what of Beatrice? (I think that was her name)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Excellent chapter that left me wanting more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Coyote, This novel is well written with intense drama and eye catching interest! once again I was captured by your words that drug me in! Excellent chapter

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 22, 2011
Last Updated on June 22, 2011


Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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