Everybody knows

Everybody knows

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

I awoke pissed off today. Then my Poet of music Leonard Cohen set me off to describe my emotion.


                   (I borrow a few lines from Leonard Cohen.
                        Sometime we need to learn emotion and feelings
                        from people who lived a long life.)

                                    "Everybody knows"

Mr. President.

Did you see the gas prices?
Poor people making minimum wage won't be giving lunch money
to their kids.
Will be eating ramen noodles for lunch at work.
Must decide to fill gas tank or pay bills.

"Poor cities in the USA are getting the left over."
Do you give a s**t?
The bloody rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Gas companies made biggest profit the past year ever by sucking the last dollar and hope
from the people. The oil company sells us the oil they bought six months or more ago at highest price they can get and no-one cares..

Where are you Mr. President?

"Was the fight already fixed."
We have a rich man president?

Everybody knows.

House representatives. 435 men and woman.

I saw your budget.
1.1 billion for food and office.
2.3 million per representative to live on.

How many people have nothing in your states?
How many people are homeless?
Are the schools teaching the future of the USA properly?
Do you walk your streets and see the pain?

No equality in the USA yet.
Babies being born in the poor cities.
With one foot in the grave at the beginning.

Wars are being fought.
No-one  knows why we are fighting anymore?

Contractors got 465 billion dollars and cost of war over a trillion.
The rich man knows why.
Poor man born to serve at eighteen.
Hell of a world!
When going to war is better then to swim in the waste and s**t.


I won't waste words on them.
I hear "here or there of them."
A group of useless people serving their needs.

       I pray
I pray to the sky, the water and the earth.
Sent wisdom to the men in-charge.
Please insure all children have food in their belly.
Please lord of life and earth.
Insure all children have a warm bed to sleep in.
Please lord.
Give opportunity and strength to the people in need.
We need a miracle.
War and hate is controlling my world.
Please sent some Angels of love and peace to assist.
We could use them today.
                             Thank you 
I awoke with fear.
I fear for tomorrow.
What will our children have left?
What have we done?
I hated my father for doing nothing.
Now am I any better?
I believe I did less.
Will my children despise me for doing nothing.

It is time to yell.
Write to the leaders. All of them.
Demonstrate in the streets.
Gas prices will be $4.00 a gallon.
Poor man will pay for the greed of the rich man controlling the USA.

             Everybody knows.

Does anyone care?



© 2011 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
I borrow a few lines from Cohen. In the old days words could change the world. Today money and oil controlled the world. It is time we all give a shit about our world. What will you tell your children when they ask. Why are people homeless and the world so hard?

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Leonard is the soul of the human conscience~you couldn't have picked anyone better to open the wound from which your own pain flowed~
this is the world~ there are the few at the top of the madness perpetrating atrocious crimes against humanity~perhaps not on perceived grand levels of physical torture~ but one more insidious~ the wreckage of the human mind and the human soul~ they love to break the spine and create flexible consumers~ more and more are becoming aware of the manipulation and less and less are tolerating the injustices wrought by the greedy little control freaks~ sad to observe that here in this country we have elected them~believing/aching to believe every promise of hope and change when in the end "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"~ your poem is a call to becoming conscious HUMANE BEINGS again~ bravo~

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


This mirrors my sentiment, my fears, especially with the gas prices rising, we're really faltering and scrambling. It's beyond frustrating. I really believe there is strength in numbers and if we all stuck together, pulled our money out of the banks and refused to get gas, just for one day, we could really make a difference. But, sadly, few want to take the risk and fight.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

tell em coyote! this was wonderful. and so well spoken and so very very true. my dad is a truck driver, so ive never had anything. what i do have ive worked my a*s off for. my dear dear friend jessey joined the army after high school, right after graduation. when he came home on leave, we just fell in love. but we didnt have the time to build our relationship as he got shipped right back overseas. this country is keeping people apart and lives are being lost. and why? no one knows why. great poem!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a political work, and I never make comments on politics, but I will say this one thing........That if you're expecting your individual political leaders to solve mankinds problems you are going to be very dissapointed.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well said!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh your words are well taken and very poignant...this rant says the things that we all are feeling..profound writing...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Completely powerful piece. It is truly touching how your frustration to the rich leaders who don't give a Damn can just watch their own people suffer and do nothing about it. And how you made up question our morals because few of us give a dam either. We see the devastation greed and the rich boys club is causing around us and we do NOTHING! I am no better and i know that i let myself everyday not doing a thing about it. We should draw the line and refuse to be swindled out of humanity. We should take a stand! This are powerful words. An excellent eye opener to he at the top of the food chain, too high above to see the common man. Outstanding Coyote. OUTSTANDING.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Coyote - First allow me to say that your piece is clear and to the point. It expresses the feelings of people not only in the United States but all over the world.

There is a popular uprising spreading on earth. Many are at the end of their patience. In the middle east popular uprisings continue in the face of brutal resistance. Here in the US the people are marching on government. There seems to be a spirit of revolution that is being carried on social networks to every city and village on earth.

My question is - If the populace 'wins' what real change will come? History, and I mean ALL of history proves the change will be short lived and as soon as the revolutionaries fade or take power the old Biblical saying will once again be proven - 'It does not belong to man to direct his own steps'.

The revolution we need in order to secure real lasting change and peace must connect us as an entire people to the Creator. That takes humility and submission to something greater than ourselves. Without that we will continue to stumble and fall.

All the best to you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Aint this the truth. We cant even begin to talk about the outsourcing of jobs. I welcome clean energy to rid the world of oil related problems. The world is one big disappointment at times. I did my time in Iraq and was never even told why. I have no explanation for friends lost. I still have hope...and will continue to wish for better things....even though I have my moods when I hear about the 2012 and could care less because I'm just fed up with bad news. You summed it all up perfectly.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The world is a hard place to live in that's for sure. I loved this...
the raw reality of life...yes, everybody knows, but does anyone care
anything except themselves, and I am adding myself to the mix.
Very thought provoking!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Real nice rant Coyote. Very poignant words. I believe you are right the fight was fixed and always is. These are all the things that concern the common man. I am not opposed to capitalism, for that's where our greatest advances come from. Corporatism seems to be the way. The president of GE sits on Obama's "Board of Economic whatever." The Big companies cozy up to him. BP gave more to him than any other politician. This is a cancer that has spread to both parties. Thank you for covering a controversial topic with an excellent poem, brother.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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104 Reviews
Shelved in 10 Libraries
Added on February 27, 2011
Last Updated on February 27, 2011


Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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