Am I dead or alive?

Am I dead or alive?

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

A old poem found. Written 1987.

                             Am I dead or alive?

Describe emotion.
Describe love.
Describe pain.

For every beautiful moment.
Must there be pain also?

For every gift of tenderness and love.
Must we repay it by hate and abuse?

Today my life is even.
All things in balance.

I know the sun will shine again.
The stars will appear in the evening sky.

What is life?
Are we here for any purpose?

Each life does it have any meaning?
Are we just cattle waiting to be slaughtered?

I wonder if being kind, honest is it worthwhile?
Sometime I feel the world is for the strong.

I hope the men and woman of peace are still somewhere.
I rarely hear their voices talking of peace and great dreams.

Where are the storytellers? Where are the lovers of peace gone?
The great people who fight for the weak and the poor?

Anger and pain have overtook my life.
Better to be strong and heartless then kind and foolish.

Am I afraid of tomorrow?
Will I have the energy to walk and survive in this world?

Will I smile?
Will I become the great liar?
Will I show emotion or fake tears to hide the coldness?

Today I like loneliness.
I walk the line of no decision.
Will I join the game?
Become tunnel vision for power and wealth?

Tomorrow the cries of the sick and the hungry may come to my ears.
Will I listen?

Will I become another monster.
Become a leader of control.
Show little emotion and allow the weak to fall to the roadside.

One day you may see me.
Standing above the poor and foolish.
 You may think you see a tear.
No tears in this heartless body.

For even the dreamer can give up.
When the world become to scary to fight back.

Becomes a robot of death.

Please children don't walk with me.
I'm the killer.
The supporter of the rich man.
The supporter of war for profit.

When you see me.
Don't say anything.
Your disappointment give me strength and power.

When I raise my hand to fight.
Walk away and pray for me.
Pray in hell I will find my peace.

Let me soak in the fear of you.
Knowing you have happiness and great dreams.
There is love in your life.

But my heart and mind will block the desire of love and peace.
No profit in peace.

I will be alone in death.
But for the children.
I hope.

I hope we learn to teach the children to love.
Color of skin doesn't matter.
To cry out for the poor is not a weakness.
Love is the greatest high.
Pain is the test of be alive.

Violence and war is the way to create wealth and expand hate.

The funniest part of living is  how to control our emotion.
We love so few in a life.
We have the ability to love so many more.
We should love  the earth, the children and the people.

Pain is the emotion we feel most.

We need to be like children.
Eyes of no fear.
Only the desire to learn and friendship.

The children see the world.
They feel the hate, fear and violence.
How can we teach love?

Our children become us in the future.
We need to teach them well.

Teach them all men and woman are equal.
Teach them to be kind and love/forgive.

Show them the good road.

A fool's wait for answers.
Time for the dreamers and lovers of peace to fight also.

War is not peace.
 War is the killing of human kindness.
                     Thank you
                  22 May 1987

© 2010 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
I believe this old poem have not lost it meaning in 23 years. Any errors. Please advice. I would appreciate.

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i love this poem Amazing work, i will say i will never allow the Goverment nore the world to Mold or change me only God Molds me For he is my only Maker the World would trick me with so much with so many lies now i pray for the fallen ones the lost and broken sad depressed ones ones that struggle ones that have lost kindness in there hearts cause of how ones treated them and they was never that way there is 3 ones like that in my family my real dad my maw maw in law and my step Grandma i don't allow what they say to hurt me so many are blind and allow the world to change them cause they think they have to be like them for them to accept them only one that can truly judge us is God.

life is a Huge Journey and Adventure for me weather it is painful and Happy life is always a lession leaning and Exploring life learning new things meeting new people tasting new foods understand a new language i love life and i love God and even if it's pain and Hard times thrown at me i will not fall down in Give up life is too short for that we only get one chance at life Enjoy the things we have and tell the ones you love how you feel never know they could be gone tomorrow today we never know then if we don't we didn't get to tell them and they won't know how we felt.

theres a Beautiful Rainbow after the pain but we must heal to become strong and still have a loving heart never give up stand tall and strong, and at times we must protect our hearts cause we are the only ones that can do that but look at pain in a postive way and learning from it no matter how paindful it is we can pass that wisdom on to our children and their childrens children.

For every beautiful moment.
Must there be pain also?

this is some thing i teach my son respect love honor and treat others as he wants to be treated with respect and to walk away from the ones that show no respect specially if it wasn't his falt in the first place and that we are equal no matter our skin color.

I hope we learn to teach the children to love.
Color of skin doesn't matter.

this is my favorite line and to tell you the truth thats how i see with my heart the pureness of my heart.

We need to be like children.
Eyes of no fear.
Only the desire to learn and friendship.

Posted 14 Years Ago

6 of 6 people found this review constructive.

Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

Thank you for reading and I agree. we must teach the children well. To love nature and to be kind.


you've touched so many aspects of life and each vividly spoken. the times have changed but the qustions still remain the same. the war and peace are still coiled. good read.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Another amazing piece! No meaning lost at all! You need no advice, you are a master!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This poem makes you take a deep look at your life and how you treat other people and the action that you choose to make in it and how it will effect other people. This is a great poem and the flow is nicely done. Speaking great words of wisdom yet again.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

You always have such great meaning behind your work, very great writting!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is AMAZING!!!!!!!! I so frequently frequently think of all the thoughts you described above. This to me is the most complex of thoughts. It is so complex that there are no words created on the planet Earth to describe th thought. Because we don't know, no one knows why we are here. It is so hard to express this thought because it is complexity in its purest form. No one will ever be able to describe it until maybe the day we die. But I must say, you did an EXCELLENT job. I truly love this. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

An excellent piece of composition. I don't have words to express the depth of your writing. And i don't believe your writings could have any errors.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Your words are always so deep. I enjoy reading your writings. This one, like most of your others I have read, are so very true. I know you speak of war in general but these not only hit home for people who experienced war, have a loved one at war, but also hit home with people who feel like life in general is an everyday war (battle). A lot of what you say really makes me think about my own life and feelings. You have also given me great ideas for my upcoming writings. I will email you with some requests also if you don't mind

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful work... And you're absolutely right, it definitely has not lost any meaning. I loved this line:
"I hope we learn to teach the children to love.
Color of skin doesn't matter.
To cry out for the poor is not a weakness.
Love is the greatest high.
Pain is the test of be alive."

Unfortunately, it seems the opposite is taking place. People focus so much on hating and killing and fighting, that a lot of children don't know anything else. Love is made out to be a weakness. Its really sad.

Great work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I recall writing a poem with the same concept, "What is life? Love?..." But, yours is greater than mine. Great job. :]

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The errors are small and not worth mentioning, but if you wish I can edit for you...let me know okay?
You have said a mouthful here Coyote, your passion for humanity is always clear in all you write. You are in the best place for finding story tellers here LOL!!
I think the kind of control you speak of is all around us and I also think that self-control should be practiced more by many.
I agree with all you say here, particularly regarding the children and the fact that their innocence is so beguiling...horrific that many so-called 'adults' take that innocence away from them and that is when a child will harden the heart and live the rest of their life driven by fear.
A thought provoking write, with diverse issues...


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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106 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on September 11, 2010
Last Updated on September 26, 2010


Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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