I love the old Poets. Some died before they had the chance to do great things. Sergeant Joyce Kilmer words are powerful as 90 years ago.
(Sergeant Joyce Kilmer. Born December 6, 1886-died in battle July 30, 1918. My favorite poem. So beautiful and true.)
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
(Thank you Sergeant Joyce Kilmer for leaving such beautiful words for us to read. Great Poets need to be remembered.)
WAR, what it is good for?
(Edwin starr voice can't never be equal)
Sitting on the Iraq border.
My division of Soldiers are waiting for orders to move..
Old country boy talk of the Tennessee river.
He tells us" I will be fishing all day soon.
I miss the green grass.
Ain't a damn tree anywhere."
Old soldier wallet full of pictures.
He love to show you them.
He has a story for every photo.
I listen and don't complain.
Some sort of peace when you talk of family.
The Chaplain is coming.
Soldiers gather together.
All religion is the same here.
We pray and listen to the Chaplain.
He always ask any requests for a song.
I request the song Amazing Grace always.
Soldier will defend their country.
Don't complain too much about the war.
Just do what must be done.
Going home keeps the soldier hopeful and strong.
Nothing better then a letter from a wife and family member.
Death is a subject not discussed.
The sweet dream of home keep the soldier spirit strong.
Sure would be nice to see the forest in the spring.
Go fishing with old dad.
"Two poems By a old poet and a live one..."
Coyote Poetry,
I have a nephew serving right now. He has been in for about a month and a half. I have a son who served and is now out. Two uncles on my dad's side, two on my mom's and mother's father as well. Their are other relatives as well. Your poem and it's personal touches were very touching to me. I too find trees to be winsome, strong and a great inspiration. The way you use your love of this poem by Sergeant Joyce Kilmer is a wonderful entrance for your own thread woven through this piece of writing. It is interesting to see the feeling of someone living in another generation so close to what soldiers would feel now. Human beings are blessedly the same in war. The song starting your poem is also really fitting. "What is war for?" It is a part of an imperfect life and existance just like this life for all humanity and every creature and creation. God is the clue that it has His great thumbprint though.the way we deal with pain,inescapable as it is...through our covering in Christ. His perfect life for ours. His blood sacrificed on sin's battlefield. All die but all can live eternally. wonderful writing dear man who served our country, and thank you!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
I followed Family tradition. Grandfather, father and I served. Still I pray for no-more war. I pray .. read moreI followed Family tradition. Grandfather, father and I served. Still I pray for no-more war. I pray my grandchildren are not fighting old wars. Thank you Kathy for reading and the kind words.
1 Year Ago
I came across this poem of yours again. It reminded me of the fragility of life and how precious. Ou.. read moreI came across this poem of yours again. It reminded me of the fragility of life and how precious. Our lives do matter dear Coyote.
Great take on the social part of the situation. We always talked about getting a shower and washing the sand out of our hair, getting decent food, wearing clean clothes... I too day-dreamed about the forest and the lake. I got so tired of playin gin the sand box...
This first poem goes well with yours, set up the scene for a longing for trees and life. The real poetry is that written by the earth, your stories remind me of this.
These poems speak a truth that most people fail to realize. By the time they do, it's most likely to late. We need to start appreciating the little things that we often take for granted. Two great poems you have here. Bravo!
Both poems bring home precious truth. There's nothing more beautiful than peace in any form .. Kilmer's poem is often quoted over here.
As to the second poem: your writing's always to the point and to the heart, you write what many feel. Those last lines brought tears .. ' Sure would be nice to see the forest in the spring. ~ Go fishing with old dad.' .. that really is what life's all about. All the rest is just frippery.
A Poet and writer who love to read and write.
My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life.
Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words.
Remember .. more..