A old true story. If you love someone. Remind them today. They are your reasons to be alive.
Death will bring peace….
A pretty and kind Angel sleeps alone tonight. She turned from love and accepted solitude. In the darkness of lonely nights. She wished for more hellos and less goodbyes.
Old men sitting in the back of the corner bar. Sitting with friends drinking shots of whiskey. Old timer Joe toast to a woman left alone so long ago.
The woman who once held love as her will to be alive. Told her lovers now. All I have to give is flesh and bones now. Her eyes empty and sad, her hunger now is to feel a man inside her. Her last emotion.
Liars pay the Devil his due. The lair of the storytellers and fool’s is always filled with more sinners.
Old Joe told me, whiskey won’t take your sadness away. Those damn memories come back and leave you empty and wishing for some kind of peace.
He takes my hand, he whispered I broke a Angel heart. Left her for dead. Then my heart died too.
Karma is a fair judge. Fools who wasted love will die alone and be in hell forever.
He smile and slapped my back. He tells me it is Valentine day. Go home to your wife. Buy her flowers and tell her how much you need and love her. Hell is too damn full of dumb asses already.
He takes my whiskey and drinks it and he turned away.
A woman sit on her porch. She dream she is young and beautiful again. She wishes on the first star. Please tell Joe I forgive him and I hope he okay.
Old Joe died from too much whiskey. A few of us show up and say goodbye. We knew he died of loneliness and a broken heart.
A solace woman sit with tears. I sit with her and I told her what Joe told us.
He would be waiting in Purgatory for the one’s who wasted words and the gift of love. She kissed my cheek and walked into the street.
I leave the funeral and go to my wife. Tell her she is my will to be alive. My only sweet dream.
A beautifully told tale, a strong, emotional story you can tell you poured your heart and soul into. Wonderfully told and heartbreaking all the same. The way it was told really conveys the emotions and the story, making anyone who could stumble across this, ache. Thank you so much for sharing such a powerful poem.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thank you dear friend for reading and the comment. I do appreciate.
Such an emotional write Coyote. Really pulls on the heartstrings. You tell it in your own unique and memorable way. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that love is everything.
A beautifully told tale, a strong, emotional story you can tell you poured your heart and soul into. Wonderfully told and heartbreaking all the same. The way it was told really conveys the emotions and the story, making anyone who could stumble across this, ache. Thank you so much for sharing such a powerful poem.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thank you dear friend for reading and the comment. I do appreciate.
Sounds as though old Joe is managing his own karma. Apparently he left something special to go spilling his seed recklessly. All he can do now is numb his regret with booze. There is a lesson here.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
A hard lesson my friend. Thank you for reading and the comment.
a sad tale of loneliness, grief and lost love. Human nature tells us that we must savor relationships and love, because what else is there in life, if you're in grief. One thing for sure, don't drink yourself to death. Your characters really come alive in this very sad poem. Well written John..
Best, B
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Hello dear Betty. I sat with many Vietnam and Korea war Veterans in Seaside, California. They had fr.. read moreHello dear Betty. I sat with many Vietnam and Korea war Veterans in Seaside, California. They had friends, love was gone. Thank you for reading and the comment.
I wonder if death really does bring peace. I'd like to think so. But not all the characters in your poem reflect that same attitude or opinion; " Fools who wasted love will die alone and be in hell forever."
And, if I may offer a constructive observation, the confusion of tense (present tense, past tense and future tense) made this poem difficult to read. Perhaps proofreading and an edit might correct those and make it more understandable to your reader. "To write is human; to edit, divine." Stephen King Good luck and good writing, F.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Most people who return from death. They say. There is nothing more. Thank you for the help. I do app.. read moreMost people who return from death. They say. There is nothing more. Thank you for the help. I do appreciate Fabian.
In psychology class we watched videos of dozens of people who had died, some for five minutes or mor.. read moreIn psychology class we watched videos of dozens of people who had died, some for five minutes or more, and had shared their "near death" experiences. Most were comforting, a very few were terrifying. There are hundreds of "near death" experiences catalogued and even videos of them on YouTube.
3 Years Ago
We will learn one day Fabian. I believe. We must do somethings now. Some folks say. This world is he.. read moreWe will learn one day Fabian. I believe. We must do somethings now. Some folks say. This world is hell?
3 Years Ago
The majority were very comforting. Some say they met Christ, angels or deceased loved ones and they .. read moreThe majority were very comforting. Some say they met Christ, angels or deceased loved ones and they also say they no longer fear death having tasted eternity. I think man's inhumanity to man can make this world seem like hell; greed, hatred, strife, prejudice, labor, war, poverty, pain etc. St. Paul said, "I shall know, even as I am known." Indeed, one day, we will all know.
This is a great tale of our human nature when in grief, the wanting to feel anything except feeling grief, not a good thing we do but sometimes it’s the only way we cope. I’m heartbroken reading this, a very emotional write. That’s what it is all about, feeling the write
Posted 3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Thank you dear Patricia. Love need daily reminders.
Love... I wonder sometimes if I really know it. I wonder if I ever did. Yes, your wife should know how you you feel. Glad you told her. Words of sad beauty.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Thank you, M. J. Smith. Sometimes life can kick your a*s.
I felt sad for those who died without connecting with a loved one. Alone with just the memories to accompany them to the other side. The conclusion was very meaningful and the poet has a reason to live, in his wife. It's wonderful to return home too. Not everyone is so lucky so those who are should be so grateful for what they have. A beautiful poem, my friend. Such a great message on life and living.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thank you dear Divya for reading and the comment. I agree. Good to listen to people, who can teach u.. read moreThank you dear Divya for reading and the comment. I agree. Good to listen to people, who can teach us a lesson.
A Poet and writer who love to read and write.
My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life.
Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words.
Remember .. more..