Black boy down
Another kid killed in the USA. Media described young black man killed by police. I don't know. I was sadden a young man was killed. I didn't care if he was black or white.
A lot of people pissed off. Burning cities down. Who won? Poor family lost their child. Should of been a time of mourning and than a time of repairing. Repairing mean next election toss out the trash and train the police officers to hand situation with better care.
I was born and raised in Detroit. Good and bad people like all places. I never looked for trouble and trouble never found me. I was a white face in a mainly black school. I was rarely bothers and I didn't know. Some people looked down at the poor.
I was in the Army for almost 15 years. My mentors were Black Non Commission Officers. They looked at me as a man and I looked at them with great respect. Military taught us Soldiers. We are all blood, skin and bone. We have families, like to laugh and want respect.
Black boy down. Laying dead. Who to blame? All through the USA. Leaders are forgetting the kids. Kids need to be busy and active. Need education and opportunity.
Today I pray for the parent of
Michael Brown and tamir-rice. Just kids. Here in the USA. We should be pissed off. Teach Police Officers how to handle kids. Killing should be the last resolve.
Today I'm holding sadness. Kids were killed. Lights of life gone forever. The child killed today could of been the savior of us from violence and hate tomorrow.
Don't burn the cities down. Vote the poor leaders out and demand police reform. Today I'm praying today for the families who lost their children. We need to stand with them and cry.
Here in the USA. Time to change to the ways of Europe. Some places in Europe, Police officers don't carry guns.
Kids have opportunity.
Coyote/John Castellenas