Dovahkiin: A Love Story

Dovahkiin: A Love Story

A Story by Austin H.

I wrote this for Kotaku's Skyrim Story thing, but for some reason my comments are rejected, thinking that they contain too many links >_> Anyway, it's about my character's love for Lydia.


This is a tale of love. A tale of glory, suffering, and dragons. This tale follows the journey, not just of Dovahkiin, but of his love, his heart, and his arrows as they pierced many bodies. This is about how I made a promise to myself and to her. A tale about how I nearly failed that promise, but kept it in the end. This is a tale about the Wood Elf Cassius, and his love for Lydia.

When I first learned I was Dovahkiin, I felt odd. I had lived my entire life praising the trees and living in them. I had a simple life, yet a harsh one. My family slain by Imperials in a raid, I had set off for Skyrim to see about a civil war. As I crossed the border, I was captured along with the engineer of this war, Ulfric Stormcloak. That was when I first realized how I can get back against the Empire, and when I first met a dragon.

After escaping (an adventure for another time my friends), I had found myself in Whiterun, reporting to the Jarl about dragons burning things about his Hold. I served him on a mission to prove my worth, and then as I returned from some barrow with some tablet and a few bandit heads, a dragon attacked. It seemed that I was to go join the guards in the defense of a watchtower. Apparently, nearly having your head cut off and then running scared from a dragon burning down an entire village makes you the top authority in the country on killing them.

Killed it though, I did. After loosing dozens of arrows into the b*****d's pelt, I succeeded in grounding him. I assumed it was a him, as I didn't have time to check what with all the fire and death raining on my poor head. As he crashed into the ground, I shouldered my bow and took out my war ax. Screaming, I jumped onto his head and starting hacking like the idiot I was. After about five strikes, I succeeded in taking him down for good. I slid off the beasts neck, full of pride and a story to tell the tavern wenches. Which was good, because the dragon immediately combusted. I felt a breeze about me, and was entranced by bright lights being absorbed into my being. A guard shouted, “Dragonborn!” and I knew that I as getting all the wenches in the Hold.

As I made my report to the Jarl, he gave me an honor. I was to become Thane of Whiterun. I would serve to protect the Hold (when it pleased me) and even got my own housecarl. I thought, “Yay, a pack mule!” As I made my way down the hall to head towards some old people on a mountain, I met my housecarl. I was speechless. Her beauty radiated a light I had never seen before, brighter than dragon fire. Her name was Lydia, and I knew I loved her.

As the days turned into weeks, and those into months, we traveled together. Ours was a rocky relationship at first, but soon warmed into friendship. We went through everything together. We fought legions of Imperials as we aided the Stormcloaks in freedom. It turned out that she hated the Empire and Thalmor as much as I did. We slaughtered countless bandits. We skinned dozens of bears. We braved the deeps of the world, side by side, me firing arrows as fast as the wind into Falmer skulls while she beat them to a bloody pulp with shield and her Daedric mace I had won her. We knew we loved each other, but we also knew that I had a duty to the world. It was on top of the Throat of the World when I made my promise. I would save us all, and then I would marry her.

As I said before, long before I got off topic, I almost failed that promise. It was in Blackreach, that godsforsaken hell-hole beneath a Dwemer city. The Falmer had an onslaught going, storming us with arrows and swords. No matter how many we killed, dozens would rise in their places. An arrow had taken me in the shoulder, so I had fallen to the ground. “No!”she cried, as she turned to help me. That distraction almost cost her, as a Shadowmaster barreled into her and knocked her to the ground a few feet from me. He gave a horrific screech as he prepared to cut her head off. I thought, “No. You shall not have her. YOU SHALL NOT TAKE HER! YOL! TOOR! SHUL!”

The Falmer was immediately engulfed in the flame of my Thu'um, burning him to ashes. Ignoring the pain in my arm, I drew my trusty elven ax, Razorlock. Fighting back the oncoming hordes of Falmer, I threw Lydia over my shoulders and brought her up the stairs to a ruined tower and held them off.

“Rise, my love. I shall defend you with my dying breath, but you must rise!” She did rise, and we did escape the ruins. We marched out of Blackreach on each others shoulders, each of us near death, but supporting each other. If we were to die, it would be in each others arms.

Over time, I became as close to a god as I could. I butchered countless people, animals, and dragons. I served the gods, the Daedra, and the people of this realm and the next. I fought for the Stormcloaks and liberated Solitude almost by myself. I say almost, because she was forever by my side. The only time she had left me, was when I told her to wait. Wait for me to return from my battle with Alduin. Wait for me to come home a hero, whole or in pieces. Wait for me at the temple of Mara. For if I return alive, I shall fulfill that promise.

I won't give the details, for some stories are best left alone, but I returned. I had saved Skyrim from oppression, I had saved Time from ending. All that remained was that I fulfill that promise. She had never looked so beautiful as I walked to the alter. I was Dovahkiin, she was Nord. We were one.

© 2011 Austin H.

Author's Note

Austin H.
It helps if you're as addicted to Skyrim as I am. Some vocabulary for those who have no idea: Jarl = baron, duke, king, etc. Housecarl = squire. Dovahkiin = Dragonborn. Falmer = Elf-goblin thingy. Thalmor = evil elf bastards. Daedric = pertaining to demon gods (Daedra). Dwemer = dwarf. Yol Toor Shul = Thu'um of Fire breath. Thu'um = The Voice, ability to use dragon powers. Alduin = Evil dragon, Devourer of Worlds. Mara = Goddess of Love. Nord = Race of human, like Nordic.
You know what, go play Skyrim.

My Review

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Oh, this is indeed very creative to tell a story about lydia and the dovakiin! I am, also a skyrim addict, i'm afraid, althoug I don't play it that often anymore. It reminds me of the north and our own myths and gods. I enjoyed the little story you made. the story goes smooth, and it's nice reading it. Well done! By the way, the elder scrolls online, can't wait for that one!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 2, 2011
Last Updated on December 2, 2011


Austin H.
Austin H.


I am a student of history first and foremost. I like to imagine myself as a writer and weaver of beautiful words. I think myself witty, cynical, and critical. My favorite works to read are historical .. more..

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