Crystal Waters

Crystal Waters

A Story by Edgar3

At the doctor, Charn Dimension discovers that he has mystical powers that a mysterious villain wants for himself. While trying to stop the threat, he learns more about his family than ever before.


“The start of a new life is the end of an old”

~Charn Dimension

 Life of Darkness

The Dream

      {I was at home watching TV, when I slowly started to drift off to sleep. The odd thing was that I wasn’t tired, but as I would soon learn, this was the dream I was meant to have. The vision that would change my life forever; this is the dream that would lead to the discovery of my powers. Anyway, in the dream, a lovely Brunette and I were dancing. There were dancers crowding us on either side and the Ballroom was small; so accidents were bound to happen. Unfortunately, it happened to me.} I accidentally bumped into the guy next to me and my girl. Automatically, the guy pulled out a gun.

      In less time than I could react, he started firing off rounds in the Ballroom. I heard a scream and saw a look of panic in my date’s eyes. {I just knew that something was wrong.} In my dream-reality, I ran over to her and felt blood on her chest. I turned around and looked for the shooter, so I could seek vengeance. I then began to walk, when I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. I looked down to see that I had been stabbed in the stomach with a dagger by… the shooter. I then shot up out of bed, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. The dream was over, but a feeling of fear still lingered.

      All throughout the week, I’ve been falling asleep at the weirdest times and each time, I had the same dream. At the end of the week, I told the principal and he took me to Dr. Goldstein, the local doctor that specializes in the subconscious. “And it ends the same way. Like a haunting nightmare that will never go away.” I said to the doctor.

      “Hmm. Let me examine you.” Dr. Goldstein said.

      “Why?” I asked.

      “Because I have a theory about this reoccurring dream.”          

      {So I was examined and soon enough my results came back. I didn’t know it yet, but I was a danger to everyone around me and to myself.} “Doctor, Doctor.” Abigail Henston, the doctor’s assistant, exclaimed, running out of the examination room. {Abigail Henston was a Brunette with Emerald Green eyes and a fiery spirit. She has something that you could never take away, a unique fire that compels her to keep going; she never gave up. I know this about her from experience, but let’s not skip ahead in the story.}

      The doctor said, “Yes Abigail.” Abigail handed him my results.

      “Oh no!” Dr. Goldstein said, after a split second, “I haven’t seen a case like this in a while.” 

      “What do you suppose we do doctor?”

      “We kill him.”                                      


      “Kill him! We can’t kill him, I can’t kill him.”

      “You don’t have to, but I do.”

      “Well what’s the threat letting him live?” The doctor was silent.

      “Say something!” Abigail demanded.

      “There’s nothing else to say.” The doctor started to walk towards the door, but Abigail quickly drew him to a halt.

      Abigail said, strongly emphasizing the word “kill”,“You can’t kill him!”

      “Watch me.”He challenged. I was outside the door of the examination room and heard everything. I grabbed my bag off the bed, ran to the door of my room, and tried to open it. 

      Great, it’s locked. Can this day get any worse? I thought. The doctor opens the examination room door and came towards me with a drill. Apparently it can, I’m losing my life. Before I die, let’s take a last look at all my experiences.  I tried to think of some, but it’s a blank. That puzzled me for half a second, but I turned my attention back to the doctor.

      Oh well. This is the end. Goodbye-.

      “No!” Abigail yelled, seizing the mad doctor. Dr. Goldstein threw Abigail to wall, while unknowingly cutting her with his drill. “Abigail!” I yelled, running over to her. I got a cut where Abigail did, but wasn’t even aware of it.

      I looked up at the doctor with a fire in my eyes and I said to him vengefully, “Goldstein, you hurt Abigail and now, you will suffer.” Not even aware of my actions, I put a hand up and shot a blast at the doctor, sending him through the wall. A hole was left where he was standing.

      I snapped back to what had happened and realized what I did. I looked at my hands and then at the hole in the wall, knowing that the doctor wasn’t going to be down for long. I grabbed Abigail and ran through the hospital, stopping every couple of seconds to check on my “patient”. Her eyes kept on fluttering, but it didn’t look like she was fully conscious yet.          

College Life

      I got to the forest in about 15 minutes and set Abigail down on the ground. Her eyes suddenly opened and she asked me, “Did we escape?” 

      “Yeah.” I said panting, while also looking back.

      “What’s your name anyway?”

      “Charn Dimension.”

      “Cool name.” Abigail said, while trying to get up.

      “Careful.” I said, delicately setting her back down. I didn’t want her getting injured any more. ”You got cut pretty badly back there.” I felt a stinging pain on my arm and a cut is revealed. “And apparently, I got the same cut.” I said, surprised.

      “Really?” Abigail asked, out of sympathy and kindness. The way I could detect it was in her voice, but she genuinely did care; I-I don’t know how, but I felt it. I showed her the cut.

      “Charn, you have an amazing power and I want you to come to Crystal Waters Campus with me.” Abigail stood up, but leaned on me for support until she wasstable.

      “Okay.” I said, “Let’s go.” We started walking.

      We stopped. “Just okay?”

      “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”

      “Nothing, usually when I say that to people they say, ‘I don’t think so.’ and I never get them to come. Crystal Waters is an amazing campus; it’s like college actually, except more exciting. School is more interactive, you get more freedom than a regular college and you never know who you might meet.”

      Abigail bit her bottom lip and grabbed my arm lightly. She then looked me in the eyes and I started feeling flutters. My blood began boiling and my heart rate went 10 times faster each second.{If that’s not a clear sign of crush, I don’t what is.}

      “Let’s go.” She said, letting go of my arm. My heart rate slowed back to its normal pace, although every few seconds it skipped a beat. We started walking again. “I guess I’m just so used to arguing to get my point across.”

      “You’ll get no problems out of me.” I said, smiling. Realizing what I had said, I quickly added, “But don’t think I won’t speak my mind.”

      “Occasionally or is that part of the package?”

      “That’s included; you think you could handle it?”

      “I’m counting on it.”

      “I sure wish I could heal you.” Suddenly, a light shone over Abigail’s cut and she was healed. Seconds later, my cut was healed as well and we were about to move when Abigail asked, “Is this yours?” while holding up a book.

      “Yeah.” I took the book from her hands. “I write a lot. I was someday hoping to become a full-fledged author.”

      “That’s a hefty responsibility. Think you’re up for it?”

      “I’m ready, but just in case I have you by my side to help.” Abigail started to blush and I leaned in to kiss her.

      She pulled away and said, “Um… we should really head out now if we want to get to the campus by midnight,” thinking to herself, “No, not yet anyway.”

      “But I really want to. I have to.”

      “Wait!”Abigail demanded herself. {Now I’m reading her mind. This may be weird enough for a regular person, but it gets weirder. If you don’t believe me, keep reading on.}

     We arrived at the campus at midnight, just like Abigail said. As soon as we set foot on the premises, alarms sounded and men appeared.

      “Freeze!” The commanding officer, James, said. {James Boston: he’s tall, has blue eyes (yet another thing I know from experience, or rather heard), and he’s captain of the Rugby team.}

      “James. It’s me, Abigail.” Abigail said.

      “Abigail. You know you can’t be on Campus this late at night.”

      “Sorry,” Abigail apologized, “I was looking for Headmaster Jordyn to apply a new student.”

      “Hey,” I said to James, “I’m Charn Dimension.” 

      “James Boston.” James responded, “So, what’s your power?”

      “Yes, Mr. Dimension.” Headmaster Jordyn appeared. “What is it?”

      Abigail hands Headmaster Jordyn my results.

      “Unbelievable! He really has this power?” Headmaster Jordyn asked Abigail, who nodded.

      “But the power’s hidden.” Abigail said, “For some reason, it’s only tapped into under rage. With the other students, it was never like this. Then again, Charn’s potential with this power is greater. It might take years to fully unlock it.”

      “Well, luckily we time, lots and lots of time.” Headmaster Jordyn turned to me. “Well Mr. Dimension, welcome to Crystal Waters Campus.”

      I was just accepted to a super-powered boarding school… Great.I thought. I looked over at Abigail and smiled. You know, this whole boarding school idea might not be a bad thing, but something’s coming and it’s coming fast. I just hope what Abigail says isn’t true.

      “Charn, Chaaaarn.” Abigail snapped her fingers and I was drawn back to attention.

      “Huh?” I asked, vacantly.

      “What’s wrong with him?”Abigail asked Headmaster Jordyn,“He seems so distant.”

      “He’s got a lot running through his mind.” Headmaster Jordyn responded, thinking, “I sense it too. Could it really be him? It can’t be… he was banished. But if that was true, then what’s that power?”

      “Charn, follow me to your dorm for the night. Tomorrow, I’ll give you a tour of the Campus and show you to your official room.” Headmaster Jordyn led me away and the others went back to their dorms.

The next day…

      Headmaster Jordyn met me at the end of Campus and gave me the official tour of the Campus. While walking, we came across a locked door. “Headmaster Jordyn.” I said. She stopped.

      “Yes Charn.”

      “What’s behind this door?”

      “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” I frowned and Headmaster Jordyn sighed, “There’s a portal in there. It appeared years ago and almost destroyed Campus, but luckily, someone came and stopped it. We sealed it in that door, so no one would touch it. Who knows what would happen if it was to be opened again?”

      I looked at the door and my eyes glowed. Unaware, my hand reached for the knob on the door. I was about to turn the knob, when Headmaster Jordyn yelled, “Charn!” I stopped and my eyes stopped glowing.

      “Sorry Headmaster Jordyn.” I apologized, “It was like I didn’t know what I was doing. Like I couldn’t control my own body.” {Something strange was going on and for some reason I was in the mix. I just couldn’t figure out what.}

      “It’s okay Charn; now let’s just continue the tour.” We walked for some distance until we got to the South Wing. Once there, we went up a few flights of stairs. Headmaster Jordyn opened the door. “And these are your roommates.” She said.

      Abigail was reading a book and sat up in bed. “Charn, what are you doing here?” She asked me.

      “I guess this is my room on Campus.” I responded.

      “I’ll just come back later.” On that note, Headmaster Jordyn closed the door and left Abigail and I alone in the room.

      “Okay,” Abigail said, shyly.

     “Um, Abigail, are there any other roommates in the dorm or is it just us? I’d be fine if it was just us.” Realizing yet again my mistake, I quickly added, “But that doesn’t mean I have a crush on you or anything like that.” {Smooooooth, Charn.Real smooth.}

      “Right.” Abigail said to me. “You remember James, well there’s him and this other girl named Paige.”

      “Where are they?”

      “At class.”

      “Wait! Shouldn’t you be there?”

      “Not until 4.”

      “Well what are we going to do for 3 hours?”

      ‘We could train.” Abigail suggested.


Connection or Not

     Minutes later, we got to the training hall. “I should warn you,” I began, “I’ve never done this before, so if I’m losing, just know I’m a beginner.” Abigail threw me on the floor. Okay. You want to play rough, huh? I trip Abigail. Now let’s get this thing started.

      I fell to the floor. Abigail charged in to attack me, but I was ready. I back flipped, grabbed a sword off the wall, and held it up to her. She continued forward. I kicked her to the ground and held her at sword point. “Check and…” I said, when suddenly, Abigail jumped up and held me to the ground. “Mate.”

      “Alright, I gotta head to Headmaster Jordyn’s.” Abigail stuck her hand out and I grabbed it. “I must say, you’re an excellent fighter. Where’d you learn those moves?”

      “Abigail, I think there’s something you should know.” I said, slowly.

      “And what’s that?” Abigail asked, playing along.

      “I’m not who you think I am.”

      “Oh really? Then who are you?”

      “I am an alien from another universe and I came here to make you my bride.” Abigail giggled and I smiled. Nice to know I could make her laugh. Let’s just hope I could keep it up…

      “Okay, to tell the truth, I did go to one karate practice. Practice was moving so slow that I challenged the sensei the next day; I beat him, got my black belt, and never went to another karate practice ever again.”

      “Really?” Abigail asked, astounded. “You beat the sensei with only one day of karate lessons under your belt?”


      “And then you never went to another karate practice ever?”

      “Not after that day. I used to do karate in middle school, but that was mostly for self-defense. When I wasn’t defending myself, I trained with my big sister, Emily. She was a 4th degree black belt and was one of the only people who really looked out for me until…” I stopped speaking. Abigail and I were in silence for a few seconds, until she asked, “Until what?”


      “The incident. I didn’t know what happened, but I knew it was gruesome. The police found her and it was just so painful for me to see that she was gone. She meant so much to me, I just-.”

      “Charn.” Abigail said, cutting me off, “You don’t have to continue. It’s clear you’ve been through a lot.”

      “Thanks.”Abigail and I continued walking, talking about random things, the subject changing every couple of minutes and we were soon at Headmaster Jordyn’s office. “I guess I better go in now.”

      “And I gotta head to class, so see you later Charn.” Abigail kissed me on the cheek and scurried away.

      “Later.” I said, with a smile. {I had a happy smile, but it was the kind that some people had when they were drunk. There was just something about Abigail that intoxicated me. That was the kind of feeling I wanted to hang on to.} I turned, “sobered up” (put on a serious face) and knocked on Headmaster Jordyn’s door. “Yes Headmaster Jordyn.”

      “Charn, I want you to tell me what happened before you got to this campus.” I told Headmaster Jordyn the story and then she responded with a shock, “Charn, you and Abigail are connected.”

      “What!” I said; standing up, ready to object at anytime. “We can’t be… it’s not possible.”

      “Charn, you got a cut where Abigail did, even though the doctor never touched you and that was made sure of by Abigail herself. Not to mention, you were healed at the same time she was. Need I say more?”

     “No, but something doesn’t make sense: how come I never heard of Abigail until a week ago if we’re, quote unquote, ‘connected’?”

      “Some of our students have brotherly and sisterly bonds to other students on Campus and they aren’t discovered until they spend time with each other. That’s why I left you and Abigail alone in the dorm; also I can sense you two have made some special attachments to each other.”

      “What?” I said, “That’s ridiculous.”

      “Charn, you know you like her, don’t deny it.”

      “I do not have a crush on Abigail.” I quickly turned away when Headmaster Jordyn tried to put my eyes into her view. I felt myself start to blush and my cheeks were getting hotter. In order to take the heat off me, I turned to another matter on my mind. Headmaster Jordyn must’ve read my mind because she said, “Here’s your schedule.”

      “Okay… and what!”

      “What is it, Charn?”

      “Abigail and I are in the same classes.”

      “And how would you know?”

      “I may have looked at Abigail’s schedule before we left for the training hall.”

      “The training hall? No wonder you two are so much in sync.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “The training hall isn’t just for improving your skills; it’s also a team-building exercise for two connected students.”

      “Abigail and I improved our connection, so what?”

      “You don’t understand, I must assign the two of you to the training hall at a specific period in your connection process or else the connection might grow too rapidly.”

      “And what would happen then?”

      “What always happens, the power will start to slowly go to your head and one of you will become unstable. If that happens, the other students will be forced to take you down.”

      “Well if I’m the unstable one, what will happen to Abigail?”

      “She’ll die.”


      “What! She can’t die.”

      “If that happens, she will. It’s a law.”

      “Well, who makes the stupid laws in this world?” I yelled.

      “Quiet down. The Cosmic Retribution.”

      “Who are they?”

      “They’re the elders of this world; they decide what stays and what goes,in order to keep good and evil balanced.”

      “Well if they’re so powerful, why not just put an end to evil right now?”

      “Because, regardless, evil is always going to show up, also if they tried that, it’ll drain their lives. A new Retributionist is chosen for each of the 7 entities: Emotion, Power, Stealth, Life/Death, Experience, Courage, and Intelligence.”

      “Is there any information on them?”

      Headmaster Jordyn grabbed a book off her desk. “Just this book, but it has a seal on it. If you want to try and unlock the book, then go ahead.”

      “Headmaster Jordyn?”

      “Yes Charn.”

      “Can I see my results?”

      “No, but you can come to me for training after your final class for the day.” I’m about to refuse, when my watch alarm went off. “Time to head to class, Mr. Dimension.”

Evil Returns

      “See you later Headmaster Jordyn.” I ran from Headmaster Jordyn’s office to Building E, where my first class was. I can’t believe Headmaster Jordyn put Abigail and me in the same classes. I felt a tide of anger rising up. She actually believed I like Abigail. The audacity of that statement.

      “Well, she isn’t wrong.”Another voice said, infiltrating my mind. I stopped.

      Who’s this?

     “Someone you’ll meet very, very soon.” With that, the voice disappeared and I started running again, full force. {I was puzzled by three things: first; who was that, second; how they got in my subconscious, and third; why a sudden feeling of fear had entered my heart. It was strange and felt overwhelming, but I pushed the thought aside and kept moving. Little did I know; that was the beginning of my adventure and now that it started, the whole world would be affected.}

      While running, I tripped and the book fell out. I went to pick it up, but paused. {I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew that this book was a part of it. That was my first idea as to what was going on, and sure enough, more were going to come.}

      The algebra teacher saidsome gibberish when I suddenly burst through the open door. “We have a new student, please introduce yourself.”

      “Is that?” James started. “Charn?” Abigail finished.

      “Who’s Charn?” Paige asked. {Paige Frasier was a Blonde with Brown eyes. She was very secretive and was often seen with Abigail or by herself. She reminded me of myself in my loner years.} I started to remember.

      “Charn, you need to get a social life.” My dad said.

      “My grades aren’t bad, I got them today. Did you know?”

      “Of course I don’t know; you try to make as little conversation with me as possible. Sometimes I think you’re out to ruin my life.” {Harsh.}

      “Me?!” I asked outraged, “Ruin your life, how?”

      “Because I want to see my only child at least try to make an effort to develop a social life.”

      “Dad, you know I’m not your only child.”

      “I know and Emily was a great daughter until that day.”

      “Dad, quit it!”


      “Trying to bring up old memories. You really think that by bringing Emily, that’s going to make me try to get a social life. I can’t get a social life. I can’t be popular and get whatever I want like Emily can. I’m her complete opposite. Awkward in every way.Secretive.Kept to myself. Never revealing a thing, not because of trust issues, but because of something I swore to long ago. I only kept my secrets to one person and they’re gone, six-feet under with everyone else.” I said, tears in my eyes.

      “Please, Charn, at least try. If not for me, do it for Emily.”

      “Okay, I’ll do it.” {From that day on, I developed my social life. Back to the current situation.}

      I looked at Paige, saw Emily, and I suddenly started to feel weak. I collapsed. “Oh my god. Are you alright?” The teacher asked.

      “Yeah, I’m fine.”

      “Should I take you to the nurse? Jimmy-.”

      “I said I’m fine.” I said, more assertively. As I was getting up, I glanced towards Paige. What is it about her that makes me so weak? I know I don’t feel an attraction to her, so what is it? {Suddenly, an idea hit me, albeit far-fetched, this would help me carry out my adventure.} Maybe, Emily and Paige are the same person. They have the same eye color, same facial features, same hair color, but I saw Paige then Emily. If the book were open, then maybe I would learn the answer. I guess this is just more of a reason for me to unlock it.

      “He’s looking over here, do you think he knows?”Paige thought.

      Not yet, but he’s piecing the puzzle together. Hopefully, he realizes the connection before…”Another voice said to Paige.

      “Before, what?”

      “Before HE comes.”

      “Did you even know Charn was here?”

      “No, no, no, no!”

      “What, the-? Come back, please.”

      “Paige, you need to help Charn in any way you can, but don’t tell him yet. If he figures it out by time the confrontation comes, answer anything he wants to know. If not, you tell him.”

      “But what about the book, about the Retributionists, about you?”

      “Hopefully he’ll find out soon enough, he owns the book, he’s the one. We all know it.”

      “But I don’t, I’m not like you.”

      “Yes you are, remember we’re one in the same. You know what I know.”

      “I didn’t always.”

      “I’m leaving, but I’ll be back soon, stay strong Paige, stay…”

      “No!” Paige yelled. The entire class directed their attention to Paige, who looked embarrassed. “Excuse me; may I please go to the restroom?”

      “Go right ahead.” The teacher said. Paige ran out the room, but I didn’t see the second image… the one of Emily. {Now things started to heat up, in more ways than one. Confusion struck me and apparently, something struck Paige. Maybe a double take would help, maybe she needed help.}

      “May I go too?” I asked.

      “Definitely.” The teacher replied. I ran after Paige. When Paige got in the bathroom, her thoughts turned back to what just happened. ‘“Paige, you need to help Charn in any way you can, but don’t tell him yet. If he figures it out by time the confrontation comes, answer anything he wants to know. If not, you tell him. He owns the book, he’s the one. We all know it.” ’

      “It’s coming, faster than expected. I hope Charn will be ready by then. I just wish I could-.”I knocked on the door. “Paige, are you okay?” I asked.

      “Yeah.” Paige said, “I’m fine.”

      “Come out the bathroom. I need to ask you a few things.” Paige followed and I looked at her. She looked weary and tired. “Paige, I know you were lying when you said you were fine. For some reason, I know you. Can you explain why?”

      “Paige, you need to help Charn. In any way you can, but don’t tell him yet. If he figures it out by time the confrontation comes, answer anything he wants to know. If not, you tell him.” ’

     “I can tell you, but later. We need to get to class. Next time we’re alone, we’ll talk.” Paige responded.

      “Why don’t you tell me now? We might never get a chance to talk to each other alone ever again. Tell me the truth.”

      “The truth?”

      “Yes Paige, I want to know the truth.”


      “Paige, I need to know. This might have to do with Book of Retribution that Headmaster Jordyn gave me, and more importantly, it might have to do with my big sister Emily who died four years ago.”

      “Alright Charn, I’ll tell you and what I’m about to say is the absolute truth.”

The Truth?

      {You know when people say, ‘The truth hurts.’ Well they were right. What Paige said struck me so deep; I was practically delirious for a few moments.}

      “I’m Emily.” Paige said.


      I stood there. I couldn’t move, mostly because of shock. “Charn, are you?” Paige took a step towards me. “Get away!” I commanded.

      “What the-?”

      “No. You’re not Emily, you can’t be.”

      “Come on Charn, you have to believe me. I am Emily.”

      “No, you’re not. Paige, stop it.” Paige took another step forward and I stuck my hand out. A blast came from it and knocked Paige to the ground. Her hair fell and I saw. {Yup, a Light Blue bow on the left side of her hair, Emily’s signature. That’s basically how I snapped back to the truth. To what I knew was the truth all along.}

      Paige got up and looked me in the eyes. “You see.” Paige combed through her hair and found that the bow is revealed. “It was the bow. The bow saved me.”

      “Truth is part of me knew all along. I mean you share all of the physical properties of Emily.”

      “Here’s the deal: I’ll explain how you know Emily, but not Paige, if you show me the book.”

      “Deal.” The two of us shook hands. I showed Paige the book. “All seven entities are hereand although none are filled in completely, they flicker on and off. Maybe Charn really is the one. Then I’ll help him, first by letting him know.”

     “Okay. Let’s start from the beginning: I’m Emily’s identical twin sister. I was four, when they came. The house was raided and during that time, mom was pregnant with you. Since dad knew they were after me, he went and put me up for adoption. He didn’t want me to come back, so he wiped my memory. And I’m assuming he never told you about your powers.” I shook my head.

      “Anyway after that, I went to the Frasier family. They practically raised me like their own, although they knew who I really belonged to. They froze me in a time chamber and refused to let me out, until you were four. Then they unfroze me and said, ‘There’s another child just like you. We want the two of you to grow up together, to look out for each other.’ I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but your name was mentioned a lot, so I had to remember the name Charn.

      “When I was 12, Emily died. I didn’t know it, but it felt like I lost a part of myself. The next day, I saw Emily’s spirit. She returned my memory to me and I instantly knew who you were, my brother. I wanted to go back, but Emily said, ‘No, Charn needs to have a normal life. Even if he believes his only sister is dead. I know that one day you two will meet, that day isn’t today though.’ “

      I could tell this hurt Emily, without even having to hear her voice; it cut her deep knowing that she couldn’t let Paige look for me the same way I was cut when Emily died, but it was for the greater good. {Let me tell you something: That line may work in movies, where everything’s fake, but I don’t buy it for a second. Life isn’t some script and it’s time people realized that.}

      “So I stayed and lived with Emily for the past four years. She guided me, taught me right from wrong. She practically said I was living her life. Then at one point, I actually was. Emily wasn’t there and it was because I was her now. Deep in my heart, I know Emily’s still there. I know she’s going to come out, when? I don’t know.”

      “So, Emily was the reason you yelled in class today?” I asked.

      “Yeah, it was her. She was disappearing, because he was reappearing. Charn, did anything weird happen to you on the way here?”

      “I heard this voice.”

      “You mean me?”The voice that I heard earlier said. Paige and I stiffened up at the same time.

      “This voice?” Paige asked.

      “That’s right, piercing brother and sister. But where’s the other one?”

      “Widower, I swear you won’t get away with this.” Paige yelled.

      “I guess we’ll just see then. Prepare yourself Charn, because soon, I will end you and I’ll get the Book of Retribution. Until then, Charn…”Widower’s voice disappeared and I eased up a little bit. “I swear I hate that guy.” I said.

      “Tell me about it, he’s a creep. Anyway Charn, you can’t tell a single word about us to anyone. I need you to address me as Paige because only I can hear Emily’s spirit. She can’t find out you know, okay?”

      “Alright, now let’s go back to class sis.” {Sorry, I just had to say it.}

      “Don’t push it.”

      “Right.” The two of us walk back into class, several seconds apart. When Paige got to her table, Abigail said, “You okay?”

      “Yup,” Paige responded, “Everything’s fine now. I got everything about Char-… my bladder, out of my system. So, the guy in the front of the class is Charn?”

      “Yeah, he’s an awesome guy: smart, funny, talented, and sort of sensitive. I mean he-.”

      “Wait, how would you know about what Charn is?” Paige asked Abigail, defensively.

      “Headmaster Jordyn dropped him off at 1, while you guys were at class. Paige, you sounded somewhat protective of Charn a second ago, even though you didn’t meet him. Why?”

      Paige hesitated, but Abigail must not have noticed it. “I may have bumped into him on the way back to class. We exchanged “hellos” and I just came back.”{Now what Paige is about to do is just cruel...} “Oh, and by the way, Charn is pretty cute; you think I should ask him out?”

      “No!” Abigail said. James looked at her. “I mean no. I don’t think that he would say yes, that’s all.”

      “You mean, he would say no to me, but yes to you.”

      “That’s ridiculous, I would never like Charn.” Abigail lied. After a while, she said, “Charn’s our new roommate.”

      “Figures.” James muttered under his breath. The two girls turned to him and Abigail asked, “What do you mean, James?”

      “Charn’s our new roommate, you two meet him and Abigail falls in love with the guy. But Paige, I think Abigail’s right; he wouldn’t be a good match for you.”

      “What, would you be?” Paige flipped her Blonde hair and her Light Blue bow was revealed. I looked over to her and my eyes widened. “Relax.”Abigail said to me telepathically, apparently sensing my alarm.

      “What?” James asked, chuckling nervously.He continued, “I’m not saying I would be, but I’m more of a candidate than Charn. No offense.”

      “So, where do I sit?” I asked the teacher.

      “At the table with James, Paige, and Abigail.”

      I’m sitting at the same table in class as my roommates. This is gonna be fun: my best friend, my sort-of girlfriend and my sister. Let’s just get this over with. I take my seat and begin writing.

Official Training

      Soon the bell rang for lunch. Paige and Abigail, who were socializing, walked back to the dorm, while James and I went to the training hall. “Okay,” Paige said, once they got in the dorm. “Spill it.”

      “Spill what?” Abigail asked.

      “Something happened between you and Charn, I don’t know what but I bet a kiss was involved.”

      “Okay, I kissed Charn, but it was just on the cheek.” Abigail admitted, “I would’ve kissed him on the lips, but I don’t know if he-.”

      “Likes you that way.”

      “How’d you know?”

      “I like James.” Paige blurted out.

      “Wait, backtrack a minute. You like James?” Paige nodded.

      James and I were about to begin training, when he said to me, “You know what?”

      “What?” I asked him.

      “I think I like Paige.”

      “And what would make you think that?”

      “Well… she’s cute, smart, and she has an innocence that makes her-.”

      “The only person you trust fully and completely. The person that you’d give up everything for.”

      “Exactly that, how’d you know?”

      “That’s the same way I feel about Abigail.”

      “Okay.” James said, getting ready, “Now that we got all our relationship issues off of our chests, let’s get to the training.”

One hour later…

      James and I emerged from the training hall and I asked him, “Hey James, when are you going to tell Paige you like her?”

      “I’ll tell Paige when you tell Abigail.”

      I chuckled a little bit. “Very funny, now go tell Paige.”

      “I’m serious, go tell Abigail that you have a-. Hey Abigail.”

Retributions and History

      “What is it?” She asked.

      “Nothing, it’s nothing.” Abigail gave me a look and said, “Right?”

      “I’m serious; it’s something you probably wouldn’t even want to know.”

      “Uh, Charn.” Paige said to me.

      “Yeah Paige.”

      “Can I talk to you for a sec?”

      “Sure.” Paige and I leave James and Abigail. Once we’re a safe distance away, Paige said to me, “I think you’d better be careful about what you say around Abigail.”


      “Because she has feelings for you and I know you have feelings for her. I heard about her kissing you.”

      “What?! Who told you that, did they say that I have a crush on her?” {Sorry, I panicked.}

      “And you claim that you don’t have feelings for her.” Paige said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.“But Abigail told me about the kiss.” Continued the Blonde.

      “Thanks for the update.” Paige was about to go back to James and Abigail, but I stopped her. “Any sign of Emily, I mean other Emily?”

      “No sign of my twin.”

      “She’s not your twin anymore, don’t forget that.”

      “Fine, no sign of my other half.”

      “That’s better.”

      “Charn, any progress with the book?”

      “Yes Charn,” Widower said, piercing Paige and I once again, “Any progress with the book?”

      My god, this guy. He’s annoying the crap out of me. I wish I could find him, but I have no idea where he is. I looked out towards a tree and saw a silhouette of a girl. She turned around and I saw a girl that looked like Paige. “Emily?” Suddenly, the girl vanished and I turned my attention back to Widower.

      “Charn, you don’t look too well. Do you have a splitting headache?”Suddenly my head started to hurt and I shut my eyes tightly. I dropped on my knees and started rubbing my temples.

      “Hahaha. That’s all for now Charn, but until then.”Widower disappeared and so did my headache. “Paige, I think I just saw Emily. Did you?”

      I looked up at Paige, who went rather pale. “Paige… Paige.” I snapped my fingers.


      “I just saw Emily, did you?”

      “No, I didn’t.” She responded. “Looks like Emily isn’t the only one coming back, so is mom. I guess now I have more motivation to help Charn. I just pray he gets this done in time.”

      {Mom’s returning, now normally this’d be a lovely reunion. However, with she put me through… I’d rather her not come back.}

      “Maybe I should just tell him, he needs to know about his family.”Paige thought.

      “And risk him knowing.”Emily said telepathically to Paige.

      “Emily, what are you doing back?” Paige gestured for me to go. I mouthed, “I’ll be over by the tree.” and walked over there.

      “What I need to. I know that mom coming back is a big thing and that you want to help our brother, but Charn can’t know. She’s done a lot to hurt all of us and what she did to Charn was too much to bear. I remember one time he cried. Mom has a lot following her and she always did. I don’t want Charn to get hurt anymore and I won’t let you tell him.”

      “Relax Emily; all I was going to do was just spout off the good things about mom.”

      “And the bad things? What happens if she comes back and tells Charn?”

      “She won’t say a thing about her secret life to him. She realized what she did was wrong; I bet she wants to be in his life again. If she does come back, she won’t say anything out of line because she doesn’t want Charn to move further away from her. It’s always been that way with you right?”

      “Yes it has, but I was always in his life. I was living for both of us and I’m pretty sure that whatever I said, you were going to say too. I was always close to him, as far he knew-.”

      “And knows.”Paige pointed out, telepathically.

      “I’ve always been his guardian, but now that I moved on, it’s your responsibility. It’s your…”                  

      “I can’t believe it, you’re disappearing again! You can’t leave me alone, I’m not ready.”

      “Paige, don’t lie to yourself. I may not know what you’re doing, but I know it’s the right thing. Like I said before, you need to be Charn’s guardian now. Even when I come and reside with him, you’re his Guardian Angel. No matter what, understand?”

      “I understand.”

      “Good, now I’ll be off for a while, but remember what I said, don’t tell him about mom and protect the boy. You know what he means to the Retributionists and more importantly, to you and me.”

      Emily disappeared and Paige walked over to the tree. “We need to talk.”

      “Not now, WE need to get everything with Abigail out of the way first. Now let’s go!” I said. Paige followed me over to our friends and I said to Abigail, “Look, I like you… a lot and I know you like me. So, would you wanna go out sometime?”

      “Sure, but how did you know?” Abigail said. Paige gestured to me, “No, don’t say it.”

      “Uh… lucky guess.”

      “Paige how could you! Well since you told Charn, I’ll tell James.” Abigail turned to James and said, “Paige likes you.”

      “Since we’re putting everything out there,” I said, “Let’s not ignore the fact that James has a major crush on Paige.” I then turned to Abigail, who looked triumphant.

      “You already knew, didn’t you?” I asked her. She nodded her head, reading my mind, and I turned to the rest of my friends. “Then I might as well come clean. Principal Jordyn told me that Abigail and I have a connection: if she gets hurt, I do as well.”

      “Is that true Abigail?” Paige asked. Abigail nodded. James looked up and then said, “Hey guys, it’s getting dark. Let’s head back to the dorm.” The others started walking, while I stood there. They stopped and turned back around.

      “Charn, you coming?” Paige asked.

      “I’ll be back soon. I have to go to Headmaster Jordyn.” I started walking in the opposite direction and got to Headmaster Jordyn’s office soon. I knocked on the door and let myself in.

      “Hello Charn.” She said, “Would you like to see your results?”

      “Yes!” I dropped my bag on the floor.

      “Well, before you can get your results, I have to make sure you’re ready. Think fast!” She threw a disc at me and I jumped to the right, frying the disc to a crisp.

      “Do I get my results yet?”

      “At the end.”

      “Oh come on!”

      “Follow me.” The two of us walked to the training hall and Headmaster Jordyn asked me, “Charn, did you look at the Book of Retribution?”

      “Umm…” I said, wondering if I should tell Headmaster Jordyn or not. The bad part is once I started I couldn’t stop.

      “No Charn, don’t tell her.”A voice said to me. {Why is my mind so easy to infiltrate?}

      Who are you?

      “My name’s Avery. Listen, don’t tell Jordyn about everything. Just put in your default answer: no. Please Charn, don’t tell her.”I saw a girl put down her lower lip and widened her eyes.

      Not the puppy-dog face. I’ll try, but I don’t know how long I can keep it from her.

      “I didn’t look at the Book yet. I didn’t even try to unlock it, but there’s a lot you don’t know about the past couple of days.” I then began to explain what happened after she gave me the Book of Retribution: Widower, Emily, Paige being my sister, and even the thing that happened with Abigail. Once I was finished, she said, “Okay, so I think I’m able to explain the situation with Paige.”

      “She already did. Emily’s back, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to see her for myself.”

     “Seems to me like you already did. You saw her and the thing with your mother: I can explain that.”

      “What’s this big secret about my mom that Paige is keeping from me? Emily too. I just want to know.”

      “I guess I could tell you a little bit.” Headmaster Jordyn opened her mouth, but no words came out. She tried again, but still nothing. She then grabbed a pen and paper off the desk nearby and wrote something. She showed it to me after.

      ‘I lost my voice. I bet this is one of the Retributionists doing.’ She wrote.

      “Got that right.” I recognized that voice.

      “Avery?” A girl appeared and I was star struck. {Avery looked like Abigail, except she was a Blonde. The two could be twins, but…}

      “So you’re a Retributionist?” I asked.

      “Yeah, I don’t want you telling Charn.” Avery said to Headmaster Jordyn, “Let his sister do it.”

      “Emily won’t do it, but I think Paige will be able to tell me. Avery, I need you to give Headmaster Jordyn her voice back and leave. Until I open the Book, I can’t see any of the Retributionists.”

      “I’ll go.” Avery followed my orders and said, “Trust me Charn; you’ll see me sooner than expected. There are things you don’t know about us and the Book.”

      Avery disappeared and Headmaster Jordyn said to me, “Shall we continue?”

      “Yeah. What are we doing in the training hall, by the way?”

      “This!” She threw a dagger at my left arm and it hit me, slicing off a piece of my shirt.

      “AHHH!” I yelled out, as the pain spread throughout my body. Headmaster Jordyn braced herself for an attack and it would’ve come if I hadn’t remembered who she was. Widower, sure; Headmaster Jordyn, no way. She opened her eyes as she realized no attack was coming.

      “How come nothing happened? I could’ve sworn you’d attack me.”

      “Maybe I’m not mad enough.” I’m certainly getting there. You can’t push me over the edge.

      “Hmmm. Tell me again what happened after Goldstein tried to drill a hole in you.”

      “Abigail tried to stop him and he cut her. I blew my top and released a part of the power that no one wants to tell me about!”

      “Look, long story short: you have a secret power called the Legendary. In ancient times dating back to 5676 B.C., Leonard Resklow found it in a Cairo chasm. He trained with the power but never used it, so you could imagine his surprise when he found out his daughter had the power. He later learned that the Legendary goes to the next descendant of Resklow. His daughter, Dawn, had to use the power and eventually she had a son and the power was passed on. Somewhere along the line, people began getting corrupt and began using the Legendary for evil. The Legendary carrier at that time defeated the corrupt citizens and created the Book of Retribution, choosing seven guardians to protect the seven energies that keep the supernatural world in harmony: Air, Water, Fire, Electricity, Light, Plasma and Nature.”

      “Does every Retributionist control a different energy? What’s the Legendary, anyway?” I asked.

      “The Legendary are all seven of these energies contained in one stable environment.”

      “How can one person control that much power and not go crazy?”

      “Your mother did it. Anyway, I think the Legendary could do the same thing the book can: distinguish who it’s in contact with. Maybe the Legendary could tell what was happening before it happened.”

      “Or maybe the Legendary lured Resklow into the chasm.”

      “Charn, I still have more to say. As an extra precaution, he connected the power of the Legendary to the Book of Retribution and put a seal on it that only allows the Legendary carrier to unlock it. Apparently, you have the power now and I want to train you to make sure you don’t lose control.”

      “Okay… why do you want to know what happened with the doctor again?”

      “No reason.” {An obvious lie. I wish I’d seen through it sooner.}

      Headmaster Jordyn takes out a phone and dials a number. The phone rings several times before it’s grabbed. I heard a female voice, possibly Abigail’s?

      “Hello?” The voice said.

     “Abigail, I need you to come to the training hall right now. It’s urgent, we’re testing Charn’s power.” Headmaster Jordyn said. I knew it!

      “I’m on my way.” Minutes later, Abigail showed up at the entry of the training hall. “So what’s going on?” She asked, before Headmaster Jordyn threw a dagger at her. It cut her right arm and I felt the dagger hit. I quickly grabbed my right arm to stop some blood from dripping down. Abigail fell down and I ran over to her.

      Déjà vu. It feels like I’m back at the hospital, but I can’t attack. For all I know, Goldstein’s dead. I won’t do it, I can’t attack!

      “Come on Charn. Remember all the pain that Goldstein caused you. He tried to kill you and nearly ended the life of your beloved Abigail.”Widower infiltrated my mind for a third time. I’m really getting sick of that guy.

      Shut it Widower! I’m tired of you trying to destroy my family!

      “What makes you think I haven’t already done it Char-char?”MY unfortunate nickname. I hated it ever since Emily gave it to me when I was four. It stuck and now Widower knows it. He must know my sister, but he’s after me. The Book of Retribution can’t be the only reason; it’s probably just a decoy.

      “You’re so right Char-char. I have another motive, but the Book of Retribution is one reason your life is in jeopardy. It grants untold power to the person who opens it and that’s going to be me!”Widower tried to give me the headache again, but couldn’t. Abigail passed through my mind and it must’ve blocked him out. Too bad, he was so close.

      “What? How come the headache isn’t coming?”

      Looks like your signal’s been blocked Widow. Now tell me the other reason you’re hunting me! I believed he could see my serious expression.

      “One word: Legendary. Your mystical power is the one force that might give you leverage in our epic battle and should you unlock the Book of Retribution, your chances of defeating me will double. However, since the Legendary is only tapped into under rage, you’re in big trouble. Say goodbye to your mother, sister, best friend, and your “girlfriend” Abigail. Oh wait, you don’t have to because she dies a little later. Hahaha!”

      I was steamed. Widower insists on pushing me to my boiling point. It’s happened before and now I’m gonna let him have it! “THAT’S ENOUGH!” I yelled. I formed a sword with all the colors of the rainbow, (also the Legendary colors: Red, Blue, Purple, etc.), surrounding it and slammed the sword down. The Book glowed for half a second and opened up to a page. All of the words flashed before my eyes at lightning speed, but remarkably I could read it. It read: ‘The Legendary carrier’s journey is always clouded in a mist of darkness since the Book of Retribution’s power with the Legendary is shared. One person besides the carrier has the power necessary to open the Book; one related to the carrier’s past and this tie forever links the two’s eternal destiny.’ {Widower and I are connected. I wonder what the connection is…}

      That wasn’t all though: I also saw seven people, although one was cloaked. The Retributionist were all facing me and suddenly Avery stepped one square closer to me and said, “Charn Dimension, you have been pressed with the task of opening the Book of Retribution before Widower is able to open it. You have been chosen by the Legendary, not only because of your lineage to Leonard Resklow, but also because of your quick wit and your resiliency. Your recklessness when angered could serve as a great strength to you, but can also be a weakness. Never let the power overtake you or you will be destroyed, for the Legendary and all co-existing powers are uncontrollable. If you are lost, then Widower will automatically receive the book and his destiny will be revealed to him. To keep you grounded and on level, the Retributionists have assigned you a team to help you complete your journey and fight Widower’s forces. Be warned, if you take the task your life will be put on the line every day until Widower is gone and the seven holes on the Book are completely filled. WE all believe in you Charn and know you have what it takes to stop Widower. Grab the Book.”

      I quickly grabbed the Book and Avery, still in front, asked me, “Charn Dimension: son to Roger Gramel and Tara Dimension-Stone, accept this task and have the fate of the two worlds: Natural and Supernatural, rested on your shoulders? Once you accept, there’s no turning back. Do you accept?”

      “YES! I accept this task on behalf of all the Retributionists and to all worlds. So help me, God.” I said.

      “Good, now that you accepted the challenge, the race is on. Will you be able to stop Widower’s forces from advancing into the human world, but more importantly, will you be able to stop us from the seven tests that will be your seven hardest until the final battle?”

      “Wait, stop you? What do you-?” Suddenly, a wind blew me back and I fell behind Abigail. I stood and faced Headmaster Jordyn, who was star-struck. Well, well, well Widow. I accepted the task and your death sentence begins now.

      “Don’t be so sure Char-char. I’ll easily be able to over-power you and your little band of miscreants. It’s just a matter of time.”

      Tell me what our connection is. You’re from some part of my past, now what?

      “You’ll just have to find out for yourself. Later Charn…”Widower’s voice disappeared and I was starting to get steamed. I would’ve blown my top again if Abigail hadn’t suddenly opened her eyes. “Abigail, thank god you’re alright.” I picked her up and hugged her tightly.

      “Glad to see you’re okay.” Headmaster Jordyn said. Abigail and I turned to her.

      “You saw what happened, didn’t you?” I asked her, although I already knew the answer.

      “Yes. I had no idea Widower was tormenting you, but that’s water under the bridge now. One of the most important moments in your life just began and now you need to ready yourself.”

      “Headmaster Jordyn, the Book of Retribution said, ‘The Legendary carrier’s journey is always clouded in a mist of darkness since the Book of Retribution’s power with the Legendary is shared. One person besides the carrier has the power necessary to open the Book; one related to the carrier’s past and this tie forever links the two’s eternal destiny.’ That means that Widower’s connected to my past and that he’s able to open the book. Can he also use the Legendary?”

      “There was one person that could use the Book of Retribution and he stole a portion of the Legendary’s power. I don’t know if Widower’s related to this guy, but I don’t think he can use all of the power. You’re the one true Legendary carrier, so only you can own all of the Legendary’s power. Widower can only use part of it, but it belongs to you and all of your descendants.”

      “Wait,” Abigail said, her gaze changing from me to Headmaster Jordyn and back. “What’s going on?”

      “I’ll explain everything.” I said. I then began to explain everything to Abigail, except the fact that Paige is my sister. When I was done, Abigail asked, “So you’re connected to this Widower guy and this Book could mean the end of the universe?”

      “Technically yes, but I need you to help me on this. I can’t do it alone. Paige might not be on board once she hears the rest of it, but I’ll deal with that later. Right now I need you.” {I actually meant it too. It wasn’t just about Widower.}

      “I’ll help you, but I need to know one thing. Will you-?”

      “Yes, I will.” I cut Abigail off.

      “Great.” Abigail hugged me extremely tight and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. The flutters were returning being that I was around her again.

      “Charn,” Headmaster Jordyn cleared her throat and separated Abigail and me for the moment. “You’ve proven your power to me and I feel like you deserve to see your results.” She handed me the papers and I flipped through them. I came to my birth certificate and looked at it.

‘Name: Charn Diego Dimension

D.O.B.: April 16, 2003

Hospital: New Brooke Haven

Father: Roger Gramel

Mother: Tara Dimension-Stone

Powers: Unknown’

      “Headmaster Jordyn, my powers are listed here. Isn’t that a little odd?” I asked.

      “Not for super natural students. No mortals can see that on your birth certificate. Only people like us can: Your mother, me; people like that.”

      “Okay. Abigail, let’s not tell the others about this right now. Let’s save it for tomorrow.”

      “Okay.” Abigail nodded and then hugged me again. “I can’t believe this is really happening.”

      “Me neither. Come on, let’s go.” Abigail and I began to leave the hall, but Headmaster Jordyn stopped me. “Charn, come see me tomorrow after class. I have some very valuable information for you. You could bring the others with you.” She said.

      “Got it.” Abigail and I then left and were soon back at the dorm. I assumed everyone was asleep, but not Paige. We walked in and the lights were turned on. I looked like a deer in headlights for a moment, but then I returned to greet my loving sister.

      “Hey Paige. Can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked her.

      “Bed.Now.” She said. Two simple words, but effective. She sounded exactly like mom. For a moment, I was stunned. A hidden memory was brought back to light from when I was eight. That wasone of the fewpieces of valuable information involving Widower.

      Past Charn just got in from school. It was raining outside and he was drenched. A lightning bolt nearly struck him down, but he redirected the bolt. He was ecstatic; he actually had super-powers, like he always wishedhe did. {Yes, I wished for super powers when I was young. Don’t give me that look!} Past Tara ran over and was just over-bearing (as usual), however it wasn’t really because of the power her son just discovered. It was something else…

      “Mom, I’m fine.” Her son reassured,“I just redirected a lightning bolt though. It nearly struck me down and I-.”

      “No!” She said, “This is bad. Roger, Charn redirected electricity.”

      “Is he going to come?”Past Roger asked.

      “No idea.”

      “You know we can’t let him get Charn now. The Book is leaning towards him, so maybe he’s destined to fight him for the next  and final time.”

      “Are you kidding? We can’t let him.”

      “Let him fulfill his destiny.”

      “No! He’s not ready yet. I never want him to do it.”Past Taraturned to her son. “Charn, change out of those clothes and go to bed.”

      “No!”Her husband said, “Stay here.”



      “Charn, go to bed!”

      “Stay right here Charn!”

      “Bed. Now.”Past Tara’s eyes glowed all the colors of the Rainbow. She was serious. Therefore, the young boy followed his mother’s instructions and went into his room. No later did he get there, when he got there a man in a cloak blew a hole into his wall.

      “Hello Char-char.” He said. That voice sent trembles up my spine. It was Widower. He met me before. Past Widower shot a blast at Past Charn and he rolled out of the way, right before he would’ve been burned alive. He looked at Past Widower and his eyes glowed Yellow. He created a lightning bolt and shot it at the intruder. He then dropped to the ground and looked up as the bolt hit him. “Bull’s eye.”Past Charn thought.

      However, when the smoke cleared, Past Widower was still alive. Badly injured, but alive. He created another blast and launched it towardsthe boy. He had no strength left, so he couldn’t move. It seemed like the end, when Past Emily jumped in front of the blast and took the hit for her brother. She dropped to the ground like a stone and Past Charn yelled out, “EMILY!!”

      His eyes glowed all colors of the Rainbow, just like Past Tara’s eyes did. He then stood and faced Past Widower. His eyes glowed Pure White and air rushed in the room through the hole in the wall. The force of the gust opened the door to his room and Past Roger and Tara looked inside.

      His eyes then glowed Red and he created a fire whip. Then he eyes glowed Blue and made a water whip to accompany it. Past Charn lashed at Past Widower with the fire then the water. The cycle continued until the young boy turned the water whip into a tsunami. It washed the intruder all up and he nearly drowned. Past Charn’s eyes glowed Yellow next and he sent out a lightning bolt. After being electrocuted, Past Widower had enough.

      He stood up and said, “This isn’t over Charn. You will see me again, count on it!”

      “I’ll be waiting.”The boy said to him, fearlessly. “Who are you anyway?”

      “Someone you’ll meet very, very soon.” I shivered as he said that and he was gone in the night. Past Charn’s parents came over and hugged him. He looked at Past Emily, who risked her life to save him. His eyes glowed all the colors of the Rainbow and he put his hands over his sister’s body. Soon she was healed and Past Tara erased my memory of the afternoon.

      I then snapped back to Crystal Waters and looked around the room. “Paige, I need to know what secret you’re keeping from me about mom. I had a memory of her, when I was four. Now tell me what the secret is. I know something about Widower you’ll want to know. Abigail’s included, she already knows.”

      Paige began, “Fine, I’ll start from the beginning: Tara was an interesting woman. She had several powers and really wanted to protect you. She was good for 8 years, but after Emily died, you were put through hell: she did tons of stuff that made you regret the 8 years before it. I can’t name it, but you cried one time.”

      “Yeah I know Paige, but what’s the secret? You’re keeping something from me.”

      “Tara’s back in town and I wanted her to see you.”

      “No!” I yelled out, “I DO NOT want to see mom.”

      “Come on. We’re going to need her help to stop Widower. She could give you insight and remember, she used to have the book, so she’s connected to him as well. WE NEED HER HELP. At least give her a chance.”

      “Fine. Anything else you want to tell me?”

      “There’s way more to it, but I can’t remember. Now spill what happened.” I then told Paige and Abigail about the memory and what happened in the training hall.

      “All that really happened?”

      “Everything. On the bright side, I met the Retributionists. All except the cloaked one.”

      “But, you still need to find out how Widower’s connected to your past.” Abigail said, “He can’t get the Book.”

      “That memory was one part, but I still have no idea how. Paige, I need your help. Please help Abigail and I stop Widower.”

      “Fine, but first we need to look for Tara.” Paige said.

      “Right.” Abigail and I said in accord. {Romance never changes over time. To this day, I still have a few butterflies around Abigail. Too sappy?}

       Abigail, Paige, and I walked into the room Abigail and I shared. “I have all these maps that might help us pinpoint the location of Tara, but it’s going to take a while.”

Three Days Later…

      Abigail threw down a map and looked at me, troubled. “Charn, we have to stop.” She said.

      “No way, we can’t stop. We’re so close, I feel it.” {Denial seeped in about a day ago.}

      “We’ve been at it for three days straight with no luck. Paige is gone. We need to go somewhere.”

      “Alright, but where are we going to go?”

      “I have an idea.” Abigail gave a sly smile and I could already tell it wasn’t good.

      “Ballroom Dancing!No way!”

      “Come on Charn. Let’s do it. It’s going to be fun and we got out. You said you want to get to know me better.”

      “No I didn’t… well not directly anyway.”

      “Exactly and this is the only way I could think of.”  I suddenly saw the guy from my dream heading towards the Ballroom. Uh-oh.The dream going to come true unless I stop it.

      I turned Abigail around and said to her, “Why don’t we just stay home and rest? We don’t need to go out tonight.”Abigail frowned and said to me, “Come with me or don’t come with me, but I’m going dancing tonight.” Abigail started to walk to the Ballroom and I was forced to follow her. I stopped her, mid-way there and turned her around.

      “Fine, I’ll go, but I’ll only do one dance.”

      “What’s that?”

      “Tango!” I yelled to the crowd of dancers behind me. The guys grabbed their partners and began dancing. I grabbed Abigail, spun her, caught her, twisted her and did every ballroom dance move I knew. I then put her in the dip.

      “You’re pretty light on your feet.” Abigail laughed, still in the dip. She was smiling and really enjoying herself. It’s been a while since I last saw her beautiful smile. {Go ahead and call me Romeo, I consider that a compliment. That doesn’t mean it’s any less true. I’m a lover and occasionally a fighter.}

      “I have to be if I want to catch you.” I said,smiling back. I brought her up and she crossed her right leg around my waist like a professional dancer. The moment seemed so right and for a second, Abigail and I were the only two people in the world. I went in to kiss her, when the song changed. Apparently the DJ insists on making sure no one kisses.

      Abigail and I began slow dancing when we bumped into someone. I turned just in time to see who it was. Uh-oh.“Everybody hit the deck!” I yelled. Everyone dropped to the ground as the man began firing off shots. Abigail and I got up and watched as the exit to the Ballroom was sealed off. I turned to see James and Paige and ran towards them. “Guys, what are you doing here?” I asked them.

      “Trying to relax, what else?” Paige answered.

      “At least that’s what was going to happen before this lunatic held us hostage.” James said. I looked over at the man and everyone became suspicious. “Do you know him?” My girlfriend, Abigail, asked.

      I was hesitant to answer, but just spit it out. “Not directly. He was from the dream that caused me to go to Goldstein.”

      “Well, how do we stop him?” James asked me.

      “No idea. He killed Abigail before he stabbed me. I woke up then and had no idea why the dream happened, but now it’s coming true.”

      “You can’t let me die!” Abigail yelled out. It drew the attention of the shooter and he fired off another shot. Luckily, I deflected it and shot it through one of the windows.

      “I won’t!” I grabbed Abigail’s hands in mine and looked her dead in the eyes. My blood started boiling again and I felt a little woozy, but I couldn’t pass out now. “I won’t let anything happen to you. You’ve been one of the best things about this school since I came here. If you died, I don’t know what I’d do and I don’t want to find out!” I paused and said to the others, “I have an idea: I could grab the gun from him and force him to free everyone. It’s a long shot, but it might be our only way out. My powers aren’t that effective right now, so that’s out.”

      “Well, what are you waiting for: an invitation? Go ahead.” Paige encouraged. {I could always turn to her for inspiration or something to help me and I’m still getting her help.} I ran over to the shooter and tried to tackle him, but he slid over and I fell.

      The others ran over to my side and helped me up. “Charn, are you okay?” Abigail asked.

      “We’ll take care of him.” Paige and James said together. Looks like Abigail and I aren’t the only couple.

      The two charged at the man and then suddenly two people came out and pinned my friends to the ground. Those two weren’t in the dream, but then again, neither were James and Paige. I’m just surprised to made it this far, I should be dead by now.

      Suddenly, Abigail screamed out, “AHHH!” and I ran to my girlfriend’s side. “Abigail, don’t die on me. Don’t! I can’t lose you now. Give me a second; I’ll go get the First Aid kit.” {Playing right into Widower’s hands, good idea Charn.} Suddenly, I felt like I was losing my breath and I started shivering and shaking. I looked down and saw blood. A dagger was pulled out of me by, you know who, and I said, “I’m… gonna… get… you!” before I passed out. The book fell out of my pack and I saw Emily in a Black room.

      “Emily! You’re here.” I ran and hugged my other sister, who I finally saw with my own eyes. “What are you doing here?”

      “Saving your life. This is Alice: the Retributionist of Life and Death. She agreed to give you back your life, but don’t lose it again. She’s investing a lot in this: half of her power and life force. Now after this, go get the book and stop Widower.” Alice stuck her hand out. I grabbed it and suddenly felt energy being returned to my body. Soon I felt better and Emily and Alice started to fade away.

      “Wait, where are you going Emily? Emily? Emily!” I then opened my eyes and I was back in the Ballroom. The other dancers saw me going to hell and back. They were starry-eyed and then one girl said to me, “You possess the Book of Retribution?”

      “Yes. I do.” I said to her.

      “Well hurry and get it back. That shooter ran off with it. He went through the back door.”

      I ran to the back door and turned back around to face her. “Thanks.” I said.

      “No problem. Anything to help the Legendary carrier.”

      “How’d you know it was me?”

      “The Retributionist told me and I know you from before. My name’s Dawn Sanest.” The 5’5 Brunette with Green eyes said. {Dawn Sanest is sorta like a sister to me. She’s an important person and she got me through tough times.}

      “Okay… I’ll come back for you guys.”

      “Get the Book first!”

      “Right.” I ran out the back door and saw the shooter running away. I began following slowly behind him. Whenever he turned around I hid behind a bush or some other part of nature. I felt like an agent on a recon mission, I COULD NOT BE SEEN.

      The further he went, the faster he kept going and it was harder for me to hide. I could sense that he was in a hurry. There were many opportunities where I could’ve easily caught him, but I couldn’t let myself be discovered. Anyway, he quickly turned around and saw me in plain sight. Blown!

      The man then raised his gun to me and fired off several shots. I dodged all but the last one. I opened my closed fist and revealed the bullet I caught as easily as a pebble. The shooter’s eyes then got wide and he started running again. Having no fear of being caught, I easily caught up with the assailant and pinned him to the ground. The gun fell and I picked it up. I lifted the man up with me, one hand on the trigger and the other on the man’s two hands.

      I then escorted him back to the Ballroom. I watched as his two friends were watching the other dancers in the Ballroom squirm to find an exit. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Don’t even think about escaping or your life will end here.” I fired a shot to the ceiling to show him I was serious. That also drew the attention of his two accomplices. They looked my way and I let go of my hostage.

      “Get off my friends NOW!” I fired a shot in between the two that could have easily been a direct hit. They followed, broke the barrier, and ran out of the Ballroom like scared little girls. {Actually, scared little girls would be an understatement. I know little girls braver than those two in the face of danger. Heck, if someone else was in charge, I’d be a little scared, but not that scared.}

      James, Paige, and Dawn came over to me. “Nice job Charn.” James said to me, patting me on the back. Paige smiled and then frowned. “But what about Abigail? Surely by this time, she’s dead.”

      “Oh contraire. As you see, she is currently pale, cold, and lifeless.” I walked over to my girlfriend and held her body in my hands. “But that’s soon going to change.” I kissed her full on the lips and the color slowly began to return to her face. She then opened her eyes, only to close them again and kissed me back. After about 5 minutes of solid make-out time, I released because I was losing my breath.

      “Tada.” I panted in between breaths, after I let Abigail go.

      “How?” Paige asked.

      “The shooter killed me and the Retributionist of Life and Death, Alice, gave me my life back. She gave a little extra, so I decided to revive my girlfriend. But now that the energy’s all used up, so that’s it for the revivals.” I turned to Abigail. “Hey Sweetheart, how you feeling?”

      “Like a train wreck. By the way, what happened to the shooter?” She asked me.

      “I took care of it.” Out the corner of my eye, I saw the shooter escaping. I shot a bullet that hit the shooter in the back. He fell down and I turned back to my friends. “Shall we?”

      James, Abigail, Paige, Dawn, and I walked over to the shooter. “Alright, spill it. Who do you work for?” I asked the man.

      The man answered simply, “Widower.” Paige, Dawn (although I didn’t know why), and I instantly stiffened up at the mention of his name.

      “That’s right. I work for the one person capable of taking you out. Hahaha.”

      “That’s not funny.” Paige said, sticking up for me.

      “Ah, Paige. I believe there’s something everyone should know about you. Do they know that Paige “Frasier” is really Charn’s-.” Paige grabbed the gun from me and shot a bullet at the man.

      She turned to me and mouthed, “Sorry, I panicked.” I then saw him squirm and Dawn said, “He’s still kicking.”

      “Shut up Dawn!” He retaliated harshly, “Do Charn and Abigail know your little secret?”

      “Secret?” I asked, “What secret?”

      “The secret that she’s really-.” Now it was Dawn’s turn to panic. She grabbed the gun and fired off three shots. The man then vanished and Widower’s voice returned.

      “Hello Charn.”James and Abigail stiffened up, so I assumed they heard his voice as well.

      “Hello Widow.”

      “Did you enjoy my little friend’s visit? It’s a shame that everyone made it out alive, but that’ll end soon enough.”

      “Just so you know I had a little vision from my past. I can’t believe you actually tried to kill me before!”

      “But I didn’t.”

      “If it wasn’t for Emily, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

      “Emily. Your big sister, but not the only one. I believe you know who I’m talking about Char-char.”

      “Char-char? I didn’t know you were still called that.”Dawn said, amused.

      “How’d you know my nickname?” I asked her.

      “That’s my cue. Dawn, just pray that your secret doesn’t slip by accident. Until next time Dimensions.” Widower’s voice disappeared and everyone turned to Dawn.

      “What was he talking about, Dawn?” Abigail asked her.

      “Okay, might as well say it. The truth is that I’m the daughter of Charn and Abigail Dimension.”


      “Our what?” Abigail and I asked together, shocked. Good to know we have a child together, but now that might not happen! Way to go Widow, ruin every good thing in my life.

      “Let me explain. My name is Dawn Angel Dimension. My birthday is April 16, 2035.”

      “April 16th is my birthday.” Abigail chimed in.

      “I know mom. I was born on your birthday. I came back from the future to stop my dad from dying. Ever since he stopped Widow’s plan, my dad and some evil spirit have been going back and forth in heated battle. I was caught in the crossfire and dad sacrificed himself for me. I’m here to stop it from killing you. So what are you going to do with me?”

      “I need you to help me defeat Widower. You too James. Do you know about the Book of Retribution?”

      “Yeah,” James responded, “Paige told me everything before we were held hostage.”

      “So it’s decided. All five of us will work to stop Widower and his evil plan for good. Now come on, we need to go. We have class in the morning.” The five of us left the Ballroom and stopped at our dorm.

      “I’m right next door if you need me.”Dawn said to us before going in her dorm. Everyone else followed me inside the dorm and we all went to our rooms. I set the book on my dresser, next to the lamp. I turned the light off and Abigail and I turned in for the night. {I thought that was it for the night, but I was wrong. More surprises kept coming my way.}

The Test Begin

     I kept tossing and turning for about an hour. I then shot up out of bed and looked around the room. I thought I heard something and turned towards my dresser. I saw the book glowing. I sat up and grabbed the book. I saw one of the seven holes on the book flickering a Blue light. “A Blue light? What’s going on? What’s… going… on?”

      I collapsed in bed with the book on top of me. I then awoke in a room. Getting to my feet, I saw the room was filled with several swords, bows, arrows, and other weapons. “Charn Dimension.” A familiar voice said. Coming out of the shadows, I recognized the two women standing in front of me. Avery was one of them. I asked the girl I didn’t know, “You’re a Retributionist?”      

      “Indeed I am Charn.” She answered, “I’m here to test you.”

      “As you know, you recently undertook the challenge of opening the Book of Retribution. Tonight, you get your first opportunity.” Avery said.

      “You must face me in a battle. If you succeed, you will get my entity, Stealth.” Her friend answered.

      “The entity affects the color that the Retributionist gets and the color affects the particular element they get.”

      “Since I have Stealth, the color of my entity is Blue. That means that I control Water.”

      “And my entity is Emotion, my color is White, and my element is Air. Before we can possibly give you a chance against Hope, we must see how well you react to the elements.”

      “Charn, this is a test that can have only one outcome.”

      “What is with test lately?” I screamed out. All of a sudden, Avery’s eyes twinkled and I turned my attention to her.

      “What’s wrong with you?” I asked.

      “Nothing, you’re just tapping into Emotion.” She answered.

      “Just now… Just now! If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been feeling tons of emotional stress for the past week! So far, I’ve saved Abigail twice and I’ve been feeling joy from her as well. That’s not it though; I’ve had confusion strike me as to why Paige looks like Emily. Widower has been driving me insane ever since the first time he infiltrated my mind and he’s been the cause my meltdowns all week. Then you people come with the task and I’ve been dragging everyone I’ve met into it, not to mention my own daughter! So if I’m just tapping into Emotion with all that I’ve been through, you might have the wrong person for this gig.” {I’ve kinda gone delirious and a little insane. Don’t worry it’ll fade, I’m telling you.}

      “I didn’t say you just tapped into it. Anyway Charn, if you’re going to protect the world, you need to learn how to balance the task with your personal life.”

      I sat down on the ground and said to Avery, “Right now, I don’t know which is which.”

      “Don’t worry, you’ll get it. All of us have had to go through with it. All except the Retributionist of Experience, her back-story is a little different than ours.”

      Hope interrupted, “I’d hate to interrupt this little heart-to-heart conversation, but I’m waiting over here.” {No she wasn’t.}

      “Right.” I said, as I stood up. “Let’s get this thing started.”

      “Be warned I might use my element against you.”

      “Show me what you got.”

      “Very well.” Hope and Avery charged towards me and I backed up. “Avery, what are you doing?” I continued backing up to avoid their attacks.

      “This is the trial run to see how you’ll really be in battle. Now hold still.”

      “Don’t worry, I know what to do.” Hope created a Water whip and hit me with it. I fell back and stood as I was hit with a gigantic gust of wind. Hope went to hit me with the Water whip again. “No this time.”

      I grabbed the whip and redirected it, striking Avery. “AHHH!” She screamed out. I was instantly brought back to the Ballroom where Abigail was killed. Not again.My eyes glowed Red, so I was obviously controlling Fire. Hope was knocked to the ground by the pulse of Fire I sent out. Hope got to her feet and flung the tail of the Water whip at me. In response to the oncoming attack, I created a Fire Shield. Meteors began to littler the sky as the whip evaporated. I sent a gust of Wind and Fire towards Hope, just as she created a Water shield to protect her. She was sent back again and I walked over to her. I saw the frightened look on her face and I saw something.

      {The year was October 22, 2051 and that was the worst day that I’d ever know. The city that my future family and I lived in was destroyed.} As I walked closer to the battlefield, I saw another figure. It seemed to be the future version of me, although he was permeating a darkness that only I could see. The future I fell on the ground.

      “Hahaha.” The evil Charn said, “You see Dimension, the more you fight me, the weaker you become. When you first became a Retributionist, you were strong, but being dormant for so long and starting family has made your skills quite rusty. You’ve lost your edge and I’ll make you pay for it.”

      “Go ahead.” Future Charn said, “Kill me, it won’t change a thing.”

      “Oh no Mr. Dimension. I don’t want you to die like this. I want you to witness the death of someone you care about, just like you killed who I cared for.”

      “That wasn’t my fault! I told you that I never laid a finger on Rosemary. She was unstable and her death was going to happen. I didn’t end her life prematurely. You have to believe me!”

      “Save it Dimension! I’m done talking. Say goodbye to your precious daughter!” The evil Charn turned to Dawn, my daughter.

      “Don’t you dare lay a finger on her! If you do, I swear I will kill you and you’ll never return.”

      “Right…”Dawn looked up and gasped as evil Charn held a sword in his hands. His evil smirk turned into a grin and widened to the far reaches of his face as he slammed the sword. Future Charn then ran and took the sword attack. It stabbed the father through the heart and he began shuddering and gasped. He fell alongside Dawn and looked her in the eyes. “Dawn, I guess this is the end for me.”

      “No,”Dawn said, “It’s not. I can get Alice, she can heal you.”

      “No Dawn, let this happen. I must die today. You’ve grown to become an amazing fighter and a wonderful daughter. Never change. Tell your mother that I’ll miss her. Make sure that Grandma gets the note with the money in it to pay for the house and talk to Aunt Paige and Emily if you want to know about me as a kid. I know that you’ll make me proud someday and remember that I’ll always watch over my little girl…”Future Charn’s eyes glazed over and he was gone.

      “Dad, dad, speak to me. Dad, dad, please!”Dawn said, shaking her father. I turned away and looked into the darkness in front of me. {Well, that was grizzly. Seeing how I die is… not comforting. Luckily, that’s not how your beloved hero is going to die. How I die is unknown to me and I don’t want to know. It’s that simple!}

      I was brought back to the battle. I stopped, just as I would’ve hit Hope. “I won’t do it. I’m not going to hit you.” I turned my back to her.

      “Why not?” Hope asked me.

      “I saw how I died. Dawn was right; I sacrificed myself to save her.”

      “Hope,” Avery said.

      “Yeah?” Hope asked, turning to Avery.

      “He’s ready.”

      “You’re right. Charn,” I turned to Hope and Avery. “You’ve proven how you could handle the elements thrown at you and you saw the sacrifice you made for family. I decided that you’re ready to face me in a real battle.”

      “Are you sure?” I asked, “Because I’ll wait if I have to.”

      “You’re ready Charn. Now come at me.”

      “You make the first move.”

      “Very well.” Hope charged towards me and I jumped up. Hope created another Water whip and latched it around my feet. She slammed me down to the ground. After the smoke cleared, I searched the horizon, but couldn’t see her.

      I guess she must’ve used her element.

      “Got that right.” Hope reappeared with her hands above her head and behind her stood a tsunami. “I’ll give you a ten second head start.”

      “I’m not running.” I said back, defiantly.

      “You sure?”

      “Hit me with your best shot.”

      “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Hope pushed her hands in front of her head and the tsunami advanced forward. I stood my ground and rethought my decision. I started running and the tsunami soon caught up with me. After the tsunami passed, I was revealed still standing. Hope and Avery stood, bug-eyed watching me.

      “How’d you-?”

      “Create a Water wall saving me from the tsunami that would’ve surely meant serious injury, if not death. It was easy. Now, if you excuse me…” I disappeared and Hope fell to the ground. I reappeared over her with a Legendary dagger in my hand.

      “Well Charn, I guess you’ve earned my entity.” I let Hope get up and she had a Blue orb in her hand. She put it in my hands and it was absorbed into me. I felt a surge of power and suddenly felt stronger.

      “Congratulations Charn,” Avery said, “You’re now one step closer to defeating Widower. Here.” Avery takes a slip of paper out of her pocket and hands it to me. I see a series of numbers on it.

      “My number.”

      “Thanks… anyway, can I please go now?”

      “Sure.” Hope said. She put a hand on the book and closed her eyes. She focused and I shivered and shook again. I was transported back into my bed. Once I was gone, Hope smacked Avery hard on her arm.

      “OW! What was that for?” Avery asked.

      “For flirting with Charn. You know he has a girlfriend and you know her very well. Abigail did something for you that you should be grateful for.”

      “I am grateful! Besides, what happened between Abigail and I is none of your concern.”

      “Well, stop flirting with Charn. Abigail might crack and Charn is going to be forced to fight her. Charn’s power is growing stronger by the minute.”

      “I know. Charn was a pro out there. He was more advanced than you were with your power. He’s mixing the elements and everything.”

      “We’re getting off topic! Just stay in your lane, so we won’t have to lose our only hope. You don’t know what it’s like to know that you caused someone’s death and you really cared about them.”

      “Let’s hope I never have to find out.”

      “Stay in your lane and you won’t have to. End of discussion.”

      I awoke in my bed with the book on top of me. I looked at the book. The Blue flickering hole was replaced with a solid Blue hole and I smiled. I turned to my phone and picked it up. I dialed Dawn’s number and the phone rang several times before it was picked up.

      “Hello?”Dawn asked.

      “Hey Dawn, its Charn. I have something really important to say. Come next door, ASAP.”

      “Okay.” I hung up the phone and looked across the room to see Abigail sound asleep in bed. She looks so cute when she’s sleeping. {Again, call me Romeo.}

      I turned the light on and Abigail looked up out of bed. She covered her eyes and asked me, “Charn, why’d you turn on the light?”

      “I need you to do something.”

      “What is it?”

      “Go get James and Paige and ask them to meet me in the living room.”

      “Okay.” Abigail and I got up and went to the door of our room. I opened the door and saw Paige at our door.

      “Hey Paige, is James awake?” Abigail asked.

      “No, he’s still asleep.” She answered.

      “Great.” Abigail grumbled as she walked over to James and Paige’s room.

      “Charn, I need to tell you something really important.”

      “Can it wait until I tell my news?” I asked her.

      “I don’t know. But look, Mom’s-.”

      “What is it Charn?” James asked, as he slid his feet across the carpet.

      “Guys, my news is that-.” I began. I was interrupted by a knocking at the door. “Oh my-. Come in.”

      “Hey mom, hey dad. So what’s up?”Dawn asked, coming in the living room.

      “Hey Dawn. Anyway, my news is that I-.” I was interrupted again by a knocking at the door. “Who is it this time?” There was no answer.

      “Dawn, can you get the door?”

      “Sure.”Dawn walked to the door and I began for the third time. “My news is that I-.” I stopped this time because I saw someone I thought I’d never see again in my life… Tara, my mom.

      “Mom?” I asked.

      “Hey Charn. I’m here to talk.” Tara said to me.



End of Part





“The hand of Fate comes in many forms, but it always gets what it wants.”

~Charn Dimension

Fight for the Grave


Family Ties

      “Mom? What are you doing here?” I asked.

      “I’m here to talk.” She answered, “Look, Charn, I’m sorry.”Tarastuck her hand out and I pulled back.

      “What the-?”

      “No. Stay away from me!”

      “But, Charn, I’m only here because I want to-.”

      “What?” I asked, “Apologize for torturing me for the past 8 years of my life. Make me realize that I made the wrong choice wanting to move in with dad. What do you want mom? It’s too late, what’s done is done. There’s no reason for you to be here. You’re wasting your time.”I turned around and stormed towards my room.Tara and the others followed, while Tara said,“Come on Charn, all I want is to-.” I slammed the door in her face.

      {Harsh, I know. But come on, I’m sure you would’ve done the same thing if you were in my situation: seeing someone that practically ruined your life. So don’t judge me.} “Charn!”Tara demanded, “Open this door now!”

     “Adorable, you think that you can just make me follow you. That opportunity’s gone with the wind.” I said to her through the door.

      “It’s no use.” Tara said, turning around to my friends. “He won’t listen to me.”

     “Don’t worry Ms. Dimension, I’ll talk to him.” Abigail said, putting a hand on my mother’s shoulder. Tara looked up and smiled, “Well you’re nice. Charn would be lucky to have a girl like you as his girlfriend instead of her.” Tara pointed to Dawn and Dawn looked offended.

      “Oh, no. I didn’t mean that. I just meant that you look too much like Charn.”

      “You think that-? Oh, you don’t know? Dawn isn’t Charn’s girlfriend, that’s my title. She’s our daughter from the future.”

      “Daughter?” Tara asked.

      “Yes.”Dawn said, “I’m their daughter. I had to change my last name when I got to this school though. I couldn’t have anyone finding out my little secret.”

      “Right…” Abigail said, “Anyway, I’m going to talk to Charn now.” Abigail turned towards the door and knocked, slightly opening it.

      “Mind if I come in?”My girlfriend asked me. I looked over to the door from my bed and nodded.

      “Yeah, sure. Come in, this is your room after all.” I responded.

      “You know what we need to talk about.” Abigail moved closer towards me and I sat up.

      “I don’t want to talk about it.”

      “Yeah… too bad. Look, I’m your girlfriend and I’m going to have to help you face your fears and problems. You know I’m going to be here to help you.”

      “Yeah, until…” I gulped, “You know.”

      “Don’t talk like that. Anyway, I think you were a little harsh to your mom. She seems like a nice woman and all she wants to do is talk to you.”

      “Great,” I put my hands over my headand the candle by my light went out. “Now my girlfriend’s taking her side! When is everyone else gonna turn on me?”

      “I’m not taking anyone’s side, no one is. I just think that you need to talk to your mom and give her a chance. Family’s forever and they’re always going to help you. Since Emily’s gone, you’re going to need all the family you have. You’re practically an orphan without your mom. She’s the only family you have left, since your dad’s not here.”

      I already have one good family member. I don’t need a bad one. Abigail frowned and said, “Don’t think that. Like it or not, you need your mother and she needs you. She’s trying to change her ways and she wants to make amends with her son. So man up and go out there!”

      So demanding. Maybe she is high-maintenance.

      “Will you knock it off?” Abigail playfully pushes my arm and stands up. “But seriously, you need to talk to your mom. She wants to set things straight, so you should let her. At least give her a fair shot.”

      Abigail opens the door and walks out, leaving me to my thoughts… Goodie.How could I possibly face the person who practically tortured me for 8 years? I sat in the room for a few hours, if you could call it that. I walked out the room and saw everyone knocked out. I looked at my watch and saw that I had to meet Headmaster Jordyn. I carefully tiptoed across the room, past the sleeping “villagers”. I turned the doorknob and then horns started blaring. I jumped back and the lights were suddenly turned on. Everyone stood in front of me and Paige asked rhetorically, “Going somewhere Charn?”

      “Uh…” I began, “Actually, I came to get answers from mom.” I turned to my mother. “Why are you here? It’s been eight years since Emily died and my torture began. Why do you show up now, of all times, why now?”

      “Well, Paige called me and I-.” Tara answered, before I put up a hand to stop her.

      “You called her?” I asked my sister, semi-relieved that Tara didn’t know where I was the entire time. I suddenly remembered Paige saying something about getting in contact with our mother. Stress pushes things down, you know.

      “Yeah. Remember, we talked about her coming to help us?” Paige responded.

      “Okay. Mom, why did you torture me since Emily died?”

      “I was grieving. I already lost one child and I didn’t want to lose my only boy.”

      “So you torture me? Why couldn’t you have just bottled everything up like I did?”

      “Look, Charn I’m sorry. Everyone deals with death differently and you know it. So, can I stay and help you fight Widower for the hopefully final time.”

      “You told her, didn’t you? About Dawn’s future?” I asked my friends. They slowly shook their heads and then began nodding, even more slowly.

      “Whatever.” I said, turning my attention back to Tara.“Mom, you can stay. Dawn, I’ll talk to you when we get back, but in the meantime, all of us are going to Headmaster Jordyn’s office.” I opened the door and everyone (including Tara) left out. We were soon at Headmaster Jordyn’s office door.

      “Hey Headmaster Jordyn, you here?” I asked, knocking on the headmaster’s door.

      “Come in Charn.” She answered. I open the door and everyone comes in.“Hello Dawn. Hey Tara.”

      “Hey Jordyn, long time no see.” Tara said, smiling.

      “Wait,” James asked, “How do you know her?”

      “Jordyn was on my team the last time I fought Widower. After Widower’s defeat, it took a few years until we drifted apart.” My mom answered. She turned to Headmaster Jordyn. “Anyway Jordyn, how’s Charn been doing with the Legendary? I know he has the power, I mean he already filled in one of the holes.”

      “He what?” Headmaster Jordyn stood up out of her chair. “Let me see the book.”

      I showed her the book and she placed the book on her desk. “I filled in the entity of Stealth.” I told her, “I also had the memory of how I died in Dawn’s future. By the way, did you know that Widower tried tokill me when I was four?!

      “You see, about that…” Tara began.

      “Don’t bother, it’s already taken care of. Anyway, what was mom’s connection to Widower?”

      “Okay Charn,” Headmaster Jordyn said, “Slow down. This is going too fast. Let’s start with the information I promised: you already know that Widower’s connected to your past, but we don’t know how.”

      “Maybe if I learn about my mom’s connection to him, then that’ll trigger another memory.” I suggested.

      “No good Charn.” Tara said, “My connection wouldn’t trigger anything. I was connected to his father and somewhat him, but not to Widower directly. I’m sorry, but I don’t know how I could help you.”

      “Anyway, Headmaster Jordyn, what’s your news?” I asked.

      “Tara, remember the place we always went to when we forgot something?”

      “You don’t mean-?” Tara asked.


      “No, Charn just started his training less than a week ago. There’s no way I’ll possibly let him go there.”

      “What place?” Everyone except Tara and Headmaster Jordyn asked.

      “The Remembrance Ravine. It’s a place where people go to remember things that they’ve forgotten, but once you learn it, there’s no way to forget it. So you might remember something, you weren’t supposed to.” Tara answered.

      “Fine,” I said, “I’m sure that I’ll figure out my connection to Widower some other way. I’ll just take it slow.”

      “Good. Now hurry up and get back to your dorms, class starts in a few hours.” Headmaster Jordynhanded me the book, ushered us out and closed the door behind us. She leaned on the back of the door and slowly slid down it.

      “Tara’s back. Well, this should be fun.” She said.

Two Months Later…


      Abigail, Paige, James and I were training, while Tara and Dawn were watching our movements. “You know, I still think you should be training with them,” Tara said to Dawn.Abigail and Paige just passed by the two, still doing hand-to-hand. “Practice makes perfect after all.”

      “But I trained in all of my free time for the past week.”Dawn said back. I just flipped James and turned to my mother and daughter. “So, I’ve practically been training non-stop for two days and I’m still training now aren’t I?”

      “Yeah dad, you clearly are.” Out the corner of my eye, I saw James standing up.“But, I’m kinda lost because I don’t know what powers I have this time.”

      “What do you mean?” I asked my daughter. James started charging towards me and I held my index finger up to her. I disappeared and James crashed into a wall. I reappeared next to Dawn and she answered, “I had the Legendary and I came back to this time with the Book of Retribution, the one that dad from the future gave me. I was never supposed to come to this time, but I did. When I did, the book vanished and with it did my Legendary powers. I don’t know what powers I have now that I came back here.”

      “Don’t worry,” I said to Dawn, reassuringly. “You’ll figure it out. We all did. Just because of the fact that you came from the future, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re here. You’re a Dimension and we never give up. You have more powers. The Legendary is just part of it.”

      “Thanks dad.”Dawn hugged me and James challenged, “Hey Dimension, we’re not done yet.”

      “You’re on, Boston.” I charged towards my friend and our battle began again. It’s been several months since I’ve last seen the Retributionists and had that little encounter. I wish I could just get these tests over with.

      “It doesn’t work that way.”Avery said, infiltrating my mind.

      Avery… hey.

      “Hey. The tests are supposed to happen on their own. We don’t cause them and we definitely don’t control them. It’s one of the laws the creator put in place.”

      Have I tapped into your entity since the test?

      “Yeah, but it wasn’t anything major that caused me to see you right away. Truth is I think I could go for a while without the entity. You know, be a normal person… well, as normal as I can possibly be.”

      Right…I thought, trying to hint at sarcasm.

      “I can, okay!”Avery retaliated mentally, “Now just get back to your training.”

      I jumped back and created a Water whip. I hit James with it and he fell back. “You can control the elements now?”

      “Not all of them are elements,” I said to James before cracking the whip again. “Some are energies, like Nature, Light, Electricity and Plasma.”

      Tara blew a whistle and said to us, “Alright guys, that’s it for today.” I turned to my mother and the Water whip disappeared. The six of us left the training hall and were walking towards the South Wing, socializing. I then stopped in my tracks and so did everyone else.

      “What’s wrong dad?” Dawn asked me.

      “What’s today?”

      Abigail answered, “March 29th.”

      “Thanks.” I then turned and broke into a sprint, the others chasing after me. I looked back and was suddenly hit with what I assumed was 100 volts of electricity. The pain quickly spread throughout my body and sent a sudden jolt up to my brain. {I spaced out then and I don’t know what I did. This is what I heard happened:}My eyes glowed Yellow and I had lightning at my fingertips. I collected the lightning up into a tight Blue ball of energy and launched it at the barrier, which wasn’t that far away. The heat was turned up, quickly rising. I was suddenly shot back and my friends caught me. My eyes stopped glowing Yellow and returned to their usual Brown color.

      {I’m back now.} “Charn, what did you just do?” Abigail asked me.

      “We’re locked in the school.”


      “What!” Everyone except me yelled out.

      “W-w-we can’t be locked in!”Abigail stuttered, her Emerald Green eyes wide with astonishment.

      I tried to get up, but whinnied in pain. The pain subsided and I said, “We are. Check the calendar.” I took a calendar out of my pocket and Abigail snatched it. After a couple of seconds, Abigail slowly put the calendar down, all the while saying, “Oh my god. He’s right.”

      “Well how long does the break last?” Paige asked.

      “Two weeks.” I answered, waiting for the scream I knew would follow.

© 2014 Edgar3

Author's Note

The brackets {} are used for narration and I'm well aware that I shouldn't capitalize the colors, but I just got this back. Also, italics indicate thought and occasionally interceptions. I’ll say which is which beforehand. Enjoy.

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Added on September 20, 2014
Last Updated on September 20, 2014
Tags: Dimension, vendetta, evil, good, power, hunted, college



New York, NY

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