Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Cas Novak

Saving Sammy
"Cas, what do we do? You can't keep raising him from Hell. Especially since you've fallen." I said.
"I do not know. You said he was shot. Do you know when or where?" he asked.
"I never know when. You know that. And I think it was outside a gas station. There was a brickwall and the smell of gas." I replied. I didn't just see, I smelled too. It was like I was standing right there. "Why is it so hot?" I was sweating in my hoodie."See, it's the middle of winter." Cas said, worried.
"Maybe I'm just sick. I never feel very good after these things." It was getting harder to breath. "Honestly, I think I may have-a-fever." Then there was nothing but black.


"Searra!" I said, racing to catch her before she hit the ground. I gently picked here up. I got us back to the motel and laid her on the bed farthest from the door. I pulled a chair up to the bed, back facing the door. She was a sickly pale color, the only sign she was still alive the slight up a and down movement of the blanket. These visions were going to kill her one day and I knew that. She knew that.
The visions started when she was twelve. Little things at first,  unimportant things. Something that would happen or be said. After every vision she's up for a couple of hours, feeling like she was by a train then thrown off a cliff, as she puts it. Then she crashes and she's out for a couple of days. As she got older the visions became more frequent and she got sick more often. When ever she gets sick like this I disappear for a few days, I turn off my ears. Nobody is more important then my angel. She started to thrash, plagued by nightmares. So I started the little lullaby she had made up when she was younger.

"Hush my small angel
Don't shed a tear
I'll always be right here."
"Hush little angel
Don't cry
I'll never say goodbye."
"Hush my small angel
Don't shed a tear
I'll chase away every fear."
"Hush my small angel
Don't shed a tear
I'll always be right here.
I love you my small angel
Today, tomorrow, and always."
Suddenly she woke, sitting up, with a gasp. She started to kick off the blankets as she tried getting out of the bed.
"We have to save Sam. He's going to die. We can't let that happen. We can, can keep him tied up. Lock him in his room. We could, could, I don't know. Any ideas, daddy?" She babbled. Though she looked right at me, she wasn't seeing me, not really.
"I don't know See, for now just rest." I replied, gently pushing her back onto the bed. I'm her delirium, she fought me.
"No, no I have to save Sam. I can't let him die. It'll crush Dean." She struggled.
"Dean does not know he's alive." I replied.
"Somebody'll have to bury him. It should be Dean, he's the one person Sam loves most in the world. Daddy, let me help." She begged.
'You can not. You need rest or you'll be no help at all."
"Yeah, your right. I'll sleep now." She finally complied, falling back onto the bed.


A couple of hours later I heard the door unlock. Searra was still sleeping. Sam walked in closing the door behind him. Once he saw me he stopped.
"Castiel!? What the hell? I've been calling you for weeks." He said.
"Hello Sam." I replied.
"What's the matter with her?" He asked, though he didn't really seem to care.
"She's sick."
"I can see that, but why?"
"Do you care?" I asked, finally looking at him.
"Not really, but you obviously do."
"Her visions make her sick. She watched you die. You should probably stay here for a couple of days."
"Who are you to come in here telling me what to do? After weeks of silence." Sam snapped.
"It was for your own good." I replied standing.
"So then some random monster gets sick and you come rushing to her side. Is that how it works now? F**k your family a monster is more important." Sam said almost yelling.
"Searra is not a monster." I said coldly. Lightening lit up the sky, thunder rumbling, as the weather reacted to my emotions.
"Why do you care so much?"
"Searra happens to be my daughter." I replied, rain starting to pummel the roof. "And she may be dying." 
"Use your angel mojo and heal her." He said as if it were that simple.
"If I could, don't you think I would have by now?" The wind picked up.
"Well what's the problem?"
"Seeras are impervious to angel magic." I said, the wind and the rain dying down. Tears started to fill my eyes, but I refused to let them fal, as I had done many times before. "Its just not that easy. I wish it was, but its not." I whispered, clasping Searra ice cold hand in mine.



I had finally woke and we were on the road the next day. I still felt like crap and Cas protested, swearing I wasn't ready. But I left anyway. We stopped at a gas n' sip to buy me some food, since Sam wasn't eating, and to refill the gas tank. I had gone into the store to pay for the gas and food. I was almost to the car when heard Sam.
"I'm sorry I can't do that. See that cars important to me." I ran as fast as I could. I almost didn't make it.
"Then I'm sorry too." Just seconds before he pulled the trigger I jumped in front of Sam. My job was to protect him. I felt a sharp pain, the my world started to spin. I couldn't breath then the darkness pulled me under.

© 2015 Cas Novak

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Added on March 30, 2015
Last Updated on March 30, 2015


Cas Novak
Cas Novak

Springfield, MO

Lived in a small town for a long time. Recently moved to a large city. Getting my GED and going to college. Writing forever, my dad got me started. Largeish family and love animals.à more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Cas Novak

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Cas Novak

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Cas Novak