A Deer Dear Christmas

A Deer Dear Christmas

A Story by Carrie Manor

Will Santa bring Serena the reindeer she had always wanted for Christmas? (:


 A Deer, Dear Christmas

The fresh fallen snow glistened on the lawn as the full moon illuminated against the starlit sky just two weeks before Christmas. Serena though wasn’t like the other children; gleefully awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus, or gathering around the tree every morning just to see, maybe. She just gloomily stared out the window counting, and watching every snowflake that fell, and staring down at the snowman she had named Frosty, and made just only a day ago. She thought maybe if she had asked for something practical such as a bicycle, or a doll, or something else of the sort, she to right now could be joining in the caroling, or the gift wrapping. Serena wasn’t though because the only thing she had asked for from Santa Claus was a reindeer.

It may seem odd to most children, to ask the gentleman whom willingly would give anything to a good child for a reindeer, but that is all Serena wanted. Her parents told her that Santa may come through, but Serena wasn’t a feeble little eight year old, she was more practical; and she knew it wouldn’t. Serena did though consider the housing circumstances of the reindeer, his feed, and vet care, it all came in clear, that the reindeer could live in the barns with her Papa’s cows, he would feed on hay, and sleep on straw, reindeer are similar to horses, are they not?

Serena’s sister was a real grinch, and she didn’t even believe in Santa Claus. she mocked Serena’s and said: “ Well I know ‘Santa’s’- she had said with a sneer. “- he’s going to bring me a new blackberry phone, hah! Watch you’ll be disappointed.”....

At the North Pole

Only being that Christmas was but two weeks away Santa was busily reading all the letters from the procrastinating children. The elves were carrying bags, and bags of letters by the dozen so much in fact that the reindeer were almost left without feed. One of the elves that happen to pass the barns and saw Blitzen poking his head from out of the stall door.

“ Why were sorry Blitz, ole buddy.” The elf said stroking his muzzle affectionally, with his one hand because the other was full with a bag of letters. “ The feeding elfs will be out in a few minutes, we’ve been so busy with all the procrastinating letters we’d almost forgotten.”

The elf heaved the sack of letters back on his back, and hurried away back to the workshop, the elf hadn’t noticed though that one of the letters had fallen from the sack.

It so carefully swept in the air and landed just so in front of Blitzen’s feet. Blitzen wasn’t oblivious to it; he noticed quite immediately and knelt over and picked it up with his teeth. He brought it to the ground and stepped on it with his foot, and then with a corner of it in his mouth ripped away at it with his teeth. Then seeing the letter was visible on the outside of the envelope he nudged it with his muzzle and then retrieved it with his teeth. He shook his head vigorously unraveling the folded letter then he began to read it:

Dear Santa Claus,

I can’t say whether I have been good or not. But I know that you do know best. Well anyway, lately my parents have been asking what I want for Christmas but truthfully the only thing that I want is a reindeer-

Blitzen’s ears perked up the he read this, he shook the letter again and continued reading:

  • I know that does seem rather silly, but I think deer are the most beautiful mammals in the world. My Ma and Papa say that deer are wild and shouldn’t be kept as pets, but why Santa you keep reindeer as pets so if you did happen to have one for me, it would be tame, right?

Well I must be going,


Serena Roebuck

When Blitzen finished reading the letter he was so enthralled that he didn’t know what to think, or say. In fact he was so excited he took the letter and buried it in the back of the barn in the thickest parts of the straw. Some of the other reindeer looked on at him rather curiously, but he ignored them. Finally the feeding elf arrived at brought them their supper. When he left Blitzen to his place next to Donner, and Dasher. They raised their eyebrows at them when they saw how quickly he was devouring the hay.

Donner snorted at said: “ Brr.. Augh, Br?” Which meant something like: “ Why are you eating so fast?”

Blitzen returned: “ Braaa! Brruh, Br..Br.” Which meant: “ Why, I must leave, I ‘ am going to be a Cristmas present!”

Cupid whom had always looked upon Blitzen very nobly, turned her head at him and said:  “ A Christmas present, you? Thats ridiculous.” 

Comet rose his head above the commotion of the others. “ Hey! I think the kids onto something, let him eat  you guys.”

Vixen turned his nose up. “ A Deer as a Christmas present? Whom had ever herd of such an obscure, poppycock thing? I won’t give up my meal to some rambunctious, simpleton deer who can’t mind his place.”

Dancer danced his way next to Blitzen and asked: “ Why, did Santa ask you to be someone's gift?” He asked with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice.

Blitzen shook his head no, and walked away from the others, they all followed him with their eyes to the straw heap where he retrieved the letter. Everyone eagerly gathered around him and read it.

“ How charming!” Cupid commented.

Vixen sneered. “ What foolishness, a child, wanting a deer for Christmas? what a-”

Vixen’s voice was drowned out by the cheers and laughter of the other deer, as they got such a jovial laugh out of the letter.

“ Why I say we let the chap go!” Dasher shouted laughing, “ Why we all would envy an opportunity like this wouldn’t we? Of Course Blitzen you know Santa will wonder where you are at.”

Blitzen’s face had fallen, no, he hadn’t thought of that, exactly what would he do? He couldn’t leave Santa and his companions. Cupid saw the disappointment come to his face:  “ We’ll be okay by ourselves, why we still had Rudolph!”

The other reindeer bahed in cheer, except for Vixen, they all rose there antlers and shouted as Blitzen got ready to take off, he hadn’t meant to leave so soon but it would take him a long time to get all the way from Ohio where the letter had come from. The reindeer all shouted again: “ Your representing us make us all proud! Merry Christmas to you!” And with that a single tiny reindeer flew off into the night sky.

Christmas eve two weeks later...

Serena was anxious, and very nervous that Christmas was tomorrow she had given up the hope that Santa was going to bring her a reindeer, she figured that whatever Santa would bring her she would except with generosity and grace, after all it was Christmas, not her Birthday but the Lord’s.

Serena had just finished hanging a lovely green reef, covered in flowers, and berries, on her door, and then placed a poinsettia that her Ma had given her at the foot of her bed, she marveled at it’s beauty. As Serena departed for bed there was one thing she almost had forgotten, but she didn’t. Every Christmas eve she liked to hang mistletoe on her window. Serena hoped that one of these nights that if she just happened to be awake when Santa came she could call him to her window, and have an excuse to smooch one of the reindeer. 

Serena clenched  her fists tightly and giggled and blushed when the tiny piece of holly was hung on the window, in fact she was so preoccupied by the mistletoe she didn't even notice a big brown blur sweep by her window. It went by again, and she paid more attention to it; “No it couldn’t be..” She muttered under her breath. With all her might Serena hoisted the window up. The minute she opened her eyes from the strenuous lift a soft brown eyed creature with long grey antlers, and thick brown fur met her at the window.

Serena’s mouth dropped in complete awe, but she heeded no time before she planted a kiss on the reindeer’s muzzle; even before the two had a chance to see what they really looked like. Blitzen’s eyes widened very large, and if one wasn’t mistaken his skin seemed to light up a bright pink under his fur. Serena noticed immediately a large red and brown collar on the reindeer’s neck, she could see shining brazen in golden like letters read: Blitzen.

“ Oh! Why Blitzen it’s you! Why no offense to any of the others but you were always my favorite, but I can’t believe Santa is really giving me to you!”

Blitzen shook his head shamefully.

“ Why, only on loan?” Serena caught his gesture. “ Well that’s okay with me. I thought about it long and hard, and it would be awfully difficult for me to take care of a deer, look at how well Santa’s taken care of you!”

Blitzen went to blush again but shook it off and nodded his head meaning for Serena to climb onto his back.

Serena couldn't believe this moment, it had been what she was waiting for her entire life. She slowly climbed out of her bedroom window and mounted Blitzen. The first thing she did was pet Blitzen’s soft fur around his shoulder blades. Then she gently stroked on his antlers, and before she knew it they were flying!

Serena couldn’t believe the marvelous view of her city below, they must had been flying at least a hundred or better feet up in the air, all the Christmas lights below seemed like a magnificent rainbow blur below. All the rooftops seemed like giant heavenly clouds, and there was Serena flying on the back of an angel.

Serena had enough confidence in Blitzen, so she closed her eyes and slowly lifted her arms in the air, for a minute she felt as if she was levitating, how invigorating it felt! She brought her arms down, and what felt like such the shortest time Blitzin had brought her back to her window.

“ Wait! one more minute, fly to that window.” Serena pointed to the window a couple of feet away from hers. Blitzen passed her a wry look, but followed Serena’s lead and flew up to that window anyways. Serena tapped on the window, and then told Blitzen to scoot up.

Now, Blitzen was looking into the window, a woman had come up to it, and Serena’s sister opened the window, then before she knew it she had exchanged glances with a reindeer. Her eyes widen in surprise, and if  reindeer could be laugh Blitzin certainly would have been. He slowly backed himself up so Serena’s sister could catch a glimpse of her. Serena only winked at her and ‘ zoom!’ Blitizen flew them to the roof of the house.

Serena dismounted Blitizen, and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, and almost cried: “ Oh! Blitzen, you’ve made all my dreams come true..” Serena fell silent, and Blitzen returned her hug by wrapping his neck around her shoulders. Snow falling softly onto their shoulders.

Softly, there came a sound, very peculiar it was, as it almost sounded like bells. Serena let go her grasp on Blitzen. She slowly turned a herd a:

“ Hohoho!”

Serena fully turned around and there stood Santa Claus. “ Blitzen!” Santa’s voice boomed, “ oh! my boy where have you been? I was so worried.”

Serena couldn’t believe that she was standing directly behind Santa: “ Mr. Santa Claus?” She said apprehensively.

Santa turned around and Serena was met by the jolliest man in the world, with big ruddy color, and a thick white beard, complete with the red suit and big belly. “ Why! Miss Serena you did a marvelous job taking care of my Blitzen, how could I thank you? But my how did he ever get here?”

“ I thought you got my letter Mr. Santa Claus.” said Serena.

Santa passed a rather confused look, “ I don’t believe I rem-”

Before Santa had a chance to finish, Prancer had begun to prance, Santa turned around and saw a piece of paper hanging from his mouth. Santa took it from him, and as he read he began to laugh:

“ Hohoho! So Blitzen you found this letter didn’t you boy? Well how nice it was of you.”

“ Yes indeed Mr. Santa Claus this has been the best Christmas ever!” said Serena.

Santa walked over to Serena and knelt down to her level, “ Well Miss Serena you indeed have been a good girl this year, and I have a few presents to deliver to this house, so why you wouldn’t mind watching the reindeer while I'm gone ?”

Serena’s face lit immediately, she quickly ran over to Santa’s sleigh and approached Rudolph. Rudolph greeted her with a bright twinkle of his red nose. Serena nervously approached him, and Rudolph quickly nuzzled his red nose in her hand. Serena stroked it, and soon all the reindeer approached her a let her pet them. Blitzen came up behind her and she turned and gave him a big hug.

Christmas morning

The next morning Serena’s parents had the whole house alighted with the crystal lighting. When Serena and her sister awoke the next morning they eagerly tore down the  stairs to see what presents Santa had brought them.

Under the tree their were two little boxes: one for Serena, and the other for her sister. Serena’s sister assumed what was in her small square box, she smiled curtly at Serena and then tore into her box. She was positively sure that Santa would bring her a new Blackberry. As she tore into the box she saw something shiny and black, and something else that appeared shiny and black as well. She pulled out a fresh juicy blackberry, and a nice lump of coal.

As Serena’s sister was sulking Serena took her time opening her box, she hadn’t an idea about what possibly Santa could be giving to her. She had already gotten her Christmas gift. Serena opened her box; ‘cling-clack’ something small, and circular fell onto her lap. Serena picked it up and held the small circle in her hand. She faced it up right in her palm and it read: Blitzen. It was Blitizen’s name tag. There was something else in the box to; Serena pulled it out, it was a small carven reindeer and a note attached.

Dear Serena,

How very clever reindeer are! As we both had learned last night. I am sorry I couldn’t give you a real reindeer, but Blitzen to you, and you to Blitzen had seemed to have made the greatest Christmas for the both of you. Inclosed Blitzen and I are giving you his name tag, and this guy, Blitzen had the idea of I carving a small reindeer figuring out of his antler.

Always remember the  true spirit of Christmas,

Love Santa, and Blitzen.

© 2011 Carrie Manor

Author's Note

Carrie Manor
I wrote this story a long while back for a narrative essay, it is rather long, yes.. However, what do you think of it?

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Added on December 7, 2011
Last Updated on December 7, 2011


Carrie Manor
Carrie Manor

Bonjour! My name is Carrie Manor. Believe it or not but I’m eighteen years old. I’m not to particular fond of computers or the internet, but I enjoy this opportunity to share my writing a.. more..
