Chapter 3: The Flower from which came the Rose

Chapter 3: The Flower from which came the Rose

A Chapter by Carrie Manor

excerpt: " Ann: “ wasn’t suppose to be born.” Also she: “ was suppose to be a boy.” She was never loved by her Mother...


Chapter 3

Now that we have commenced in learning a little of Charles and Robert, and Rose and her dad, ( which we shall refer to now as “John” ) let us learn a little of Rose’s mom whose name is Ann. 

Rose’s mother Ann always had had a hard life, since her childhood,  and even up to now, and she is almost fifty years old! Ann wasn’t ever loved by her Mother. Ann was told repeatedly throughout her childhood by her mother that she: “ wasn’t suppose to be born.” Also she: “ was suppose to be a boy.” Ann did not always make the best of choices in her life. However, she stayed clear away from drinking, and very, very far away from drugs. Often enough though, the thought of suicide often came into Ann’s head. When Ann was seventeen years old she wrote a memorandum for herself. She never did commit suicide, however, though she continued to struggle with her self esteem for many years. Anne was finally enlightened, and how that transpired; only she could tell us. But, the focal idea is that she carried onward with her life. She had a Dad that loved and cared for her very much; however, Ann’s mother came first in his world, and in a way, rightfully she should. That was his wife, and Ann was raised by parents that grew up in the world war two and depression era generation; regardless of anything one was to obey and respect their own parents.

Rose took much after her mother. Ann loved books, she read most anything she could get her hands on. Ann grew up very poor and books were scarce to her, and magazines were definitely out of the question. Her dad however subscribed to the newspaper, which became a great source of joy to Ann. Perhaps it was Ann’s desire of knowledge that kept her alive. Certainly that trait was bestowed onto Rose. Though Rose is not such as a diligent reader as her mother was in her youth, Ann instilled a deep appreciation and love of literature, books, and art into her daughter.

When Ann met Rose’s future dad, John, Ann was sure that she had found her 

“ white picket fence” and she would be eternally happy with this man. She thought she had many things in common with this man; which, in the earlier part of their almost twenty year courtship, they did have a few things in common. The pair frequently would scrape their savings and go on vacations together, and they would shoot pool at bars; well, in essence that was all they had in common.

Perhaps they were both naive, Ann certainly hadn’t any clues on what was to befall on her.  So on and so forth, Rose was born. Both her parents loved her much, but their love grew cold, and eventually to stone, and they eventually were permanently cemented away from one another. 

A friendship for several years held a steady ground, but as Rose noticed changes in her Dad when she was twelve, so did her mother. Eventually the friendship turned into misery for Ann as Rose’s dad fell into his habitual drinking. John never did anything to show that he loved and cared for his wife; he chuckled an uncomfortable laugh when Ann thought once that she might have had cancer. Ann’s car was old and falling apart, John never offered to help her ( and he was quite well to do ). Ann was blamed for everything by John that went wrong with the household appliances. So Ann refused to use the appliances, and eat anything he cooked. She did not wash her clothes in the house, she packed away all her belongings. Ann was scared, she did not know what had become of her once beloved husband. Rose, was caught between this. She feared for her mothers wellbeing, and prayed to know what had become of her Dad.

It must be known, reader. Rose shall never know what had become of her Dad, it is impossible for the narrator to relate this to you. There are some things in the world that is impossible for us to know. As for her mother, we shall see a little by little as the chapters unfold..

© 2011 Carrie Manor

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Added on September 12, 2011
Last Updated on September 12, 2011


Carrie Manor
Carrie Manor

Bonjour! My name is Carrie Manor. Believe it or not but I’m eighteen years old. I’m not to particular fond of computers or the internet, but I enjoy this opportunity to share my writing a.. more..
