![]() Signed, Sealed and DeliveredA Chapter by CarolynSo know I’m packing for my very first day of school in Sydney which is approximately a billion kilometers away. “Sapphire,” Mum knocked on my doorframe seeing as dad took the door away. I wiped the tears on my cheeks away, “Yes,” I asked avoiding eye contact. “I just wanted to let you know that Abbotsleigh has a no skateboard policy, sorry darling.” I stayed silent, “Have you packed everything?” Mum asked me, “Yeah I think so,” Mum knew I didn’t want anyone around except for Skull, so she left to check on Ruby. I reached for my skateboard but it was gone, “Mum, have you seen my skateboard?” I asked, “No darling,” She said entering Ruby’s room. I wandered around the house looking for my skateboard until I reached Jamie’s room, “Hey James, have you seen my skateboard?” I asked him, “Yeah Rubes had it in the laundry.” He said still playing his handheld game. “Thanks.” I said, I walked into the laundry to find a pink paint bucket that was strange I followed the drips of pink paint only to find my skateboard drenched in pink paint. I let a scream of horror escape my lungs. “Sapphire darling what’s wrong?” Mum asked worried. “My skateboard,” I pointed to the pink puddle, Mum looked at it and rubbed my back, “It’s alright sweetheart we’ll clean it up it was probably an accident.” Tears streamed down my face, “It’s never an accident, she did it on purpose and she always does!” I screamed and stormed off. I opened the door only to find Ruby on the phone to her friend boasting about the so called prank she had pulled. She must’ve heard the steam coming out of my ears because she turned around shocked by my purple face. I slammed the door behind me and grabbed my black hoodie that Skull had given to me the night before. I sprinted to his house with the suitcase that was meant for Abbotsleigh. “Sapphire stop!” Mum called out, but I ignored the cry and ran. “Blue, what are you doing here?” Skull asked confused. “There sending me to Sydney.” I said my face still streaming with tears. He pulled me close so I could here his heartbeat. “When does your plane take off?” He asked. “This afternoon,” I said tightening my grip around him. He looked into my eyes, “Really?” He asked again, my eyes shifted. “Yeah at one o’clock.” I said stifling a cry. “But it’s already noon.” He said concerned. “So?” I said sitting on his bed. “Come on!” He grabbed my hand and my suitcase in the other and led me to his mum’s car. “Here,” He chucked my suitcase in the boot and placed me in the passengers seat. He hopped in the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Where are we going?” I said a little bit afraid, he locked the doors. “We’re getting you to that airport.” As we pulled up my mum came scrambling up to the car window frantically knocking on it. “Skull thank you so much for bringing Sapphire here.” She finally said after he had helped get my suitcase out of the boot. I looked at him and mouthed “How could you.” We walked in and checked my bag in. As I left to go through customs Skull pulled me back. “Sapphire I had to bring you here,” He explained, “It’s what your parents wanted,” He went on explaining, my lips touched his and he leant in only to find I pulled back and had gone. He watched the customs pad me down for any threats after that I headed straight onto the plane. Skull frantically waved at the window I was sitting at only to give up after a minute or two as no hand came back. After an hour or so the plane took off without a problem and Skull stood staring out at the horizon where as I sat next to my sister silently crying. © 2009 Carolyn |
Added on June 27, 2009 Last Updated on June 27, 2009 Author![]() CarolynGracemere, AustraliaAboutSo I'm now turning 16 in 7 days! I love to write, its how I express how I am truly feeling, however I do get huge writers block. I also have a bad habit of never finishing what I write as you can see.. more..Writing