The history of the Aisles

The history of the Aisles

A Chapter by Caroline Grimm

Just the history, unfinished but I'm working on it. Give me tips please. TW gore!!!


Long ago during a time of exploration, a ship of various mythical creatures arrived at an unknown land. All these creatures happened to be friends. After exploring the land the biggest of the creatures decide to lead the group with the leader being Aureolus Scato (Latin Pirate Captain). The “court” consisted of Lartius Vernon (English vampire), Felix Nica (Romanian werewolf), Stellina Rosselli (Greek siren), Turid Valbrandottir (a Viking valkyrie), Meldun Lambisson (Viking Draugr), Geoffrey Thorton (demon), Rahma el-Farid (Muslim fairy), Nolad Rhen (Jewish golem), and Vade (behemoth). Each member of the court had a few people of their own species with them. After deciding on the name of this new land and now calling it “The Mystic Aisles”, they begin settling down.

They begin building the first town and call it Shilidour and they send off a few explorers to discover more uncharted land. They set up farms and more cities, they thrived for centuries. Until one day some of the citizens become noticeably ill and pale. Aureolus notices this and calls the court for a meeting in the town hall. They discover that all these years although Lartius has been drinking animal blood he has still been drinking the blood of the citizens and other court members. Turns out Lartius is the only vampire who does this. Aureolus speaks up during the meeting “Lartius may I remind you of our rules that we've written in stone?” Lartius speaks right back “You mean the very rule that deprives me of the very sustenance I need to live? I would think that rule shouldn't apply to me.” An argument breaks out, resulting in Lartius being kicked out of the meeting room. After Lartius gets kicked out he secretly goes around the city collecting all the other vampires and they sneak off to a secret location (a building that was built for housing but it was built wrong so it was scheduled to be torn down soon).


As all the vampires conversed in the abandoned building with Lartius leading them they grabbed homemade markers and began mapping out the city on the walls. Once the vampires finished mapping the city onto the walls of the abandoned building Lartius touched the wall and drew out their attack plan. As he moves his fingers over the wall a trail of blood is left behind effectively marking up the map they made. When Lartius draws a few miles away back at the town hall where the court is having their meeting, Areolus clutches his chest. The court members dash over to him and surrounding him, checking on him to see what's wrong. 

None of the court members know that Lartius can draw using the blood of his most recent victim even if they are far away from him. It's like a link between his fingertips and the victim's heart, since when this happens the heart pumps the normal amount of blood but a percentage of it gets released from Lartius’ fingers and so the victim isn't getting as much blood as they usually would which causes complications. The vampires lock in and prepare themselves for the battle secretly. Aureolus becomes more tired and weak, slowly losing the ability to breathe. The court members don't know anything of Lartius’ plans, they move Aureolus to a nearby couch and have a medic look at him. The medic tells them about the link between Lartius and his most recent victim’s blood. Every court member becomes enraged, Their eyes burning with fury then they hear the commotion outside and see the vampires begin their strike. 

The vampires are racing across the city and wounding every civilian they see, not quite killing them but wounding them enough to make them suffer. The wounds vary in everything from breaking bones to stabbing and rubbing alcohol or salt in the wounds. This continues for a while, the sky seems to have caught the message as it has gotten incredibly foggy covering the acts from the peering eyes of the court. The court members fall out of their shocked trances and rush out of the town hall, bolting down the 6 flights of stairs from their conference room. Once they get outside the building their ankles are met with the hands of a thousand tortured civilians. 

The streets are filled with the civilians' cries and screams. It's a bloodbath and provides the vampires with plenty of food to fill their empty dead stomachs. The amount of gore turned the vampires mad, their eyes red with insanity. They clearly seem to be enjoying their fill of the situation. As the other court members watch the scene in horror they realize how their differences affect the community and how limited their own species is when they all are together in one community. As they realize this they gather their species and some sneak off to claim land while others try to fight the vampires. The ones that sneak off are the werewolves, valkyries, fairies, and behemoths. They each had their own reasons to leave the werewolves knew they were going to have a hard time fighting so they went off to claim land, the valkyries left because they knew they wouldn't have any effect on who died and lived in this battle, the vampires were too strong therefore their powers didn't work here. The fairies left because they were too small to do anything and they would rather be associated with peace over war. The behemoths left because they knew that claiming land would benefit them more than fighting since they relied on trade for a lot of things. The others stayed and fought the vampires which proved to be the wrong idea in less than a little while of fighting, since when vampires are full of blood they become 20 times stronger than when they just get a small taste of it therefore allowing them to overpower the other species. 

The vampires begin tearing everything down and ripping the flesh off the bones of the other creatures, seeing the cross-section of skin, meat, and bone some of the other species begin getting sick and they can't handle it anymore and finally decide to leave. The vampires saw everyone leaving and decided to beat them to the land that had the most resources. The vampires dash over to the southeast peninsula of the furthest branch of the aisles calling it Raeruven. They get there and fight off anyone that comes near. The demons take the Eastern part just above the vampires' claimed land and call it Slador. The sirens and pirates took the far north part of the same branch of the aisles calling their neighboring land “Siren’s Bay” and “Dead Man’s Cove”. On the middle branch of the aisles, The Draugurs take the southern part of the peninsula calling it “Islorin” while the Valkyries take the northern part calling it “Kaetis”. The golems stay in “Shilidour” which is the entire peninsula on the far left side of the aisles. The werewolves fled to the big island located just below Islorin and called it “Kedo”. The neighboring island is inhabited by the fairies and behemoths with the fairies taking claim of the southern parts of the island and the behemoths taking the northern part. The fairies called their part “Ubrukkithia” while the behemoths called theirs “Vade’s town” after their leader Vade. 

Each nation stood for different things and had different reasons for claiming the land they did. Shilidour focused on history, Dead Man’s Cove focused on the rumors of buried treasure on their land, Raeruven focused on building an empire with Lartius focused on power and leadership, quickly becoming a dictator of Raeruven’s empire. Kedo focused on nature and giving back to the earth like only taking what they need and never taking more than that. Siren’s Bay focused on making an alliance with Dead Man’s Cove in order to share profits and resources. Kaetis focused on trading so that they could obtain more items they needed from other nations in order to harness their own power in case of another battle. Islorin focused on trading and becoming allies with Shilidour in order to maintain and keep the history written. Slador was focused on keeping eyes on Raeruven and setting up towers just outside the mountain range that surrounded them in order to always see if Raeruven was leaving their area. So Slador was the communicating ally of the other nations, they always kept look out and would report to the other nations if they suspected something was wrong. Ubrkkithia was helping out Vade’s Town by providing them with magic to strengthen them and their dragons. Vade’s Town was focused on keeping their dragons safe and building an army that was at every nation’s side. Raeruven was the trade Nation, with the most ports they became the “Great Britain during the Colonial Era” of the aisles. 

Knowing that Vade and his nation were the second strongest nation of the aisles and was focused on their “military” Lartius was focusing his attention on the weak points of their society they built. Lartius wanted their military, he longed for it. That military would have made him way stronger than he is now and he knew it, with all his non existent soul. Lartius grabs a quill and ink jar filled with blood and a scroll. He begins to write:


“To whom it may concern, My esteemed General Vade,
I, Lartius, the immortal ruler of Raeruven, extend this missive to you with great purpose and foresight. As inhabitants of the Mystic Aisles, our nations hold the potential for unparalleled power and influence. It is with this vision in mind that I propose a pact of alliance between our realms.
Together, by combining the formidable strength of Raeruven with the strategic prowess of Vade's Town, we can ascend to supremacy among all nations of our mystical domain. The melding of our forces shall create an unstoppable force that will command respect and fear throughout the Aisles.
Let us unite our powers, our armies, and our destinies, forging a legacy that will echo through the ages. Together, as one force, we shall conquer all who dare to oppose us and reign as the indisputable rulers of the Mystic Aisles.
Awaiting your swift and wise response,
Lartius, Lord of Raeruven”


He rolls up the scroll and seals it with burgundy wax then draws a pentagram on the floor with blood. Light flashes as the scroll is set down in the pentagram and the scroll appears on Vade’s desk. Vade walks into his room and notices the scroll. He walks to his desk and picks it up, breaking the seal. He unravels it and his eyes meet the first words. He recognizes the handwriting and his blood runs cold. Vade’s eyes briefly and quickly skim over the message taking in every break and every blood-written letter. Even though Vade is terrified to get a message after the battle they just went through he doesn't mention anything about it to his nation believing that Lartius wouldn't harm them. He thinks this just because his nation, although new like all the other nations of The Mystic Aisles, was known for their focus on their army so he didnt think Lartius would attack being that they were the ones that had the better and stronger military. Vade grabs his own quill and jar of dark violet ink. He dips his quill in the ink and begins writing his response on a separate blank scroll.

 He writes:

“Dear Lartius,
I received your letter proposing an alliance between Raeruven and Vade's Town. However, I must respectfully decline your offer. Our histories are stained with the blood of our people, a result of the first battle that you initiated, fracturing our nation into pieces.
I cannot, in good conscience, work with someone who is responsible for such devastation and chaos. The wounds from that dark chapter in our history run deep, and I cannot overlook the pain and suffering it inflicted upon our land.
I wish Raeruven prosperity and peace, but I must protect the interests of Vade's Town and its people. Our paths diverge here, and I hope that we may find a way to coexist peacefully in the future.
Yours sincerely,
General Vade”

Vade rolls up the scroll and seals it with dark violet wax, stamping his emblem on it. He sends a messenger on a dragon to Raeruven to deliver the letter. The messenger leaves and heads for Raeruven. Once they arrive they dismount the dragon and have it wait just outside the Raeruven Empire walls. The messenger walks up to the Castle doors and knocks, saying:

“Hail, gatekeepers of Raeruven! I come on behalf of General Vade of Vade's Town, bearing an urgent letter from our esteemed leader to the noble vampire Lartius of Raeruven. I seek entrance to deliver this important message that concerns the well-being and prosperity of both our nations. Please convey my presence to Lord Lartius, for time is of the essence. May our nations continue to thrive in peace and mutual respect. Thank you for your attention and assistance in this matter."

As the messenger stands at the gate of Raeruven castle, the imposing gatekeeper looks at him with a cold gaze. The messenger holds the refusal letter from General Vade of Vade's Town, addressed to the vampire Lartius of Raeruven. The gatekeeper, loyal to Lartius, allows the messenger to enter the castle grounds. The tension is palpable as the messenger makes his way toward Lartius, knowing that delivering this unwelcome news may have dire consequences. The fate of the two nations hangs in the balance as the gatekeeper's response to the messenger sets off a chain of events that will impact the delicate political relations between Vade's Town and Raeruven. The messenger stands still as if in a trance. Lartius walks closer and picks the scroll from the messenger’s hand. He hurriedly breaks the seal of the scroll and unravels it with immense curiosity. His eyes dart to the first words taking in the essence of the dark violet ink. He reads every word taking in the meaning behind each letter. His expression goes dark as he gets to the closing of the message. He lets the messenger out of the trance so he can move and respond freely.

 The messenger’s breathing is already ragged. Lartius speaks up his voice filling the room like some airborne disease “What is this?! He is refusing this alliance! What type of God does he think he is? I am the strongest one of the aisles, how dare he refuse this alliance! Has he gone mad?”. The messenger stands there shocked and terrified, unsure of what to say. Lartius stands there expecting a response when he realizes he isn't going to get one, a grin settles upon his blood-stained lips. His eyes fill with insanity once again. “Our histories are stained with the blood of our people, a result of the first battle that you initiated, fracturing our nation into pieces.” Lartius quotes from the General's letter. “In that case my dear general, so is the future”. He says as in the flash of an eye he decapitates the messenger. The room falls silent. Dead silent. (since vampires have no reason to breathe if they are already dead) The sound of his stiffened hand cutting through the messenger's throat fills the silence as if it was some speaker that you could hear from a mile away. The gatekeepers hear the noises echo through the limestone castle and shudder as they hold their necks. Lartius' grin only grows alongside the look of insanity in his eyes as he stares at the sight before him. The messenger's body falls to the cold tile floor, his blood slowly staining it with a crimson hue, clotting against the cold temperatures of the tile. 

The body starts to go pale and due to the cold castle conditions the body starts preserving itself. Lartius snaps his fingers and at his side appears a small vampire kid, by the looks of it he seems 8. Lartius instructs the kid to drag the body to the "extraction room". The kid seems scared but doesn't hesitate and throws the arms of the fresh corpse over his shoulders as he struggles to carry it down the long corridors of the castle to the extraction room, where it is placed on an autopsy table. On the autopsy table they make the standard y-incision and remove the organs putting them in different containers but putting the heart in a jar full of formaldehyde before sealing it and handing it back to the little boy. The little boy takes the jar and rushes down the corridors of the castle to Lartius' sleeping chambers. He opens the grand doors to find a Room with the walls painted black with elegant red curtains over the large stained glass windows. His eyes darted around the room taking in the semi-familiar surroundings. His eyes dart from the elegant four post king size bed with blood red bedding and its red sheer canopy overhanging the bed frame, to the portrait of lord Lartius himself, his deep, empty eyes staring back at him. The kid walks over to a pair of huge burgundy doors, he reaches for the doorknob. He tenses up as the cold metal touches his fingertips. He opens the doors and walks into the room. The shelves tower high traveling all the way up the walls stopping at the 12 foot ceiling even though they seem to go on forever. When he walks in he is hit by the musty air that has a soft metallic tang to it. As he fights off the heavy, musty air, the kid places the jar with the heart in it upon one of the shelves and hurriedly runs out of the room before he gets sick. The shelves were full of jars, each one containing the heart of each of Lartius’s previous victims, somehow each still pumping as if they were fueling Lartius himself. But looking back at how many there were you would have been inclined to say that they were fueling the entire kingdom of Raeruven. The kid runs off to do his own thing. The hearts beat louder as they adjust to the new heart in the chamber. Back with Lartius in the throne room, he picks up the head of the messenger and sets it on the rosewood table next to the throne. The kid from earlier brings Lartius a blank scroll and a quill. He writes: 

“Dear my esteemed general Vade,

In the shadowed halls of my domain, where the moonlight barely grazes the cold stone, I find myself compelled to address you once more. It is with great displeasure that I write this letter, for I had hoped our alliance would flourish like the dark roses that bloom in the depths of night. 

Your rejection of my previous overture to unite our forces against the encroaching light is a slight I did not anticipate. I had envisioned a partnership that would shake the very foundations of our enemies, yet you have chosen to dismiss my offer. Such folly, General, to turn away from the strength that I could provide!

In a show of your lack of respect, you sent a messenger to convey your refusal. How naive of you to think that a mere mortal could deliver such a message unscathed. I took it upon myself to educate him on the consequences of your decision. With a swift and merciless motion, I silenced him�"my hand, stiffened by centuries of unyielding resolve, found its mark upon his throat. The crimson life force that spilled forth was but a testament to the gravity of your misjudgment.

Consider this a warning, Vade. The night is long, and the shadows are deep. Should you wish to reconsider your stance, I suggest you do so quickly. The next messenger may not be so fortunate.

Yours in darkness,

Lord Lartius of Raeruven”

He seals the scroll with his emblem and sticks it into the exposed neck of the severed head. He then summons the kid again and instructs him to use the binding thread to tie the severed head to the messenger’s dragon, like a pendant. The kid does so and sends the dragon back to Vade’s Town with a soft kiss on it’s snout. The dragon’s eyes gloss over at the kiss and immediately becomes hostile, the kiss of vampire young unleashes the true nature of the creature it kisses. The dragon flies back, sending smoke signals along the way. The dragon lands in the landing fields, setting them ablaze as he sits there with its back straight, towering over everything and everyone. General Vade was awaiting it’s arrival and walks over to the dragon. He places his hand on it’s snout, the dragon falls asleep at the scent of Vade’s cologne, its “Lasting Lavender” it calms dragons. Vade gives a signal to the dragon keepers and they close in on the calmed dragon. The dragon keepers stab the dragon’s sides and it lets out a low growl of pain. Vade takes the severed head of the messenger from around the dragon’s neck. He isn’t surprised, he expected something like this from Lartius. As the dragon slowly dies Vade reads the scroll that he took out of the severed head. Vade opens the scroll and begins reading. His eyes have to adjust to the blood written letters. His fingers now covered in blood from the scroll roll the scroll back up and with the dragon’s last breath of fire he incinerates the scroll. Furious and cautious Vade returns to his town hall. There he makes a public announcement to the people of Vade’s Town. 

“Today, I stand before you not just as your general, but as your protector, your shield against the encroaching darkness that threatens our land. Recent events have stirred unease among us, whispers of alliances forged in shadows and threats that loom over our peaceful existence.

Let it be known that I have received a proposition from the vampire lord, Lartius. His intentions, cloaked in the allure of power, were met with resolute rejection. We will not yield to the temptations of dark alliances that seek to exploit our strength for their own gain. Our unity is our greatest weapon, and we shall not allow ourselves to be pawns in his sinister game.

I assure you, the safety of Vade’s Town remains my utmost priority. Our defenses are strong, and our resolve unbreakable. Together, we will stand firm against any threat that dares approach our borders. We are a people of light, and we will not be swayed by the promises of the night.

Let us remain vigilant and united. Trust in your leaders, trust in each other, and together we will ensure that our beloved Vade’s Town remains a beacon of hope in these dark times.

For the safety and honor of Vade’s Town!”

When Vade’s announcement ends everyone returns to their posts and houses, preparing for a possible raid or war. Vade, still uneasy about the severed head of his messenger, tosses it to one of the dragons, who swallows it whole. Vade disappears into his place and prepares himself for a potential war. Lartius waits a few days, waiting for a fault in Vade’s security, when he sees there won't be an opening he attacks. The battle lasts a few days. It eventually results in Raeruven surrendering to Vade’s Town. Vade’s Town is now blown up, it's no longer one big chunk of land shared with Ubrukkithia. Vade’s Town now completely severed from The rest of the island, lost access to a bunch of their shared resources with the fairies. The fairies helped build a bridge to Vade’s Town to continue to share resources in return for alliance and protection a few years later. Raeruven never stopped causing problems for the Mystic Aisles. They continued their dictatorship and passed it down multiple generations.

© 2025 Caroline Grimm

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Added on January 21, 2025
Last Updated on February 27, 2025


Caroline Grimm
Caroline Grimm

Seguin, TX

Im a poet, photographer, artist, and I'm trying to write a few books, I'm emo/goth, and have multiple mental disorders, sometimes life just gets hard and writing is a relief. Huge fan of gory works so.. more..
