Who you gonna tell?

Who you gonna tell?

A Poem by Carolann Dowsett

This is a gansta rap I wrote a while ago. I don't write many raps but my girls are into them. Thought I'd share :)


Too many people

play the game 
but their broken inside 
it's such a shame 

Tears flow from hearts 
that are torn apart 
Shattered remains 
of a violent past 

Guys stay your hand 
don't make your plans 
to destroy the girls 
whose hearts you hold
come on be bold 
stand up for the good 
don't destroy your hood 
with blood and lust 
or your gonna get bust 
and fall in disgust 

Wake up 
get real 
Don't kill or steal 
don't break the ones 
whose trust you had
or you dirty little cowards 
gonna get it bad 

One day your blood’s
gonna run 
and your gansta days
are gonna be done 

Then where's your soul 
gonna go 
when your flesh’s a rottin 
and your names forgotten 

Who you gonna tell 
if you end up in hell
Nobody’s gonna hear
as you tremble in fear

and you cry to God
for mercy and grace
cause it'll be too late 

So get your life
right at the start 
Don't mess it up 
don't tear it apart 
or your eternal life's 
gonna be in the dark 

Walk in the light 
while your here
then your final breath

will be nothing to fear 




© 2013 Carolann Dowsett

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so many young people who have that "gangsta" mentality have given up all but survival and instinct because it is all they have come to know and understand...i feel they can be saved in the end because they know no different. as for the posers and wannabes, different story...they know better, so....i say f**k 'em!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

True :) and yes there are a lot of lost youth out there who need help I have a lot of them in my lif.. read more

11 Years Ago



The message in this poem is forceful and to the point. to get some to listen is the difficult thing, but it can be, if you truly believe it in your heart.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Yes that is true, thank you Jack.
Oh wow. This was so amazing. A hard but truthful message that I think every one should hear. I could feel the passion and emotion and truth pouring out in every line. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

That's great :)
Ahmad Cox

11 Years Ago

I know that I have a poem called tear that has a similar theme
Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Cool :)
nice poem!!!!i like the strength,it tells to rise up and heal our wounds for good.....
:) Nice write!!!:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Thank you so much :-)

11 Years Ago

ur welcome!!! :)
It is a tragedy that so many young people fall pray to these gangs and mess up their lives the way they do. Good write; very "gangsta". ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Yes very true. Thank you Inda :)
Frank thoughts,I walk and try to live the right,without thought, stand in the light , breathe through my soul,embracing the worlds seeming carefree indifference but not reflecting it outward,then the news shows a drone strike, real people, but the remote and remoteness
glide over the screen with water-bug agility. Some-days I wish I was a plant and could breathe through my roots.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Lol if only it was that easy we would all be rich :)
lee von cleef

11 Years Ago

Yep rich,then I would give it all away! Good afternoon I am gone!
Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Lol fair enough though I think I would do better using it to help others get their lives together. G.. read more
how refreshing...a rap that isn't built around profanity...but certainly is hard hitting in its message.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Carolann does the hood, different kind of write for you. Entertaining read, and down to earth message for those who think they're all that.

I want to hear you rap this beat. ;-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

Haha not sure I'm that good at rapping really just writing the words :) Thanks Frieda :)
so many young people who have that "gangsta" mentality have given up all but survival and instinct because it is all they have come to know and understand...i feel they can be saved in the end because they know no different. as for the posers and wannabes, different story...they know better, so....i say f**k 'em!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Carolann Dowsett

11 Years Ago

True :) and yes there are a lot of lost youth out there who need help I have a lot of them in my lif.. read more

11 Years Ago


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18 Reviews
Added on January 30, 2013
Last Updated on January 30, 2013


Carolann Dowsett
Carolann Dowsett

Copacabana, NSW, Australia

I am Vulnerable Broken Strong and Fearless I am all things to all people Yet I belong to none I am Elusive Unknown A whisper of things to come I am a Warrior In an endless war Victori.. more..


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