Last line: "silence's Law".: Omission (Acceptance and consent.) due to imposed fear of punishment. Something similar to that of the time of "The Holy Tribunal Of The Inquisition", which now is DBA "The United Nations Security Council." The Cartel of the industrialists of Wars.
Remarks: My conclusion is based on documentary historic evidences; and my right to express it is guaranteed by "The Human Rights Convention" " which is signed by all members of The United Nations Organization.
Aaahhhh...the human race that share all.....beautiful....despite the darkness of the poem, the truth need to be told. In Africa, there is a principle called "Ubuntu" which means, "I am, because you are".....which sums up beautifully how the existence of one is, and should be, united to another in a mutually beneficial way.......unfortunately, in no place on earth have we really managed to do this, have we?
Wow, Wow, Wow! ... Me thinks that Andre Emanuel Bendavi ben-YEHU is rubbing off on you in a very good way ... Fantabulous! ... This piece of your heart penned to page speaks the urgency of learning to stop, stop, stop, yielding to the will of those who have led us as cattle for so long that they have forgotten we have minds, have forgotten that we might just reawaken from their mental conditioning spell to realize what is truly going in that truth as seen is lie and real truth is cloaked beneath many more lies ...
Damn, I am really moved to see you pen this type of message that world truly needs ...
Obviously, I am back from a stroll among the dead in the land of professionalism feigned easily if one but has the mulah to publish one's own work ... I think I prefer real people rather than fools parading around pretending to be human ...
I am going to dare interpret your coined word, "neatly," as the mental conditioning that explains to us all in our minds why things are not different as though we should be happy, pleased, and content with the sorrow and pain in the world and simply eke out our existences without making waves within the soup of lies ...
Wonderful Carol, just wonderful!
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Thank you Poet!
Your luminous presence and wise words are treasured.
You know this is a strong message and I have to agree with you. We are destroying half of the world because we divided by our humanistic desires of wealth, power, and gain. I may not by a tree huger, monk, saint, or a an all perfect priest, but I do recognize reality when I see it. And the message that your poem makes it that we must open our eyes to the damages that we are causing to the earth and ourselves.
But overall, this great read to start reminding you of the humanity you have.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you Poet!
Your lovely presence and gracious words are treasured.
" a neatly voice " I like that, never heard that phrase before. it reads rather well, nice language, kind of classical in some places. ..had a Cork accent in my head while reading heh heh :).
Great great great. I loved every ounce of frustration you put in this piece , the angst was so clear in your tone upon ungrateful mankind and how its at many levels, in the case of our planet, is acting as the elite that it so despises in its own society.
Great work again Carol!
Cheers :)
Aaahhhh...the human race that share all.....beautiful....despite the darkness of the poem, the truth need to be told. In Africa, there is a principle called "Ubuntu" which means, "I am, because you are".....which sums up beautifully how the existence of one is, and should be, united to another in a mutually beneficial way.......unfortunately, in no place on earth have we really managed to do this, have we?
I am the breath you felt on your cheek;
When you thought you were alone...
The force that taught you to be wise
And to find harmony with Nature...
The air you breathe when life needs
To be renewe.. more..