PROTEAN NotUnTitled: The Philosophical Cantos / Canto I / WaitHereEyeSolAtes Cantos (III) . . . Nota Bene: This book is my Inferno. [not about or inspired by the Dadaist movement]
This is more than art. This is pure fun. This is what covering your jean backed notebook is all about, it's like the inventor of the peace sign using the semaphore letters N and D for nuclear disarmament then inverting it and drawing a circle around it. Pure fun and it makes people scratch their heads because they are wondering what fun is. lol
had somewhat of a challenge...still I felt compelled to read it..
something drew me into a vortex of emotion...I shall return.
I am on the way out the door and wished I had more time.
WOW. interesting. visiually beautiful. poetically satiating.
Wow! I know I've been out of the proverbial loop for a while, but to be honest, I've never seen or heard of anything like this work in my life. It was fascinating, if a little hard to grasp at first. Very artistic.
I felt like I should have dropped a hit of acid before reading this. I can see you dedicated a s**t load of time into this but I just couldn't read it. It messed with my dyslexia way to much.
The real benefit of the written word over the spoken word is that it has more space within which form may follow function may follow meaning. I would recommend this piece to all writers of spoken word who claim the written word has less life in it. A wonderfully intricate fusion of form and meaning, totally SUBverseIF and very inspirational. To balance the review, I feel the need to be a little critical now, but the only thing I feel I can say is that overall the epic length may detract slightly as it could be seen to dilute the impact of the individual images. A tremendous piece though. Thank you for sharing;)
This was a total head trip, I loved it and I have to agree with some of the other reviewers in as much as this is a work of visual art as much as it is a work of prose. It took me several reads in order to truly get into the meaning, but this was not for the lack of greatness on your part.
You have a gift of the imaginative wild child in you and I am more fortunate to have met you..
I like that this is almost as much of a work of visual art as it is a poem. It reminded me very much of a guy I knew personally, a very dear friend of mine, one Billy Kinnarney, who used do do these cryptic poems just chock a block full of near impossible puns, many of which were just incredibly nasty and devastatingly funny.
What makes it truly accessible is that modern life can drive just about anyone batshit crazy. I think that that's a major theme of the poem.
And then went down to the ship, Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and . . . Ezra Pound (TCOEP).
" My life goal? Literary Immortality--without compromise. "
" I would rather be skydiving while writing a book. "
philosopher & polymath
Author of the unpublished masterpiece PROTEAN NotUnTit.. more..