

A Chapter by Carmella

I felt a crushing feeling in my chest. I got up from the lunch table really slow. The others looked confused but Jasper looked scared to the bone. I left and I saw Edward's head turn and he tried to look in my head.

I left and went to the nurse. I faked sick and Carlisle picked me up.


"What is it dear? You would never just leave school." Carlisle said driving my car.

"Japan." I stated bluntly.

"What about it?" Carlisle said turning on to the highway.

"Thats were I wanna go to find a mate." I said staring at all the cars pasting by.

"But we agreed you'd leave at the end of the year." Carlisle said trying hard now to keep his eyes on the road.

"Yeah well I wanna go now." I said, "Its not like I'll be missed by many besides you and mom. I don't have friends at school and I could swim back to see you."

"You'd be in werewolf area." Carlisle said.

"Shapeshifters. And so what I could take 'em." I said remebering the last time I saw the wannabes.

"Still, Japan is so far away. I know you can speak Japanese but to start all over there?"

"Fine should I go to Itlay? I'm sure they'd love to see me."

"Aro would, thats a good idea." Carlilse smiled at this.

"I was joking! There's no way Ima gonna get hooked on human blood again." I said.

"That would be a problem." Carlisle said turning on our dirt road.


I opened the door unable to take this anymore. I undid the seat belt and jumpped out. About 10 seconds later Carlisle hit the brake and called my name. I bolted for the one place I wasn't allowed; La Push.


I didn't care about the treaty. So I went to the beach,sat on a rock and watched the ocean. I had snatched my note book and started to draw some of the waters movements and birds.  I knew I'd get busted and we'd have to leave but the ocean was the only thing that calm me down now. After I finished about 10 drawings and put the book down and hugged my knees to my chest.


"Hey are you ok?" some kid asked.

I looked over. He seemed to live here, stocky;dark skin and longish black hair.

"Fine." I mumbbled still on my rock.

"You don't look fine." he said sitting on a rock next to mine, "You wanna talk about it?"

"Mommy say not to talk yo strangers."

He laughed, "You don't have to I guess."

"So why don't you leave?"

"'Cause I know your gonna talk about it."

"Fine, if I tell you will you leave?"


"Fine. Its my brother. Well brothers I guess. They all have um, girlfriends. And my sister is dating some one I like. My mom and dad say I should get a boyfirend. We talked this morning and my brother and I knew we wouldn't find one here. But now I'm scared I'm gonna be left behind 'cause of this new girl he likes a little."

"That sucks. But you shouldn't get to freaked ok?" he said standing now.

"Yeah yeah whatever yor name is."I said just dying for him to leave.

"Names Jacob. Jacob Black." he said smiling.

I pushed back and hisses under my breath. But he shook my hand.

"Your hands are cold. You should go get warmed up." He laughed.

I faked a laugh. And got up to leave, before I got to the forest next to the road he called out.


"Hey! I never got your name." he called.

I smiled darkly and answered him, "Cullen! Carmella Cullen!" then I bolted.


I saw the sock in his eyes. Sock and fear filled and mixed in his dark eyes. And as soon as I was far enough away I let out the dark laughter I'd been saving. It bounced off the trees and came back. I ran for hours letting the pyscho out. The dark laughes filling the air. I must have sounded like a just did a murder. But I didn't care, the pyscho that I'd been saving for so long could be relased here. Until I heard the voices. I was beening hunted now.


"Carmella! Were are you!? We want you home Car!" Edward's voice rang.

"Carmy come on! Come home!" Emmett's voice boomed.


I bloted faster not wanted anyone to find me, the last person was Emmett.


"Carmella were here to help, let us help." Jasper's voice came next.

"Yeah Carmella. I didn't mean what I said! You know I'm always like that!" Emma's voice came not long after Jaspers.

"We can talk this out Carmella." Rosalie called.


Then I stopped dead in my tracks. The pyscho in me told me what it wanted. It didn't want to be found, by anyone BUT Rosalie. It wanted to tear Rosalie lim from lim then burn her stupid, blonde, love stealing body. So I crouched getting ready for her.


Something came in the trees. It was fast, but to slow to be Edward. Jasper? No to big. It could have been Carlisle, but wouldn't he have called for me? Then it hit me.




He had found me. He sounded so far away father than Edward who was a good 40 miles away. He found me. He stopped 10 feet in front of me, smiled then pounced on me.

"Hey do you know how worried we were?" Emmett smiled holding me to the ground.

"No bu-"

"HEY GUYS SHE'S OVER HERE!" Emmett called out.

"No..." I gaspped. The pyscho didn't like that.


I kicked Emmett off. I had snapped again. Emmett was so confussed. They others were here in one a few seconds. About 2.4 seconds of smiles then Jasper stepped in front of Emma and crouched. I saw Rosalie run to Emmett.


"What the HELL did you DO TO HIM!" she said helping Emmett up.

"Rose don't!" Jasper and Edward tried to warn.


To late.

I lunched at her and kocked her far from Emmett. I let out a loud growl and yelled then my fangs meet her arm and bit in deep. As I was starting to tear the bone from the shocket; hands pulled me off. Emmett turned me to face him and shook me.

"What are you doing?! That's your sister!" he said as he shook.

"I...hate...HER!" I yelled as he shook me harder.

"What do you mean you hate her?" Emmett was shocked so he stopped shaking me.

"She loves you." Edward said helping Rose.

"Edward!" I hissed.

"I-Is that true?" Emmett asked.

I couldn't take this. I let go of my body and took over Emmett's. I attacked, he'd blown my sercet and helped Rosalie. Emmett tried his hardest to push me out of his mind, but he failed. Edward and Jasper with Emma and Rosalie jumpped on me, er Emmett and stopped me from moving. So I had to get back to my own body. And as soon as I could I bolted again. Edward caught me by my arms and held them behind my back.

"You really think you can outrun me?" he said darkly.

"I HATE YOU! LET GO!" I yelled thrashing in his grip.

"Carmella, shhh Carmella look at me." he cooed.

"NO I HATE YOU! YOU AND HER!" I yelled still trashing.

"Carmella no you don't. Thats just the other side of you now." He said still cooing.


So hurt Edward let go and I ran. Emmett pulled my into his arms and hushed me.

"It's ok now, your alright." he said still holding me.

"No its not." the sobs started.

Emmett got close to my ear and said softly, "I love you more than Rosalie. I really do Carmella."

I looked up and knew he wasn't lieing.


Emmett loved me and Rosalie was gonna kill me for it.

© 2009 Carmella

Author's Note

ignore garmmar and spelling problems

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Rosalie so deserved that! I still don't understand why Edward just let that out so easily though, things could of ended a lot worse; but I guess it saved you from going to Japan.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 21, 2009



Forks, WA

I'm Carmella Rose Cullen and I enjoy writing. I like anime and vampires. If theres anything you like about my work please let me know. And if its not good please tell me. If it sucks...... KEEP IT TO .. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Carmella