Great work! It flows and flows.... My favorite lines:
With a stroke of a pen
We can unlock a door
Provoke and emotion
And heal a sore
Help a person stand tall
With this poem, you perpetuated the tradition of the militant in the greek meaning of the word: the writer who uses words rather than weapons to win hearts and minds!!!!!
The flow, the repetition, the voice, the words you can't help but feel...
Poetry can do so much and you're never one to let me forget.
Keep writing and never stop my friend.
Well done,
I'm drawn to this one..... this style is different for you... it's such a fantastic freestyle of the pen. Not only have you listed what the stroke of a pen can do, you have proven it through what you've put to the pen.
So much in a pen... words, numbers, emotions, actions, laws, answers, spirituality.... etc, etc, etc....
Not many realize the power of it. Not many realize what writing in general has done for us. To them, it's an ordinary part of life. To people like us, it's love and life. What is projected becomes more than just words; it becomes a piece of us.
Hi I'm Carl. I'm from England. I can't remember a time when I did not write. I went to school and had the most amazing teacher an American called Martin Foxwell. He taught me so much. The greatest le.. more..