![]() Man's HunterA Poem by C.F![]() A dystopian society is what we get to observe through this poem while the protagonist and his consciousness talk and build an idea of hopelessness.![]() It looks the same Everything colorful New items on display The city shines bright Buildings still gray Billboards shine brightest of all People's eyes glow even from walls I stand here in the crowd Their hair changing each way Cars travel along their way Neon marks the day We've blocked out the sun I can't tell if it's day But the skyscrapers never fade We never have bad days Ain't technology God on Earth It killed every horrible cry, crime, grim, All without pay "Work little children. No never breaks!" That's probably what they say The crowd walks uncoordinated Shoving each other out of the way We walk snugly To where we all know To where the same place To where we suffer in place Walk toward the hell No one likes it there But none shall rebel We walk past some markets All closed down Their iron gates shutting us out They glow too "God, I'm a fool. What am I doing? Born a tool Born into only viewing Doing well in school I followed the rule Ever since I was cooing They told me what I should be pursuing I was never cruel In class I never let out drool The teachers said I was never losing That I was producing! That I wasn't a stool A fool! A tool! Great! Another tear for the pool" The crowd moves silently People push and shove Moving so tightly The buildings glow blue and red The cars hover overhead There is no dread Science made it dead Soul? Nien, leave that unsaid Unread Undid Never consider it a thread. Hey, I see the tower ahead! "I have no friends." The crowd moves and pretend "They wish to..." The crowd walk glassy-eyed "I know they wish to cry." They ran out of their supply "Of what you ask?" They wish to be happy. They wish to be together They wish to know each other They wish and stand next to each other Never even utter goodbye All wish to die So, demand came high The want of getting high” "No one cares about effects in life. Simply what feels right, at least, for a time. They get up the next morning Angry they gave half of it to last night. They throw up and cry. The pain never subsides." We walk to the tower It stands grander than all that's grand People don't wish to stand They want to throw themselves down Sobbing on their knees Giving out a plea "They know they lack something. A small piece they need Just a piece in their life In order to be complete." Even the ones with the given lovers We all dance, together we suffer! "He works and works, his brain taken over. I search for man But he is busy. Enslave one another And never say Be secrete So that you may play. He works and works For minimum pay. Walk home tired unable to do anything for the day And you wonder why? You cry at the end of the day. Oh, grand soul, We have killed you Murder! Us murders of all Murders The grandest knife wielders Sliced you open Head to toe And let you fall. Oh grand soul, Grand spirit, I can no longer say sorry For I still wear the gloves. I still hunt in thy name Where has man gone, Locked in a cage To where he mopes and cries Shrinks and dies I wish for a return But you are a fire with no burn A pile of coal not even firm." Oh, grand spirit I don't wish for thy You already died, A fire with no burn What a state of mind To shout and say We suffer and know not of why We walk alone and suffer Pray to rid of ourselves We are hell! Drugs, pills, needles, no need for a strong will No need for soul When taken care of so well. "He cries still." I don't even care, go to hell. The crowd walks Left foot, right Left foot, right Never look at each other's eyes. Tears welt but never gave way Tired, tired It consumes their lives Bags sink Will shrinks "Time for the pill!" A voice shrills "A dose of strong will." The buildings shine brightly Billboards emit the most New items always being the host We march forward To the office space Left foot, right Left foot, right. © 2023 C.F |
Added on August 3, 2023 Last Updated on August 3, 2023 Tags: dystopian, hopelessness, capitalism |