Cooking made easy

Cooking made easy

A Poem by CaptainWak

I'm too stupid to memorize all sorts of complex recipes. We all know how love is like the most important ingredient. Love alone doesn't make a dish. So what do you put in?

My favorite foods are the ones with sweets,
I guess I'll start with ice cream.
This thing should be laden with treats.
Will hot chocolate make some steam?
Cocoa isn't sweet enough!
I'm now using root beer!
I want this taste to be really buff,
Maybe this will give a cheer.
Let's add some jellybeans,
and now lets add some more ice cream.
Maybe some caramel streams?
Now imagine if chefs worked as teams?
Now is the important part,
Eating this is right around the bend!
Just remember, before you start,
Be sure to bring a friend!

© 2010 CaptainWak

Author's Note

It's hard to rhyme some of this stuff D:<

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So I should go with and get some iron oxide+aluminum powder to make thermite? You really didn't think that through. I could make a flamethrower from crap lying around the house.

Posted 14 Years Ago

xD That's not the important thing here! You seem to be making a dangerous weapon here! Jelly beans and Ice Cream are a weird combo!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Whaddya mean kid?! You're about as old as I am!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Jelly Beans? Caramel Streams? Ice Cream? O_O Dear god. What in the gods earth are you making kid? XD!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on September 22, 2010
Last Updated on September 22, 2010



Loveland, OH

I mainly write silly things, RP scripts, and that sort of thing. Don't expect much. more..

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A Story by CaptainWak