shattered kingdoms, in time, may be made whole,
minds battered into thoughtless mire can heal,
murderous corpses may relocate their souls,
forests will sprout from ancestral ash fields.
life is a pattern of circular trails,
man, beast and nature are chasing their tails.
lucky winds don‘t ever blow; all is planned,
motion and fate: choreographed bedlam.
all fools believe they hold truths in their hands,
but truth is God’s hand, free of our dictums.
newness begins where every life ends,
orbital existences: spin, spin, spin.
spouting figures and touting so-called facts,
trails of dead myth and keen observation.
hurriedly following our own deep tracks
to rerun victorious frustrations.
life is a pattern of circular trails,
theologians and scientists chasing their tails.
life is temporary; the circle prevails.