![]() Chapter 3 Jim fights the racists and gets a Time Travel jobA Chapter by CaptainBill![]() Jim convinces a group to attack the racist groups. He applies basic martial arts tecniques to the problem, and then does it. The President wants Jim at the Time Travel Agency.![]() Jim Fights the Racists by CaptainBill
Stephen and Sylvia approach Jim after the meeting. Stephen is black, and wears his curly hair close to his head. He is big, but carries himself well. Sylvia has dark blond hair, and cuts it short. Everyone has left, except a guy with a crew cut and a loose fitting blue windbreaker, standing near the door. Jim looks at Crewcut and points to the door. Crewcut nods and exits. Stephen says, “That’s one of things we want to ask you about. I know you were invited, but we don’t have hero worship or special privileges in our organization.” Jim says, “I’m glad to hear it. That’s one reason I’m here. I expect whatever I do or say to be treated on its merits. I’ll be gone when that doesn’t happen.” Sylvia says, “That was some kind of cop. That scares a lot of people. We don’t support the government. But he listened to you. What’s up with that?” Jim hands them a paper, with a gold seal on it. Jim says, “I didn’t ask for what happened. I didn’t want celebrity status, but I got it. They agreed they wouldn’t restrict my activities in any way, but required that I let them provide security for me as they thought fit. The deal I have is this. They will stop any kidnapping or assassination attempt, but they cannot enforce any laws on me or others in my presence. They can’t testify against me or others in any court. Part of the deal is that their security can be present if there are more than two people in a room. I can tell them to wait outside if there are two or less. You can tell that to anyone that needs to know, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t publicize it.” Sylvia says, “There’s some signatures. Is that the President? With his seal?” Jim nods, while Stephen says, “This paper says what you say, in official language. Can we work with you on that? He’s so obvious it scares some of our supporters.” Jim says, “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll ask for this, in public situations: Dress to fit in. Grow your hair some, or wear a hat. Act like you’re my friend. If I’m at your meetings that aren’t public, wait by the door.” Sylvia says, “We could live with that. You want to tell us why you’re here? We don’t attract too many celebrities.” Jim says, “Your ideals are my ideals. Support the workers against management and the government. Fight racism and sexism. No wars for the profit system. I want to work with you on some of that.” Sylvia says, “You got $110 million from that one painting, and you are against the profit system? Please !? Is the group going to see some of that?” Stephen says, “Jim is a guest here and a supporter, Sylvia. Treat him like one.” Jim says, “I came here to be an ally. I will put my life on the line for what I believe in. I have done that already, and the whole world knows it. I’ll lay out everything I’m thinking, but I’ll only do it for one person. From what I’ve just seen, Sylvia is not going to be the one.” Stephen says, “He’s not going to tell us what to do, Sylvia. But you are out of line here. Let me talk to him. I’ll tell you and everyone later.” Sylvia gives Jim a withering look and leaves. Stephen says, “I should be social and have you over to the house, and then have this discussion. But things are going to move pretty fast after that. Obvious, isn’t it?” Jim says, “Yes, Stephen, it is. Fast is fine with me. I’m going to tell you what you can tell everyone and then I’m going to ask you if you can keep secrets. Yes, I was active with your group before, and I knew you before. I did good things with you, and I came here to do them even better this time. I made a big difference before, and I can’t walk away from it this time. As Sylvia said, I’ve got at least $60 mil and a wonderful wife and family. Money can’t buy the important things, or I would have just sent the money.” Stephen says, “You answered a lot of questions before I asked them. I know about your Code. You know things but won’t tell the future. Is that absolute? People are going to ask.” Jim says, “My public policy is not to tell anything. My actual instructions are ‘Don’t tell the big things.’ I follow that. Kennedy was before this. It was hard to shut up about King. Had to. Now is where I have to get your word that you won’t tell anybody what I say following this, except your wife, who will be bound by your word.” Stephen says, “I can’t agree to that. I have to tell the group. That’s why I’m here.” Jim says, “That’s fine. I know you keep your word. Me too. I have a proposal for your group. In a minute. Let me finish the secret stuff. This is personal for you. Question: if something important was going to happen in your personal life, would you rather know or not?” Stephen says, “I’d choose to know. Not to change it, but to plan for it. Damn, it can’t be good if you say it like that.” Jim says, “This would be a personal secret for you. Nothing for the group. You could only tell your wife, and she would be bound by your word.” Stephen says, “On those terms, I agree. If the group is involved, I’ll withdraw my word and I’ll tell you to your face. I don’t understand why you would tell me something.” Jim says, “Stephen, we were friends before. Not best friends. But friends. Lou Gehrig’s disease, starting in about 5 years. I know you will use your time well.” Stephen is quiet for a moment, and his eyes glisten. Then he says, “Thanks. No cure. I’ll live every day well. So you should give me your proposal now.” Jim lays a small card on the table, with the seal of San Francisco City and County, and the signature of Mayor Fineberg. He says, “One more thing before I get to that. That is a concealed carry permit. Remember my wife went through our crisis with the mayor. My wife and I usually pack. It’s legal. We go to the range at least once a week. For her, it’s for the kids. For me, it’s all of us. We could be big money for the gamblers. This security would die for us. But I’d rather win.” He pulls a .45 Model 1911 from behind his back, and lays it on chair between them. Jim says, “I know when to leave it home, but usually I’ll have it. That’s why. You might spread that around. I’ll try to take one prisoner if I can, to get the ringleader. That one won’t walk again. The others won’t do anything again. May won’t agree to take any prisoners.” Stephen leans back and his mouth makes a perfect ‘O’, and he says, “She was strong on TV, but I had no idea. A woman and her family. Okay.” Jim says, “You know these racist groups popping up all over are a threat to all non-white races, white people who are their friends and especially multi-racial families. That is both of us, for a start. They will be a deadly threat to any serious political group on the left, like yours, maybe sooner, maybe later. But definitely a threat to all of the above. My proposal is pretty simple. We get people together who want to end this threat. I volunteer to give some basic fight training, practice working as teams, and we physically destroy them whenever they come out. We stay on it until they don’t come out anymore.” Stephen says, “Some of us have talked about it, and a few of our people says they will do something themselves, whether the group does or not.” Jim says, “You can have protests. You can do the push and shove thing if you want. I won’t be there for that. When I talk, I will be advocating total destruction of these racists. They will do it to us if we allow them to grow.” Stephen says, “I agree with a lot of that. Simple. Realistic. Very possible. What do you mean, ‘total destruction’? Are you saying to kill them all?” Jim says, “That’s how you talk about it. When you do it, I think broken arms and legs, fractured skulls, and ribs kicked in is about right, for this moment in time. For all of them. They trade on this aura of invincibility the early Nazis had. They won’t seem invincible if they get this treatment. Most will move on after that. And this is their cadre.” Stephen says, “I like your proposal. I’ll tell our leadership group. I’m going to ask that you be invited to talk to them. You’ll do that, won’t you?” Jim says, “That’s why I’m here.” Stephen writes on a small piece of a paper, then hands it to him, saying, “This is quite enough. I’m wondering if I agreed to your secrecy thing. Perhaps another time? My wife and I would like to have you over. Here’s my number.” Jim says, “Thanks for listening.” Stephen has a question on his face, and says, “You talked to me, and you’ll talk to the leadership group which includes Sylvia. But not to Sylvia now. Hmm?” Jim just smiles. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim stands facing a table with eight people, including Stephen and Sylvia. One side is open, so everyone is facing him. Jim is wearing his karate gi, with a brown belt. Crewcut was standing by the door, twenty feet away. Stephen says, “I have to ask if you have your gun on you. The leadership body doesn’t like that.” Jim says, “I left it with Mr. Crewcut over there.” He pulls off the top of the gi, and turns around. Jim continues, “If this was a public meeting, I couldn’t do that. Don’t invite me if you can’t accommodate that.” Stephen says, “Jim, your word is good enough.” Sylvia says, “What’s with the karate suit?” Jim says, “I’ve got an eight minute talk for you. If you have questions, fine. Then I’ll give you a ten minute demo of what I can teach anyone in four two hour sessions. I have a guy from my class who will help me, holding a punching bag and helping in other ways. He’s waiting outside.” Ricky says, “Hey, you’re the guy that took our family to dinner in Bellingham. Before all that stuff in Seattle. I wondered if that was you. You said you knew about us from our paper. That took some guts in Seattle.” Jim says, “That was me. Everything I said was true. Talk to you later, okay?” Sylvia says, “How about you talk to us now? Are you spying on us everywhere? And I didn’t appreciate being kicked out of your little talk last week.” Jim sees some nods around the table, and says, “Okay, I hoped to put this off for a while, but I can’t. I need to have an agreement on secrecy before I can tell you anything related to time travel. If you agree, I can tell it. And you can’t tell it outside of this group. You can tell your higher ups if they agree to the same thing. And nothing on the phone. Sorry, it’s got to be this way.” Sylvia says, “Or a big bad Spaceman will punish you and us? Come on!” Jim says, “Actually it would be a Time Traveler, not a Spaceman. Yes, that’s right. If you agree to secrecy, raise your hand.” Seven right hands are raised around the table. Jim remains silent. Stephen says, “Sylvia will be bound by a group decision not to talk. You can go ahead.” Jim remains silent. Stephen says, “Sylvia, raise your hand, or wait outside. I’ll come get you when he’s done.” Sylvia raises her hand, and says, “I better be here for this. I agree.” Jim says, “In my previous life, I knew the family here in S.F. In some old papers, I saw Bellingham listed as one of your locations. So one week end, I went up there and took the family to dinner. It’s a great family, isn’t it? I was in Seattle, after all, and I wanted to see how you did in Bellingham.” “Next point, also secret, I was with your group in my previous life. What I am proposing here, we did it before and it was very successful. Difficult at times, but successful. Many thousands of people are involved in one way or another. I did my part with it then, and I want to do it again, better.” “Last point, also secret but a higher authority - my wife - this is family business I’ll be talking about, but you need to know. I need to see the hands again, agreeing to secrecy. (Eight hands are raised) I told my wife I might need three years for this project. She agreed to three years, and then full time for the family. I agreed. So don’t think I want to take anybody’s job, or to be the chairman. I’m gone in three years.” “Secrecy over.” Stephen says, “The leadership group will discuss this later. Let’s hear his proposal and see his demo.” Nods, and ‘Agreed’, ‘I want to hear it.’ Jim says, “It’s clear and simple in most ways, so it can work. My proposal is to call for volunteers. They will be volunteering to attack and hurt very badly those people who follow the historical Nazis and Ku Klux Klan, and want to do all that again. They are being protected and promoted, and if unopposed, I don’t see anything stopping them, at least for terrorizing all that they want to. I will ask volunteers to come to my house on Sunday mornings. I will give a two hour class. If people have time, we’ll also run around the park. I believe four sessions will be enough. I’ll teach the basic blocks, high, middle, and low. I will teach the basic punch and kick. Then we’ll form groups of three. Each group will practice taking down one target fast, and hurting them. This isn’t about fighting fair. This is about destroying our enemy. The plan will be take out the enemy fast, one then the next then the next. Fast. I think we’ll have a clear shot the first time or two. With five groups of three, I would estimate that we could destroy 15 enemies in three minutes. Then disappear. After the first times, police protection will probably tighten up. But there will be opportunities. We will have further plans for that. Part of that is training on short sticks. We’ll will have them with picket signs on them, and take the signs off when we need them. I’ll keep training after the first month, for new people and for the practice. But we’ll be ready in a month. For my demo, I going to show what someone can do with the basics in one month.” Jim goes out the door, and asks his partner to come in. Tony also wears a gi with a brown belt. He drags the big punching bag in, while Jim has a thick mat over his shoulder. Jim unrolls the mat, and Jim and Tony step on to it. Jim says, “This is the high, middle and low block.” Jim and Tony do each slowly two times, so it is clear. Then they do it fast two times. Jim says, “This is the basic punch, and the basic kick.” Jim and Tony repeat like before. Jim says, “Tony, come hard, one inch away, high, middle, and basic kick low. No KEIA.” Tony moves in fast with a hard punch to the face. Jim blocks it with the high block. Mr. Crewcut is nervous, but stays by the door, with his hand inside his jacket. Tony moves in with a hard punch to the middle of the chest, which Jim blocks with a middle block. Tony closes in with a basic kick to the crotch, which Jim blocks with the low block, spinning Tony around with the block. Jim says, “Everyone can do this after 4 sessions. Not full martial arts training. But enough for what we need.” “Tony, hold the bag for me. A couple punches and kicks. “ Jim hits the bag hard with 3 basic punches, then 3 basic kicks. They look good. Jim says, “Everyone can do this after a few sessions.” Jim says, “This is extra credit training, not that hard. Tony, just face me on the mat. Straight legs, I’m going to sweep you low. Go with it, and roll.” Jim steps close to Tony with his left foot forward, and sweeps his right foot hard into Tony’s left foot, and sweeps his feet out from under him. Tony goes down fast and rolls. Jim says, “That can finish someone pretty quick, and it’s not hard to learn. Tony knows how to roll. Most people don’t.” Jim hands Tony a 3 foot wood stick with a 2” diameter. They show the basic drill, with basic blocking and some simple attacks. They change to softer plastic tubes three feet long, and do basic attacks and blocks against each other, fast and hard. Jim says, “Everyone will be able to do this in those same four sessions. Tony, please take these to the outside door for me, and I’ll see you Thursday. Thanks. Questions, anyone?” Marta says, “I’m coming on Sundays. But what did you mean, no KEIA?” Jim says, “I didn’t want to scare you. You asked, so I’ll show you. Tony, I’ll give you a high punch and low kick combo, just block.” Jim and Tony face off. Jim moves in with a punch, loudly yelling ‘KEIA’ , then the basic kick low, with ‘KEIA’. Tony blocks both. They bow, and Tony leaves. Marta says, “I was shocked and scared. That looked stronger too.” Jim nods. Ricky says, “I fight pretty good by myself. How would I fit in with this?” Jim says, “This is not about a fair fight. You could trade punches with a bad guy for five minutes before you put him down, right.? Ricky says, “I have.” Jim says, “With this system, you would lead a group of three and they would help. If someone grabbed a leg, and you punched, everyone kicks the target on the ground, and that one is over in 20 seconds. On to the next.” Ricky says, “I see it. I love it. And we would practice doing it?” Jim says, with a smile, “I’ll be the one you practice on. After that, another target will be easy. You can hurt someone with that stuff.” (relaxed laughter) Sylvia says, “I would be afraid personally. What if everyone got arrested, and went to jail?” Jim says, “This is volunteers only. I think we’ll be pretty successful, and the enemy will be the ones to suffer. But we could lose sometimes too. We’ll do some planning to avoid arrest. But it could happen. I say it would be for a good cause. And it will be much, much, worse if we do nothing.” Stephen says, “We should thank Jim for his proposal, and his demo. No mysteries or maybes. Crystal clear. We’ll discuss this and let you know our decision. Thanks, Jim.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stephen says,”Okay, we have to make decisions here that we will have to live with for a long time. So let’s get it right. Sylvia, in a few minutes, I want to hear every possible objection to this proposal, and when it’s done, and decision taken, I’ll remind you and everyone that we all will follow it.” Sylvia says, ”Ready, and Agreed.” Stephen says, “Ricky, we asked you to come tonight to help us with this. Is this pie in the sky and wishful thinking?” Ricky says, “I like how he’s done it. We can all see the whole thing. I think he’s being conservative, and allowing for first time jitters.” Comments: ‘That was conservative!’ ‘You can’t just do that.!’ ‘It might be a set-up.’ Ricky says, “I think we can get more than 15 volunteers, and more later. I think his training ideas can work just like he said. He said twenty seconds. I think 10 seconds is possible. In a fight, it seems like everything slows down. But things happen very fast. With three people involved all doing one thing, ten seconds sounds about right. With surprise on our side, two minutes or less to destroy 15 enemies is my estimate. He probably figures some will have first time jitters, and maybe some people will be squeamish about hurting someone that’s already down. Probably he’ll talk to them before the event. I know I will. I’ll follow this guy to hell and back. And he will get us back. I agree with his estimate about police response. They won’t have tight control the first time, and it will take at least five minutes to respond with effectiveness. Three minutes and gone should work.” Stephen looks around the table and see nods of agreement and says, “Thanks, Ricky. I’m inclined to agree with that.” Sylvia says, “I can’t believe it will be that easy. If it was, why is he talking about three years? If we have everyone in jail, we won’t be able to keep it up. This might be part of some government plan, with provocateurs and conspiracy prosecutions. That security guy could be a witness against us.” Marta says, “He said the first ones would be easy, and that there would be difficult times and possible losses. If he said the whole thing was easy, I wouldn’t believe him. I can see that if we got two easy wins as good examples, this would help a long campaign. The campaign is what matters. Winning the whole thing. I’m for it.” There is more discussion, and finally Stephen says, “We’ve covered a lot of ground. I take Jim at face value. Nothing else makes sense. I support his proposal. (Nods all around.) Thanks, so let’s put out a call for volunteers, and I’ll talk to Jim. (Nods.) I want to tell him we want him as the immediate commander on the spot. He calls it tactical leader. The leadership gives him their instructions, and he uses these teams to carry it out. (Nods.) Should we ask him to be a member and join this body? He says he was before. (Nods.) I’ll fly to New York, and go over it with National. I might get chewed, but I’ll keep my word.” (Nods and chuckles all around.)” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Nazi party made an appearance at 24th and Mission on the fifth week after the volunteers started training. This is the heart of the Spanish speaking community, and an integrated area in San Francisco. There were 14 representatives of the ‘Great White Race’ that made an appearance. The leader said they were reclaiming San Francisco for the white race, and everyone else better leave now. A minute and forty seconds later, there were fourteen bodies laying on the ground, writhing and twisting around in pain. A whistle blew twice, and the five teams of three ran back to the crowd, then walked quietly away. A group of ten with short wooden sticks placed themselves in front of the escapees. Some went into a store, out the back, into the back of another store, and out that front. Some jumped on a bus, got off two stops later, and took another bus going the other direction. Coats were dropped, coats of two colors were reversed, hats were taken off, and hats were put on. Some took a taxi, went to a hotel and came out a side entrance. There were two designated camera people. Jim asked a group member who was good with cameras to buy what she needed, and hire a pro she trusted. The pro took a room in a local run down hotel that overlooked the site. She covered the action from there from start to finish. The group member covered the action at ground level. There were no arrests, and no injuries to the teams. The film was released to the media, and made national news. Reports were made around the world. The next week, the local Nazi party flew people in from all over. Most of the locals were not available, for some reason. Eighteen uniformed Nazi members were arrayed in front of City Hall. One was spouting things like ‘SF is white people’s territory.’ ‘The N___s are not going to run us out of town.’ Twenty police in riot gear were off to the side. The groups of three and the stick people had changed jobs. But seven teams of three surged from the crowd, and did what they did for one minute and thirty seconds before the whistle blew twice. Thirteen bodies were on the ground, moaning, bleeding, and writhing. Five ran away pretty fast. There was a smell like an outhouse around the area. The police were moving too. The first cop had his club raised overhead, like you’re not supposed to. A stick guy just stood there, and blocked the club without touching the cop. The cop said, ‘You’re under arrest.’ The stick guy slid the stick backwards into the crowd, and didn’t resist. The cop grabbed him. Two in the crowd, then four, grabbed the guy and pulled him back. Two more cops were pulling on him. Then more from the crowd were pulling. This went on for a few minutes, until the surrounded police just let go. The teams were gone. Into stores, out the back, on the bus, then off, taxis to underground drop-offs, out the other entrance, hats on, hats off. No arrests. Good film for the 5PM news. Mission accomplished. Later we heard that nurses refused to treat the ‘victims’. Some ER doctors refused to prescribe pain medication, because it ‘might interfere with the course of the treatment’. The orderlies who transported patients left some ‘victims’ at the bottom of the list for a long, long, time. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim is sitting on a stage with TV host Geraldo, facing a studio audience. Geraldo: “Your group has attacked these groups just for speaking out. This is America. Doesn’t everyone have free speech, not just the people we agree with?” Jim says, “This isn’t a polite debate. This is an organizing strategy on their part, to grow into exactly what the Nazi party and the Ku Klux Klan did before. First they appear, attract recruits, then do their whole program step by step. It took World War 2 to stop the Nazi party before, and thousands of lynchings in the South before they were stopped before. We won’t let them get going, to do that again. So we will attack them whenever they come out.” Geraldo: “You have free speech to say this, but they don’t? Do I have it right?” Jim says, “The racists are being promoted by the media, and have all the money they need from millionaire racists. If you are outside the power structure, you don’t have free speech. You say something they don’t like, and you get punished or ignored. We think you have what you fight for, not because of an abstract ‘free speech’. History has already settled how to treat them. They need to be destroyed when they are small, before they hurt a lot of people. Most non-white people understand the threat clearly. If we just wait for them to grow, the next step will be random attacks at night. Then the next step is open attacks everywhere. History shows the police protecting them when they are small, and then disappearing when they are attacking their victims.” Geraldo: “I’m going to bring someone out with another point of view.” A white guy wearing a brown shirt and brown pants, and wearing boots higher than his ankles, steps onto the stage, and sits on the other side of Geraldo. White guy: “Black people have their groups and their spokesmen who demand their rights. We think that white people should have their group too. We are entitled to free speech like anyone else. We are advocating equal rights for white people, nothing else.” Geraldo: “Why have you chosen a name with a history of bad behavior? White guy: “Everyone knows they stood for the rights of white people. We don’t agree with everything they did.” A group of ten people, including black and Latin men and women, stand up the audience and began chanting, “Black and Latin, Asian and white, Racism must go!” Five white guys wearing brown overcoats stand up, take off their coats, and show off their khaki uniforms with a swastika armband. They start shouting, “N____s, shut up!” The anti-racists go after them, in groups of three. On stage, Jim stands up, grabs his folding chair, flings it at the racist on stage, then rushes him. Jim punches him hard in the nose, and again in the eye. The racist tries to stand up, and is off balance. Blood is flowing from both nostrils, and he will have a huge black eye later. But now he is standing up with his arms raised to defend himself. Jim steps forward with his left foot, and sweeps his right foot into the racist’s left foot. He goes down hard. The racist has the breath knocked out of him when he hits the ground. He is bleeding and crying and waving his hands around. The area around his crotch is wet, and the wetness is spreading. He pleads, “Please, please, I beg you, I give up, don’t hurt me, mercy!” Jim kicks him once in the ribs, and joins his friends in the audience. Geraldo says, “Time for a commercial break.” CMM shows the action multiple times, and the 5 O’clock news shows some of the questions too. There is editorial comment about free speech, but the whole country sees the racists lose again. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim answers the phone. Someone says, “You know who this is, don’t you?” Jim says, “I think so.” Someone says, “Yes, it’s me. I’ve got the head of your security screaming bloody murder about how nobody could do his job. I’ve got some decisions to make. The taxpayers are paying a boatload of money, like you say, to keep you safe. How can we keep you safe when you are doing things like that?” Jim says, “I never asked for your protection. And I’m allowed to do my normal activities. I did this in my previous life, and I’ve got to do it again.” The President says, “This is normal? Forget I said that. You tell it like it is. I need to know if we can come to some arrangement about how to do this, so your security team can do its job.” Jim says, “I can tell you that the group I’m working with has made me a spokesman, so I won’t be in the street action anymore. I’ll go back if they need me.” The President says, “Being a spokesman didn’t slow you down much on Geraldo, did it?” Jim says, “I’m not here to debate these guys. That one only got a black eye and a broken nose out of it. I can hope somebody learns something from that.” The President says, “Can I ask you to stay indoors? Can you give me that much?” Jim says, “Most of the time, okay. I’ll tell somebody if there is something I have to do outside.” The President says, “I saw your wife on TV too. You say she is the tough one of the family. I believe it. She won’t agree to take prisoners? A prisoner can give you the next level.” Jim says, “She won’t listen to me. I only want one prisoner, and she won’t agree. Maybe if you talk to her?” The President chuckles, and says, “I know better. Got one like her at home. Two peas in a pod. Amanda wants to meet your wife too. When things quiet down, come and visit us.” Jim says, “Uh, thanks.” The President says, “You two are the only ones I know that got a carry permit out of Diane. But I’m seeing film of you two coming and going from Jackson Arms. Too many people know. Can I offer you something, to help with our security?” Jim says, “We’re lifetime members. When we go, they only let in regular members, until we leave. They’ve gotten a lot of new members lately.” The President says, “I’d like you to use the range at the Federal Building. I know I can trust your word. Will you agree to keep secret the identities of any federal agents you see?” Jim says, “I came across a number of agents in my previous life. I won’t make any agreement about them.” The President says, “Goddamn this time travel stuff! I’m going to send you a list of things we’d like to have. Check the ones you agree with. Write it in your own words. I’m sign it if I can. I’ll get you both something on the Federal level, if I have to designate you U.S. Marshals. Diane told me what you said. Thanks, I don’t have to worry about her going after my job. I heard you knew about King. We could have saved him. Do you know anything bad about me? I know, the Code.” Jim says, “Yes, the Code. I’m not sure how I can cover something that doesn’t happen. I’ll think on it.” The President, “Thanks, you did tell me.” Jim says, “I didn’t. But you better edit the tape of this ASAP, for the protection of both of us. My wife was only supposed to use that as a last resort. But she didn’t want to take any chances. We were fighting for our lives, and a lot more than that. Anyway, no more of that.” The President says, “I know how to play the notify and deny game as well as anyone. But I take your point. Will do.” “Just a few more things. My Special Forces advisor says your first two operations were done better than some of his, with professionals. Why don’t you come to work for our Time Travel Agency? You’ve got the guts, the smarts and the character to do it right. You could even head that agency in a while. As you said, our time needs to get it right. What if you could have been in Berlin in 1935? What could that have saved?” Jim says, “We know these racists are funded by some right wing millionaires. In my previous life, we suspected but had no proof that it was the project of some alphabet agency in the government. How could I work for you if that is true?” The President says, “I don’t know about it, if it that’s true. I’m going to check. The most I can give is a ‘No Comment’ if I find something. But I won’t lie to you.” Jim says, “I’ll think about what you said. Got to go, my boy is crying .” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The President: “D****t to hell, he hung up on the President. Okay, Stu. We go all the way back. Edit it the tape yourself, first. Time travel knowledge only. Leave the rest. Then check if any ‘alphabet’ agency is doing what he said. You better be able to report to me that there is no evidence whatsoever that we had anything like that going. There will be hell to pay if I find out I’m lied to. That includes you, Stu. Then find me a Model 1911 and find Amanda a Browning 1955 like May Lee uses, with holsters. My God! The new NRA poster couple,’Home at the Range’ and ‘A bullseye can keep the family together.’ Then find out when the First Lady wishes to uses the range with me, and reserve it. A photo opp is fine, but discreet. If the honest sheriff is going to get the vigilantes back into their houses, I better look the part. ” Stu says, “I’ll get right on it. Like you said, no evidence whatsoever. May Lee and Amanda, ‘No prisoners’. Maybe it’s better that way, Mr. President.” The President says, “How much do we owe this guy already? My predecessor couldn’t stop that runaway agency, and he faced them down. Chemicals, and he didn’t blink. He challenged the biggest gamblers in the country, for his family. They’re afraid of him, and terrified of his wife. Think of a righteous widow with $60 million to hire hitmen, and his other plans. They’d laugh at me. And now all the young kids in the country are looking for racists to stone. ‘For the Spaceman’. I need this guy at the Time Travel Agency. Yesterday. That used to be a hyperbole. Get me list of what we would like in an agreement with him. First , Time Travel security, then the TTA. Within the hour. Make it a checklist. Then I want it hand delivered to his door, within an hour after I take a look. Get going, Stu.” Stu says, “Yes, Mr. President.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim and May sit on the couch at Stephen’s house. Stephen says, “You said it took more than two years before. Four months and it’s all over. We’ve recruited well all over the country. Thousands of kids turn out with rocks and bottles wherever they think the racists will turn up. ‘For the Spaceman’. What’s next? ” Jim says, “I was only in on those first two operations. Then you guys made me a spokesman. I do miss those days, and those Sunday mornings in the garage.” May says, “I won’t insist, yet. How about full time for the family? You did what you had to do.” Linda is white, medium height, and has brown hair cut stylishly at medium length. She says, “I don’t know if I could live like you, May. Worried about kidnapping all the time.” May says, “I don’t worry any more. But I’m ready all the time. Some of the newspapers say I’m bloodthirsty, ‘The Dragonlady’. I don’t care. No one is going to threaten my babies and walk away. I will kill them all, yes. But I won’t torture them. That would be bloodthirsty. Dead is good enough. And for a stupid score in a football game! He might not even remember it.” Linda asks, “I saw you on TV going to the range. Do you like shooting?” May says, “I went with Jim a few times. It didn’t look too hard. I wore those ear muffs so the noise wasn’t too bad. Then I thought that I could help to protect my babies if I could shoot and had my own pistol. So I tried Jim’s .45. It was too much gun for me. I tried a few others, until I found the Browning 1955, a .380. It had nice balance, and I didn’t flinch when I fired it. I feel much safer when I have it with me. Mayor Fineberg gave Jim and me a carry permit so we can pack them legally.” Linda says, “Did Jim tell you about Stephen?” May says, “On the way over. He can tell his wife. I’m so sorry.” Linda says, “We are enjoying every day we have together. Not putting anything off… (a small chuckle) and some life insurance, before anything shows.” (Chuckles all around.) Stephen says, “So you’re leaving the group? You have a future with us, you know.” Jim says, “I probably won’t see you again for a good while. So I will tell you a few things. I trust you to use the information wisely.” Stephen says, “Ah, the secrets!” Jim says, “In my previous life, it took more than two years to do what we have just done. I didn’t like what it took, but I knew I had to. There are many people who come from middle class and even upper class childhoods that were taught that fighting is bad. So they like the ideas of your group, but don’t have a clue about violence or real fighting. That includes leaders. So what we did really scared them. Then you add in the agents that are around, that don’t want to see an effective organization. So I’m sure that I am a big target for all of them. In my previous life, I loved this Latin woman totally and completely. She was sexy and beautiful. We were married seven years. I don’t agree with our immigration laws. So over a few years I got her whole family here. I picked up one of her brothers from the coyotes, and brought a sister and a brother across the border myself. We had false papers for them. Then we sponsored her mother and she came. It took a political campaign and an EEO class action, but I even get her a job at the post office. Now she had a regular job of her own and her whole family is here. I’m thinking it’s time to enjoy our family life together. Then I find out that I’m boring. She gave me notice that I had to quit the group or she would leave. I told her I wouldn’t quit. So she found someone else, and then left. There are a lot of immigration marriages that work. In some cases one partner or the other in that can take advantage. I took my chances and lost. It happens. She had quit the group a few years before. I had done some pretty good things, but she is a Latin woman. So some people think that racism and sexism on my part had to be involved. No proof, not one incident. But it had to be true. The thinking is that if the group supports her, she will come back to the group. A stacked meeting is set up, I’m accused, and I won’t accept it. So I have to leave. I waited for years for an admission that these leaders were wrong. They never admitted anything. A new leader asked me to come back. But too many years had passed. A group that operates on wishful thinking and mistreating its members doesn’t have much of a future. Stephen says, “Jim, that is hard to believe! We don’t operate like that.” Jim says, “Sylvia made it an issue of racism and sexism with everyone, and especially with all the women in the group. How do you fight that, when it is not based on anything real to begin with? It wasn’t just Sylvia. And people listened to them. Sylvia circulated one of my wife’s complaints: ‘I watch too much TV, and read too many books.’ I watch less TV than anyone I know, or anyone in this group. She didn’t have TV when she grew up. So I’m racist and sexist when I watch less TV than anyone in the group? In California, each parent is entitled to joint custody of any children. I took my 50%. She didn’t like it. So the group supported her on that, and I’m supposed to give up on my kid. Crazy ! It seems to me that if two people don’t make it, the group shouldn’t be involved. In my case, she left, and the way she did it was not right. So I’m not accused of anything concrete, I’m the one that is active with the group, she is the one that left the marriage in a shady way, and the group wants to use group discipline to force me to do what she wants. I’m not here to attack the group. I think poor leadership is better than no leadership. But I’m not going to stay around for this to happen again, in one form or another. I know how to fight all that now, but I have other things that I need to do.” Stephen says, “None of that sounds good. I would guess I was sick or gone when all that went down.” Jim nods and says, “Use the knowledge however you wish. I did want to warn you about one agent type I came across. He goes by the name of Chuck Wilson. I managed an apartment building and he was a tenant. So I knew his real name. White guy, average height, average weight, light brown hair, gold on the edges of two front teeth. I met him at political things later. I didn’t figure this one out until afterwards. At a big political meeting against racism, he hooks up with a young black kid, maybe 13 years old. He talks to him for a good while, and later three young women had their wallets missing. He wasn’t paying attention to the speeches or the workshops. He was observing where women left their purses, and seemed to be waiting for the room to be empty or the ones in it not to be looking his way. Later I remembered seeing him by one of the purses. It looks like the cops sent him someone on probation or in juvenile hall, and to earn points he steals from the white do-gooders. Later Chuck Wilson tells me he is with another political group, the Weathermen. He tells me how to make a Molotov cocktail with gasoline and soap chips, and advocates exemplary individual actions. Later on he says that rape is a legitimate tactic against your enemy. That did it for me. I should have known earlier, but it took a while. He even went with me to San Diego, when the Republican National Convention was going to be there. That is two years from now. Every political group was mobilizing for that one. So it got moved from San Diego. Anyway, Chuck Wilson and I took the plane together a few times. He knew I would figure him out sometime, so he was filling my head with BS. Like the Feds will manufacture evidence to convict you. And if you are a real threat, a Wonder Bread truck will come out of nowhere and run you over. Maybe those are true, but he had to make sure I got that message. Maybe I would get scared and quit. I wouldn’t have started with you if I was afraid of threats like that.” Stephen says, “Yes, there are a lot of ways they come at you. For the group, you just have to keep doing it the right way, and don’t let the agents lead you down the wrong road. Some thought you might be one. Involving a lot of people made it clear you weren’t.” Jim says, “The President wants me at the Time Travel Agency. Within a year, I would be the head man. He says it has to be done right, and trusts me to do it right. If I take the job, I’m going to want some people with courage, character, and smarts with me. Especially multi-racial. When I ask, will you send me some people that you trust?” Stephen says, “I’ll think on that. We’re against the government, you know.” Jim says, “In the previous life, we thought it was a project of one the alphabet agencies, all these racists coming out. We never had any proof though. I put the President on the spot. He said he would check on it. He got back to me. His wording was very careful. He said ‘I was assured by my chief of staff that there is absolutely no evidence that any government agency was involved with that. He assured me on his life, which I take literally.’ After his call, the racist groups just evaporated around the country. I would rather that we finished them ourselves. But a win is a win.” Stephen says, “Ah! Can I spread that around?” Jim says, “No secrecy on anything tonight. Just use your judgment.” Stephen says, “Another big win for the Spaceman.” Linda says, “Dinner is served. A baked sockeye salmon for you! Let’s eat.” After dinner, they sit at the table, with the dishes cleared and stacked. Linda, with a serious look on her face, says, “If you were at that Agency and they had a cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease in the future, you would know, wouldn’t you? Maybe you could get it for everyone, or maybe just for one or two, if they didn’t tell. He won’t ask you. I will.” Jim says, “You know I can’t tell Big Things. I already told you something. I’m thinking that the Agency in the future that sent me back is the successor to the Agency I might set up now. I’ll do what I can for a friend. For two friends.” There are four sets of glistening eyes at the table. May says, “You better.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim and May sit at one end of a big table, next to Amanda and the President. The President said, “Amanda thought May would like to sit at this table, and sit in the seat that other presidents have sat in.” May says, “I don’t care about presidents… Oh, sorry! (Everyone chuckles.) Where did the Queen sit when she was here?” Amanda points to the chair May is sitting in, and says, “You had a dog named Elizabeth, didn’t you?” May says, “You know my whole story? You’re the First Lady!” Amanda says, “Call me Mandy, or Amanda if you must. Can I call you May?” May says, “Please. You are very nice, Mandy. I saw that picture of you at the range with your husband. Was that really a Browning 1955?” Amanda laughs, and says “I told George I wanted one just like yours. He can get whatever he wants. He’s the President.” The President smiles, and says, “Two peas in a pod, did I tell you?” Jim smiles. Amanda says, “I tried a .38 revolver and the .380. The .380 shoots faster, but the .38 has more power and a little kick. What do you think, May?” May says, “Accuracy is more important than anything. If you don’t hit the target, it doesn’t matter.” Amanda says, “I like the way you think, May. Have you tried the heavier ones?” May says, “I tried Jim’s .45 a few times. It’s too much gun for me. Even the first shot, I’m expecting the kick and I flinch, so I’m not accurate. The .380 is just right for me.” Amanda says, “George, tell the Secret Service I want to see May’s gun. They can keep the bullets if they have to.” The President says, shaking his head, “I’ll get them both… Two peas in a pod.” After dinner, they sit at a small table in the Presidential living quarters. The President looks at Jim and says, “Anything I can do for you two? I gave you a medal already.” Jim says, “May wanted me to ask. Could you get us a couple of hours at one of those pop " up ranges for pistols? Amanda says, “Why didn’t I think of that? I want to go too. George, get us something for tomorrow. We’re all going tomorrow. You too.” The President says, “Yes dear.” …and gets on the phone. The President says, “Okay, tomorrow at 2PM. I have to see the Russian ambassador in the morning. (He chuckles.) Senator Fineberg will have to be rescheduled. I don’t think she’ll mind. (pause) Can we invite her along? I don’t think she’ll be shooting, but she gave you two your first carry permits, didn’t she? Nobody minds a few discreet photo shots, do they? Got to keep the voting citizens happy, don’t I?” (chuckles) “Okay, Jim. Some business. I need you at the Time Travel Agency. That needs to be done right, and I’ll support whatever you want there. What do you say?” Jim says, “I was happy working as an RN. Now it would cause too many problems to go back. Did you tell them to give me paid leave for as long as I wanted?” The President says, “Matter of fact, I did.” Jim said, “I wasn’t working for the money. I’ve got enough of that.” (everyone laughs) “Alright, I’ll give it a try. If I stay with it, most of those suits we saw in Seattle will have to go.” The President says, “Work with the guy there now. He’s cleared out a lot of the bad apples already. He knows that he will be working for you, if you want him.” “Thanks, Jim.” “I always liked the Model 1911. One shot power, dependable, historic. I really am a friend, Jim. Someone who packs a 1911 can’t be all bad. I hope that includes me.” “When Amanda’s happy, I’m happy. Thanks for coming.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim talks with Dr. Gooden, saying, “Thanks for the tour. Thanks for sending someone with May to see your pistol range. That will make the deal for her.” Dr. Gooden says, “I was an XO (executive officer) before, and an acting commander. I know how to smooth the way for the new commander, whether I’m going to be around or not.” Jim says, “Thanks, I think you will do just fine as my permanent XO. The President says you cleared out a lot of the bad apples. Is there anyone you have questions about? I’m talking integrity first.” Dr. Gooden says, “There is one, but I thought it was above my pay grade. Dr. Strange has made a lot of the advances we’ve made here. But he thinks like the director you knew as John Q. Smith.” Jim says, “Get your Director of Security to go with you. I want him out of the building now. Personal effects only. Remind him that any disclosures about this program will result in his permanent detention. Except to the President, or the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee, under oath. Have him sign a paper that he knows that before he leaves. If he won’t sign, put him in detention until he does. I’ll report that to the President .” “After that, get all the staff together, and we’ll talk. Do you have a wife that could help? I’d like someone to show May where we would live.” Dr. Gooden: “My wife is sitting in my office right now. I presumed you wouldn’t want to live in John Q.’s house, so I moved there and kept mine vacant. You can move in today. There is an executive jet that can take your wife to S.F. where your kids are staying with the grandparents. She can bring back whatever will fit on the plane, and the government will move the rest. Good enough?” Jim says, “Someone was pretty sure of me! Yes, good enough. Doc, I’m going to be moving as fast as I can on with time travel and this Agency. I have some friends with an incurable disease. I’m thinking the future could help with that. And how many people could benefit from that? But there’s more. I just have this feeling that my coming back is part of something big, and that moving as fast as we can is important. I don’t know why, but I feel it.” “By the way, is there a job that May could do here? The security savings would more than pay her salary.” Dr. Gooden: “We have an accounting department. She would do fine there.” Jim says, “Good. Don’t put her in charge of anything yet. She’ll try to save nickels and dimes when we need to be spending some money.” Dr. Gooden, chuckling, says, “Yes, she’ll fit right in. Staff meeting in ten minutes.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim says, “I’m glad to see all of you here. I’m going to start with a personal request. I understand a lot of the country calls me ‘The Spaceman’. (Lots of chuckles) It’s not accurate, first. And I don’t really like it. Please, I don’t want to hear it.” (dutiful laughter). “There will be a lot to do, starting after this meeting. You will be the group that will be doing it. Dr. Gooden tells me you are all okay, so we will start with that. I have a mandate from the President to be the Director here or to start a new Agency from the ground up. You have your chance to prove yourself, starting right now. One thing I will not consider is seniority from the previous project. You are all hanging by a thread because of its past. Your work in that past has no merit. What you do from now on does. You kept your head down and survived. I don’t know that anyone did any more than that.” “We need a lot more, from now on. As a matter of fact, the first order of business will be to work out a Code to govern our conduct in dealing with the future and with the past. We’ll work it out together. After this meeting, the first thing I want is your ideas on this. This Code must go a lot further ethically than that of the man I knew as John Q. Smith. It will not be about maintaining the U.S. of this time as No. 1 for all time. When we have something, we will all swear to this Code and follow it. And it will develop as we know more. I want something from everyone before you go home tonight.” “Anything you have learned about time travel here is classified. Anything said from this point on is classified at the highest possible level. If you can’t handle it, leave now. Dr. Strange is not trusted as you are. He is dismissed, and is leaving with personal effects only. He must sign a paper about keeping time travel secrets, or he will detained until he does. Violation will mean permanent detention. The President will be notified and will have to sign off on that. We have a Constitution, so a way will be found to do this legally, while retaining our secrets. These secrets will be more important and more expensive than the Manhattan Project. Anyone who doesn’t want to have more secrets, leave now.” Jim pauses, then says, “Good. I don’t know what you already know. I’ll get up to speed on that ASAP with you help. As far as I know, I am the first person known to come back in time. I need to tell you what I know, and talk about some directions we might go. I received some printed messages from whoever sent me back. One of them approved what I had done so far. It said ‘I approve what you have revealed, and what you have concealed. When you find someone you can trust, tell them the rest.’ I am going to trust you now. Obviously, there is a Time Travel Agency in that future. I am here. It exists. They know what happens now, and can send messages from that future to this past. Think of the precision and control it would take to send ink through time, so precisely that it becomes a message here. And then it disappeared a few hours later. The theory I have is this: they are the successor agency to this one, in a future time. They didn’t trust John Q. Smith, so they told him nothing. They could tell us things, if we get things right. Or we might have to build the whole thing ourselves. I’m going to write up everything I know, and each of you can examine every angle you can think of.” “If we get access to knowledge from the future, can we use it freely? Or not? What about a cure for diseases that have no cure now? The President and Congress will have something to say about it. But I want our recommendations to be part of that decision making process.” “We are going to grow, so if you know of good people, give us names. This is an all white group now, except some security people. If you know good people that are non-white, that will be a good thing.” “I want something before you leave tonight. Dismissed.” (Applause!) Dr. Gooden says, “Impressive for a first meeting. Reminds me of my first sergeant’s approach on taking over a new group. ‘Start as an a*****e and then you can be a good guy later. No doubt who’s boss, so no discipline problems later.’ “ Jim says, says, “This isn’t about discipline. But I would get along with that first sergeant.” Dr. Gooden says, “Our boss in this world and this time says to tell you that you are appointed the Director with immediate effect, and to swear you to whatever oath you can give him.” Jim says, “That was fast. Fine. I swear to follow my Code, to get time travel right, and to follow the Agency Code that we will develop here. And call me Jim. What do I call you?” Dr. Gooden says, “Okay, Mr. Director. I mean, Jim. Call me Doc. I hate Goodie.” (chuckles) Jim says, “Okay. Here’s some things we need right now. We need access to power and lots of it. I know it takes a lot of energy for time travel. So we need our own nuclear power plant, or access to a lot of power. We need a working transporter device, just like the Star Trek TV program. Get the idea guys on it. Matter of fact, get us an appointment with the Star Trek writers. Send a jet. If we have a nuclear guy on staff, I want an answer to this: How many atoms in a human body? How much Heisenberg uncertainty is built into these atoms? We know it can be done. But how close does transporting come to this theoretical limit. I need someone who can look at existing time theories, and tell me what they can. Can we go forward and backward, equally, in theory? We know we can go backward. I think we’ll need an astronomer on staff, and computers. If we are going to transport forward or back, I think we’ll need to calculate the exact position of the earth of that time. We’ll need incredible precision, and that means big computers. Earth has a Coriolis effect. How about our Galaxy? We need to know. “I’ll need a staff that can make a good estimate of the effect of what we discover on this society, both economic and social. Or on other societies we come in contact with. We have to be able to give that estimate to the President and Congress. Some of it will be above our pay grade, as you say. I want to know how the CIA does it, but we won’t use their people. We’ll need our own.” “I want to know any security people that need to go. I’ll tell the President to find someplace for them. Might as well do it now.” “We’ll need a detention facility, for those that violate secrecy, and bad guys that we catch that are time travelers. Show me what you have. I saw part of that before. I need to see it all now. Do we have lawyers on staff? We’re going to need some new laws.” “I’ll write that all up, and you get it to everyone tomorrow morning. You got enough to do for now?” Doc Gooden chuckles, and asks, “Can I tell the President you accepted and give him a report?” Jim nods and says, “He’s the boss. Tell him I’ll call when I have a few minutes.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim finished writing up his experience with time travel, and the messages he had received. He gave them to Doc to copy for the morning. Then he called the President. The President says, “I’m glad you found a few minutes for me, on your first day. My God, Jim! Today was the day for the facility tour! You fired you top researcher, put him in jail for a few hours, and I have 200 security people to reassign. You didn’t even swear an oath to the USA, but to your Code. Dr. Gooden says you’re going to need a few billion right now and your own nuclear plant. Are you done for the day?” Jim says, “Yea, that’s why I can call you now. You know how it is.” The President laughs heartily, and says, “I knew I count on you.” Jim says, “I going to send you some memos that you can send back to me as executive orders. Do it the way you want. You are the President, after all. The President laughs and says, “I glad somebody in this great city knows that! By the way, Amanda thoroughly enjoyed that day at the range with May. Like a young bride again! We all have to do that again, if you can find time in your busy schedule.” Jim says, “May and I did too. Then I’m going to need some laws from Congress. The Joint Oversight committee has to agree to secrecy for our reports. We need oversight, but we can’t have leaks. When we get time travel going, it’s going to be more important than the Manhattan project. I’ll send you a draft, and you can advise me, lawyer that you are.” The President says, “I’ll look at them. But I don’t control Congress. Nobody does. You don’t need the power tomorrow, do you? I know it takes time the build. Can you and I get together with the CEO of ConEdison, and see what he can do for us?” Jim says, “Sure. He would have to agree to secrecy on our terms. And if he makes a deal on power, it would have to be absolute. I’ll usually try for the off peak hours, but if I need it all, he has to give it to me, even if the East Coast has a total black out.” The President says, “Maybe your own nuclear plant would be good idea. We can let ConEd have the extra power until you need it. There has to be connecting lines to your area, either way. We can talk to ConEd and start with that. Okay?” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One week later, Jim sits at a witness table in front of five Senators and five Congresspeople. Senator Green greets Jim, and says:”Welcome to your first Oversight committee, Mr. Director. We’ve all read your first report to us, and the Executive Orders from the President. We never got any reports from Mr. John Smith, so this is appreciated. At the same time, every item you report is unprecedented and extraordinary. There have never been any laws like the ones you are requesting from us. If I read it right, you are requiring them from us. Congress has its own rules, and is a separate branch of government. Yet you will require Congress to follow your rules of security, and be detained in your facilities for violations. It’s unprecedented! It’s unconscionable! You’ve been appointed Director for Life for one week, and this is your first report. An initial budget of $4 billion, and you want it now, without the usual budget process! Perhaps you don’t know how Washington works, sir! Jim says, “Thank you, sir. Did you have specific question? (titters from Committee). Senator Green, “You say that a 10 megaton nuclear bomb has been installed in the basement of your facility, and you have the activation codes?” Jim says, “Yes, I requested that from the President and he ordered it. The installation was completed yesterday. I have a designated chain of command and procedures to guarantee the process. It is a clean weapon and it’s underground. No fallout. The device has not been activated because we don’t have enough secrets to justify it. When we have an actual time travel capability, we cannot and will not allow it to fall into the wrong hands. All researchers and security persons have been notified. There is the option to resign. None have taken it.” Some whistles, and muttered remarks, ‘Wow!’ ‘Incredible’ Congressman Graves asks, “You have listed what you need the money for. Some of these positions are duplicates in other agencies. Why can’t you use the services of other agencies?” Jim says, “All of our people take an oath of secrecy. Some agencies are known as porous. There is also a character issue. If there is any question regarding character, that person is gone from our organization. I don’t know that other agencies can meet that standard.” (Belly laughs all around.) “And they will take an oath to follow the Code.” Congressman Graves says, “I see that you have taken your oath to follow your Code, not the Constitution of the USA. I can’t go along with that.” Jim says, “What Constitution would I agree to defend? the one in 1787? The one FDR changed in the 1930’s, the one we had in 1965? Today’s? the one that the USA will have in two hundred years? Time travel makes this point very pertinent. My predecessor said the TTA should guarantee the US dominance for all times. Some might consider him a patriot. Recent history says otherwise. I stand before your body at this moment, for oversight. He never did. You can remove me for cause. My Code says that I will not abuse or misuse the time travel process. I have and will follow it.” (‘Hear, hear’) Senator Fineberg asks, “Have you ever violated your Code, Mr. Director?” Jim says, “One principle I follow is not to tell the Big Things. On one occasion, I authorized a revelation to establish my bona fides, to be used if absolutely necessary. My wife didn’t want to take any chances, and told a secret. My responsibility. Aside from that, no others. I was detained, and fighting for my life, her life, and these principles. A lot of people supported me. Very few political figures. You were one.” Senator Fineberg says, “Thank you. I will reveal for the first time that May Lee whispered to me “US Senator” on that fateful day of her first news conference. Our President tells me you knew about King. He said he could have saved him.” Jim says, “I can’t tell the big things. Period. Won’t do it. I had occasion to talk about it afterwards. One of the reasons for an Oversight committee will be to say Yes or No to time travel operations. The President wondered how I would have done in Berlin 1935. That can be an Operation you will decide Yes or No. I will abide by your decision. If we find cures for diseases that are incurable now, I will require oversight about how to use that information. I will abide by it.” Congresswoman July asks, “You say you can’t reveal the Big Things, and you are talking about time travel operations that do just that. That sounds like a contradiction.” Jim says, “I have my personal Code that I follow now. We are putting together the Code that all will follow at the TTA. With your Committee and the President, we will trust the maturity of decisions from that oversight. Let me say now that the need for secrecy is self evident. The Manhattan Project was monumental is scope and changed the world. At that point, it was Hitler or the U.S. There were no leaks, though many thousands were involved. There were spies, but no leaks. These secrets can change the world far more than the Manhattan Project.” Senator Blackman asks, “How are you going to stop leaks from Congress? Many have tried, none have succeeded.” Jim says, “That is why I need the laws I have submitted to you. They are simple and clear. Anyone coming in contract with TTA secrets signs a Confidentiality agreement. If violated, they are detained by us, permanently. Or released at our discretion. That won’t be TTA rules. That will be your rules, adopted by you. Two legal points only: Is there a confidentiality agreement? Was it violated? For Congress and the executive branch, you can set up the procedure of judge and jury. For all others, there will be a judge appointed by the President and confirmed by you. You can make modifications, but if you won’t give me a workable law, I will resign. I reserve the right to tell the American people why, and name the names. I don’t have voters to please, you do. The President has asked me to do the job right. Please give me your support, so I can.” Congresswoman July says, “Mr. Director, we all know your history. Your courage and intelligence have been extraordinary. But all we have is your unsupported word for much of this. Did you just figure out this Code by yourself? And you speak like you have received some revelations from somewhere?” Jim says, “I will answer the Congresswoman’s points. But we have reached a point where TTA secrets are involved. I need an agreement of complete secrecy by every individual who remains in this room. Part of it is that you agree to TTA detention if the secrecy is violated. I will proceed when that process is finished.” The President stands and says, “He made me do it. I’d suggest you make a personal decision to stay here or go. He won’t tell you otherwise. And it’s worth it.” … and then he sits. Everyone signs except Senator Graves. Senator Graves says, “I won’t agree with that. It’s a violation of our Congressional privileges. It’s unconstitutional.” Senator Fineberg says, “Senator Graves, you will sign it or leave. Can I have a show of hands?” (Nine hands are raised.) Senator Graves says, “Oh, alright?! “ and signs. Jim says, “It is my unsupported word. But let me tell you the details of coming back in time. When I woke up I had a letter next to my bed. One thing it said was ‘Don’t tell the Big Things.’ That is an instruction which I have followed. There have been others. There was also a key for a storage facility, where I found some cash, coins, and two paintings. One of which was Van Gogh’s Dreamtime. That letter said it would disappear at noon that day, and it did. The others did too. These details are TTA secrets. One letter said ‘I approve what you have revealed, and what you have concealed. When you find someone in authority you can trust, tell the rest.’ I’ve written it all up, and the TTA is working all the angles they can figure out. And I’m trusting you with it. Another letter said. ‘Well done. Yes, you were my stalking horse. I didn’t think you could get it all done, but you did. You volunteered for it, and you were paid too.’ That disappeared too. Speculation also, but I think this might be the successor agency to TTA, in a future time. I think they used me to deal with this rogue unregulated agency. So one thing we are setting up is a way that they can communicate with us, if they choose to do so.” Senator Fineberg says, “The Committee has a lot to talk about. We can do that, can’t we?” Jim says, smiling, “That’s your job. But no phones. I can give you some possibilities if we succeed. Next time. Let me give you some dangers. Let’s start with the entire gold reserve at Fort Knox, and the money supply at the NY Federal Reserve. A traveler from another country or another time could take all of that. And we are holding the gold for other countries, and are responsible for it. One law would say that time travel within the U.S. is legal only for TTA. Any other is subject to detention and prosecution by us. The law has only one element - time travel not approved by TTA. Our jurisdiction " our detention facilities. I can report some apparent activities of time travelers at Fort Knox, including monetary losses. Four billion dollars to safeguard our gold and money reserve is cheap at the price. I hope to have the money within a week.” (smiles, titters, and head shakes all around) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Russel answers the door, with a scowl on his face, his body half behind the slightly opened door: “Wha do ya want?” Russel’s skin is deep black, and he wears his curly hair short. He is slim and looks fit. Jim says, “Russel, you can put the ghetto face away. We were friends before. Can I talk to you and Connie?” Russel asks, “How do you know my name, and Connie?” Jim says, “In a previous life, I lived there. (pointing at the next door) We were friends. Can I talk to you?” Russel considers, then smiles widely and says, “Sure, Spaceman. Come on in. Connie, you won’t believe who’s at the door!” Connie says, “Russel, I’ve got a game in a few minutes, and I’m pitching. I’ve got to go.” Connie is an attractive women, and her skin is also a deep black. She wears her curly hair at medium length. She is a little more than average weight, but she’s athletic, not pudgy. She wears gold rim glasses. Jim says, “Hi, Connie. I’ve only got a few minutes too. Can I talk to you both, for a few minutes?” Connie says, “You are the Spaceman! We followed your group when the Klan came out in Merced, but I didn’t see you. The white boys didn’t last very long, did they?” Jim says, “I saw you in our pictures. They made me a spokesman. Connie, have you told him yet?” Connie considers, and says, “Not yet.” Russel says, “Told me what? I don’t know about a previous life, but if you have something with Connie in this life, you’re in trouble. I don’t care who you are.” Jim says, “Russel, I didn’t and I won’t. May will kneecap me. If I’m lucky.” (Both laugh.) “Okay, I need good people at TTA. Both of you have a job if you want one.” Russell says, “Yea, I would go back through time for that one. Is she any good with that .380?” Jim says, “Fifty percent of America is in love with her.” (with a glance at Connie) “Maybe 60%. Everything in the black at twenty feet. She expects anything to be that close.” Russel says, “Should be good enough. You want to tell me my secret now? That I don’t know.” With another glance at Connie, Jim says, “Russel, we lost you to crack before. If you join TTA, you might have something to live for. I need you both.” Connie sighs and says, “I didn’t know how tell you, Russel. I’m in love with Temmi, the first base woman. I’ll get my things later. The team needs me now. I’ve got to go.” Connie leaves. Jim goes out the front door, picks up a shopping bag, returns, opens a twelve pack, and hands one to Russel, and says, “I hope Bud’s still your choice. I can only stay for one.” Russel takes the Bud, and sucks most of it down. He says, “I see you at my front door, and five minutes later, my life is gone. Crack looks pretty good right now.” Jim says, “This was coming, Russel. You could be on my security team, at least. Whatever you want. When we get time travel, you could be one of them.” Russel says, “I wouldn’t like it, but I could accept losing her to another guy. But to a woman! My manhood is in question.” He takes another Bud, and opens it. Jim says, “This was coming for a long time. Why do you think you guys came to Berkeley? Connie’s still a good person. It’s not on you.” Russel says, “I won’t be able to trust her around other women. We’ll be going for the same thing.” Jim chuckles, and says, “You said that in a previous life. Russel, I’ve got to go. Here’s my card and my number. I won’t take a hard luck story for some cash, but I want you at TTA.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mom says, “How many dangerous things do you have to do, Jimmy? Can’t you just enjoy your family, with May? A nuclear bomb in your basement? What about my grandkids? And May. It’ll reach this far, won’t it?” Jim says, “The living area has to be close by, for security reasons. I’ll get them away if I can. If it comes to that, there probably won’t be time. If the Bad Guys know, they probably won’t try. Can’t let them have it.” Mom says, “Your Dad agrees. He really likes that gun you gave him. I didn’t know about Match Grade. I wanted to try that gun May uses. The gun shop had a waiting list, but when they saw my name, they gave me one that just came in. She’s so sweet, Jimmy. I didn’t believe what some of the papers are saying, about a Dragonlady. Then I heard that gambler from Las Vegas on TV. He says he would never bother women or children, and he would pay a bounty on anyone who did. He was even sweating. I think he was more afraid of May than you. If it helps the kids, I’m glad. You know some winners? Is that all?” Jim says, “Like Sun Zu says, it’s better to win without fighting the battles. But you can’t do that if you aren’t ready to fight it out. Mom, it’s not time yet. But I’m not sure how long I have. So I should tell you now.” Mom laughs a little, and says, “The family is nervous about you. They wonder if they want to know things, or not.” Jim says, “Mom, I can’t tell the Big Things. But we aren’t that big. We lost you early, from an honest mistake. We really missed you. And you missed your grandchildren growing up.” Mom’s eyes are shining. She asks, “Can knowing change it?” Jim says, “You had symptoms for colon cancer. They did the standard tests that your insurance covered. They found nothing. You had some colon tissue growing in another place. The cancer spread before they found it. Chemo worked at first. But it came back later. I gave you some money. Get the expensive tests this time and find it early. Your grandkids will appreciate that.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim, Russel, Connie, Marta, Marianne, and Dianne sit around a lunch table. Jim says, “I’m really happy to see each of you here. Each of you has proved yourself already in ways that count. The others are tainted by what happened before. So I’m going to trust your judgment more than others. I want to push you up as fast as you can handle it. Russel and Connie, both of you will fit in with Security now. If you want something else, tell me. See me after the Tour. I need to hear if you can be professional working together. Either way, I want you both. Marianne, you have proved yourself in a lot of areas. You brought Dianne, good. Analyst might be the best place for both of you to start. Marta, you have proved yourself also. Perhaps security to start. Talk to me later. Doctor Gooden will give you the tour, then get you IDs, living quarters, all that. Marianne, I’ve got a job for you right now. I’ll get you the tour later. Okay, except for Marianne and Marta, wait outside for Doc Gooden, and I’ll see you later. Jim moves over to a nearby table, and calls some people over one by one. Jim says to Marianne. “I’ve got a good one for you. After this, I’ve got a Seattle phone call to make. Listen in. Then I’m going to send you to Seattle on a government jet, if necessary, for an appointment tomorrow. Doc Gooden will give you a credit card. Use it. Wait for me right now. Jim beckons to Marta. “I’m glad Jim sent you. The things you believe in and the methods that follow might be exactly what we need for some missions. I will protect you as much as I can. But if you give speeches and talk openly, I might have to cut you loose. So be careful. What is said and done out of view of prying eyes, I don’t care. Clear?” Marta says, “Clear. I’ll do a good job for you, Jim! And Steve and Linda say ‘Hello’.” Jim says, “Try to join the tour group, otherwise wait here. Marianne, let’s go.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim talks on the phone, with Marianne on the other side of the desk. “Mr. Goldman, I trust that all is well with you.” Mr. Goldman:”I see you’re in the news lately. A Director for one week, then Congress, and the next week, you have a $4 Billion budget. Interesting that you are calling me now. Selling Dreamtime was the apex of my career. Quite a month that was.” Jim says, “Yes it was. I’m going to send you my assistant. You’ve seen Marianne before. She will have a Confidentiality form to sign. I’ll ask you to give her a report. With a consulting fee, of course. Can’t say much on the phone, but you are a smart guy. I need to know of anything similar to the case you just handled. If you have books, we’ll buy them. What time is good?” Mr. Goldman: ”Save your fee. I’ve got enough cash for a lifetime, thanks to you. Not hard to figure what you want. I’ll have a report and some books and things. Anytime after 1PM.” Jim hangs up and says, “Check the secretary outside. I want you in Seattle at the Art Institute at 1 PM tomorrow. We want knowledge of any major work of art lost to the world from the beginning of time. Closer to the present first, but take anything he gives you. We want the last known positive location in time and place. One of our projects might be to rescue them. Ask Mr. Goldman if he wants to join us, or how he would consider working with us. Here or as a consultant. Have him sign the form, warn him, and talk to him. Stay a few days if you want. Pay for multiple copies of every book, print, or anything he gives you. Questions?” Marianne says, “Only a hundred. But what I need to do is clear. Thanks! and thanks for Dianne.” Jim nods, and says, “Send Connie in.” “Connie, I’ve got a special project for you. We want to communicate with the future TTA. We have set up a secure room with the two typewriters they have already used to communicate with me. I want you to check that once every hour. I will have messages set up in the room. I want you to put the message in a certain form, and have it there. And I will have someone to cover you if you have to be somewhere else. This might be the most important thing we do. And I will need absolute secrecy from you, until I release it to everyone. Can you do that for me? Connie: “Yes, will do. Russel and I are not together. Professional is fine with me.” Jim says, “Send Russel in.” “Good to see you! Connie says professional is okay with her. How are you?” Russel: “It was hard. But professional is okay with me.” Jim says, “I don’t have any real military guys here. I need you to think about this one, and tell me what we can do with it. We might get communication with the future TTA. What if they tell us WWIII is coming in ten or 100 years? What would it take to stop that war? Or if it was another Hitler, what could we do now to make sure the good guys win? We would need Oversight authorization, but we have to have our recommendations ready.” Russel says, “You don’t start with the small stuff, do you? I’ll get on it. And thanks. Jim says, “Dianne next.” “Dianne, I’ve got an important project for you. Here are suggestions and thoughts for our Code, and some follow up. Put them in order. Some are opposites. Make a list of all of them, in some kind of order. Then try to make a Code that makes sense to you. Check with me now and then. When you get a first draft, see me.” Dianne: “I like it. Thanks.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> © 2013 CaptainBillAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() CaptainBillSan Francisco, CAAboutLike Science Fiction, especially military SF. I love wilderness backpacking, like High Sierras, Grand Canyon, Marble Mountain in Ca. more..Writing