Gysela Valera

Gysela Valera

A Story by Jessica L Auster

I've been working on this for a while, just decided to get the first 6 pages out.



"GYSELA VALERA, YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN NOT HIDE FROM THEE" roared James Pacher, the village "bad boy".
Gysela ran and ran into the dark forest that stood across the field from her village. Her waist length dirty-blonde hair fell behind her as she ran against the wind. She stumbled on a tree root and fell while running. When Gysela looked up, she found that she'd fallen a few feet before a small village. It was so small, in fact, that there were ten small houses circled around something that looked like a big fire. Around the ten houses, there were 20 more houses around them.
Gysela got up and walked closer, but didn't get too close. She heard voices chanting words that Gysela couldn't understand at the place she was standing.
"Who's that?" A little girl asked her mother, pointing in Gysela's direction. Gysela panicked. She had no clue what to do. It was too late to run because someone was already coming her way. Even if Gysela had the chance to run, she wouldn't be able to because her body felt paralyzed at the sudden words of "Who's that?"
Her breathing became short and tighter. Her heart raced like it hadn’t before. What was to happen to her? A young man about Gysela’s age walked towards her. She stood still. The male stood at six feet tall and had a fit, muscular body. His skin was olive and his voice was smooth as he spoke the words “Who goes there?”
Gysela uttered “Gysela Valera. I come from Moonstalk Village.” Her voice shook.
“Why do you come here, to Knackawa Village?” said the young man. He pushed the bushes out of his way so he could get a better view of Gysela.
“I didn’t come here on purpose…” she paused “it was an accident.”
“How so?”
“I was…well I was running away from someone in my village and I fell on a root and landed here.”
“Come with me.” He stated. He reached out a hand and Gysela took it.
“What is your name?” Gysela asked out of curiosity.
“My name is Marc Durer.” He responded. Gysela took his hand and they strode into the small hamlet.
“People!” Marc started to get the attention of the others. “This is Gysela Valera of out neighboring village of Moonstalk. She comes here on accident, so we will show her love and care for a safe journey back…or if she likes…she can stay.” Marc looked in Gysela’s direction and smiled at her. Gysela walked in closer and everybody had greeted her with open arms. They asked things like “What’s it like in Moonstalk?” and “Why did you come out to the forest?” Gysela answered vaguely and followed Marc.
Marc took her to an empty house and stated that it was his and his family’s house. She’d be staying there for the time being. In the meanwhile, Marc took Gysela to the ceremony they were in the middle of. He said that this ceremony was to ask the god and goddess to bring them good harvest for the coming fall and winter. Gysela stood as they chanted their chants and danced their dances. Gysela told Marc that she was going to go back to the house and rest. He walked her there and helped her prepare to sleep in the spare bed they had.
“My parents are the leaders of this village.” Marc said “We must always have spare beds for those who may have come here upon accident…just like you.” Marc smiled again. Gysela returned the gesture. Their body’s started to get closer. Their lips parted. They kissed. Passionately. Breaths had begun to get heavier and they fell on the bed. Marc gently caressed Gysela but before things got too out of hand, she stopped.
“Marc, I have just met you.” Gysela said, kicking herself inside.
“I am terribly sorry, Gysela. It’s my fault. It’s too soon, you’re right. I should let you rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” Marc left the room Gysela was in and blew out the candle which had been the only light in the room. Gysela got under the covers and silently fell asleep.
Noises started creeping up on the sleeping Gysela as seven o’clock rolled around. She opened her eyes sleepily as she tried to regain focus. Gysela saw Marc walk passed a window and she ducked as he did. Gysela silently got out of bed, opened her room door, and desperately tried to make an escape….it didn’t work.
“Oh Gysela! You’re finally up!” It was Marc’s mother. Gysela looked over and gave a smile.
“Where can I find a place to wash?” Gysela asked curiously.
“It’s out back. You won’t miss it.” Marc’s mother smiled warmly and headed on with what she was doing in the first place.
Gysela walked out back in search of the wash area. There, she ran into Marc. She glanced at him and he made an attempt to talk to her, but she ran into a crowed of people.  
“GYSELA, WAIT! COME BACK! I NEED TO TALK T--“ Marc was cut off as people trampled over him. Gysela was no where in sight, until Marc spotted her sitting alone on the front porch of someone’s home. Her dirty-blonde hair shone bright as the sun softly hit it. She didn’t see him so he took the moment to gather in her features with better light. Gysela had looked even more beautiful than the night before, when he first laid eyes on her. Her bright, piercing blue eyes reminded him of something that only existed in fairy tales. Her supple, porcelain skin was so pure that it looked like angels had just given it to her and only her. Gysela’s lips were plump and sensual like they were full of power. Gysela was a goddess in Marc’s eyes. No one had beauty as radiant as hers.
As Marc gazed at Gysela, she sat braiding her hair. When she was finally done, she had caught the eye of Marc and gasped. Gysela got up, but Marc was determined to talk to her. He ran to her and grabbed her arm. Gysela turned to him and decided not to fight it.
“Gysela, I’m sorry about last night.” He began. “I know I took things too fast and I shouldn’t have. I just wanted to apologize to you.” Marc’s eyes had shown sympathy and care. Gysela stood there, her five foot six stature was short compared to Marc’s six foot build. She looked up at him, still didn’t say a word, but hugged him. He returned the gesture and they parted.
“I shouldn’t have made it awkward for us, Marc. I was only protecting our friendship.” Gysela spoke. Marc didn’t say anything but just grinned as Gysela walked along the stone path which led to a pond. Marc stood in his place for a little; he had just fallen head over heals for this young woman. Marc sighed to himself, turned around then headed back towards the crowd of people.
As Gysela walked, she thought to herself. Would she ever go back to Moonstalk? Was James looking for her? What if he found her…here. Would Marc fight him? Everything negative was going through her mind until she stopped short. Gysela heard an unfamiliar yet familiar rustle in the bushes beside her. She turned to face them and saw two eyes peering back at her.
“Alexandra?” Gysela paused then started again. “Is that you?” The human came out from hiding and appeared in Gysela’s view. “OH ALEXANDRA! HOW DID YOU FIND ME!?” Gysela was in ecstasy. Alexandra’s bright red hair covered almost half of her somewhat freckled face. Her green eyes sparkled as the sun hit them.
“I saw you running away from James Pacher.” Replied Alexandra. Her expression got serious. “You shouldn’t let him ruin you like he does. He’s someone from the past who you seem to always let bother you. One day he’s going to take it too far and possibly injure you.” Alexandra was looking Gysela straight in the eye.
“You know, you’re right telling me this.”
“That’s what best friend’s are for.” Alexandra brushed dirt off of her dress and stood straighter. The two caught up with each other about what was going on in Moonstalk and Gysela told Alexandra what had happened while being in Knackawa.
“I think he’d be great for you…the way you described him and all.” She looked at Gysela. Gysela looked back and said “I know I think I may be…well…sort of…I’m not quite sure though—“
“Just spit it out!” Alexandra interrupted.
“Well I think I may be falling for him.” Gysela let it off her chest for her best friend to know. After those words were spoken there was silence. And eerie sort of silence that one may find if walking in the woods alone at night. The silence that’s not awkward, but even worse that awkward. Gysela bit her bottom lip then shifted her eyes to the right.
“Did you hear something, Alexandra?” Gysela inquired Alexandra.
“Not a thing. Why? Did you?” Alexandra replied as if nothing strange was happening.
“I think so.” Gysela looked behind to see if she could spot anything at all.
It was when Gysela so the figure of James that her whole world was about to end…or at least that’s what it felt like to her. James didn’t know he had just been seen by Gysela so he hid behind a nearby tree.
“I SEE YOU, SCUM!” Gysela shouted out. James slowly came into view.
“So, you’ve fallen for someone else, have you?” James said calmly.
“You’ve been listening?” Alexandra butted in.
“This isn’t you’re conversation to be butting into, Alexandra. If you knew what was best you’d leave me and Gysela alone.” James called off. Alexandra walked away out of fear of James, but still stayed close enough so that if Gysela needed help, she’d be there.
“You know, it wasn’t too long ago that you had fallen in love with me.” James gave a cheeky grin. Gysela began to hold a stern expression.
“I was a fool then, James. I know better now. You were nothing but scum. That’s all you’ll ever be is scum.” Gysela’s voice grew strong with confidence in her words.
“Oh, but you’re mistaken, love. What about last week? You loved last week.”
“I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“Sure you didn’t. Say what you will. We both know you still have a burning desire to come to bed with James Pacher.” James began to walk closer to Gysela.
“Why must you talk in third person? You’re no better than anyone else!” She continued to stand her ground. As she did, James continued to get closer to Gysela. He was now in arm length of her. James suddenly grabbed her and ran off with her over is shoulder.
“ALEXANDRA! ALEXANDRA! HELP!” Gysela cried out.
“Alexandra’s not going to help you now, my love.” James said, breathing in between words as he ran.
“Where are you taking me!?”
“The very place you’ve always been dying to go to.”
“I have never had that desire about anything in my life!”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Said James, slowing down.
“James, I don’t like this at all!” Gysela screamed.
James stopped as he neared a house which looked abandoned. Gysela couldn’t see it since she was viewing from behind. James gently put her down and Gysela panted.
“We’re here.” James nodded at the house. He took her hand and tightly held it so she couldn’t escape his clutches. As far as Gysela knew, she was at his mercy….a place she’d rather not be.
“Gysela,” James started, looking deeply and sincerely into Gysela’s eyes. “I love you.” His sincerity stuck and he tenderly caressed her cheek. “I love you, Gysela. I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve…I’ve bought this house for us.”
“You’re joking.” Gysela slapped James’s arm and his hand left her cheek.
“I’m not joking.”
“Yes you are! You’d rather make love to harlots than marry me!” Gysela found herself on the verge of rage. James didn’t have a retort but just walked to the house. He turned around at her when he was almost at the front door. “You can join me anytime, if you like. I’ll be waiting, love.” James turned back around, opened the door, and went into the house. Gysela stood where she had been; thinking about how surreal this whole experience had been for her. She walked away.
It started to rain upon her. The only one getting caught in the storm was her; at least it felt like it. Gysela returned to Knackawa with a certain look about her that no one had seen before. She looked sad in a happy sort of way. Her hair didn’t seem to shine like it usually did. There was a certain sorrow about her that Marc enjoyed to look at.
He stepped forward to talk to her, but she didn’t seem to see him. Her walk was zombie-like. Gysela’s eyes were fixed on a horizon that she didn’t even recognize. The blue eyes of hers remained in focus, surprisingly not bumping into any people on the way to Marc’s house.
When she got there, she told Marc what had happened to her.
“I’m leaving, Marc.” Gysela said softly.
“You’re…you’re leaving? But why?” Marc asked sadly.
“It’s something personal.”
“Will you come back?” He said hopefully
“I don’t know. I have to go. Goodbye.” With that, Gysela left.
“WAIT!” Marc chased after Gysela with something in his hand. She turned to him. “Here, take this.” It was a long white cloak with gold draw-strings. Her eyes got bright at the sight of the cloak.
“Why thank you, Marc. This means a lot to me.” Gysela bestowed a teeth showing grin and he gave her a farewell kiss on her cheek.
Gysela put on the cloak and headed on her journey.
“One more thing before you leave.” Marc said. Gysela turned around impatiently.
“What is it, now?” she rolled her eyes a little.
“I would also like you to have a horse.”
“A horse?” she repeated.
“Yes.” Marc replied. A white horse appeared out from the trees.
“Marc, I can’t take this…”
“Yes you can. You have to. You must.” Marc insisted.
“Oh alright, fine.” Gysela got on the elegant horse and rode off into the forest.
The rain let up after an hour of almost getting off track of where she was headed. Then she found it…the house that James had bought for the two of them. She saw that there were lights on in the house, so she decided to go in. Gysela tied the horse outside and knocked on the wooden front door three times. There was a pause in which everything was silent until Gysela heard movement inside. A shirtless James opened the door. His slim six-pack figure caught the attention of Gysela.
“Gysela…I didn’t know you were going to come back.” James started.
“Is someone with you?” Gysela questioned suspicious of James’s actions in the house.
“Oh yeah, just a friend of mine. What’s it to you?”
“Well it is my house too. I would just like to know what was going on. You see, I came back to live with you.”
“Gysela, I don’t think this is the right time to tell me you’ve made your decision. Maybe you should come back tomorrow afternoon or something.”
“James…you have a girl in there, don’t you?” Before James could speak, the two were interrupted by another voice.
“James, come back in here…I have a surprise for you.” It was a woman’s voice.
“Not right now. I’m busy with something at the moment.” James called back to the girl.
“Who is she?” Gysela asked curiously.
“It’s just…no one. It doesn’t matter. I promise you this Gysela; once we live together nothing like this will ever happen again. Starting tomorrow.” Gysela left on her horse. “FAREWELL MY LOVE! I SHALL SEE YOU TOMORROW!” James called to her.
It was reaching sunset as Gysela came closer to her native village of Moonstalk. Her horse was getting tired but they finally reached their destination. Surprisingly to Gysela, she was welcomed back with a celebration of coming back home. She got off her horse when she got to the stables after greeting her mother and father. Gysela then went back to her home and gained knowledge of some astounding news that came from her parents.
“In the past days that you were gone, we had received information from your grandmother.” Her mother started. Gysela nodded in understanding but still yearning to know more. “It’s the royal one, Gysela. The one who wouldn’t let us live in the Kingdom of Emery.” Her mother finished.
“Oh…that one.” Gysela found her voice disappointed.
“She’s asked us if you would like to go and live with her for the next month or so.”
“A month or so?! The lady’s bipolar!” Gysela was outraged. She made an attempt to leave to her room but her father spoke up. “Just here us out, honey. Try it. You leave in two days if you’re up for it.” Gysela didn’t say a word, but just nodded and headed off to bed.
Thoughts raced through her mind…then it hit her. Gysela got out of bed, snuck out the house and prayed her parents didn’t hear her. She quietly walked to the stables and got took walked out her majestic horse she called Mae. Gysela got on and soundlessly rode into the forest.
She arrived at the familiar little cottage that she and James will soon dwell in together.

© 2008 Jessica L Auster

Author's Note

Jessica L Auster
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this is very well written. i tink the flow is spot on. it has a good feel to it

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Added on March 2, 2008