Inspirational, clean and inclusive - nice way to implement participation with your reader.
You are a poet!
This is a great piece, I enjoyed being brought into your thoughts and onto the screen as you tribute this to us (the reader). Excellent job on originality - I really enjoyed the format as well.
This was my favorite line, because as we all know, there is far too much of this in our writing society:
"As a little boy I did never knew the proper way to write a verse,
Never knew what to write,
Never knew not to curse."
I appreciate your sharing this poem with all of us here...
Great job, keep writing,
OH, could you possibly place this in the contest Enlightenment on Poetic Infusion Society? If you have not yet entered, that is.
Inspirational, clean and inclusive - nice way to implement participation with your reader.
You are a poet!
This is a great piece, I enjoyed being brought into your thoughts and onto the screen as you tribute this to us (the reader). Excellent job on originality - I really enjoyed the format as well.
This was my favorite line, because as we all know, there is far too much of this in our writing society:
"As a little boy I did never knew the proper way to write a verse,
Never knew what to write,
Never knew not to curse."
I appreciate your sharing this poem with all of us here...
Great job, keep writing,
OH, could you possibly place this in the contest Enlightenment on Poetic Infusion Society? If you have not yet entered, that is.
Hello, My name is Kaspar I am 20, I live in America, I love poetry and quotes.
Happily taken and in love since November 25th, 2010.
Never tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footp.. more..