It only takes the lightest brush
of someone else's arm
against mine to remind me
that I am without you
It takes just one couple
looking at each other
with those eyes of love
to change my entire point of view
Because the night sky
I drew on your skin
isn't shining through
the distance like it's supposed to
And the lack
of your scent around me
is driving me straight
out of existence
I don't know
what I'm supposed to do
without you
I don't know
how in the hell
I'm supposed to be just fine
I don't want
to hear how things
are to going to heal
Because, right now
I'm just numb,
and I want to feel
I want to cry so hard
that the ancient gods and the goddesses
fear the sound of my pain
Because they couldn't possibly imagine what I'm going through
I want to be so destructive
that Satan himself
hands hell over to me
Because he isn't worthy of it anymore
I want to hate everyone so much
that the Klu Klux Klan
is lost in my shadow
Because they care far more than I do
I want to liberate myself
from the chains and shackles of our memories
as high security prison guards applaud my success
Because it not easy
It is not easy to let go
of the good times, and the bad
And it is not worth it
Falling in love is not worth it
Being comforted by those that tell you to move on
is not worth it
Lying to yourself that you're okay
is not worth it
Love is not worth it
It's not
It's not worth it
It builds you up, buttercup
and every time, it brings you down
But we are so anxious to experience love
Because that five seconds of happiness,
it's enough
It's enough to last a lifetime
And when you lose it all
What happens then?
Nothing, you're alone
And you never want to love again