It's always something different every day
She sounds like my mom
She acts like her.
I am my father's.
Mama is the bragger; she boasts my sister's little, shining glories
Even the ones that seem to me more like hiccups
I never got unending admiration from my dad from being like him-
growing quieter over the years
A dislike for crowds and no affinity for people
She plays with dolls, I favored animals.
I grew up.
A haircut, for me, is just a haircut
A good day at school is simply a good day
They love her little toddler quirks
I inherited my mother's face, but that is not enough
They fall in love with her more and more each day
But what, in me, is there to fall in love with
over and over again
I am always the same,
always the dark hair and dark eyes and faltering conversation I have been forever
And will be
What is more is there to discover about me?
Here I am, I don't hide myself
I am open, however unsure...
And I would like to be more than just the first check you'll write for college tuition.