Children of Chalis: Descendents
A Book by Calwarr
A hidden race of immortals, the Children of Chalis, and their descendants race to find a lost treasure. Caught in the cross fire, Nikki and Rick, a mortal man and woman, fight for survival. 
© 2013 Calwarr
Author's Note
This is an un-revised first draft of a novel. All comments are welcome. I am looking for other committed writers to correspond with and trade services as beta readers. I love reading new work, send me a message! There is a lot more where this came from.
Added on September 11, 2013
Last Updated on September 11, 2013
CalwarrClarksville, TN
Greetings and salutations, it's your friendly neighborhood Calwarr here. I am a professional soldier, father and snappy dresser. I have always had the writing bug and lately have decided to spend more.. more..