Dear Santa (Challange from Rain75)
To Rain75 I had to join the fun.
Santa please hear my words,
Lovers Passion is all I want.
Please whisper in his ear.
I'm ready to say YES.
This year all I want is his love,
A ring so sweet, My divorce tomorrow I would start.
If he'd just propose one more time.
And give me a ring to make it complete.
Santa if you have that twinkle we believe in as children,
Please make me complete, make me happy and grant my wish,
This year I'll leave you a very special treat anything you
Desire I'll find a way to make your night complete. Merry Christmas
And to all a Good night.
Love your friend Cari
by Calvspw
Author's Comments:
"That was another challenge but I had to try thanks Rain75 for your challenges