Sad Sun

Sad Sun

A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

Dim rose filter
As the sun come up,
As the birds wake up.

Rattles and
Coughs and
Chirps and engines
And buzzing, flittering light
As the sky wakes up.
As the night drifts away.

In the towers,
The sound stays high
Where everywhere else
Is low.
But the sun
Stays the same.

As we wake and grow.

Dew on leaves,
Dew on lamps.
Burned away as the sky birds show.

A small,
Sad sun,
Wakes us all.

© 2019 The Poet of Black Wings

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Added on July 1, 2019
Last Updated on July 1, 2019


The Poet of Black Wings
The Poet of Black Wings

i hope my poems, among other writings, will speak for me. Edit - Full disclosure, if you ask me to read something, I will, and I'll be brutally honest about what I think about it. So, be ready for .. more..
