Inspector Journo
A Poem by Calo
I have put together a collage of titles from a writer who I think has interesting titles and made a poem of them. jacob erin-cilberto 
above the standard fare
(a private’s mailbox -
the myth of growing up)
the humming bird quit humming.
inverted apostrophe, rosary buttons
on the sill, still.
raging blade,
only loud enough not to hear the raindrops
in dylan’s world:
swayed not to be played,
all the while
static boogie,
last call
the chefs nocturne -
almost puberty and such -
another damn sappy love poem.
nothing but a little love poem
on monday afternoon.
roses aren’t always red.
(dead red)
who set the table?
a muse with no conscience,
a stretch of road on a saturday night...
there’s a light on somewhere.
the prom is for prose
circumventing the average mind:
stir the emptiness so it can’t settle.
forget dating services, just order at the counter
scene -
looks like a wishing well smile,
too many sides to the story...
the water parts with dry notes,
useless tokens,
empty tomb.
paw prints on the glass:
a storms melting wake
the day after
mute marionettes.
before the loose leaf lies surrender.
away day,..
the day after
cigarette burns and loaded years:
the birth of suicides:
thesis of us.
an older man recalls tomorrow’s dreams -
what the scholar can’t see,..
a question of commitment.
wine goes better with awkward silence,
arrested by feeling,
other things;
suggestive interrogation -
empty confessional.
reading glasses
covering my eyes:
second hand love
the seed:
cold friday in the rain,
colors of the rage
more than a flicker
in chambers,
and it never really cleared.
it’s just a name -
thingamagig by the watchamacallit
(titles are idle).
she’s the “love me not” pedal.
used to be you, in haiku.
sunday at the old poets home,
23 fitzroy road,
a stalled font,
used lanterns,
icicle cake:
“hi, welcome to fool’s paradise”...
nope -
(it’s a matter of semantics;
ripe adverbs and maudlin sunsets,
voices of then and now
where the real classics are found...
imaginary number of an almost beautiful mind)
unusually usual,
anne’s compliment (for Sylvia, maybe):
moist testament
backing into your traffic mind.
better get the car fax,
notebook skywriter -
initials carved in the wood
(outline of an orchard theme)
a crooked eros bow
almost a paragraph worth of pink slips.
a melody that sleeps with the fishes -
opiate obstinate -
get off my page
hidden agenda!
bumper stickers!
days in re-verse!
tranquil conflict!
jelly smears
might be where i’ve been...
to the critic:
demolition (X 9),
when it’s always march in my mind -
dimming shoes,..
cinderella’s epiphany:
intersection blues.
alms for cold palms.
bare trees from autumn lips -
the fries are still frozen.
we’re just numbers, no titles.
poetry intolerant.
detroit 1968, and
deliciously criminal.
that didn’t happen, but something did:
act II,
the poem bum -
argument of how it was.
a 1957 love poem.
remove the plastic before writing .
© 2013 Calo
I would call this plagiarism, not poetry, in each & every one of your poems, all you've done is steal the titles from other poets, for shame.
Posted 11 Years Ago
0 of 5 people found this review constructive.
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11 Years Ago
Clearly you do not know poetry so well. Nor art. What I've done here is the same as Ezra Pound, T.S .. read moreClearly you do not know poetry so well. Nor art. What I've done here is the same as Ezra Pound, T.S Elliot, William Burroughs, W.C.Williams, Andy Warhol,..have all done. In literature it is called a "found poem". Your ignorance has led you to misrepresent my writing, and me. I hope you find enlightenment.
11 Years Ago
My ignorance leads me to believe you are not T.S. Elliot and when it offends the people who's words .. read moreMy ignorance leads me to believe you are not T.S. Elliot and when it offends the people who's words you've stolen from, it's no longer art.
11 Years Ago
Well gee,..thanks for that. I almost began to believe I was Ezra Pound.
11 Years Ago
Don't mention it, always happy to help out a fellow poet. Signed D.F. Wallace.
11 Years Ago
;-) I wanna play too.
11 Years Ago
Ofcourse! I imgine play suits you better than legitimate writing.
11 Years Ago
...afterall, have you ever originated anything that was never done before? I highly doubt it
11 Years Ago
Everything's been done before, the thing is when the poet is not enamored by your so-called flattery.. read moreEverything's been done before, the thing is when the poet is not enamored by your so-called flattery, it's not nice.
11 Years Ago
I never said anything about flattering anybody...What are you on? You're just out to make a racket, .. read moreI never said anything about flattering anybody...What are you on? You're just out to make a racket, cause a stir,..or what? Again: please seek enlightenment. Your ignorance is the shame here.
11 Years Ago
"Have you ever originated anything that wasn't done before?" This coming from someone who's only poe.. read more"Have you ever originated anything that wasn't done before?" This coming from someone who's only poems here consist of using others poetry titles. Which were created by them thus making your work unoriginal!! That's funny...
11 Years Ago
Another ignorant chimp with a keyboard, I see...
11 Years Ago
Yes, you did, I have never read your words, someone brought it to my attention and they were not in .. read moreYes, you did, I have never read your words, someone brought it to my attention and they were not in the least flattered by what you did with their titles....
11 Years Ago
Ignorant is when someone assumes to know another's knowledge of art and literature without ever sett.. read moreIgnorant is when someone assumes to know another's knowledge of art and literature without ever setting eyes on them or knowing their credentials. Period...
11 Years Ago
Flattery was never my intention. Nor have I ever said to anyone that I will attempt to flatter them,.. read moreFlattery was never my intention. Nor have I ever said to anyone that I will attempt to flatter them, Frieda. Again: seek enlightenment. It seems it could help you. Even if for nothing more than to be able to entertain sound reason.
11 Years Ago
Funny that, the person that conveyed this to me said that's exactly what you told them when they com.. read moreFunny that, the person that conveyed this to me said that's exactly what you told them when they complained to you about's not my battle, you're correct, I just have a big mouth that gets me in trouble. Continue on in your creativity here...I certainly don't have to agree with your tactics.
11 Years Ago
Ok. Red, since you have chosen to jump in and create a mob of finger pointers and stone throwers her.. read moreOk. Red, since you have chosen to jump in and create a mob of finger pointers and stone throwers her, let me address your accusation directly; about credentials. I am an arts major and am quite familiar with the form of "found poems" and "collage". When someone else says that it is outright plaigerism,well,..just who's not got the credentials here? hmm?
11 Years Ago
Frieda, I know the person you are alluding to, and the apparent conversation you say you were told a.. read moreFrieda, I know the person you are alluding to, and the apparent conversation you say you were told about. I am guessing that person is your other WC account, perhaps?..
11 Years Ago
Not an art major, no credentials here to boast of, just the fact that the poet was upset by this, sh.. read moreNot an art major, no credentials here to boast of, just the fact that the poet was upset by this, should be enough, that's all I have to say on this subject...
11 Years Ago
Yes, you've caught me red-handed, I am a man and an English major on my other account, fook, can't k.. read moreYes, you've caught me red-handed, I am a man and an English major on my other account, fook, can't keep a secret around here if you try!
11 Years Ago
So you're an art major. Do you a law degree? Or a degree in literature? Are you aware of how protect.. read moreSo you're an art major. Do you a law degree? Or a degree in literature? Are you aware of how protective writers are of their works? That's something you should consider. Anything on here perceived as plagiarism can be flagged for removal from this site. It clearly states that no part of a members work shall be used without their permission.
11 Years Ago
If it indeed the (so called) english major (who did not know of "found poetry", a form utilized by P.. read moreIf it indeed the (so called) english major (who did not know of "found poetry", a form utilized by Pound, Eliot, Burroughs, Williams...), then I am certainly bemused. For to flatter or not flatter never once entered the discussion between he and I...
11 Years Ago
Red, I have not plaigerised anymore than you have when you write. I have written to a particular for.. read moreRed, I have not plaigerised anymore than you have when you write. I have written to a particular form/style of poetry. Please seek enlightenment.
11 Years Ago
That's where your wrong. Not one single line I've ever written has ever been taken from another's wo.. read moreThat's where your wrong. Not one single line I've ever written has ever been taken from another's work, that's a fact. I don't need enlightenment, my knowledge of the law and educational background in journalism and literature will suffice thank you.
11 Years Ago
Holy, you're a smart chimp Red!
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11 Years Ago
Red; what about the words you use to make the lines you write? Were they not used atleast a million .. read moreRed; what about the words you use to make the lines you write? Were they not used atleast a million times before by atleast a million other people? What I have done is no different. I have not appropriated entire phrses, or lines, sentence structures, or any of the like. What I have done is create a compilation of words (familiar, and used by most of the english speaking populace).
11 Years Ago
OK, I just have to jump in here. First of all, I have to say that if you are claiming that Frieda "d.. read moreOK, I just have to jump in here. First of all, I have to say that if you are claiming that Frieda "does not know poetry..." all I can say to that is that clearly, YOU have never read Frieda's poems.
Secondly, of course every word ever written has been written before - unless you are Lewis Carroll or Dr. Seuss. That is a ridiculous argument.
"Found Poetry" is indeed a valid method - however, in the form, the goal is to impart new meaning, which you really have not done. In EVERY one of "your" poems, you have written a list - nothing more. I was not especially pleased that you "took the liberty" without asking FIRST (and may have even said yes, had you had the courtesy to do so...) but I was at least hoping that you would have done something more interesting than a list. I had also gently suggested that you read some of the poems - mine as well as others. You have not - which really makes me wonder what your motivations are. "Arts Major" seems to be your only credential. So, a student with an assignment to create examples of "found poetry"? You see, whether this is the case or not, there are writers on this site with credentials much more impressive than, let's face it, "student". And most of those who are students are creative writers and poets who are a least willing to go out on a limb and share their own original work. Try reviewing some writers here, and write something that you "found" in your own imagination.
11 Years Ago
Thanks for weighing in, Rita. Of all you've said here, I find just one point worth addressing (after.. read moreThanks for weighing in, Rita. Of all you've said here, I find just one point worth addressing (after everything else I've said previously), and that is your point about meaning. The way I have structured the titles, with the order I chose to list them, stanzas, and the punctuation, gives the pieces meaning. Now, as to what the meaning may be is entirely subjective and open to the mercy of ones intellectual/imaginary resources. Suffice it to say, at very least, the pieces I have created may be "abstract". But I would be proud of even this designation, since it is an entire art movement with a substantial tradition.
11 Years Ago
1) Rita: your attack based on credentials is ridiculous. This is not a 'site designed for experts. F.. read more1) Rita: your attack based on credentials is ridiculous. This is not a 'site designed for experts. Frankly, this just reveals something unpleasant about you.
2) This is original work. You haven't seen it posted anywhere else, have you?
3) Does Jacob think this is plagiarism? Has anyone asked him?
4) Some people accuse me of bullying authors because I've highlighted the mistakes of someone popular. These people are you, or people in your friendship groups. And now I see you bullying authors behind a veil of superiority. Despicable.
11 Years Ago
Though I know that this thread is aeons old, I'd like to point out that titles are not subjected to .. read moreThough I know that this thread is aeons old, I'd like to point out that titles are not subjected to copyright laws, and thus, this piece cannot be considered, or judged as, plagiarism.
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11 Years Ago
OK I have to weigh in here.. I hope this is not what started this whole thing.. This is not plagiari.. read moreOK I have to weigh in here.. I hope this is not what started this whole thing.. This is not plagiarism.. Many write poetry or songs from using all titles or names.. I actually think this is brilliantly put together.. I have written songs completely made up using song titles..and sang in night clubs.. I got nothing but rave reviews and one of my songs was almost picked up by a record label.. The titles were popular and obvious at the time..Nothing was ever said about it being plagiarized.. You cannot copyright a title.. Fact of life.. Just my thoughts...
11 Years Ago
That's kinda exactly what I said above...
11 Years Ago
yes i saw that after i posted in on the other page with the debate.. shallimarRose
1 Review
Added on May 4, 2013
Last Updated on May 4, 2013
I watch you all mill about the funny farm, whacking each other. Some of you laugh the most absurd laughter. Some of you cry the most rediculous cry. And I am the craziest of all: I like to watch. more..