Ordinarily Strange

Ordinarily Strange

A Chapter by †cowgirl

I awake with a sudden jolt as the annoying machine, or so called an alarm clock filtered into my dreams and snatched me from the dream world which I loved too much into the real, cruel world. My eyes flutter open and  the wretched alarm clock jabbers on in monotone until my pale hand slaps across the snooze button,  just five more minutes, but today was a big day, maybe I could make a few friends, more friends than I had last year, today was the beginning of a new school year and trust me some kids look forward to it but I don’t. I take a deep breath because I know that I would get no where in my friend status, I would continue to be another hopeless little blonde girl with no friends...

  My feet meet the cold wood panel flooring of my bedroom, soon regretting getting up from my plush bed that had once encased my warmth in a tangle of blankets, but I force myself up and fake a small smile on my tender lips before walking across the chilly, cluttered, bedroom, careful not to trip on the messy floor, littered with clothing and pillows from previous sleep overs with friends that only came because their parents forced them to. I enter my bathroom and turn on the shower and undress, carelessly throwing my pajamas to the tiled bathroom floor and step in. The water spits first before coming down with a rush of cold droplets that spray down on me but quickly turns into warm water that splashes soothingly over my slender body.

I let the water run down me I stand there, eyes shut, just imagining everything, but a tingling sensation had raced along my spine and down my arms, sending me into a state of shivering and my eyes snap open as I find myself glancing at my frail arm and without thinking my lips part into a soundless scream, my arm was laced with feathers, white as snow and tipped with silver at the edges, I shift my arm, the feathers outstretched beyond just my arm and curved down into graceful wings. Covering my mouth with astonishment and nervous horror, I feel the feathers brush against my back, soft to the touch but I whimper as the soft delicate feathers sent pain racing up my side where they had touched and along with it came the smell of blood, the end had cut me! Wiping my eyes quickly, thinking I must have gone insane, I glance to my arms once more to find the frail arms of a girl and I take in a shaky breath, back to normal.

  I step out, soaking wet, head to toe with water that soon turned into cold water drops that rolled down my smooth skin. Water dropped to the tilled bathroom flooring as I brushed my wet blonde hair back before slipping on a pair of casual skinny jeans that fit my frame and a simple white laced top with a new leather jacket. I was still shaken up about my arms, But I look at myself in the mirror and find a small patch of blood on the side of my back from the feathers, scarlet blood was smeared on my shirt and I touched it delicately with one finger, the pain was real, but where the feathers ?

I shake my head and take in a deep breath before releasing and opening my eyes before glancing at my shirt again. The blood was real as my fingers were laced with crimson liquid and I wince as my fingers faintly brush the small wound. I peel of my shirt and quickly put a large tan band-aid over the mess and pull on a new shirt before slipping on a pair of vans and tug my cherry red backpack over one shoulder.

© 2013 †cowgirl

Author's Note

Yes, yes... There are grammar errors... But ignore that! What do you think so far?

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Added on October 31, 2013
Last Updated on October 31, 2013




Just a girl with dreams more..

Spring Spring

A Poem by †cowgirl