Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Calibaster

It only took Jasper and Kett a few moments to pick out where the "good guys" camp most likely was. as they walked along, Jasper studied the cocky kleptomaniac next to him. He wasn't extremely tall or large, but Jasper was certain that he was still a force to be reckoned with. The only thing that really bugged him was that Kett's eyes were two different colors, he was certain that it meant something, but wasn't exactly sure what it was.

"Okay, so, what's the plan for convincing these guys that we're on they're side?"

"There isn't one." Kett's reply was flippant as he started to walk towards the base.

'Oh great' Jasper rolled his eyes, 'We're gonna die!' That's when the lasers started firing.
He dropped to the ground, and put his hands on his head. In the movies the Jedis deflected the lasers with their light sabers, but Jasper was fairly certain that if he tried that he'd kill himself. "Stop shooting!" he shouted, cursing his black robes.

The firing eased up little, "State your purposes. Why are you here?" a voice called out.

'Not to get shot,'Jasper thought, but answered back, "We're on your side!"

"We come in peace." Kett gave a mega watt grin, "Do we look bad to you?"

"He's Sith," the voice replied.

"I'm not a Sith," Jasper frowned, standing up. 'Honestly I hold a bit more moral high ground than some of you, and my partner,' Jasper thought to himself.

"He's a fake Sith." Kett folded his arms and nodded his head, like he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" A tall man came out in front of them, with greying hair and a long robe, he was wearing pretty much the same outfit as Kett, just with a lot more brown.

"It means that he's infiltrated the enemy!" Kett's eyes snapped open, revealing them to both be green now. Jasper made a mental note to ask him about that later.


"Yes!" Kett shook his head, sighing in exasperation, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Well, he doesn't look quite like other Sith's ... but that doesn't make us trust him, or you, for that matter."

"It shouldn't." Kett's face was deadly serious, "If it did, I would question your integrity. As it is, it seems that we must prove our allegiance."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" The man still had his hand on his light-saber.

"Test us, any way you like." Kett knelt down, throwing his own light-saber to the man, who caught it easily. "We offer ourselves up to you, in hopes that you can see our sincerity, and accept us." He bowed his head down in submission, and Jasper found himself doing the same, even though he had to wonder about this plan. How on earth was he supposed to convince them that he had infiltrated the dark side? Kett even acknowledged that he was a horrible liar before he had even spoken a lie! He handed over his light saber, his head still slightly bowed.

They sat there for a while, not moving and Jasper had only one thought running through his head. 'We're doomed!'

Finally, the Jedi in front of them spoke, and his words were definitely unexpected, "Rise young ones, you have proven your worth."

"We have?" Jasper spoke without thinking as he stood, but the man just laughed.

"Indeed, I can sense no excess darkness within you."

"Sense?" Kett obviously felt safe voicing his confusion, even if it might give them away. Jasper wasn't gonna lie, he wanted to know about this sensing thing too.

"The Force is strong with you, but you obviously don't know how to use it." The man smiled, "It told me that you were who you said you were."

"It said all of that?" Kett spoke at the same time as Jasper,

"I thought that you could just move things with it!"

"It is not only physical, but mental as well. I sense that you both have a very important part to play in this war, come, we have much to speak of." He then turned around with a dramatic flare of his cloak and walked away, leaving them no choice but to follow.

"How come I always end up getting involved in stuff like this?" Jasper couldn't help but mutter as they made their way after him, slowly entering a camp that had been cleverly hidden before.

"Tell me about it." Kett's voice suggested that he was annoyed, but his bright smile said otherwise.

'And why do I always end up with people like this?!' Jasper added silently, hoping beyond hope that this war would end quickly.

As they made their way through the camp realization of what the man had said dawned on him. If the force was strong in him did that mean he could move stuff with his mind? Jasper wasn't that confident that he could. Maybe it had more to do with his whole reader thing. But he really hoped that wasn't so. He had to admit that he was at times a little jealous off his friends and what they could do. But he tried to suppress it, He couldn't see it himself, but jealousy is an unbecoming colour.

They followed the man into a tent, where he motioned for them to sit down at a small office desk. They sat down, and Jasper couldn't help but feel that they were at an interview.
"You are both obviously not from here ... " The man frowned, "But I trust you understand the war?"

"Uh, ... somewhat?" Kett smiled disarmingly, "Only that you Jedi's are fighting the Siths ... that's about it."

"I thought so." The man smiled, "You are both new Jedi, yes?"

"Yes." Jasper spoke up. The man just nodded good naturedly,

"I am Master Jellint. And you are?"

"I'm Kett and this is Jasper," Kett spoke up immediately.

"Well Kett and Jasper, were did you arrive here from?"

'Crap,' Jasper thought. 'Is earth in Star Wars at all?'

"Tatooine," Jasper blurted out the first planet from the movie that popped into his head.

"Tattooine?" Jellint looked skeptical, "That's rather far from here ..."

"We've been traveling for a while, looking for a battle." Kett spoke up.

"Why did you choose this battle?"

"It seemed to be in the thick of things." Kett shrugged.

"Well, you've got one thing right, ... it's definitely in the thick of things." Master Jellint smiled, "Especially since this is the 2nd biggest war front."

'Great,' Jasper thought, 'we happen to just end up at the second biggest war front in a war stretching across a galaxy. Honestly though, I'm surprised it isn't the first biggest... I hope I didn't just jinx it.'

"So where would the first biggest be?"Jasper inquired.


'That information really isn't at all helpful really. ... Well, at least we're not there,' he thought, a little optimism taking its place. "Great, and this may sound crazy, but where are we exactly?"


'Well, at least now we know the name of where we are.' Jasper opened his mouth then closed it again. He had so many questions, but didn't know how to phrase them, at least not coherently, or sounding somewhat sane.

He glanced over at Kett. Certainly a thief is used to being more than a little discreet. Though Jasper supposed he should be used to it himself by now, but he was used to Dustin doing the lying/story telling. He's the one who tells whether or not they bought it.

"Well, we are help! Whatever you need, whenever you need it!" Kett leapt to his feet, "We cannot let the dark side prevail, and that is why we came! We wanted to make a difference." He gave a sidelong glance at Jasper, "My comrade was once on the path to becoming a Sith, when he met me, he was well on his way to becoming one of the most powerful ones. We both had great talent, and although we were enemies, we hit it off! We fought each other several times, and I often wondered why he never used the force, ... till it was found that he was like me ... unable to." Kett looked at the floor, as if uncomfortable with what he was saying, "We are no longer in training, but that is only with our sabers, ... we would be honored if you would teach us the ways of the force. We have tried several times, ... but, to no avail." He looked back up at Jellint, who had a very thoughtful look on his face.

"Are you saying, that the fact that you became friends is the reason he abandoned the dark side?"

"Partly, and partly because of all of the good in him." Kett replied evenly.

"If you have given up the ways of the dark side, why do you persist in dressing as they do?" Jellint directed this question at Jasper, but Kett answered.

"He thinks that the black clothes look chicer, and is awfully fond of the color red." Kett shrugged, "But it doesn't matter, do you accept us as students of the Force?"

Jasper almost stuck his tongue out at Kett.

Jellint studied them another moment then nodded slowly. "I will. Let us first have a demonstration on how far you are." He got up and led them out into a small clearing.

When no one was watching Jasper muttered to Kett, "O.K.That was pretty clever, but really?"

Kett seemed to get what Jasper was referring to, but just shrugged. "It worked."

"Kind of, anyways," Jasper said under his breath.

"So long as it worked." Kett grinned as he received his confiscated light-saber, then said more loudly, "How would you like this done?"

"You said that you've sparred with each other before," Jellint stood off to the side of the small clearing in the camp, "Why not demonstrate?"

"Gladly!" Jasper finally spoke up, this was going to be fun.

They squared off, both judging each other, Jasper had his saber out and glowing, but Kett wasn't even holding his yet. He could tell just by looking at the kleptomaniac that he was a swordsman, and a good one too, ... he just didn't anticipate how good until there was a blur and then he was defending for his life. Green and red light flashed every which way, and Jasper couldn't help but be reminded of Christmas.

He barely got one move in on Kett, and was mostly on the defensive, but, ... at least he knew he could survive a hurricane now. Kett was totally showing off, that's the only reason Jasper got in some good swings, almost always while Kett was doing some fancy flip, and somehow still parrying him. Jasper couldn't help but think that he made a perfect Jedi.

After a while of setting into a sort of routine Jasper decided to change it up a bit to see if he could catch Kett off guard. In the middle of a swing he switched to his left.

Kett adjusted to the change far better than most. Jasper winked with a smile. He knew himself how different it is to fight someone left-handed. Kett had just gotten the feel for it down when Jellint ended their sparring.

"I have seen enough. You are both quite formidable with the saber." Jellint had a ghost of a smile, "I can barely believe that you have not been in touch with the Force."

"Yeah, uh..." Jasper trailed off, not knowing what to say. "We just haven't really had great trainers..." It wasn't really a lie, he'd never had someone try and train him to use the force, and if anyone would have previously tried he would have laughed in their face... and call them a geek.

He could almost feel Kett doing a bit of a mental face palm next to him. He only needed to see a glint of a color out of the corner of his eye to know that Kett thought he should keep his mouth shut. And he had to agree, he didn't know why he kept talking, it was just rather nervous.

"Incidentally, who were your trainers?"

"Well ..." Jasper started to splutter, but Kett took over smoothly.

"You wouldn't know them."

"Try me."

"Master Cassell, and Master ..." He looked at Jasper, who caught on almost immediately,


"You're right, I don't know them." Jellint looked as though he hadn't expected that. Jasper couldn't help but appreciate the simplicity of the lie. Obviously, complexity wasn't the best for all situations.

Jellint continued asking a few questions, and this time Jasper didn't even try to answer. He decided to leave it all to Kett. While they were talking, Jasper was sizing up Jellint of sorts. Jasper had a feeling that the war between the Siths and Jedis wasn't going to well. Jellint looked rather stressed, although he physically hid it rather well. They had few successes lately. He still had hope, but it was being strained. He also was worried about someone close to him, Jasper recognized that well. He recognized mistrust just as easily too, and although Jellint found them trustworthy in a way, he didn't completely buy their story. Which, since neither of them really knew too much about the world the were thrown into, it wasn't very surprising.

After a moment Jasper became aware that Kett and Jellint were looking at him, waiting for a response. "Um, what did you say?"

"He asked if you wanted your own room for the night or if you wanted to share with me." Kett clarified.

Jasper eyed the kleptomaniac skeptically, "I think I'd like my own room."

"Good luck then. You'll need it. Especially on your own." Kett looked just as skeptical.

"Hey, I'm a naturally lucky man... usually... Wait, so why do think I'll need it especially on my own?"

"You tell me." Kett's face said that the answer should be obvious, but Jasper had no idea what he could mean.

"Do you think that I'm scared of the dark or something?!" Jasper was now indignant, and finally, Kett leaned in an whispered,

"Don't you think that because both of us are strangers on this planet we should maybe stick together?"

"Well, that's what I would usually think," Jasper whispered back, "except that I don't feel like I can trust you in close proximity to my belongings."

"What have you got that transferred over here from your world that's so important?" Kett's eyes flashed, then he winked, "It can't have been the towel."

"No!.. Well, I don't think I actually have anything on me..." Jasper pursed his lips. "Fine then, I'll share a room with you." Jasper started actually feeling around in my pockets, "Yep, I've got nothing. I better have had nothing in them before," he added a little accusingly.

"Hey," Kett said, holding his hands up, "What's with all the mistrust?" He had meant it lightly, but once the question was put out in the air it changed. Kett eyed him, silently wondering at Jasper's mistrust of his possessions.

Jasper shrugged, somewhat blushing, "Uh..."

"Ahem," Jellint interrupted their whispered exchange. "So did I catch you say that you'll share after all?"

"Yes, you most certainly did." Kett turned back to him easily, "So, where exactly is this, ... our quarters?"

"Follow me." Jellint looked slightly amused as he turned his back to them. And follow they did. He led them through different tents and hostile looks till they came to a tunnel yawning out of the ground. Soon they were down in an underground bunker, definitely at least ten degrees cooler than up top.

"Here is your room." Deep in the bunker Jellint stopped, and they found themselves walking into a bleak looking room, with two beds and one dresser. "I'll be here to wake you up for training at six o' clock sharp. I hope you're ready."

"So do we." Kett agreed as Master Jellint left. Then he turned to Jasper, "Do you think that we really have the force?"

"I hope so," Jasper sat down on the left bed, automatically claiming it, "'Cause I don't know how we're going to explain it if we don't."

"Me neither, but we'll think of something." Kett grinned, "Or I will, if you won't. It's what I do best after all."



"I figured." Jasper sighed.

"Why did you suspect me of stealing?" Kett cocked his head, and Jasper sighed again.

"You'd better sit down, cause this explanation might take a while."

Kett sat down on the other bed quickly, "Great, I'm sitting down."

"Nice, now I can tell you the long version of the story. I think if I were to write it down it could fill, like five or so books, easily." Jasper laughed at Kett's look. "I'm joking. I'll make it quick. But after you have to promise to tell me more about you." Jasper waited until he had Kett's word before continuing. "So, um. I can kinda see auras, you know, peoples energy. I'm actually really good at it, it may be one of the only things I'm really good at."

"What does mine look like?"

"It's complicated, everyone's is. But yours has a lot of green. Which seems fitting." Jasper looked him over, recalling the thing that happened with Kett's eyes earlier. He'd ask him about that later. "Anyways, I once saw a shoplifter with a similar kind of streak that you have. And someone pick pocketed me once, they had it too. I saw it when they were walking away. I put it together when I realized I was missing my wallet. Joke was on them though, there wasn't anything in it at the moment."

"What an idiot." Kett muttered darkly, "You're supposed to check the contents of the wallet before you actually steal it! Even better, but harder, you're supposed to just steal the contents and leave the wallet!" Obviously now that he'd been found out, Kett didn't really care about what he said, "Is that all you can do?"

"What do you mean is that all I can do? Can you do that? I didn't think so," he said not even waiting for a response. "It comes in handy you know."

"I'm just seeing if that's you're only gift!" Kett held up his hands, "No need to get all touchy about it!"

"Fine." Jasper huffed, "So what's your secret, or secrets, Mr. I-promise-I'll-tell?"

"You're right, you're right. I gave my word. So just remember, you asked for it." Kett gave him a foreboding look and he couldn't help but snort,

"You make it sound like a curse!" Jasper knew by the color change as soon as he said it that he was right.

"It is." Kett sighed, looking down at his boots, "I'm cursed to have to steal, if I don't, I'll either go mad or get very sick." He didn't meet Jasper's eyes, "I try to resist it most of the time, but I have to. Especially pocket watches. If there's a pocket watch, it has to be mine, or I'm in big trouble."

"Pocket watches?" Jasper couldn't help but ask.

"It's part of the curse, ... it's the one item that I can't resist at all."

"Oh ..." Jasper tried to take all of this in, and finally nodded, "That sucks."

"It's all right." Kett grinned, "There's worse curses."

"Is there anything else?" Jasper couldn't help but add, a sly smile lighting up his face. Kett chuckled,

"Yeah, I can telepathically communicate with animals."

"Animals? Really? What do they talk about?" Jasper asked, now looking for anything in Kett's aura that somewhat resembled August and Autumn, but with some slight deviations. He could help but smile slightly when he isolated it.

"Well, ..." Kett fidgeted uncomfortably, "It ... it really depends on the animal."

"Well what animal do you talk to the most?"

"My horse. He's not just a dumb animal though, he's a friend." Kett's face darkened, "I hate it when people say that animals are stupid just because they can't talk like us. I've met more animalistic humans than I have met stupid animals."

Jasper couldn't help but grin, "So... have you ever tried to telepathically talk to people? Just 'cause I have two friends who are telepathic, they're twins. Hey, so how sick do you get if you don't steal a pocket watch? Or what if you were like in the middle of a sword fight and you noticed someone had a pocket watch, would you like, stop fighting to snitch it?"

Kett shook his head, "Really?"

"I've never met anyone who was cursed before, just curious. Anyways, we should probably get some sleep. I have a feeling that he'll make us get up no matter what it takes."

"Well, then he'd better be prepared to get punched." Kett removed his boots, "'Cause people who mess with me rudely in the morning tend to come away with bruises." Then he laid down unceremoniously, "Goodnight Jasper."

"Goodnight." Jasper followed in suit, pulling off his own boots, "Don't let the bedbugs bite."

"More like don't sleep with you're light-saber!" Kett sat up suddenly, pulling his light-saber off his belt and chucking it on the ground, "Don't want to lose a leg." Jasper just chuckled, already having removed his, It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

© 2015 Calibaster

Author's Note

Wow. This is long. If you're still reading, you should stop before you hurt yourself.

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Added on May 3, 2015
Last Updated on May 3, 2015



Springville, UT

It's been a while since I've even touched this site, but it's such a big part of my childhood and growth in writing that I could never bring myself to delete anything I've posted. If I thought tha.. more..

Worth It Worth It

A Story by Calibaster